Riding Techniques (3851 Posts)
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On 5/25/1999 Sherrif*JW
wrote in from
I'm thinking about buying a Sector9 Cloud9 OG with kicktail *(RAD OR CRAP) Laters geezers
On 5/24/1999 eggman
wrote in from
Hey Ben. Try to put your back foot close to the rear truck instead of twords the rear of the kick tail (or hanging off the rear). If you put your foot twords the truck, it snaps up quicker and you are able to ollie. Does this make any sense to you? Hey, I just learned and I am doing it this way on my Cloud 9.
On 5/22/1999 SphereD
wrote in from
Instead of ollie-ing this is what I do to get over cracks, uneven tiles, or whatevers in my way. Crouch down, put your hand(s) underneath the board, and make a little jump. The result is you jump, and pull the board along with you. If you have the Sector 9 video "Red 9", you should watch the last guy (the businessman - I forgot his name), he does it near the end. There are loads of variations to this one. Try doing a manual (lift your front trucks over the barrier), and then "jump". I admit, it may not be as cool as ollie-ing, but I find it a lot easier on longboards, and with some practice you can get it to look pretty good. Trust me. Carve on soul brothers.
On 5/22/1999
Ben Rak
wrote in from
Drew, This is exactly what I do, the problem is that i can't get the tail off the ground (it drags on the ground).
On 5/21/1999 Drew
wrote in from
Ben> I ride a sector 9 pintail too. The way I ollie is just how you would on a shortboard. I jump a little forward to flaten the board out. It keeps the tail level with the nose, but don't take my word for it....duh na duh.(dev/null?) keep on bombin'
On 5/21/1999 fr
wrote in from
take the b33 to a skate bowl/park where you could get some air. to stop it, try sliding (for how to do this see previous entries).the flex of the deck makes it real good for pumping down the road or through pedestrians etc.
also, to stop the nose of a flexdex breaking up after it hits curbs, add some surfboard glue or something similar to the nose.
Flexdex Bee 33
On 5/19/1999 Starr
wrote in from
I just bought my first board ever.I would like to know if any of you out there own a Bee 33'?What kinda riding do you do with your bee 33.Can you reccomend a way to stop the board besides just jumping off.I know this aint no longboard but I am just looking for some people who ride a flexdex and what are there experiences with it.Thanks
On 5/16/1999 Gabe
wrote in from
You ollie a longboard so that you can jump on to sidewalks and not have to jump off your board when you go over big cracks and sidewalks that have huge holes. Peace Gabe
On 5/16/1999
Chris Nigro
wrote in from
I'm haveing trouble using my toe grips on my longboard.Whats the best technique for using for all tricks.
On 5/16/1999 JD
wrote in from
They built a half-pipe near my home a couple of weeks ago. I guess its a little too small to ride my longboard in (6ft high). Does anybody have any tricks I could do in there? I know longboards weren't meant for small ramps like this, but its kinds fun to just mess around in it. Thanx.
On 5/16/1999
wrote in from
Why would you want to ollie a longboard, anyway? steve
On 5/15/1999
wrote in from
I have not really been able to olley yet but on my New Deal board I can stomp on the tail really hard and get both trucks up in the air but I am basically riding on the tip of my tail. I can't get on anything yet, just get over gutters and crappy sidewalks. Peace Gabe
On 5/15/1999 mat
wrote in from
Doing an olly on a longboard is pretty much the same as doing it on a short board. I have a sector 9 cloud9 and i can olly up gutters with it so far. I cant get much higher than that but all you really need to olly is gutters for longboards. Just look up some short board site and find out how to do it. I also have a question. How do you do 180 slides. No matter how hard i push the back wheels they wont move. I can only do a 180 shuvit thing.
On 5/15/1999
Ben Rak
wrote in from
I ride a 48" Sector 9 (pintail) and lately I've been trying to get it to oly. I'm having alot of trouble with this. Does anybody have any suggestions that might make it alittle easier for me?
Many thanks!
Ben Rak
On 5/11/1999 freak
wrote in from
take a look at www.nosewheelie.com they have a good "how to section" pumping is for gaining speed while your turning. good luck
On 5/11/1999
longboard pimp
wrote in from
What is puming and how do you do it?
On 5/9/1999 Rich
wrote in from
BANKS - for all our English as a second language viewers a bank a slope found on the side of many buildings or other places (in the USA there are a few good examples around school grounds - look at the fiorst couple of Gravity videos). You may find them next to loading bays at wharehouses, at the seafront, around 70's buildings when it seemed trendy to build them with banks etc. The most obviuos place to see what a bank looks like is at a skatepark or in a skate magazine. Gee that was harder to explain than it sounds but I hope it helps !
On 5/9/1999 Sideshow Raheem
wrote in from
I've been longboarding for a while now, but there's still one thing I can't figure out: what the hell are banks? I see you guys mention them all the time, but I just can't find anything here in Switzerland that fits the description. I even looked the word up in a dictionary which didn't help much either. You sure ain’t talking about these money institutes, right? Can anybody please tell me where I can find banks over here or if they're one of these things that just seem to exist in the US of A, like overweight people or TV-series about angels? C'mon people, enlighten me...
On 5/8/1999
wrote in from
360 collman slides, does anyone know how to do them?
On 5/7/1999 Casey
wrote in from
chris, i read your article a while ago and i have tried it numerous times, but i still can't quite seem to get the nack of it. ive got a fiberflex, the clear one, and it is not as springy as you say it should be. my friend has a cosmic rider, but i cant seem to get it on that either. this may sound stupid, but i was wondering if my timing was off. i dont know how fast or slow to do each turn, so could you describe it relative to something? sorry if it is worded weird but its the best i could do
On 5/7/1999
wrote in from
I did an article on Slalom Technique ages ago. It's located at
Hopefully that makes sense.
On 5/7/1999
wrote in from
Are there any slalom skaters out there? I would like to get a discussion going about stances and board setup. I wand to get more infor on slalom technique, but I can find no inforation out there... I can do nice turns on a g+s 38" w/exkates, I am standing on the front truck with a fairly narrow stance.
On 5/6/1999 BS
wrote in from
What is a boardslide? How do you do it on a longboard?
On 5/3/1999 drew
wrote in from
Has anyone figured out how to do a 360 collman slide? Would you just try to connect 180 backside and frontside slides together? Some detailed information would be good. I have no problem doing backside and frontside slides, I just don't see how to connect them with enough speed to go 360, even with hard wheels.
On 4/29/1999 Tom
wrote in from
Sliding without a glove isn't a real big deal. Just get into drop knee and pull up on the rail and don't lean back too far. Do it for a while with a glove just to be safe and eventually you'll find that you're not using the glove at all.