Riding Techniques (3851 Posts)
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On 1/24/1999
wrote in from
i heard that the torsion trucks are harder to slide? is that true? me and my bros just figured out how to slide and it's awesome to be able to throw a slide to stop or to just change up a hill run. i'm waiting for a shipment from exkate and was just wondering if sliding's harder, and what you can do to keep sliding on torsions.
On 1/22/1999
wrote in from
When laying down a fat coleman I find that by reaching your free arm across your body (as if waving to someone back up the hill), you can 'throw your weight' into the slide. It's the same as everything...you gotta commit to the move. By grabbing the front rail your less likely to keep your weight back and 'off' the board. keep sliding!
On 1/20/1999
wrote in from
Jeff, speed bro. Gotta go fast to get Kryptos to break free. Just get going fairly fast get low and do what you have read. Itll work. I went off my board the first time damn thing did the 90 deg turn, just didnt slide but go a 10 foot slide the second time. Go fast or get harder wheels. I like Bones Bombers but theres a bunch of good ones out there. Have faith, youll get it.
On 1/19/1999
Jeff Gelb
wrote in from
Hey, I'm new to longboarding, and I have heard a lot of talk about coleman slides and stuff; techniques to slow you down. My question is: how do you pull these off? I read all the texts I can find, yet I still am unable to get the freakin' thing to slide! I ride regular on a Powell with 166 indy's and 70mm Kryptonics. Any help would be greatly appriciated. I don't exactly have the cohones to bomb down a hill at 40+ mph (heck, I jump off at 10), but I'm a big snowboarder and would like to know how to transfer that kind of carving over to my longboard. Thanks!
On 1/19/1999 kilianjaro
wrote in from
This question goes out to Cliff Coleman or any other sliding expert. What is the advantage of having your free hand up in the air while sliding instead of grabbing onto your front rail. I sometimes find it hard to get the board to slide without grabbing the rail (I have 78A Kryps). Also I have found my self surfing the road on my but occasionally, after the board sliding out from under me or it just generally seems less stable without holding on. So, have I only been lucky that the rail grabbing has worked for me so far ? Does It maybe give you more control not to do it. Can I maybe avoid drifting to the right when sliding (I’m goofy)?
Thanx kiliman
On 1/18/1999
wrote in from
Here's a little weenie thing I like to do while going fast down a hill: 1.squat down on the board 2.grab the board on the left side w/your left hand in front of you and the right side of the board w/your right hand behind you (if your left foot is in front) 3. jump (in the squatted position) while still holding on to the board yeah, it's kinda lame but it's fun to see how high you can get or maybe you could try to jump an open manhole (a small one, of course). Just make sure the board doesn't land crooked or else the wheels may bite and you might get a close up look at the pavement. It's also fun to fly down a hill on your stomach! Don't forget to wear wrist guards in case you need to stop for whatever reason unless you like the smell of burning flesh. To anyone in the East Bay/Antioch area: e-mail me and maybe we can carve some concrete.
On 1/16/1999
wrote in from
There are alot of people who seem to wanna know how to ollie on their longboard. The trick isn't in the technique its in the equipment. I bought a pair of extreme sky hooks about 3 hours ago. I can already pull a 180 and get aprox. 2 feet, there great! I got my long board in the december 20ths somwhere. My board is a bareback, i'm not sure what its called but its the short one shaped kinda like a snowboard. It might be harder for somone who has been long boarding for a while to get used to the sky hooks, I had to change my stance a little and they feel kinda wierd, but its worth it. I sugest trying them out if you know somwhere that sells them, there about $15.00 a pair (over priced for 2 little pieces of plastic and some screws but there really fun).
On 1/15/1999
wrote in from
I've only used a long board a couple times but I find it easier to ollie on ( than some of my firends who didn't skate in the 80's ) because of the difference in board structure in comparision to new school boards. Just practice olling on an oldschool shortboard and it will probably come a lot easier to you than you think.
On 1/14/1999
Daniel Jenni
wrote in from
Here in Switzerland it is winter. Some streets are frozen and so, you can easily make some 360 Colemans. I ride a Cloud 9 with Indys (166) and some wrecked 65 mm Road Riders (now they are 55mm). Berne is cool to ride street and downhill. Come all to the capital of Switzerland.
On 1/13/1999
Cosmic Girl
wrote in from
For some tips and techniques on longboarding, whether it be on sliding or on cool classic 70's moves then you should look at some of the longboarding websites.
Soul Skate: http://homepages.tig.com.au/~daz/
which has a tips and techniques section and also a links section so you can check out tips on other longboarding wesites.
On 1/12/1999 Gunner
wrote in from
DAVE H. 360's are possiable, i even seen a guy around here doing 540's, while all wheel's were on the ground. Only on large hills though.
On 1/11/1999
Kris Hartman
wrote in from
Ok, I have a Bareback Dominator. I saw the video that came w/ it Ive tried to do, ANYTHING! I cant do a damn thing on it. Any tips. Also, what is the best way to have my trucks, loose or tight? And how do I make them even? Cause my board drifts to one side! Im new to longboarding, I like it, I just cant do anything. So, when I do, I'll love it!! Thanx Please e-me if you can, Im not a web kinda guy. Thanx again!
On 1/10/1999 dave h
wrote in from
when longboarding on a wave, 360s is possible, is this possible, when street boarding ?
On 1/10/1999
wrote in from
To slide: put your front foot on your front truck, then put your back foot in the middle of the board, make your heel hang of the edge of the board, keep your wait to the front, go down a hill get some speed and start turning, when you are turning kick your back foot hard.
On 1/10/1999
Royce Guthrie
wrote in from
when you are racing with a friend the best way to keep or gain speed you should tuck in an aerodynamic position. to do this here are some steps. 1.place your front foot behind the front trucks 2.your back foot so your balance is centered 3.angle your feet like this - /- / 4. bend your knees 5.tuck down low and keep your arms to your side
On 1/9/1999
wrote in from
I need some help. I want to know how to slide since there's nobody to teach me i don't know.
On 1/9/1999 phatbrasil
wrote in from
sup ppl today me and my brother were crusing around down this steep hill aroun where i live and then he pull a colemanslide but he did not slide he did it wrong and his tail went out to far but he did a 180 then he got up and did a swithstance spinner then anothere almost colman slide it was pretty kool. all he did is let his hand drag out while he waz getting speed he waz alredy crouched then he just dida a really sharp then his tail slided out well c ya later
On 1/8/1999
joe shmoe
wrote in from
yo,Im new to skateboarding and I wouldn't mind if someone would e-mail me some tips on how to skateboard.
On 1/8/1999
Marcelo Martins
wrote in from
I am a beginner in DownHill with LongBoad and I am very encouraged. I am already descending some slopes and I want to learn some techniques to improve my style. I have a Sector 9 (Cloud 9) with wheels of 61 mm. I would Like to know with these wheels I can make the maneuver " Coleman Slide ". In case it is not possible, which would the most appropriate wheel be?
On 1/8/1999
wrote in from
I want everyone to look at what "Payaso"said on 12/24/98. It's gona take everything you know about longboarding to a whole new level
On 1/6/1999
Joe Shmoe
wrote in from
What is a drop knee turn???
On 1/6/1999
Cliff Coleman
wrote in from
The reason for placing weight on the front truck when riding your skateboard. Your skateboard like most vechicles has the stearing axle in the front. If you take weight off the front axle, then it will want to float, or wobble. This is one reason for the occurance of speed wobbles. The same thing can happen in a pick-up truck for example. If the driver overloads the rear of the truck, then the weight is removed from the front axle and the driver has lesser if not total loss of control. Cliff
On 1/6/1999 Lee
wrote in from
Can anybody explain to me why you bomb a hill riding on the front truck? I would find it more logical to distribute the weight on four wheels instead on two to get speed. Thanx
On 1/3/1999
wrote in from
Hi, just thought i'd drop you guys a line from the sunny UK! NOT! Here's a nice little move to try, don't know if anyones tried one before, a switch foot nose wheelie?! Cross step up to the nose, keep your back foot about 18 inches away from the nose, pop the tail up, cruise a nose wheelie for about 5 secs, then, jump 180, i.e. from goofy to regular, keeping the tail off the ground through out the whole move, keep nose wheeling for another couple of sec's, drop it down and step it back for a drop knee turn or two! I hope you could understand it all? There should be some footage of me doing it on the STILL STOKED web site soon!!! I don't know its easier on a shorter board, mines a 6 foot team issue still stoked board. Keep your toes on the nose, have fun and keep crusin' STILL STOKED FOREVER. Matt team rider.
On 1/1/1999
wrote in from
I just bought a Gravity Hyper-Carve and i need to know how do you spin the board with all four whels on the ground? I have seen a lot of pictures and videos of people doing it. There are not to many people where i live who longboard so i can really use your help. Thanks a lot!