Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Organizations (1242 Posts)
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C.O.D.S.T (Central Oregon Downhill Stakeboard Team) Race Style info.
On 4/30/2004 DigitalDojo Or DextroDJL but call me DigitalDojo plz, Thats my bad wrote in from (216.228.nnn.nnn)

Yea, For some of u that read the Post below this one and if u are interested, There are some things u need to know, Like the Style of our races. Now i bring this up because i have never seen this style anywhere but in Hawaii, But i could be wrong. Now These races consist of 2 parts:
1) A Racer gets Time trialed at start to bottom and clocked. This Consist of 25% of Your Grade/Score or what ever.

2) Then At the bottom u will see 1 yellow line and 1 red line 20-30feet from the yellow line, inbetween these lines is Your "stop zone" U have 20-30 feet to stop at speeds any where from 25-mph-55mph. Ever foot is marked by chalk in the stop zone for measurement. This Consist of 75% of your Grade/Score or what ever.

We do these compatitions mainly and unfortenetly We are haveing to put our own money into them, Cuz like i said these styles i think are mainly in Victoria, BC, Hawaii, Brazil and The united Kingdom. are the only places i really have heard about them putting on this kinda race, But also Keep in mind That i really havent tried to find them till like now and s#@!, Just so i dont look like an idiot whois been doing this s#@! for 15 years about and doesent have a clue.

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Update on the C.O.D.S.T
On 4/30/2004 DigitalDojo or DextroDJL wrote in from (216.228.nnn.nnn)

Hi Fellow Downhillers. I've got some good News for Oregon riders Or any one on west coast. A company Called Bellatrix Systems (My Grand Father owns it) is giveing me a Grant To Re'start up the C.O.D.S.T {Central Oregon downhill skateBoard Team. (Sory N.C.D.S.A. I was not trying to make it sound like u guys, but it was hard thinking of good name)Anyway I live in Bend, Oregon this place is a way sweet downhillers paradise cuza all the buttes with fresh pavement. BUT Cant Find Any Downhillers, I can only find u know lang boarders, u know the type that will start going down a hill and just ride it out, or eat s#@!. Am looking for any Actual downhillers that Know what they are doing, being able to slide around corners, And do high speed 35-55mph Slide/Stops Or what i like to call them Gravitational Stops (READ me post under Speed boarding about The Phsyics Of this so Called Slide/Stop Method and u will to start calling them Gravitational stops. We Practice On Aobry Butte, Skyline Summit (f#@!ing way sweat run The front side is steep and comes around a bank then flatens out, Very good for Practiceing Gravitational Stops, Then theres the Back side Very steep for about 200 feet then flatends just alittle and i mean alittle. Then at the bottom of the back side u can take a left or right perferably left (unless u wanna go up hill)And u can sail all the way down Skyline Summit and come in on the west side of town. Also we hit up collage way alot and also standing about halfway up collage way looking at the butte to the right of you has a perfect view of the back side of skyline summit. It looks Like it is Str8 down but its not we like to set up carmras up there for some wicked shots of skaters going Str8 down, Ya know Free fall looking and every thing. Oh ya Back to the Grant we got we will now be able to get T-Shirts made in any form u like, also useing some of the money to start up a web site much like this one in hopes of our web site and ncdsa Co-Existing and useing shareing info from both sites. I know that NCDSA can help us alot if they wanted to. Any way We have 2 Cars for tyhe team A Limited Addition Pontiac Grand Prix and a Rally Raced out Kia sportage with a stage 2 manually controlled Turbo Charger, Very sick. But yea back to the point here, sory. I am trying to find some actual Downhillers. I Can Teach These Slide stops/Gravitational Stops with ease. But all these so called Long boarders here are to pussy to learn it when they see it and the others ego gets in the way makin them think There mista bad ass "Long Boarder". This has been really hard. See i grew up in Kahuku, Hawaii and Ashland, Oregon which both are very into down hill raceing. I started 15 years ago in Ashland, Oregon Then about 5 years later i moved to Kahuku Hawaii When Sector Nine heard about me getting arrested Bombing Laie Point, The Nicest run Ever But the catch is the H3 Super highway is at the bottom thats why i got poped. But Sector Nine too me under there wing. So u see i am a very experienced Downhiller but i am not used to liveing in a non downhiller town. So if Any one on the west coast would'nt mind joining C.O.D.S.T Cepted maybe u people in Cali couse u got NCDSA and others, I am right right? about NCDSA its like a team thing or somin not just a helpfull web site?

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On 4/29/2004 Jesse wrote in from (69.63.nnn.nnn)


I sent you an email, would love to hook up and ride.


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Need New crew
On 3/28/2004 DextroDJL wrote in from (216.228.nnn.nnn)

Yo, i just moved to Bend oregon and i got some sweet hills but no one to ride them with. Any body downhill skate around the central oregon area? Got sweet ride for us and am setting up a crew but its hard with no riders.

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Northern OHIO Clubs
On 3/23/2004 Craig Alan Nichols wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Greetings to all, I am in process of looking for existing, and looking to add new groups and clubs in order to get faces into the Triple Crown in May and Gravity Games in September. I don't know if Triple Crown is going to have Downhill, Gravity Games did. Any and all who are interested, hit back at the address in the header or reply. Secondly anyone who is Bombing the Lorain, Medina, Cuyahoga, Lake, Summit, or Stark Counties in Ohio, let me know about sites that need to be ridden.
Thanks and hope to hear great things from Great people.
Craig Alan Nichols/ciadanixy@aol.com

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Skate Moms
On 2/1/2004 Cameron wrote in from (66.215.nnn.nnn)

Hi Barb,

I'll send the link to your site to my sister, she has takin up skateboarding again after 20+ years, I got here involved when she was a kid, now her kids are getting her back on the board.


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Moms Who Skate
On 1/21/2004 barbara odanaka wrote in from (68.5.nnn.nnn)

Hi. If anyone knows of any skateboarding moms out there, could you please pass along the fact that I'm looking for such women to join the International Society of Skateboard Moms--a just-for-fun group of skater moms around the world. We have about 25 members at the moment. We're hoping to put together an event (possibly at a skatepark in So Cal) for Mother's Day this year. Also, I'm a former reporter for the Los Angeles Times and I'm going to pitch a story on the subject so I'm looking for skater moms to interview. Please contact me through my website, www.skateboardmom.com Thanks!

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USA Rollersports
On 1/8/2004 Troy Davis wrote in from (69.63.nnn.nnn)

COOL, thank you hc, that info will come in handy for an upcoming event.

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usa rollersports
On 12/2/2003 hc wrote in from (68.124.nnn.nnn)

spotted this while surfing


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On 12/2/2003 Mick wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Jeff, I am also in the Valley. I manage a little pizza joint in Woodland Hills. We have A longboard for close deliveries on the blvd. Maybe we could get some guys to meet there and charge the hills. I know of a couple of hills in Simi. And one good empty parking lot on the 118 for maybe some slalom.

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On 11/26/2003 GBJ wrote in from (69.140.nnn.nnn)

Funny that you should mention Weasel, Adam. He has recently moved to the local classic rock station, which is really odd. I'm a classic rock listener, but hearing Weasel's voice is a total throwback to a completely different era, when HFS was still in Bethesda, next to the PsycheDeli, and WHFS was still the legendary underground radio giant that it has long since ceased to be.

I don't know what's going on with Damian. A little voice in the back of my head keeps repeating that he passed away several years ago, but I don't want to get myself in trouble again for reporting incorrect information.

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Surfrider Foundation on WHFS
On 11/20/2003 Adam wrote in from (66.121.nnn.nnn)

I grew up listening to WHFS back when it was on 102.3. Cool station, perfect for surfrider. Say hi to Damian, Weasel, and Dr Dread when you're at the studios. ;)

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Wash DC Surfrider Foundation on WHFS 99.1 fm RADIOACTIVITY
On 11/20/2003 Surfrider Foundation-Washington DC Capitol Chapter wrote in from (68.86.nnn.nnn)

Wash DC Surfrider Foundation on WHFS 99.1 fm RADIOACTIVITY show Sunday Morning 11/23 from 8-9 am
Our WHFS shaka bruddah Rob Timm invited Wash DC Surfrider representatives David Riordon, Chairman, and Darryl Hatheway, Program Coordinator, to join his WHFS sponsored Radioactivity public service program for a 30 minute interview to be aired this Sunday Nov. 23 from 8 to 9 am.  Tune into WHFS 99.1 fm to hear them talk story about Surfrider's past, present and future in the Wash DC Metro area, and share the collective vision of Surfrider local grass-roots efforts of environmental advocacy and stoke for all things surf-skate-snow!  Tell all your friends to tune in!

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Skateland security
On 11/18/2003 JG wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

Jeff check out the DCshoes video where a certain skater decides he needs his own security guard.

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Cuatro B
On 11/18/2003 Jeff wrote in from (66.133.nnn.nnn)

I am getting tired of arguing nicely with security guards
at parking structures for skating! I live in the amazing and
highly underrated San Fernando Valley near Burbank and
would love to hear about any steep hills I can get stoked on!
I will gladly join up with some of you for a night of bombing!
Email me anytime-

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On 10/14/2003 Julie wrote in from (167.88.nnn.nnn)

Hello! I am new to skating in San Diego and looking for any longboarding organizations in the area.

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On 10/7/2003 SpeedBall wrote in from (209.129.nnn.nnn)

Yo it's been awhile, can any knucklehead fill me in on whats goin on? Oh yeah and...whatever!

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USA Rollersports
On 9/4/2003 66 wrote in from (68.117.nnn.nnn)

Grass Roots Slalom is now able to get low cost event (and competitor) insurance from USA Rollersports.

Contact me for more information.

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On 7/10/2003 Knucklehead wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)


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On 6/26/2003 Rick Fichter wrote in from (68.46.nnn.nnn)

I have been kicking around a club or organization in the tri-state area. NY NJ PA, possibly MD also. What I would like to doo is get together with a few local NJ riders and start this thing up. I can produce a newsletter and organize events get sponsors etc... What I need is help using some other contacts to do the same and have a few different members who put some hours in and combined we can make this a cool club.
NJL New Jerzey Longboarders. I can hook up some shirts and stickers.... Lets do it RAK I know you are in. I need some Noth Jersey and South Jersey Reps too spread the word.
We can do a 10 or 20 dollar a year fee and we will put out a newsletter and hold a few events a year and the kick of can be the NJ Big Skate in August...
Let me know what the feelings are I am working on logos and stuff now...
Thanks Rick

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On 6/15/2003 shrox wrote in from (165.247.nnn.nnn)

Where does street luge fit into this if at all?


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USA Rollersports
On 5/30/2003 beau brown wrote in from (216.103.nnn.nnn)

i know that this is probably not the top priority on anyone's list (since the dates between posts are rather broad), but i need to chime in on the position of USA Rollersports.
I work in, live in, etc.. the skateboarding industry. I think the term "muscle in' isn't as appropriate as "weasel in". The USARS had contacted the USOC and others claiming to be the representative of skateboarding as well as rollerskating.
Don not be fooled- they do not care about the long term strength of skateboarding, much less our tiny aspect of the sport. This is being done for their financial benefit ONLY, not for the solidarity of the sports.
Skateboarding already has a a main contest/event sanctioning body (WCS) and an industry association (IASC). WCS primarilly runs street & vert events because that is what is being requested by the industry as a whole, but WCS is run by slalom/downhill legend Don Bostick. IASC is currently restructuring to enable smaller mfgs (slalom included!), retailers, etc.. to gain membership and have a voice; not just limited to the Big Guys.
To this day USARS has not approached either association to state nor clarify their position.I am not one to keep any aspect of skateboarding in the closet, but believe me, we do not need USARS determining our future.

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Benefits of USSSF membership
On 5/6/2003 Andy Bittner wrote in from (68.49.nnn.nnn)

.66, It was absolutely a pleasure meeting you at T3G. I'm glad we got a chance to talk.

To answer your current question about benefits of membership in the USSSF, I'd like to begin by pointing out that there have been no membership programs offered by the USSSF yet, so most of this is somewhat academic. I will, however, try to shed some light on the concepts behind the USSSF.

Let me clear up something else before I give a look into what might be coming from the USSSF. Non-profit DOES NOT mean "operates without money", "all volunteer", or even "doesn't try to generate income". The true issue is what a non-profit organization does with the money it makes. A non-profit organization takes increases in revenue and funnels them back into the growth of the organization (up to a point), the service and growth of the target market, and eventually, when there is actually more income than needed, begins charitably re-directing the funds in the form of outgoing grant and scholarship-type programs. The USSSF will be trying to generate revenue.

The key to an organization like the USSSF is to generate as small a percentage of the annual revenue total directly from the membership, while providing as much bang for the member's buck as possible.

When USSSF memberships become available the benefits may include several publications, a swag package (the USSSF WILL NOT be a swag-only organization, i.e. all you get is a t-shirt and a certificate), reduced entry fees on all USSSF events and most USSSF-sanctioned events, travel club memberships (i.e. reduced hotel, airline and car rental rates), and more. The USSSF is currently working on a 2004 Event Schedule, including the first U.S. Open of Slalom Skateboarding, and will be making an effort to commence regional amateur racing programs in some or all of the eight USSSF regions.

USSSF racing events will NOT be restricted to USSSF members only, the USSSF is not a club. It is safe to assume that a significant portion of member benefit in the first few years of the USSSF will be potential event registration discounts. It will then fall back upon the staff and Board of the USSSF to ensure that USSSF events are the kind of racing events that attract even those skaters who do not otherwise choose to support the organization directly with membership money.

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On 5/6/2003 66 wrote in from (68.117.nnn.nnn)

my time at the gathering was so brief, but i was able to broach the subject of insurance with andy and have a clearer understanding on the insurance issue

but i'm confused as to the potential benefits of joining usssf

and for now, i intend to sanction my race in georgia through usa rollersports soley for the benefit of insuring the event

on another note, my travel plans this weekend were so altered (cancelled flights on both ends) that i completely forgot to bring up the subject of kentlands.....maybe another day

great to finally meet you, gbj, you're doing good things!

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USSSF and insurance II
On 5/6/2003 Andy Bittner wrote in from (68.49.nnn.nnn)

For the general information of all athletes in any sport...

Any sport organization offering or endorsing specific commercial insurance availability IS NOT a non-profit organization.

It is my understanding then that organizations that are NOT not-profit organizations are for-profit organzations. For-profit organizations are just that, for-profit. If you ever find yourselves wondering what the base motivation for any action of any organization also offering insurance, just remember for-profit.

The obvious exception here is the most well-intended group of people, who sacrifice themselves, their funds and their efforts on the altar of trying to support their sport. Those are the people who think that they become a non-profit by calling themselves one, but don't understand all that it takes in the U.S. to acheive and maintain all of the REAL benefits of being a non-profit. Therefore, these people end up as for-profit organization operators who are operating with something other than for-profit in their heads and are almost certainly doomed to fail if they don't see an experienced non-profit CPA and attorney soon.

As a man with years of association management experience under his belt, I am as certain that I am not going to make those very elementary errors as I am certain that I am not going to walk across the room and jam a screwdiver into a live electrical socket. I want the USSSF to succeed. I want slalom skateboarding to be around after I'm long gone. Beyond that, I don't really care if anyone even remembers my name. If, on my deathbed, I know that slalom skateboarding still exists or even thrives... I will die happy.

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