Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Q&A: GANG OF GERMANY (1363 Posts)
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nice summary
On 8/20/2007 J-Rad wrote in from Switzerland  (80.254.nnn.nnn)

very impressive, very impressive...

there was a guy some years back (arround 1940). He argument in the same way, he said what he heard and gave his view of whatever to a whole folk. The folk followed him without thinking about what he said, without checking the situation or thinking about what he said...

We all know how the story ended, just all in his/her owen way.

I never gave me a nickname... Ask Henry Hester, who gave me the nickname?

Thanks for the answer carsten. I didn't realized that here is just a place for keyboarders.

But every individual needs a place where people are listen to him.

Btw. 80 percent of the swiss GDP is done by services. And we have internet everywhere and the knowledge to make networks to work from where we want. It's the job performance which counts not the time you work! Change your business and you will learn a lot...


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more j-read for all
On 8/20/2007 donald20 wrote in from Germany  (84.62.nnn.nnn)

jababblo is the guy who forced us to buy contest shirts in 2005,otherwise no sk8n at the contest,i remember that too well.did you know that he burned the guy who printed the shirts for him?
jababblo is also the guy who held a contest series in 2006 that was absolutely incomplete.highlight of that series were:not paying the prize money to the racers,cancelling events without reason,walking away from another contest leaving organization,burning suppliers again.
jababblo is also know for chiming in on anything we did in the past sharing his thoughts on the subject.
the very first contests jababblo did in grueningen that were good have been held by germans.names such as chris eggers or yoyo schultz come to my mind.at those times jababblo didn't even skate.he originates from the local soccer club(no joke!!!).
these days he nicknamed himself whatever something rad...
well he's not rad at all,he's the classic wiggly boy nothing more.
these days when life is boring for him he drops by here counting the posts that were made(isn't that ridiculous enough?) and asking himself what this forum is good for anyway.
jababblo:thanks so much for doing all that and yes we love you NOT.
please tell your boss what you are doing at work,or maybe i should call him then?
i know where you work.

what a laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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J-rads resume
On 8/20/2007 Carsten Pingel wrote in from Germany  (164.61.nnn.nnn)

"The only thing i can read is about the last 4 year's Pavel and GOG and the s#@! about the pseudo names."

isn't J-Rad also a pseudo name ??? :-)

You must have a lot of time to count the threads ! :-)

If you don't like the forum, just stay away! Create a GOS (Gang of Switzerland) Forum and discuss the possibility of creating "Toblerone-shape" cones, swiss cheese starting ramps or foldable swiss-knive-like slalom boards to put in your hand luggage!

If you re-read your postings, you will know why you are not a member of GOG ! :-)

btw , you are the only one, besides the nameless posters, who tries to find something serious in this GOG forum.Sometimes it is, sometimes not!

You should read between the lines!:-)

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Forum Q & A
On 8/20/2007 J-Rad wrote in from Switzerland  (80.254.nnn.nnn)

Post number 15:
adam gave me/us the heads up on this thing and hopefully it will be very active and the breeding ground for new ideas.

Now we have Post number 96:
The only thing i can read is about the last 4 year's Pavel and GOG and the s#@! about the pseudo names.

So for what is this Forum created ?


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good point
On 8/20/2007 bara wrote in from United States  (24.192.nnn.nnn)

good point Joe and JIm......and expressed in polar opposite fashions!

hey, any good tattoo parlors in Longmont or Louisville CO?

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On 8/19/2007 WAX wrote in from United States  (71.196.nnn.nnn)

as far as I am concerned, the little troll bastards can hide behind their faggy little pseudo name bs and eat a big bag of dicks..

I rode skateboards for several hrs today...I bet they didnt

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On 8/19/2007 Joe I wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

My friends,

Go back and read the first few months of the Hackett and Olson page. It is all anon posters stirring sh1t and Dave and Steve wasting their time telling them to use their real names and to "eat a bag of dicks".

Frankly, it killed what could have been a cool page. There are questions I would have liked to have asked those two, but it seemed pointless as they were too busy fending off slings and arrows.

Don't get sucked in. It feeds the fire and it will never go away. Trolls will wreck this page, but only if you let them.

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green acres
On 8/19/2007 BARA wrote in from United States  (24.192.nnn.nnn)

huh....i was going to post up to that, Farmer, but i'll edit it out..just not worth the trouble

Raunchy?.......... ....candy@ss

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ass kissers are as bad as people with no names
On 8/19/2007 Farmer wrote in from Canada  (216.9.nnn.nnn)

Cat - your lips will stay puckered from kissing all that ass at your age.

The only person I've seen kiss more ass than you do was a character called Northcarolinalongboarder. But that was years ago - about 3 years ago.

It's funny how Bara needs a sight he can be all raunchy on too.

Spread that stoke fools

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Big Mexican
On 8/19/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

Eddy, I hope you didn't hurt Joe too badly.

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For my little friend Eddy
On 8/19/2007 joe i wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

At the end of a tiny deserted bar in downtown Yuma sits a huge Mexican. He's having a few beers when a short, well dressed, and obviously gay man walks in and sits beside him .

After three or four beers, the gay fellow finally plucks up the courage to say something to the big Mexican. Leaning over towards him, he whispers, "Do you want a blow job?"

At this, the massive Mexican leaps up with fire in his eyes and smacks the s#@! out of him, knocking him swiftly off his stool. He proceeds to beat him all the way out of the bar before leaving him bruised and battered in the parking lot and returning to his seat.

Amazed, the bartender quickly brings over another beer to the big Mexican. "I've never seen you react like that," he says. "Just what did he say to you?"

"I don't know," the big Mexican replied. "Something about a job."

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On 8/19/2007 donald20 wrote in from Germany  (84.62.nnn.nnn)

hey uncle jeffrey
you know that you're going to the worlds right?
if not you know now
send me a pm on ss.com and we'll talk.
everythings been taken care of
so gear up

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free speech
On 8/19/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

that "rap" is one of the best arguements against it,,,ever ,oh well live and let live,post and let post, a few lines in i just started counting sylables,isn't ther supposed to be a pattern or consistancy instead of just ending whenever on the same letter/sound(sort of) jez edit yourself, isn't that embarassing on some level when you back and read it?

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stl gog
On 8/19/2007 gOAd wrote in from United States  (71.81.nnn.nnn)

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Go Don Go
On 8/19/2007 WAX wrote in from United States  (71.196.nnn.nnn)

3 of the boards Donald has been workin on are super special....
they are the prizes for the winners of the Open Mens races at Nationals...

Super Cool!!!

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hell yeah
On 8/19/2007 donald20 wrote in from Germany  (84.62.nnn.nnn)

just got back from a busy day.spent it at a kid's flea-market with my son selling his toys,buying new garbage(we got a superbig carrera track now).i am so wasted.after the market i spent 2 hours cutting and preparing boards for zhe nationals.a ton of stuff goes out to cbark and wax-these guys will handle it all.
kitty gets a new tool for her trucks(nice toy kitty,you'll like it).i have to work on toe blocks for a few folks.the boards are all bitchin and i know that a lot of folks will be very happy when they see what's happening.these folks know that i keep my promises and that i always can put one on top of that.reading all that crapola by a few frustrated nobody's just makes me laugh.we even have a hip hop gangsta wanna be whatever boy here,absolutely wasting his time with his absolutely "white rhymes".now that's what i call good and extensive keyboard racing.how long did it take for that jerk to type that stuff?
oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the lovers will see what either g.o.g. or pavel is about,wait,tehy don't race,so they won't see,forgot that.

any way
to the rest,you all know what i said and you all iwll see a few things.making you guys(girl) happy is what keeps me and frank doing what we do.

uhhh nice typo i got here again

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GOG at the swedish nationals
On 8/19/2007 Holger wrote in from Germany  (84.44.nnn.nnn)

a post beside that childish crap thats going on here:

listen Germans,
GOG will be part of the swedish nationals-
the first week end in september i will go to Stockholm to race the swedish nationals.
a one day event without any wc points, price money or other stuff,
but three different races/disciplines in a one class modus.

a race by our crazy swedish buddys who are, as we all know, great guys and as crazy about slalom as we are.
hanging out with those guys and have a whole day full of skating, great expectations.

it´s all about slalom, its all about fun.

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anonymous posting
On 8/19/2007 svenne wrote in from Germany  (87.162.nnn.nnn)

... nothing is more easy than posting anonymous - look here brothers in crime

... and i heard about some GOGs that even know how to open a beer bottle ... blurrrb

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On 8/19/2007 Chief Red Beef wrote in from United States  (24.45.nnn.nnn)

"a worldwide gang of fun and frivolity"


Show you my roasted turkey??? Hmmm... must be a gang thing.


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waste of time
On 8/19/2007 Civ wrote in from Canada  (216.211.nnn.nnn)

You can barely rhyme

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ann anenome
On 8/19/2007 rice cube wrote in from (98.17.nnn.nnn)

Terror illistrates my era
Now I cant hang around my momma
Cause I scare her
I'm quick to blast gee oh gee
yeah what's up
It feels like I'm bustin a nut
When I'm postin' you up
Cause your mind is exposed to the midnight mist
All you weak motherf#@!ers give my ring a kiss
Cause I'm givin dirt naps
Comin with them bomb ass raps
To make your lungs collapse
Perhaps, you never sleep
Cause evertime you doze
You catch blows to the motherf#@!in nose
Ain't seen the sun, in 66 days
Let me count the ways I f#@!ed up NCDSA
I never ever ever made a first place
But I'm down with gOAd
Like AC was down with OJ
So f#@! how your livin
I'm the unforgivin
Psycho drivin
It's authentic
Don't panic
I can't stand it
God Damn it
So f#@! Donald Twenny
I'll snatch him off his board
Hit 'em with a brick
And I'm dancin

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Well said bros
On 8/18/2007 Eddy Texas Outlaws wrote in from United States  (70.115.nnn.nnn)

We are a family of sorts, we are all different in many ways, color, religion, language. But there is something that bonds all of us together. And that is that we love to skate. When I skate with my friends I allways wish the session would not end. When I leave a contest, I am bummed, because I allways wish I could skate with my friends just one more day. But you can't kill STOKE. And that I have plenty of. I recently sent C-Bark an email thanking him for helping me with my stance at The Buckeye, he helped a bro out. And that is too cool. When I got to The Farm alot of racers were amazed with how well I was riding. My anwer C-Bark fixed my feet. Bros it is honor to fly the Pavel colors. Your Amigo Eddy O G Texas Outlaws/Pavel Flow

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On 8/18/2007 WAX wrote in from United States  (71.196.nnn.nnn)

The beauty of GOG:

We skate because we love to skate... its in our veins
we are not bored business kooks who go to races to get away from the family...we skate and spread the stoke because we love skateboarding.....end of story..a worldwide gang of fun and frivolity...decent or not...its party time!!!!

we may be rude, crude, hell, some are even tattoed

Dont like it? I am sure Olson has something you can lick

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Anonymous Posters of the World
On 8/18/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

I find it so amusing that a select few don't have enough Cojones to post their real name.

Do us all a favor and if you can't post your real name, don't bother posting at all.

We are all sorry that your mommy and daddy didn't pay enough attention to you and/or were picked on, and maybe got your nose bloodied by the bullies when you were younger, but don't take it out on us.

Find a good psychiatrist, or take up boxing or target shooting if you have some pent-up anger that you just haven't been able to deal with all these years.

Bara said it best on an earlier post on another thread:

On 8/12/2007 BARA wrote in from United States (24.192.xxx.xxx)
I just love when you "tough guys" are afraid of posting your real name


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On 8/18/2007 Heiko Schöller wrote in from Germany  (80.135.nnn.nnn)

Always nice to see that these keeyboard racers never die.

Don when do I get the Pavel über alles shirts that I ordered maybe
custard mustard whatever idiot he is want´s one too?

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