Riding Techniques (3851 Posts)
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On 7/30/1999 Jake
wrote in from
When i started doin the dog thing, I was in Phoenix, and about a 30min drive from the closest hill. But now, (in Portland) if I'm havin em tow me up, I just drop the leash and they chase me down the hills.
On 7/30/1999
wrote in from
You dont bomb hills with the dog. The dog is for small small hills or flats You could try a hill but your or most any other dog can go 35 mp!!!!
On 7/30/1999
wrote in from
i'd love to try that dude - but i don't think my jack russel could take the strain - and what happens when you want to bomb a hill at 35+
laters ---------->London
On 7/29/1999 Shea
wrote in from
My bust here is the rest.....I would have to walk my dog and i said I dont want to walk that takes to long....so i grabed my Cloud 9 (sector 9) and my helmet( I had no clue how fast i would go) and did it.... It is preety sweet....My dog goes fast on smalls hills....i still do it sometimes....I dhave not taught her commands or anything but I can get her do go fast by just yelling "Cat"
P.S. I still need a longboard trick web page.
On 7/29/1999
wrote in from
Hey I do that dog thing too....not a
On 7/29/1999
wrote in from
Hey- Any other longboarders have dogs out there? If you do.. have you ever tried having them pull you on your board?? This might sound stupid to any overly hardcore riders, but if you like to skate for fun as well as cheating death you need to try it. My dog and I have been doing it for about a year now, and we break 25mph most everytime we roll. I'm sure I could go faster w/ a bigger dog, cus mine is like 40lbs... but its dangerous enuff as it is, and alot of fun. I've trained my dog to pull at diff. speeds, to turn corners, and run beside me if I drop the leash (so I can pick it up). He learned to stay away from the board pretty quick, as I'm sure you could imagine.. but we rarely run into eachother. I would suggest trying it w/ a collar 1st, and if the dog is into it buy him/her a harness, cus they run alot faster when they can breathe.. I've successfully trained a couple other dogs to do it, but like frisbee some dogs get it and some dont. If you find a dog that likes it, its a shitload of fun for both of you, and some of the best exercise a dog can get.. in fact I have both mine and my roommates dog pull me up hills, and if I try 2 have both pull on the flats I get wobbles. I know it sounds kinda cheesy but I swear THIS IS REAL RIDING. Has anyone else tried any of this? I would especially like to hear if anybody has tried this w/ a really big or x-tra fast dog. If you have a dog try it! You will become a legend to the children in your neighborhood.
On 7/29/1999 Herb n
wrote in from
Downhill slide-tailslides Last night while on one of my favorite DH spots a straight smooth street good for a 45 mph straight bomb. But last night was a loose truck carving sliding night cause I realized my sliding backsides needed some work. Well I needed sideways room ,is a hill ever wide enough? well while doing slides closer and closer to the curbs I went and pushed the tail onto the curb,and lifting the wheels off the ground, and there we have it the downhill slide tailslide.
On 7/28/1999
wrote in from
Hey i dont got no technique to share but i got a question.... is there any longboarding web site that has a grip of trip tips and that stuff beside this one? I could really use the help? please some one help a fellow Longboarder out.
On 7/28/1999
wrote in from
Thanx drew..... i will try this next time i go to my local bank....I will get back to you with my outcome
On 7/28/1999 Drew
wrote in from
Shea> Grab your board before getting up the bank (ramp), jerk the board up with you when you think its the best time to air and make sure youre turning before you get in the air. keep on bongin'
On 7/28/1999 Shea Rollin
wrote in from
Key matt-No..... any way you want to ride is the way you ride...... it does not matteras long as you are having a good time. but id the board has a kickrtail it might be easyer to turn using that and keeping your foot back is easyer to do that. but you tent to go alot faster if you ride up tourd the nose.
On 7/27/1999 matt
wrote in from
i see people in videos standing with their backfoot way back at the end of the board. i tend to keep my back foot heaps further forward than that. will this cause me any problems??
On 7/27/1999
Shea Rollin
wrote in from
I got a longboard and it came with a video and all the guys are going up a bank and getting air and doing a 180 half way up the bank..... any tips how to do this?????
On 7/27/1999 Adam
wrote in from
There are tons of posts on how to make sliding gloves in the Safety Equipment forum. Be sure to check the Archives too.
On 7/27/1999 Matty
wrote in from
I just read about guys using plastic on the front of their gloves. Is this better than leather and if so what plastic is best and could you use a rivet gun to make sure the plastic stays on the glove??? (sorry about being a bit slow on the whole gloves thing, that's what you get from being an aussie)
On 7/27/1999 Matty
wrote in from
Thanks alot Drew. Now I'll have a bit of skin on my hands after a skate. Maybe!
On 7/26/1999 Drew
wrote in from
Matty> buy a pair of Wells Lamont gloves from pretty much any hardware store, glue strips from a leather belt to the fingers, and glue another fat piece of leather to the palm.Make sure you use genuine leather and strong glue. Keep on bombin'
On 7/25/1999
wrote in from
I wanna get a pair of gloves for when I hand drag around corners. Can anyone suggest a good company or brand of glove to buy? If so can you give me an email??. Thanks
On 7/23/1999 Justin (patrick's Best friend)
wrote in from
Andrew, i am talking with patrick on the phone right now. his board is a 46". Also, mine is 46" too, but my trucks are farther apart than his, which is worse. he wants to know is the loose-ness of your trucks affects the wobbles, (which im sure it does.) How much are Randall 2's. For my information, what kind of board do you ride and what shape is it.thanx dawg
(Blink-182 rocks...)
On 7/23/1999
wrote in from
get yourself Randle 2 Carving trucks... either that or get a longer board (how long is your sector 9?
the lower your center of gravity the less death wobbles you get too. This only works to a certain extent.
On 7/23/1999
wrote in from
I like cruisin on my sector 9. whenever i bomb huge hills, i get speed wobbles. I know you can stop them by carving or just staying steady, but is there a better way?
On 7/23/1999
Carlo Medina
wrote in from
I recently purchased an Envy "Classic 57" longboard. Do any companies still make nose and tail guards? I am trying to protect the front and rear of the board in case of some mis- fortune. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
On 7/20/1999
wrote in from
Hey Bluntking! Check out the FREEBOARD web page... They have some video of big carving. It is a little different, cause the freeboard slides more. Just do what they are doing on your longboard and you will be carving... I am sure once you see the video, you will say "oh, I already do that". Check it out, here is the link. http://www.freebord.com/watch.html Oh yeah, anyone else that has not checked out the videos, they are pretty cool. Totally worth your time. Later late.
On 7/20/1999 NH Slalom Joe
wrote in from
pumping... i first learned how to do this, when i was doing really narrow S slaloms in a parking lot while going down a nifty slope. wasn't going very fast, but i noticed that as i weighted/unweighted during the slalom that i was picking up *more* speed than if i was went down the hill, or with gentle carves.
you want to keep your upper body still, and stick your arms out for balance, one ahead of you, one in back. for best effort, i use my arms like a cat might use it's tail to push against when i twist my torso.
your speed counter twist to your upper body, keep your ankles really loose and give some tilt to the board as you do this. start with a gentle slalom, and try adding some twisting force to it. if you push/pull too hard, while weighting/unweighting, you'll *really* feel your deck slip foward fast. now you know what the feeling is.
play with it some, it's easiest going down a gentle downhill at first, you can do it on flats and uphill, but man, it's a workout after 20 minutes of practice.
On 7/20/1999
Bluntking (UK)
wrote in from
Hi All Ive had a longboard since Easter 97, and although I have read many descriptions of how to carve, I have never been able to fully understand them enough to even try to carve. Does anyone know a site that has videos and/or step by step descriptions with pictures?
I think that is all that would help,