Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Worlds gone missing?
On 6/11/2007 sc wrote in from United States  (65.91.nnn.nnn)

Hey Adam, I may not be going to the Worlds down south this year, but I still think there should be a link from here to there. Why was it removed from the calendar?

Love the Barcelona poster, now THATS something I want to go to.

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Urban Funke: International Urban Culture Event Barcelona June 2007
On 6/11/2007 missy@urbanfunke wrote in from Spain  (83.38.nnn.nnn)

sickest skateboarding, graffit, hip hop and basketball event in Barcelona!!!

for more information visit www.urbanfunke.com or www.myspace.com/urbanfunke

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Go sk8 Day
On 6/7/2007 mc3 wrote in from United States  (71.216.nnn.nnn)

It's new to me also, but the 21st of June has been deemed Go Sk8 Day and there seems to be events popping up everywhere.

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On 6/6/2007 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.69.nnn.nnn)

While I unfortunately have to stay here in VT, I do have a good friend out in Co. who longboards/slaloms/luges. I'd love to toss this event info his way, but.. When?? No date?

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Vail Pass go sk8 day
On 6/6/2007 bobby jimmy wrote in from United States  (71.216.nnn.nnn)

Don't be left out on this years chance to ride Vail Pass with shuttles and local knowledge. We will ride each side til you can't stand it and if you stay the weekend we can hit more great local runs. So far Never Summer, Sector 9, The Board Room of Avon are stepping up to make this happen.

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World Championship Juggy Update
On 6/6/2007 DHB Juggy wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

The DHB leadership has been working hard planning this years Worlds Championships and are excited about having you all come to our town to celebrate, skate, and share in the stoke.

Hotel Update: By the end of this week we will finalize the details regarding hotel accomodations for the event. The Statesville Convention and Visitors Bureau is assisting the DHB in securing the best rates possible and we are waiting on their final recommendations.

Concrete Wave Magazine: Michael Brooke from Concrete Wave is currently working with the various industry vendors, manufacturers, and suppliers, to put together a trade show that will accompany the Worlds in Statesville. If enough interest is there, you will have an opportunity to visit personally with representatives from the various longboard, slalom, and other skateboard companies while you are attending the World Championships. Stay tuned for more detail coming from Michael.

City of Statesville Support: We are getting a great deal of support from our city leaders, especially our mayor, police department, and city council. They have already granted us permission to block roads to test venues for the event and have pledged to give us a level of cooperation that is exciting and greatly appreciated.

Clarification On Format: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday's events are all planned to be dual lane elimination bracket racing with qualifying taking place each day. Qualifying will determine the top 32 Pros and top 32 Ams who will advance to the elimination brackets in the Mens Division. Women and Juniors will also qualify but the number of registered attending racers will determine the number of competitors in each of these categories.
Thursday's Bonus Event is still in the planning stages so stay tuned for more info as venues and format are finalized.

Speaking of Venues: All venues will be in and around the Statesville area and will not include Hobby Park Soap Box Derby Hill. We will be using it for the Dixie Cup however as we always have.

Airports: Charlotte and Greensboro, North Carolina are both within an hour's drive of Statesville and easily accessible by interstate.

Look for more updates each week leading up to the event. We look forward to seeing you all at the 2007 World Championships of Slalom Skateboard Racing

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pearls come from pissed-off oysters
On 6/5/2007 sc wrote in from United States  (65.91.nnn.nnn)

Marion, thanks for that, I appreciate it. Undoubtedly it will be a great event and hopefully all will have a great time. As for what's bothering me, I didn't draw the lines, set up the sides or start hostility, but it's there. You know what I'm talking about. I don't want to push the issue so I'm going to drop it after this. I'm making a point and then leaving it alone. Besides that, I do hope the races go well.

Wax, I'm not referring to rules or bannings or any of that. There's sniping and backstabbing comments out there that just killed my buzz about the race, so why bother? Why force myself to support something when the love is gone? It doesn't really matter. Just saying how I felt. The Worlds will have to wait till next year for me. That means a little less mid-pack competition for you buddy. This year for me it's a surf trip and a little more Sierra time.

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On 6/5/2007 MC HammerHead-downhillbillies.org wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

I am not sure where you are getting that we are not welcoming people to our event. We are doing our best to extend hospitality to anyone that is interested in coming and participate. Our decision as to our structure, format, and approach to putting on a race is NOT predicated on an "unwelcoming" attitude toward anyone.

I would hope you would reconsider but it is well within your rights as a skater to make such a decision.

Please speak to any person that has attended a DHB event and ask them if they felt welcome. We have extended our hospitality to everyone that has come to our events even when there was a disagreement with individuals. I think if you would take a chance on us you would find the same hospitality extended to you.
Marion Karr

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re worlds
On 6/5/2007 WAX wrote in from United States  (67.174.nnn.nnn)

Where does it say that your friends and their skateboards arent welcome at Worlds?
Maybe I missed something?

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On 6/5/2007 sc wrote in from United States  (65.91.nnn.nnn)

I like to go where the people are friendly and I feel welcome. If my friends are not welcome somewhere, then I'm not welcome there either.

When we hold races, everyone is truly welcome. We try to keep our little races open and fun and leave the petty vindictiveness to the politicians. Then again, we're in Los Angeles.

So where's the Worlds going to be held next year?

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New York Longboarding Association's Spring Central Park Race
On 5/31/2007 Bill Gravy, Ian Nichols and Fred Mahe wrote in from United States  (161.15.nnn.nnn)

The New York Longboarding Association's Spring Central Park Race is:

*** THIS Saturday, June 2nd at High Noon ***

We are meeting by Columbus Circle, OUTSIDE Central Park, by the Maine Monument -- right at Central Park South (59th St) and Central Park West. Call if you get lost. 917.684.6580.

The race is one loop around the park, about 6 miles. The race is free to enter.

If you’re a youngish kid, bring your parents, we would love to meet them.

Bring a Helmut.

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Wheelabrator Jam
On 5/24/2007 Brock Hamilton wrote in from United States  (76.23.nnn.nnn)

Check out this cool skate event planned for July 1st in South Eastern CT (Copied post from SF)

Wheelabrator Jam, July 1st - Wheelabrator Industries.

We have something brewing that is defintily going to be a good time for anyone who comes up to ride. We are thinking of putting on a Jam that includes a Slide session, DH speed runs, and hybrid slalom runs all at the same great location. It will be a time to remeber. Stay tuned for all the details. For now it will be a jam fomat but if enough of you come out and have fun with it (which i might add you will because the location we have planed is simple amazing) we can even add a little competitive edge to it and make a series out of it. If anyone is at all interested in this idea be sure and post so that we know how many people we will be having come out to ride and what the best course of action we need to take in planning to make this a world class new england ride.

There is a 1 mile down hill run possible of speeds up to 40 mph, A half mile hybrid slalom run on a 10 foot wide bike path with a 1* grade and beautiful S-Turns. And a 1000+ ft slide hill on a 10* grade all at the same awesome location, No traffic and plenty of parking. You do not want to miss this event, it is an open jam all day, everyone is welcome. Again if you are going to come please post so we know how much food to bring.

Click here and check out the last page of posts on this event, Directions are listed here
Wheelabraor Jam Directions
Take rt 395 north or south to exit 83
take a right off the exit onto rt 97 follow for about 1 mile to rt 169
Take a left on rt 169 and cross the bridge and Wheelabrator is the first rd on the left, park at the public boat launch.
www_silverfishlongboarding_com Check events "calling all of Connecticut" thread or copy and paste this address http://www_silverfishlongboarding_com/forum/showthread.php?t=42209

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184 miles in a day
On 5/17/2007 peters wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

Thank you Adam for promoting the LIVESTRONG longboarding for cancer survivors campaign last week!!

24-hours skateboarding around Green Lake in Seattle was a shared exercise in massive stoke, sleep deprivation, and great vibes. Gareth and his kids did more laps than I can count!! I couldn't ask for a better support crew than the CSA guys and other longboarders who passed the baton throughout the day and night. Patrick Alldred helped keep the sanity and laughter going even when we hit "The Wall" at 5 a.m., and crossing the Finish at 8:15 a.m. Saturday morning with friends, family, cancer survivors, and the crew was euphoric.

The LAF campaign rolls on through mid-July with the Seattle to Portland skate -- if anyone's genuinely interested in joining please contact me NOW to start on the preparation rides!!

And thanks again all who've pledged, sponsored, joined the ride, or helped promote!


Event video c/o Ken Barrett: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjqUOqxQmAI


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1st Annual Longboard Expo
On 5/16/2007 Marcus Rietema wrote in from United States  (71.109.nnn.nnn)

The 1st annual "Longboard Expo™" will be held in conjunction with the IGSA North American Downhill Championships Nov 16-18 at Bonelli Park in San Dimas, CA. The event will feature booths from leading longboard manufacturers and longboard retailers. There will also be a demo area where skaters can try out the latest longboarding gear. In addition there will be slide and slalom clinics taught by some of the sports top pros. The time is right to start a longboarding consumer show and what better place to do it than in Southern California. For information on booth spaces please contact Marcus Rietema at rietema.m@gravity-sports.com.

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Lookout Mountain Freeride
On 5/10/2007 Brian Holden wrote in from United States  (67.41.nnn.nnn)

To celebrate National GO SKATEBOARDING DAY on June 21st 2007, Never Summer Longboards along with the Ninja Bomb Squad is holding a Lookout Mountain Freeride, along with a bbq at the park. Email me at snowcarver21@msn.com for more information.

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NYC Slide Jam on June 2nd 2007
On 5/3/2007 mike D wrote in from United States  (68.173.nnn.nnn)

hosted by Cliff Coleman!!
tons of sponsors and prizes!!
equal hill time for all the sliders from all over the us and canada!!
unique prize system that rewards sliders of all skill levels!!
come out and rip it up with us!!

we are not promising the sickest riders or the steepest hill, we are promising an awesome slide session with folks from up and down the east coast, west coast, gulf coast and canada as well some sick local crews. come party and slide with us at midnight in manhattan and win some gear!


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The Jersey Jumpoff 2007!!!
On 4/22/2007 Adam Dabonka wrote in from United States  (71.187.nnn.nnn)

What: The Jersey Jumpoff 2007!! Since the Central Park Race is just a few weeks away... what a better time than now to enjoy a casual, fun-filled skate through the hills of North Jersey. Seeing the New York skyline as a constant backdrop the whole way through!

Where: North Jersey; in particular: North Bergen, West New York, Union City, Weehawken, and Hoboken. We will be skating through those towns in order as shown.

When: May 5th 2007 (Cinco de Mayo) 2007 @ 6:00pm-till -- all night long!!

Why: Because New Jersey Rocks!! Simple enough! Also, because this area has some really nice hills. We will be skating the famous "Empire Drop" hill which leaves you at the foot of the Hudson River looking directly at the Empire State building! As well, about 3 to 4 other really nice hills that you can bomb out or just carve em up for some great skating!! Most of the New York skaters and out-of-towners have only heard about this area ... only a few have actually witnessed it. Now is your chance! Bring your slide-gloves, cones, bongs, beer, and whatever else makes you wanna skate the night away! The Jersey Jumpoff comes when it wants to... No one knows when the next time will be!! Also, this Saturday is the Cinco de Mayo, so unless you really are Mexican... you, like me have no idea why this day is a semi-holiday. So, maybe we can even buy a few Tecate beers!

How: We will meet at the North-East corner of the Port Authority building on 42nd Street @ 6 PM, directly across the street from the Laugh Factory. Just look out for people with longboards. From there, we will take a $2 van ride in Jersey which takes about 15-20 minutes. Once in Jersey, we'll get off on 70th Street in North Bergen and take it from there! We'll hit the 1st hill right away, and from there skate through West New York, and Union City and see NYC from a different angle, and end up at our stop of the night; "Empire Drop". From there I do have an idea of what to do next... but from what I've learned the last time is that nothing is set in stone, so we'll just see what becomes of the night as we go. Plan on skating the whole night with some really awesome people!

For those in Jersey coming out to the area: Meet us at the 1st stop of the night "Empire Drop"; technically called Pershing Road:


We should be arriving at this location sometime around 7:30 pm (let me know if the link doesnt' work)

On the way back to NYC, you can either get a $2 van back to 42nd Street. or take the Path train ($1.50) back into NYC at various stops along the way; Christopher St., WTC, 9th, 14th, 23rd, or 33rd St. or you can take the NY Waterway Ferry back to 23rd/West Side Highway ($5.50 one way).

The Jersey Jumpoff is always a great event... no races, prizes, or vanity. Just a huge session that makes a life of its own, with last time having well over 50 skaters on the street at one time... awesome!!!! Expect something of the same nature this time around!!!!

This is an open invite. So bring yourself and a friend or two!

**Rain-date is the following week 5/12/07

Adam J. Dabonka

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LONG ISLAND Skaters Freestyle
On 4/19/2007 Anthony wrote in from United States  (24.189.nnn.nnn)

I read some posts about Skate happenings in NY.. long Island...
I Was hopin to meet up with some Freestyle/street skaters on Long Island..im located in Nassau County on the Border of Queens..(New Hyde Park )...I've been out of the loop for a few years now...But i'd like to start up again...
Drop me an Email if you want to sk8..
Ant from NHP...
AIM: RobotikAnt

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LIVESTRONG 24-hour skate
On 4/19/2007 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

All day and night longboarding session at Seattle's Green Lake park, starting 8 a.m. on Friday, May 11th!

This launches a fundraising effort for the Lance Armstrong LIVESTRONG foundation. Some CSA guys will be joining along for an hour or so here and there, especially the night hours!! This ride's also a training / preparation for longboarding this summer's Seattle to Portland event in July.

Synching up a start time from SoCal, "deciduous tea" who boarded up the coast from Mexico to Canada last year, may be doing this ride along with us -- connected by cel phone and with the shared goal to raise awareness.

All the ride details and online donation form are here:


Pavedwave Events page

The ride and donation support already has been very encouraging, thank you!

"...no one ever achieves great things alone."
-Lynne Cox, Swimming to Antarctica

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Portland Pusher #8
On 4/16/2007 JB wrote in from United States  (71.193.nnn.nnn)

Portland Pusher #8 is now posted on the contest calendar. Robin McGuirk will be putting the PP cup on the line once again. He has defended the cup against very stiff competition on unforgiving courses all over the city. This one will be no different. A long course over varying terrain in any weather. Think you have what it takes?

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looking for info about skate team to do show
On 4/13/2007 mo phillips wrote in from United States  (76.21.nnn.nnn)


not sure if this is the right place to post this, but i work at sonoma state university and am looing for some sort of team or show to perform at an event we are having on May 5th, if possible. Nice open space, but it is a grassy area, so i am looking for a team with a traveling half pipe...also, if possible. Event would go from 2-4pm.Looking for a few shows during this time.

due to university liability issues, groups must have their own insurance and be able to provide a certificate


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CBL Big Push #2 in Folsom CA
On 4/4/2007 California BOARD Life wrote in from United States  (75.18.nnn.nnn)

California BOARD Life (CBL) is having this summer's 2nd Big Push longboard ride. A 4 1/2 mile beginner/intermediate route has been mapped from CBL's parking lot and extends along the beautiful American river, concluding at Hazel park. CBL's shuttles will transport boarders from the end of the route back to a tail gate party back at CBL. Bring your tailgate food goodies, we'll have the BBQ's stoked and good music.
Begins at 2:30pm and will wrap up around 6:pm. Ride take approx 1 hour.

California BOARD Life
1835 Prairie City Rd #100
Folsom CA 95630
(916) 984-0301

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sandia all around
On 4/4/2007 Tom wrote in from United States  (161.97.nnn.nnn)

does anyone know when the next sandia all around challenge is?

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Paskapoo DH Rodeo
On 3/29/2007 SLAC wrote in from Canada  (24.71.nnn.nnn)

CHECK OUT THE RODEO AT www.paskapoodh.com


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april fools sk8 jam 2007
On 3/24/2007 ccmf wrote in from United States  (66.174.nnn.nnn)

check out www.ccmfslo.com huge event in slo. come support ccmf

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