Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Riding Techniques (3851 Posts)
Topic Technique
Att: SC
On 4/15/2006 Darren wrote in from United States  (68.7.nnn.nnn)

Currently i am a Student at Calstate San Marcos, my major being Kinesiology,( movement)i myself too am a boarder, i board to and from school each day and bomb hills through out san marcos and had my fair shares of beefs. One of my projects this year is to adequately teach some one how to skate using multiple perspectives and teaching techniques, because for every individual every instruction can very. so i was wondering if i could use some of the information you provided to assist me in my academics. That would definitely be ill as hell and would greatly be appreciated.

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board for me! yay!!!
On 4/10/2006 adam wrote in from United States  (67.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey thanks a lot Sean for posting that for me!!!lol i feel special now..lol well i live in wellington florida..so its kind of flat, i was looking for something maybe good to cruise to the mall in and maybe bombing some small hills and carving....not really tricks, i was never really great at board tricks only at aggresive inline tricks, it was just easier for me. Bu ti LOVE the feel of the pavement below you as you just glide on the board..i guess thats why i liked surfing and skimboarding...the feel of the smooth and the thrill you get out of it....i hope that helps!!! thanks a lot! you can email me personally at ither... Mudslinger1317@aol.com or Mustangdude1317@yahoo.com Thanks again!!!-Adam

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board for adam
On 4/7/2006 Sean wrote in from United States  (24.49.nnn.nnn)

hey adam, the type of skateboard for you is going to depend entirely on the applications you would like to use it for. Theres no magic skateboard thats good at everything. do you want to cruise, carve, carve and cruise, carve and slide, do trick sliding, bomb hills, something that can cruise and still thrash the park a bit? If you let me know what your interested in doing, I can suggest some setups.
www_silverfishlongboarding_com has a decent longboard 101 section and reviews. hope that helps. good luck

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sliding gloves
On 4/4/2006 hc wrote in from United States  (71.139.nnn.nnn)


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trick tips with adam and adam
On 4/4/2006 hc wrote in from United States  (71.139.nnn.nnn)


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Riding Techniques
On 4/1/2006 fred wrote in from United States  (24.218.nnn.nnn)

Im a young long boarder and I want to start getting in to some more fancey tricks but I don't have any slideing gloves and Im low on cash. Is there a way I can make slideing gloves

will some one post some sage advice for a fellow ridder in need

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you misunderstood me
On 3/31/2006 snoball wrote in from United States  (65.35.nnn.nnn)

C-Tut, I AM a longboarder and sorry you misinterpreted what was written to be read with sarcasm.

My fault for forgetting the written word leaves a lot out. Peace.

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T's on skate boards
On 3/26/2006 ? wrote in from United States  (64.136.nnn.nnn)

Making a T is quite easy, what a T does is gives you perfect balance. The first step is to stick your front foot forward over the front tire, next what you want to do is stick your back foot slightly in front of the back tire at an acute angle. Therefore making a T with your foot.

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Re: What's technical
On 3/26/2006 C-Tut wrote in from United States  (130.111.nnn.nnn)

SC asked: "I thought a longboard was a skateboard. If it's not, what is it?... Now say you ride a long skateboard down a hill hitting speeds on average of 50mph and one bad move and you're hamburger. Is that technical riding or not? Well, you just stand there balancing right so probably it's not technical so much as lazy.(?) It's just a longboard after all. No skill required."

I am no expert, but to me a longboard is a variant of a skateboard, much like the way cars, trucks, and vans are all variants of automobiles. You also questioned the technical aspect of longboarding, in regards to bombing a hill at 50mph. I've never done that, so i'm not going to say whether or not it is technical, but I suggest hopping on 46 inch pintail and trying to cruise down a 500 yard hill at any speed over 20mph. Try that, and then tell us that there is "No skill required."

C-Tut out.

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On 3/26/2006 Adam wrote in from United States  (67.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey everyone!! im looking into long-boarding, and im pretty familiar with skating..i used to skate and skate board, back in the day...lol But i was wanting to get into longboarding because i wanted to surf but now im not so sure about it...and i dont want to go out and spend $500 on a surfboard i might not use more than once a year....and ive ridin a longboard before...and i really like them...but what board makers and trucks wheels...whatever....would you all reccomend?? ive heard sector 9 is the most popular and there good...and the long board i rode was a Gordon & Smtih, but i know tehres a LOT of other companies out there too! So please any input...would be great! Thanks a LOT!-Adam

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What's technical?
On 3/22/2006 sc wrote in from United States  (65.35.nnn.nnn)

Not to quibble here, but what do you mean when you say that 'riding longboards is not as technical as skateboards'? I thought a longboard was a skateboard. If it's not, what is it? A moose? A water ski? A dog poo? Superman's cape? If you ride a 38" deck in pools, are you longboarding or skateboarding? I'd say skateboarding, but that's just me. Now say you ride a long skateboard down a hill hitting speeds on average of 50mph and one bad move and you're hamburger. Is that technical riding or not? Well, you just stand there balancing right so probably it's not technical so much as lazy.(?) It's just a longboard after all. No skill required.

Enlighten me...please...my head hurts pondering this on my own and I have chewed down all my fingernails and expect insomnia is soon to follow.


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How to ollie: (sorta)
On 3/21/2006 Sheep wrote in from (75.2.nnn.nnn)

I'm no expert by the way.
Front foot in the middle on the board. Back foot on the tail (where it is is up to you). Crouch down to get ready to jump. Jump up, as you are going up, smack the tail down and lift up both legs high. As you are coming up, drag your front foot so that it catches the nose. You should jump forward (towards the nose) so that your board can balance out in the air. Bend your knees as you hit the ground to absorb impact.
I really hope that helps. Keep in mind, some people take weeks, months, even years to nail this. I stopped trying because street skating isn't for me, and my shoes were tearing a lot. Good luck.

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On 3/15/2006 Paul Steuri wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

Just one suggestion, I had been trying to skate for almost a year, but I couldn't even comeclose to an ollie, I tried SO hard! Then one day I saw a longboard deck at a yard sale for 5 bucks, and of course I got it, and I went to a board shop and got it setup, and now I have a ton of longboard stuff and have been longboarding ever since! Also, alot of my friends skae and longboard.

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On 3/13/2006 Cody(Cash)Blankenship wrote in from United States  (65.25.nnn.nnn)

i need help. i am confiddent in my skating balance and speed but i just cant cut it to do any jumping moves. I cant even get down a single ollie. I am very athletic, im not uncoordinated or anything. correct me if im wrong ..but ur supposed to have one foot middle board and one at back. and then slide mid-foot to top of board while kicking down with the other foot.I cant do it..well plz help with foot placement and techinques. my email is crb79@neo.rr.com ............plz help me..(if it helps i have a street board ..not a long board)

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On 3/7/2006 david wrote in from United States  (65.142.nnn.nnn)

i already got the hang of riding and slalom and stuff,but does anyone know how to do tricks especially jumping tricks.if anyone knows any please post them

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On 3/5/2006 sam hornberger wrote in from United States  (68.193.nnn.nnn)

a few weeks ago i got a stress fracture on my right toe so right now i am confined to the boundaries of my house. it really sucks cuz i'm just such an addict to the sport that i've even tried to sneak one out under an over sized trench coat. unsuccsesful... of course.

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On 3/5/2006 dylan wrote in from United States  (66.69.nnn.nnn)

melon grabs??? neone no an eaier way on how to not get caught up

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search your feelings young padawan
On 2/22/2006 Yoda wrote in from United States  (24.53.nnn.nnn)

ridin longoards is not as technical as riding a skatebaord, so i would recomend you to do just what feels better, the only improtant thing is yourb balance and controll over the boards, that comes with practice, no one can teahc you that, you have to learn that for yourself with practice....

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Foot Placement
On 2/21/2006 Help ME!! wrote in from United States  (69.235.nnn.nnn)

Hey everyone. i was just wondering about footplacement on the board. i see a lot people riding their boards a lot different ways. i am a street skater that just got into longboarding and was wondering what tips you could give me about where i should have my feet while doing different things. i'm mostly getting into carving hills and bombing. so i guess i'd like to know what positions would give me the best stability without sacrificing the ability to carve (for carving) and what position would give me the most stability at speed (for bombing). any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks

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On 2/19/2006 sc wrote in from United States  (65.35.nnn.nnn)

Andrew, stay on the flats till you learn to stop and to get over speedwobbles. If you're wobbling, it could be combo of a lack of confidence and too loose trucks. On the flats, loose trucks aren't as much of an issue as when you start gaining speed and on a longboard with a little bit of incline, that's easy to do. Just keep practicing on flat areas like parking lots or tennis courts and don't worry about anyones progress but your own. Get familiar with how your trucks feel loose and also tighter. Try to see how tightly you can turn on toeside and heelside turns. Play around like that for awhile and then push yourself a little harder, but stay on the flats. I only say that because until you're capable of taking a spill while going relatively slowly on flats, you don't need to be taking them at speed on a hill. Believe me, please. Going hardcore and aggro is best reserved until you're well familiar with your nature and that board working together. Learn how to come to a stop on the flats with one foot on the board and the other foot ( your back foot ) dragging on the ground. Learn how to drop into a low stance ( squat ) on your board at speed. Push as hard and go as fast as you can on the flats doing these things. Once you're more comftorable and decide to start skating on more inclined surfaces, start tweaking your trucks in between runs and feeling out stability. While humility often comes in the form of injuries, there are easier ways to learn it ;) Just learn all of the nuances of you and that deck working together as one on the flats until you've learned all you can that way, until you're bored to tears by it. THEN you can push into new levels. And whatever you do, don't let more knuckleheaded skaters try to pressure you into things you are not ready for. Good skaters, good bro's, will NOT do that to you. In fact, they'll want you to be as free from injury as possible so choose your skatebuds carefully too. If they try to help you at your level, instead of theirs, stick with them.

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good run jack
On 1/27/2006 thomas wrote in from United States  (168.11.nnn.nnn)

jack good way getting away from those pigs

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Re: How to push
On 1/21/2006 Andrew wrote in from United States  (132.170.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Mez, I looked at the site, and I've already gotten better over night.

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How to Push
On 1/19/2006 mez wrote in from United Kingdom  (81.179.nnn.nnn)

Hi Andrew, try http://www.lushlongboards.com/05/school/school_pushing.php for some pushing tips, my advice try to push 3 or 4 times one after another till you build your speed up, then put your back foot on the board and turn your feet so they face outwards, and then just take the ride, but otherwise just make sure that you try your hardest and keep at it, also it might be a good idea to wear a helmet and wrist guards if you feel unsafe!!

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How To
On 1/18/2006 Andrew wrote in from United States  (132.170.nnn.nnn)

Hey everyone,
I just bought my first longboard, now I just need help using it. I haven't skateboarded up until now so beginner is an overstatement. I was hoping someone could give me some beginners tips or a site that has tips. I push off and roll until I'm almost slowed to a stop and I don't really know how to continue pushing off safely when I'm at a higher speed because I wobble. If anyone could help me to start off at all I would really appreciate it.

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Jack in pain
On 1/10/2006 Dan wrote in from Sweden  (62.20.nnn.nnn)

yeah dude thats how it should be, keep charging! :)
And remember: its not a crime untill you get busted

Skate everyday

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