Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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new UCSD group
On 3/3/2005 mjbuch3 wrote in from United States  (68.124.nnn.nnn)

A bunch of us at UCSD have been getting more and more into skating since last year and this fall we started a skate club. We've been working on a website. Any questions, comments, or suggestions are welcome. The site can be found here:
Also, if anyone wants to skate with us, shoot us an email. contact info can be found on the site.

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Race...what kind of race?
On 12/6/2004 Brad wrote in from United States  (206.165.nnn.nnn)

check out the slalom event "Rye Throwdown", in upcoming events. it will be at Rye Airfield in Rye N.H. on Jan 8th. Yeah I know it's not NYC, but in January we can't be too picky.

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I'll take ya'll on!
On 9/12/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from United States  (24.193.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone have any informatoin on any races that will be taking place in New York City anytime this year, next year, or ever of theat matter. I checked on this site, and it said the next race was on like October 17th, 2000... Yeah. Someone help me please!!! If you know ANYTHING please email me!!! And for anyone there who thinks Manhattan boarding sucks, f#@! you!


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Need Gravity Skaters or Expert Sliders.
On 8/6/2004 GravitySk8'er wrote in from United States  (216.228.nnn.nnn)

Ok listen cuz this is the best west coast site i find. So WORK!...
I've been a Professional Gravity Skater for 9 years Been doing it for 13 years. I was born in New Zealand but grew up ever where else. I had talked A familly member who owns a multi billion dollar corp., for some $ help to get a Gravity skate team here in central Oregon. Now i got the money, i got $10,000 to get a team going so i can compete and make it to nationals. Back in other places i lived it was no problem i made a liveing doing this. But we need to get this going so i can raise my baby girl like i use to. But come check us out plz. E-mail me or call me @ (541) 390-8366 name is Stev'an.

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detour roit
On 7/6/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

ya know what...

...i do kinda like the riverfront out there, as i remember there's a pretty cool sloping ramp close to the sculpture where the UFOs are expected to land, i believe it is hart plaza. the river walk is kind of a nice cruise as i remember it but it does have its share of tricky expansion joints last time i rode it. never came close to the stadium but i'd hazzard a bet that it has something to offer.

we've only started to explore the possibilities over here. the chef has come up with some grand suggestions, one particular location would be comprable to any cali location i've seen so far. imagine a race on some of the steepest cliff side roads at and exlusive beach in the swanky north shore part of town? big money never had it soooooo gooood!

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motown flatlands
On 7/4/2004 Chris B wrote in from (68.60.nnn.nnn)

Pretty flat is right....except at the college we skate at...Oakland county gets pretty hilly....i mean Big hills......Shelby's where i live...c'mon down!...I've always got an open door for ya brother...The city race would be pretty flat and take you from the new Tiger stadium, thru the theatre district, down thru Greektown, past the casino, down the business district and right into Hart Plaza on the riverfront....but that's a pump-and-go speed race...i "think" there's a spot for slaloming down in the Plaza similar to what you guys had in Grant, but none of us live in the center of the city, so we cant stroll over there as easy as you guys......not really a pedestrian friendly town, ya know?....unfortunately

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On 7/3/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (216.80.nnn.nnn)

i've had relatives who lived in the grosse pointe area so we have stayed in town on occasion. really like the greek town area for the action too. i thought the city had little or no place to go into cruise control until i discovered the riverfront some years back. shelby and utica might be the places i'd stay when we visit some time soon as this is where our relative relocated to in order to convalesce. its all pretty bloody flat out there if you axe me...

...there's gotta be something we're not looking at.

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Detroit Slalom?
On 6/30/2004 Chris B wrote in from (68.60.nnn.nnn)

As much as i love Motown, Al, i dont know if we'd be able to do what you did, even geographically speaking. Chicago is easy for us, St Lou, Southern OH, even Wisconsin....Detroit's not placed so well in comparison....and i hate to admit it....but the locals walking around that park were damn nice...i think we'll have to have a day downtown in the next week or so to see how the general public takes it.....if they're cool with it, then a definite maybe....Other than that, it's going to be the Motown Showdown inner-city-on-the-streets-in-traffic longboard race coming sometime this summer...i'll keep you posted....

C-Money, Paul K.....mucho graci...

Run Clean
Chris B

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kill city crew...
On 6/26/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (216.80.nnn.nnn)

...respect is given to whomever show respect.

one of these days these guys will be in your town and a good time will be had by all.

next time it'll be in your town chris, greg, et al.

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On 6/25/2004 C-Money wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Hello, fellow knuckleheads. I've been busy in the flatlands of kansas, but did have my longboard out for some 35+mph action on some fresh ozark mountain asphalt fathers day weekend. Welcome to the new k-head.

carl kincaid
knucklehead racing
knucklehead pool service.

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The Slalom Spot
On 6/24/2004 Karl Floitgraf wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

In an effort to get more youths and teens to participate Slalom Skateboarding, Slalom Spot was created to expand the upcoming generation of slalomers to keep the movement growing.

Run by Karl Floitgraf and Bryan Werner our team includes some of the fastest junior riders in the US.

So please send you kids to Slalomspot.com we are always looking for new junior racers.

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On 6/22/2004 Paul K wrote in from (195.110.nnn.nnn)

Chris B.

Welcome to the fold.....

Paul K

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On 6/21/2004 Dave G wrote in from (207.69.nnn.nnn)

Our beloved flounder...uhhhh founder has the ins and outs of the design!!

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On 6/21/2004 Dave G wrote in from (207.69.nnn.nnn)

Now that it's legal and all..If your buddy designs and prints more shirts, It would be appropriate to reserve a select few w/ the Knucklehead "touch" Mine has created quite a stir at the local grocery store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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too much
On 6/21/2004 Chris B wrote in from (68.60.nnn.nnn)

heh heh
I'm honored!
After rising up the ladder past dumbass, stupidmofo and whothe? it's nice to finally be called a knucklehead.
good to be part of a buncha dudes i can.......uhhhhh.......trust...
yeaaaahhhh.... ........

yup...think i'll go 'n have me a Faygo redpop...

(seein's though this here page goes back to fall '03, me thinks this might be the most private spot on the web.....)

Thanks gang...Alan...see you saturday...Dave...hope to see you too, if not there then sometime soon..
later skators

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On 6/21/2004 cfavero wrote in from (24.13.nnn.nnn)

tis a proud day when a new knucklehead is made,thats right made.seein how you are coming to chi-town,there might be a little blood oath initiation goin down,but hey, its our thing,khrt.i dont know about you guys,but this year seems a little more goin off than last year in an organic,not organized way.dave g,when this posse hits your end of the state in october,it will definetly be wise for the sons to hide their mothers as i am sure the mighty khrt will be in full effect.as always with much gratitude,respectand need for speed,cf

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On 6/21/2004 Leo wrote in from (200.84.nnn.nnn)

King sorry im late for the initiation... oh wait, you already have the razor in your hand and the newbie its already seated.

i´ll shut up now, Chris its not supposed to see us.

hmm, i reconginze some of the faces in here. hey whats up y´all?

anyway. Welcome CB. glad u are a memeber of this society.

salute(ouch) (wrong hand).. Salute!(ouch again)

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Bara Knuckled !! Hands down
On 6/21/2004 Dave G wrote in from (207.69.nnn.nnn)

I would personally like to welcome that Chris guy into the fold!! The goat scheme was just a picture proudly diss-played on my farmer buddy's mantel! You, Chris (if you choose to accept) have acquired one of the highest honors in urethane history! (I'm sheddin' a tear) So knock that Detroit Grit outta ure teef and ...Come on down!! You are the next contesant on..."That price is too high"
Back to you PsYCho

Enjoy ..I gno I will!!!
Dave G

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a knucklehead welcome!
On 6/21/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

its been kind of a ghost town in this forum. hate to say it but the tumbleweeds rollin past this post are the size of sycamore trees. a lot has happened since we first came into being and most of it happened right here on the great ncdsa! i've really got a lot on my plate at the moment so lets get started.

please join me in welcoming our new member, chris bara, to this secret society of...

...hey anybody ou there?

you, chris, have been chosen to join the ranks of the few without honor, compassion, nor financial rewards; to share in the society of knuckleheads. a secret association adept in hiding in plain sight (okay everyone... you're supposed to be invisible now) and to proclaim your right to error without apologies with all the freedoms that comes w/speak your mind and anybody else's that you happen to hear inside your head.

all rise (several knuckleheads are present but you're not supposed to be able to see them) and clench you fists and salute (ouch!) our new member!

in the following days (er, weeks... ok months) you will receive more info on our the mayhem we are privileged to and a good deal more. (you guys can put your hands down now.)

i would like to take a moment to thank the webmaster for providing us with this place to gather and proliferate as the ncdsa is the birthplace of the khrt all hail the adam... (oooouuuuuchh !)

thank you to all who made this all possible. meeting adjourned. that means that you can put your hands down now!


always at your service,
alan sidlo
knucklehead racing team

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On 6/9/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (216.80.nnn.nnn)

hmmmm... sounds like its time for a little initiation.

give me a minute, i need to compose myself...

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On 6/9/2004 Chris B wrote in from (204.78.nnn.nnn)

unofficially.....Dave mentioned something about initiation

Then he sent me a picture of a big horny goat chasing some terrified dude while a "man-o-the-hills" was laughing in the background holding a shotgun....

I figured i could put whatever the hell is going on in that picture along with a 5th of jim beam and a bad hangover to make for a night to forget....

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On 6/8/2004 Joe & Nick wrote in from (24.2.nnn.nnn)


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On 6/7/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

any of you guys still out there?

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C.O.D.S.T Near Future
On 4/30/2004 DigitalDojo, Stevan Panton wrote in from (216.228.nnn.nnn)

I would Rather get Some more expeirenced people as well cuz we have to more races to go till Our team Is being sent to Kahuku, Hawaii. To Skate with some of my old buddy's that i used ride with on the sector-9 team, But PLZ Listen Dont get Sector-('s Boreds There is so much better ones out there "LongBoarders LOL" Just kidding ride what What u ride and ablide to its Ride! Sory I have been leaveing so many post today Just Trying to get this s#@! Down With all ready.

And i know one of u named Jesse Sounded interested But u e-mailed me @DextroDJL@yahoo.com<<<<< Very Bad e-mail I get like 2600 junk e-mails a day or somin So Plz E-Mail me at DigitalDojo2001@yahoo.com Ty.

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C.O.D.S.T (Central Oregon Downhill Stakeboard Team) People Info
On 4/30/2004 DigitalDojo Or DextroDJL but call me DigitalDojo plz, Thats my bad wrote in from (216.228.nnn.nnn)

People may join us for rideing if they like, Just be responsable for your own actions. Also for u people learning the Gravitational Stop, and live on the west coast mainly closer to Oregon. Or if u are a So called "LongBoarder" and are ready to finally get hair on ur balls, we are Teaching many people how do do it useing the chinease method of education which is Martial Arts. U know Not Fighting, Martial arts is a form of education. You Know do somin so repetative that it becomes part of ur instincteds. Also we teach people how do crash at high speeds useing the same method, we are some what being forced to Train our team and s#@! cuz i moved to like the sweetest downhilling town and theres is no downhillers. So if u cant join us will u help us so that we may start Competeting in Professional meets Again.....
Are team is backed with skate parts in case u snap a king pin or somin. Oh yea And also u MUST have medical Insurance to be able to compete with us. But if u dont u can still ride with us, But like i said just be responsable for your own actions. Heh... i probally sound like ur parents or somin. But trust me dont learn like me by haveing to spend 2 weeks in critical Care Yo. :)

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