Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Skateboard History (385 Posts)
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E.H. Wallboards and Tritan
On 5/8/2008 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (65.122.nnn.nnn)

I grew up in Cheyenne Wyoming and rode a lot of things from Colorado like Kryptonics, BoulderBoards. Two really quality decks I had from Boulder(I think) were the E.H. Wallboard and Tritan. Anyone have any pictures of them?

Thanks - Paul

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Beam Decks...
On 5/5/2008 Rene CANNONBALL Carrasco wrote in from United States  (71.129.nnn.nnn)

Alva made a fine beam deck.

I used one for a while during my Pepsi demo's
for the ramp-riding.
( Thanks Pete Zender )

They had a cool design -how it came off the front truck.

Light as heck.

Here's a pic of one I'm holding in front of me.

Take care,

.............-Rene Carrasco.


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beam decks
On 5/2/2008 caddy wrote in from United States  (206.135.nnn.nnn)

Lonny Hiramato had a beam deck...

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Boulder Boards
On 5/2/2008 bman wrote in from United States  (68.231.nnn.nnn)

Calvin I can tell you a ton about Boulder Boards

- They produced the SAlba and Malba K-Beam models

- The produced the SHogo Airbeam and Muir Triplane

- They produced the Varaiflex Grisham ( and I think a few others)

- They did have their own brand as well and were popular with Boulder locals

- your Board is most likely from 79-80

Post a pic!

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Boulder Boards
On 5/2/2008 Calvin wrote in from United States  (24.117.nnn.nnn)

I was looking for information on a company from possibly late 70's into the early 80's called Boulder Boards. A kid in my neighborhood found one in a dumpster yesterday. It was just an early pig deck with a couple of vintage Town & Country stickers on it. Anyways... if anyone out there used to ride them or knows anything about the history of the company please let me know @ freshholemaker@yahoo.com.

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Florida skateboarding
On 5/2/2008 Charley Gonzalez wrote in from United States  (24.73.nnn.nnn)

Without a doubt , Scatboard City (Funny spelling)Port Orange,FL was open before Carlsbad Skatepark. I was The residential pro when it opened January 1976. Still have some old photo's.1-2 years later Tomoka moonforrest Skatepark opened in Ormond beach,FL. Remember this was always a debate on which park opened first.Well All the best to all the old and new skaters.If anybody needs to reach me, my email is stereotypes@msn.com Charley Gonzalez

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On 4/28/2008 caddy wrote in from United States  (206.135.nnn.nnn)



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Gail Webb
On 4/28/2008 bman wrote in from United States  (205.142.nnn.nnn)

gail Webb still does demo's as I have seen her at the Orange County Scout-a-rama for the last 4 years.

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Gail Webb..........
On 4/26/2008 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (65.122.nnn.nnn)

......was THE BOMB!

Rene, Do you have any pictures of her?

I'm assuming she's still alive, anyone know what she's up to?

Schlater - Paul

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First to cross the US
On 4/16/2008 Joe Lehm wrote in from United States  (65.19.nnn.nnn)

I know that Jack Smith did it in 32 days in 1976, but was he the first? If not who was?

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Yandall's feet
On 4/12/2008 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.68.nnn.nnn)

"Hamburger Feet" is the correct term, Herbn.

I've seen Kenny Mollica run cones, Fast, on a vintage slalomboard, barefoot.

I can't imagine doing ANY of the activities I used to Barefoot. 'Tenderfoot' is now what I am...
'73-74 were my summers w/o shoes on my skateboard, but a broken beer bottle alongside the road changed that (well, Mom's reaction to my bloody foot..), and I was Forced to wear shoes. The tradeoff was being able to footbrake, and survive using 'ratrap' bicycle pedals.

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nice feet
On 4/12/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (67.83.nnn.nnn)

what the hell are those lumps and stuff,infections? bruises? they don't even look like you could wear shoes. how long did it take for them to look normal again after you decided you might try to wear shoes.

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On 4/11/2008 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (66.91.nnn.nnn)

After all these years, a misspelling in a large publication causes all kinds of problems. Thanks to Photoshop, I was able to remove the "E" and replace with "A".

So when you open this publication where this page is to be found, don't forget this page posted above corrects the Error! dang i wish i had photoshop back in the 70's! but no PC's existed back then! times have changed!

Chris Yandall

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i'm tryin
On 3/20/2008 jerel shirts wrote in from United States  (75.172.nnn.nnn)

i'm trying to find a way to skate ferther then any other skater has but i'm poor and am havein trouble comein up with a way to complete this task long boardin is my life i'm pretty much always skatein down some big ass hill and soon i'll have video. i'm just hopeing there is a way to do this. i'm open for suggestions at 8-19-87@live.com

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What skateboard is this?
On 3/9/2008 Lars Ljungstrom wrote in from Sweden  (90.227.nnn.nnn)

Does anybody know what skateboard this is? I would appreciate all hints! It is 31X10 inches. It has a sticker that says "Custom skateboards Gordon and Smith" but that doesn't necessarily mean it is a G&S board, it may have been added. There is no other branding. It is said to be at least 10 years old.

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On 2/13/2008 caddy wrote in from United States  (206.135.nnn.nnn)

any pics?

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Gale Webb...TheBaND ...& Carrasco Backyard Ramps...
On 2/7/2008 Rene CANNONBALL Carrasco wrote in from United States  (71.129.nnn.nnn)

I was talkin the other day with The Brown Bomber
-how we ( My Bros. ) and I would skate @ Liberty Park
in Westminster, in the early 1970'S...
...and when we met Gale Webb there.

She was was riding a steel board
that looked kinda like a manhole cover material -
and Richy told her : "Don't ride that !"

This was WAY before the Powerflex Team days.


Gale is a 'TRail BLaZeR' for women skaters everywhere !

As far as those Carrasco Backyard ramp pics -
I'm lookin'....I'm lookin'....

Concerning THE BAND ~
I posted a RAD video live link on the SLALOM FORUM.
A lot of people reading this -
probably heard this song before !

Take care,

..............-Rene Carrasco.


~ HAPPY CHinEsE NEw YeaR ~ !!!


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THE Band
On 2/7/2008 BANDFan wrote in from United States  (68.108.nnn.nnn)

Please old skaters, take some time out of your day to remember the BEST Band
to be called THE BAND:


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carrasco's ramp park
On 2/6/2008 hc wrote in from United States  (71.132.nnn.nnn)

rene, got pics of that?

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carrasco's ramp park
On 2/6/2008 buddy rawls wrote in from United States  (128.158.nnn.nnn)

Likewise it opened up my world too. We went right out and built two opposing banks. they were rickety as heck, but it was a start. By late 77, we were building one-hit tranny ramps (qtr pipes- in today's language). Spring 78 we were building halfpipes.

that wave ramp was really jazzed me.

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Gale Webb
On 2/4/2008 caddy wrote in from United States  (206.135.nnn.nnn)

remember Gale Webb!

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Carrasco's Backyard Skatepark
On 2/4/2008 Paul Graf wrote in from United States  (24.216.nnn.nnn)


I really can't tell you how influential your backyard skatepark was to me. First off that issue of WWS was the first skatemag I ever owned, a guy named Frank Thrasher (how ironic) in 1977 gave that issue in Science class in the 7th grade. Reading about backyard ramps led me to build a pingpong table ramp in my basement which led to 2 quater pipes in my driveway and eventually to one of the 1st halfpipe in St. Louis. Also reading about how practically your whole family skated was simpling amazing. It's great to see you guys are still at it. I've raced slalom with your brother Richey often and it would be cool if you would make it to a slalom race near the midwest too.


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OLd ~ SKaTePaRKS.....
On 2/4/2008 Rene CANNONBALL Carrasco wrote in from United States  (71.134.nnn.nnn)


Buddy Rawls -

Thanks for mentioning that you read that article
about the Carrasco Bros. Backyard Skatepark in
Wild World of Skateboarding Magazine.

At that time, my brother David and Bill Mooney
built ramps and we kept adding them to our backyard
until it turned out to become A BACKYARD SKATEPARK !

We lived a block away from THE FRUIT BOWL POOL -
in Garden Grove, Ca. , and alot of times skaters would
get kicked out of "Greenbrier" - - I mean "FRUITBOWL"
( Skateboarder Magazine showed up at the Greenbrier Inn -
& took photo's there - and re-named it "FRUIT BOWL" ) .....
...anyway....and so a bunch of people would pile over
to our house and ride the Carrasco Backyard SkatePark !

We would have a line of skaters jutting out of our
gate into the dirt road next to our house all waiting
in line to take a run at all the ramps !

I'm trying to remember.....
some of the cats who rode our ramps -
George Orton, Bobby Valdez, Steve Shipp, Darrel Miller,
let's see....I can't remember all of them...
- that was over 30 years ago !

Regarding Carlsbad Skatepark...

Here's the oldest photo of Carrasco Brothers @ Carlsbad Skatepark.
We're all riding on the same bank !

L-R: 1976 -

PHOTO: By Art Zipple - courtesy of Melodyland Hotline Center.

I think Richy THE BROWN BOMBER was 14 years old at that time !

Take care,

.............-Rene CANNONBALL Carrasco.

GBJ - how the heck are ya ?
...........-still settin' slalom courses?
The photo I posted on the 'Slalom Forum' here -
about the 2002 Worlds - I think you set that course
on the Main Street Race that year...@ Morro Bay.


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old parks
On 2/4/2008 buddy rawls wrote in from United States  (128.158.nnn.nnn)

the parks I am looking for are going to be pre mar 76 (carlsbad opening).

Tomoka was early, but It came after SkatBoard City for sure. I loved seeing TOmoka photos in the old flip waverider/skaterider magazines.

Concrete Wave was later too. late 76 or early 77

the Frederick Bowl appears to be in 75. Escape Country was in 75.

Wasn't the original Ocean Bowl made in Asphalt, or was that another park in the dc/coast area.

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The C Wave
On 2/3/2008 John L wrote in from United States  (68.59.nnn.nnn)

Oldest park? First one that comes to mind is the Concrete Wave in Anaheim. That park was a blast. Really enjoyed skating with Greg weaver everyday.

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