Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Deck Reviews (10390 Posts)
Deck Review
Evo Stuff
On 2/5/2007 Adam E. wrote in from United States  (144.89.nnn.nnn)

So i'm pretty set on getting a landyachtz evo as my next deck, i've got a set of randal 180s and abec 11 70mm flashbacks that i'm going to transfer onto it. The thing i'm wondering is how well it's going to turn. i've heard it's a great speedboard and carves pretty well, but is it going to work for tight turns like i'd find in parking ramps or city commutes? i do a lot of hill bombing, but every so often, my friends and i will take our boards to the parking ramps in my town and spend hours going down them. will i be able to set it up to turn that tightly, and if so, how? if not, are there any other recommendations? also, will it be too low with the 70mm wheels? i don't want to tear the sides off the board. I've looked around the forums and haven't quite found the answers i'm looking for...

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Never Summer?
On 2/3/2007 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.69.nnn.nnn)

Chewy, what in the Hades are they gonna call these?

"Winter's Over"? :-D

They certainly have the tech know-how to shake things up, being the only snowboard company with a multi-year warranty... I can well imagine just how fine a Skate the boys at Never Summer could cook up. I just hope they tap into some true Old School knowledge for shaping ideas. Thanks for the heads-up!

[A new Prior! I'm almost jealous, but luckily have 3 new Tankers in the quiver. Now I just need some time, and some Snow ]

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Pool King Stefaun "Reform School"
On 2/3/2007 Blah wrote in from United States  (72.197.nnn.nnn)

Just getting back into a skateboarding after a 5 year hiatus. Set up this board with Indy 169's and Gravity Snaps 62mm that I had sitting on an old board, with two soft risers under each truck. This seems like good truck/wheel combo for this board.

This deck is wood with a polymer weave on the top and bottom, making it lighter than boards of a similar size. I really like the shape of it: a cross between a pool board and a new school popsicle deck. It is symmetric with wider, more squarish tails. The width of the board gives a little more control that I like at the skateparks. The only thing I don't like about the deck is that it flexes a little more than I would like. The flex isn't excessive, but I wish it was as stiff as the "normal" shortboards.

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38" specials plain 7 ply Sectorless 9 decks
On 1/21/2007 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

twin mini kicks cambered with concave deck!

my juicy fruit skate.

come on down to PB/MB . will be there all next week here and there.


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lovely new boards
On 1/21/2007 Pretty one wrote in from United States  (67.166.nnn.nnn)

HY there if any one is looking for a great longboard just give a look to 3 ringlongboards they are the best longboards I have ever been on. Crazy control Loving it. If any one checks it out and writes back on here you will get free shirt...... for serious a free custom 3ring tshirt they told me. So give a write back yo...

Dolly Portion

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On 1/19/2007 chewy wrote in from Canada  (24.226.nnn.nnn)

vlam helps the board feel alive...long lasting and fun

hi there PSR been a while
never summer is coming into longbarding....
they are gonna rock the plywood world into a frenzy
GO composites

yesterday was my first ride on my new prior wc 177 wood race.....WOW


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Konrad's Deck
On 1/17/2007 Chuck Gill wrote in from United States  (192.249.nnn.nnn)

In addition to the excellent boards PSR mentioned, you might also want to check out Fatboy's offerings, particularly if you prefer a stiffer board. Inexpensive for a handcrafted deck, beautiful, stiff, and available in several shapes or your own design.

Speaking of stiff decks, it is my experience that Seismics perform better with them than more flexy ones. That's just me, though, YMMV.

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On 1/17/2007 cam wrote in from Australia  (220.233.nnn.nnn)

checkout the truck forum

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Flexdeck and slalom
On 1/16/2007 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.69.nnn.nnn)

Konrad, Flexdecks do flex, and thus pump reasonably well, but only up to a certain speed. After that, you'll be unable to generate more speed, or if the hill is steep enough, unable to cope with the speed in a Slalom racecourse.

Look carefully at Roe, PocketPistols, Skatebuilt or an Axe (from Skatekings) for a board that's cost-effective and race-ready. Even then, you'll see that boards like Ick-Sticks, Pavels, and Turners are held in high regard, not due to price, but due to handcrafted performance (the prices just follow demand).

As for trucks, I'm a fan of Seismics, even for Slalom racing, but you may find that for racing, other, simpler trucks will do just fine (such as Trackers with an 8mm axle upgrade). For more info, check out some thoughts on equipment over on slalomskateboarder.com ..

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On 1/16/2007 Konrad wrote in from United States  (67.126.nnn.nnn)

Hey I just getting into slalom and have been looking around the internet; I want to get a good deck, How are the flexdex decks. I’ve been looking ate one called a glass grenade, is this good for slalom? Thanks.
p.s. I plan on getting just the deck and put Seisimic trucks on.


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On 1/7/2007 Deano wrote in from United States  (209.181.nnn.nnn)

Larry can customize a deck to any specs and any riding style you desire.
Not only that they are a VERY stylish deck to ride.

I recently got a drop pin from Larry set up with Holeys. This has been my garage ripper this winter and I am liking it more than I thought I would, it is fun, responsive and easy to push.

I have also been racing LBL's Tarpon speedboard as a top mount and the design, concave and performance of this deck works well with my 240lb frame.

It is hard to find a better mix of style and performance.

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LBL Boards
On 1/7/2007 Sean wrote in from United States  (24.20.nnn.nnn)

I own six LBL boards and there the best custom made decks that ive ever experienced. Really responsive and durable. there a nice all around board for every type of boarding you do.

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On 1/5/2007 pretty nice wrote in from United States  (71.237.nnn.nnn)

I own the plumer and its pretty nice, stiff, nice concave, and rides smooth. The only thing I'd rather have is trackers on it. I bought one of the earlier ones and it has grind kind half tracks on it, I can live with it though.

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LBL Decks
On 1/3/2007 Richard wrote in from Canada  (205.206.nnn.nnn)

Lately I've been interested in buying a LongboardLarry deck, and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with a deck from them. Please someone tell me what you think about these decks and if they're worth buying.


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Gravity SS29
On 1/2/2007 heminick wrote in from United States  (71.106.nnn.nnn)

just curiouse if anyone else rides a Gravity SuperSlalom 29" deck? ive got one on order right now and i cant wait to get it, it looks like a gnarley ride!

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comet proflex downhill 40 or 44
On 12/15/2006 jma wrote in from United States  (71.141.nnn.nnn)

These are the best cruising and light downhill performance decks ever made.

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SubSonic Variable Geometry drop device/deck
On 12/8/2006 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (65.122.nnn.nnn)

Paul Steuri - Since I ride for Subsonic, I'll fill you in:

I know exactly the device/deck you are talking about and it's a complete dead issue with Scott/SubSonic because the guy who made the variable angle/drop device decided to make a deal with someone else after making some sort of deal with Scott(just how binding of a deal it was I don't know but it did'nt sound very solid). So, Scott got dropped out of the deal basically is the short story. As far as who the "other" entity is that is going to make decks with the variable geometry/drop device I don't know, it's possibly going nowhere like so many other things have.

I'm sponsored for slalom by ScottSonic but I have ridden his other downhill speedboarding decks and they are pretty dang nice. He also does a LOT of custom shapes and custom variations of his stock shapes. Good Luck - Paul

There also have been some small (maybe big) issues of those aluminum devices bending and twisting and not as stiff as some peaple would like.

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Landyachtz - Chief.
On 12/7/2006 robert. wrote in from Australia  (203.214.nnn.nnn)

I recently obtained a Landyachtz Chief pintail. it is the best thing I have ever ridden.
I am in love with it. all I have to say.

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gee whiz
On 12/5/2006 sc wrote in from United States  (68.99.nnn.nnn)


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subsonic dropdecks
On 12/5/2006 paul steuri wrote in from United States  (24.10.nnn.nnn)

You must not know what I am talking about, I'm thinking of the G-bomb drop decks that subsonic was going to release.

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On 12/5/2006 d wrote in from United States  (71.211.nnn.nnn)

those weren't a subsonic product, nor a deck at all. they were trucks made by some yahoo.

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subsonic drop decks
On 12/5/2006 paul steuri wrote in from United States  (205.127.nnn.nnn)

What ever happened to those subsonic drop decks that you could like chang the angle, did they or will they come out?

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Vert Lam
On 11/30/2006 Mr.Surly wrote in from United States  (24.172.nnn.nnn)

Look into the decks from Insect too ... very very nice.


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Vertical Laminate
On 11/30/2006 Bug wrote in from Europe  (57.80.nnn.nnn)

Based on PSR's fantastic description (& history) of vertical laminate, I believe the Skate Designs deck I'm considering (the Cal Hybrid) has this type of construction. As described by PSR, they're also sandwiched between thin top/bottom layers of clear fiberglass. I can't find any info about the company or their construction materials & methods, so I don't know if their other decks also use vertical laminate construction.

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how can i make my jay adams bored better
On 11/29/2006 kfir wrote in from United States  (136.160.nnn.nnn)

hey whatsup, i got a jay adams reissue a couple months back and its really sick. its good for downhill and carves up really nice. im basically running it the way it came, tracker trucks and zflex wheels and speed barings, anyone no any way to step it up and give it some more edge? any tips would be apreciated

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