Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Organizations (1242 Posts)
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B.A.S.S. (Boston Area Slalom Sessions)
On 9/24/2002 vasocreta wrote in from (198.4.nnn.nnn)

If you are in the Boston area this Wednesday night and it is not raining, then come check out BASS. Check the Web site for more extensive details!

This week: 25 cones, flat road, 5.5' spacing. This is school for the NJ skate Jam on Oct. 5. However, daylight permitting, a speedy hybrid course may be put together.

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sanfran downhill skate club
On 9/23/2002 hc wrote in from (207.212.nnn.nnn)

new club!

club president, Mrrrrrr David Price (aka agent orange)

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On 9/21/2002 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (24.148.nnn.nnn)

Boardman! Good to see you're alive and kickin'. Hope the family and work-a-day world is treating you well. How about givin' us a fresh take on the world of Knuckleheads and doing up a little e-mail. I'll give it the treatment and send it around. (ouch!)

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On 9/21/2002 Gary wrote in from (68.5.nnn.nnn)

OK I've been a bad Knuck. I went "underground" for awhile due to Family, Work, injury and all the other crap that goes with being an adult. Time to get back into the swing.

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wilmette khrt
On 9/18/2002 cfavero wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

guys,i am going to try and ride the lot tonite,i do not think it has even been striped yet.i will let you know.andy when you get closer to getting here give me a call,31 st works,so does rrr but it needs to be later at nite after the kiddies go to bed.there is also 4 seasons in milwaukee(reminiscent of those trucks up to the turf) and warped in woodstock,or what the hell,mebbe the sno session at devils head.talk to y'all later,cf

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On 9/17/2002 C-Money wrote in from (207.152.nnn.nnn)

You know winters here can be + or - 50 degrees, so it should be possible. There's a nice indoor skatepark up in Mundelein that we ride sometimes (CFavaro and I live closest and seem to get there more often). But shoot me a line when you head to the midwest, we'd love to have ya.

I leave 12/20 for Tucson and get back 12/31-doing some longboarding this Christmas in the Southern AZ mountains!

carl kincaid
knucklehead racing

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Wilmette KHRT
On 9/16/2002 Andy Lee wrote in from (68.65.nnn.nnn)

Wilmette! Sweet! My mom lives right by there and works at the bank one that's adjacent to the parking lot. I don't get home much from L.A., but I'm always back there for the winter holidaze and I'd love to ride with you guys... if there's any place to ride in the dead of Chicago winter.

Stop in and say "hi" to Nancy Lee in trust services. She'll flip.

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Wilmette Chapter KHRT
On 9/16/2002 C-Money wrote in from (207.152.nnn.nnn)

Sounds great. When should we plan on a nice slalom session?

Bring ice chips for Richard to suck on, heh heh heh (bad joke about Mr. Frye literally taking one on the chin this weekend-heal quick, dude. . .)


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On 9/14/2002 cfavero wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

hey chi-towners.a new location is being created as i speak.wilmette is re paving the train station lot,it has a slight incline and deserted on weekends,best of all for me and cnova its in our neck of the woods,later,cf

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GRS Donation!!!
On 9/4/2002 hugh r wrote in from (64.8.nnn.nnn)

Hey JG!!!

Got the pay pal for Eric B's contribution race $$$!! Thank you very much to both of you!! I'll figure out how to put it to good use!!

I tried to e-mail you back, but the address bounced back at me... thanks again... HR

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KHRT Chicago
On 9/4/2002 C-Money wrote in from (207.152.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, My bad for my smartazz little "popsicle stick" comment. Those guys were very cool, very into what we were doing on the slalom side, and they TOTALLY RIPPED.


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On 9/3/2002 cfavero wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

yea that skate demo was pretty cool.a lot of the guys there are some pretty heavy rippers.this is the cell that spawned melcher(see the juice mag with t.a. on the cover,melcher has an interview).they were totally stoked on the slalom scene.a lot of the guys were running the cones on our boards and they were videoing c-money.good vibe ebtween both camps,just goes to show,skating is skating and if you flow,it always translates into respect.cf

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Chicagoland Slalom
On 8/30/2002 C-Money wrote in from (207.152.nnn.nnn)

Chicagoland wigglers and Knucklehead Racing Team will be heading out to Oak St. Beach tomorrow 8/31/02 around 1:00pm for a session. Apparently there is a new school popsicle stick demo being done, we'll set up some slalom cones and show them what flow is all about.

carl kincaid

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Northwest Ohio/Southeast Michigan
On 8/27/2002 Jim wrote in from (205.162.nnn.nnn)

I am looking for slalom and longboard riders in the Toledo/Ann Arbor/Detroit area to get together and run cones and bomb hills. There is extra equipment available for loaners and riders of all levels are welcome. If you are interested send an e-mail and I will get in touch.

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khrt/chi town
On 8/24/2002 cfavero wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

had a good time out east,hit some parks,but let me tell,maine has some sick hills,cf

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Future event near Chicago
On 8/22/2002 Datu Ramel wrote in from (63.155.nnn.nnn)

On 8/22/2002 Datu Ramel wrote in from 63.155.xxx.xxx:
Hi Fellas and Girls, I'mm taking a break from my posts over at Riding Techniques to ask for help. I've been in touch with the City Manager of a small Midwestern town who will close a mile's worth of hilly, curvy asphalt in his municipality for a longboard event if I can get the appropriate insurance. Can any of you point me towards an event director or an insurance underwriter for information about event-specific liability and indemnification coverage for a skateboard event? Should I try to organize a series of races, or just a festival with low speed activities? What is a fair fee to charge participants in order to cover the insurance and facility expenses? Do you have waiver and disclaimer forms that I can show the mayor?

Thanks, DR

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Legalize skateboarding !
On 8/22/2002 Duane wrote in from (68.15.nnn.nnn)

Tim, let me know how you make out. I, too, live in a city where skateboarding is illegal (Providence, RI). Hugely hypocritical, too, being the home of the Gravity Games for 3 years. While largely unenforced, it does leave the door open for "selective enforcement", in other words, get hassled whenever the cop feels like it. I got pulled over, flashing lights and all, when skating to a public event that causes huge traffic jams. The cop said to "pick it up". When I protested, the cop said there was a skatepark provided for the activity (true), but I said that wouldn't get me from point A to Point B. There is an effective organization here called Critical Mass, you may have heard of it, that organizes bike rides at 5pm on Fridays, guaranteeing a traffic jam, the point being that if bike lanes were provided, the bikes wouldn't cause a jam. A similar mass ride on skateboards might raise some eyebrows, risking arrest, of course.

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promo extreme
On 8/22/2002 hugh r wrote in from (64.8.nnn.nnn)

My new site that is designed to showcase the talents and bios of gravity athletes is coming along... got 6 guys featured so far.

Take a look, especially if your a company looking to sponser some extreme sorts of people!

Promo Extreme

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On 8/21/2002 Lee wrote in from (209.112.nnn.nnn)

where do you go in chicago?

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On 8/20/2002 Tim Clark wrote in from (68.6.nnn.nnn)

My name is Tim Clark, I started a campaign in San Diego to legalize skateboarding in the roadway for transportation... I have been to a bunch of city council meetings and have got the city manager to review our law 84.12 the city wants to change it , we have the support of the land, house, and useage committee... they are waiting on the governer of California to pass some ammendment to allow the Segway for Sacromento... please join my campaign so we can roll the streets legally... check out my website at http://www.rollingwheel.com so you can get involved...
Also view my mission to create a traveling skateboard history tour... the Art of Skateboarding... did events in SD and LA this year...
all the best... Tim Clark / dedicated rollin citizen

please keep me informed on any new laws or things that could help my campaign,,, thanks

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Chicagoland Wigglers
On 8/19/2002 C-Money wrote in from (207.152.nnn.nnn)

Mirtzl: I'm in Libertyville, a north suburb. I get in an hour here, 30 minutes there on a large quiver of long-, slalom-, and hybrid- (banks/skateparks/pools) set-ups.

Always looking for someone to ride with.

carl kincaid

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UK Web site
On 8/18/2002 Simon wrote in from (62.190.nnn.nnn)


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Chicago Knuckleheads
On 8/14/2002 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

Mirtzl: There's a bunch of Knuckleheads who seem to think they can longboard and slalom in the land of the painted cow. If you'd like to join us contact me or C-Money (who posts regularly) and we'll get you on our email list.

Alan Sidlo
Knucklehead Racing Team

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Advice about Chicago longboarding scene
On 8/14/2002 Mirtzl wrote in from (139.177.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone know of any group/club that longboards in Chicago? Thanks

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On 8/8/2002 SSofS wrote in from (193.130.nnn.nnn)

Hi to all KH's...
Just to say Im back online and watchin what goes on.
Drop me a line, why don'tcha?

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