Riding Techniques (3851 Posts)
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On 10/16/1999 Herb
wrote in from
oops "make" should be "back"
On 10/16/1999 Herbn
wrote in from
Actually its not the trucks,there's just not enough info to accurately tell you its just non-turning trucks, can you do slides on short boards, are we talking about carving slides(no hand down) or braking slides (coleman)or are you just tring to make some noise,lean further make as you push out with your feet,try it on consistant smooth pavement,more speed.Some sort of safety gear while your learning for sure later if you choise.
On 10/16/1999 Herbn
wrote in from
lose the indy,tracker,ventures you got on there.
On 10/15/1999
wrote in from
jesse, try using smaller, harder wheels at first. that will help you get the motion. by the way, it's not "turning" it's more like throwing your body.
On 10/15/1999 Jesse McCubbins
wrote in from
I have a homemade longboard about 48 inches long but I cannot turn sharp enough to slide someone tell me what to do
On 10/14/1999
wrote in from
Another couple sugestions for learning slides: Ride hard wheels, wear sliding gloves (or normal gloves), and try outdoor basketball/tennis type courts (the cement on them is really smooth)
With experience, slides can be pulled in 6 feet of sidewalk, but you might need a shorter board. (I ride an old school (80s) style setup, about 33 inches, with deep concave and lift in the nose and tail)
On 10/14/1999
wrote in from
I've e-mailed this to you before, but I thought I'd post it here in case there are other Denver longboarders that visit the site. I skate in the new Pepsi Center parking lot. With brand new asphalt laid, it proves to be an ultra smooth ride, and plenty of space to learn to slide (fall on 'de ass). Also, right across the street from the Pepsi Center, (Speer & Wewatta) there is a great novice hill to practice speed on. I practice there everyday until I can get the steel balls needed to tackle something bigger. The only problem is if you bail on this hill, your board can end up in the drink. I forget the name of the river that goes through Downtown.
My 2 1/2 cents...
On 10/14/1999 Adam
wrote in from
Six feet of sidewalk is *way* too narrow for learning to slide. But you can learn to slide perfectly well on a flat section of asphalt-- in fact, it's probably the best and safest way. Just kick up to speed and throw your slide! Flats are nice for learning because sliding can get a bit unpredictable while you're dialing in the technique.
On 10/14/1999
wrote in from
Big Islander: check out the links page of this site & go to the more "social" sites like skategeezer, longboard lounge etc. (not ones run by companies that are trying to sell boards)--a lot of them have good trick tips sections for longboards. If you want to check out short board tricks I like axoskate.com for text descriptions and b-house.com for videos of some basics. Good luck!
On 10/13/1999
Big Islander
wrote in from
oppsy, I meant big when i said but, my bad.
On 10/13/1999
Big island rider
wrote in from
I live on the big island of hawaii, plenty of sic places to ride me gravity hyper carve but there are mostly new-skooler's over here and I haven't heard of old skoolers or long boards so I wanted a but list of old skool and long board tricks so i can get good.
On 10/12/1999
wrote in from
Any one have any tips on doing a frontside and backside powerslides???????
On 10/12/1999
wrote in from
OK I bought a 44" S9 "Phoenix" and I'm learning to walk it and am trying to learn slides, etc. but it's flat here in downtown Denver so last night I ended up ollieing (been mis-spelling that word for 14 years) the thing onto curbs and I almost landed a pop-shoveit a couple times (I admit that looked goofy). C'mon; I bought this thing so's I'd have an alternative to shortboarding! SO: I need to get on top of the skills. My one hill to learn slides on (sans traffic) has a sidewalk MAYBE 6 feet wide--too tight for me to throw a proper slide. Can you guys do it in that space? It's a beautiful curvy sidewalk in a nice park, but should I forego beauty for the width of a parking garage? Any tips would be appreciated.
On 10/12/1999 herbn
wrote in from
it may cost 40 bucks to convert it, but then you just copy it vhs to vhs, and settle for a slightly lower level of quality.
On 10/12/1999
wrote in from
Hey Eggman, you know it costs $$ but do you know how much? To convert one vid into the US format, it costs 40 US $. I'm the first disgusted when I receive a ton of e-mail from US, Canada, Australia, England and they say they've not PAL or SECAM format. Soon, there will be clips on our site at the videopage www.multimania.com/peloucarve, the site of he sidewalk breizh surfing. In France, Root's and ride at Paris organizes videoevents with all the video on the market, professional and amator. They've 3h+ of vid non commercial. So buy an european magnetoscope or wait 2165. For waiting, Smooth carve and long slides.
On 10/8/1999 eggman
wrote in from
Carve n Slide.... You guys could make a lot more money if you converted the video to a format that we could view in the US. Yeah, i know it costs $$, but think of all the people that would buy it!
On 10/7/1999
wrote in from
To Mike in VT: a lot of the longboard sites in the links section have softer wheels. You can look on ebay; there's often old school wheels, but they're more than likely used & produced back in the day. I'm with you & thankful that I held on to some old Blockheads from the 80's (OK I'm not THAT old-school)--the grip & quiet ride is nice when I'm not on my super-trick shortboard. By the way, longboarding is kicking here in Denver--I saw a "gang" of 8 boarders cruising downtown @ 11 pm last night! So far I can't afford my own, but I have a larger shortboard with those softys & I do my best to carve it up...
On 10/5/1999
steve c
wrote in from
This is much easier backside than frontside, until you get it down.All tricks require some amount of speed..generally, about two pushes for practice.
Sharply turn by swinging both arms in the direction of the rotation, while at the same time, 'un-weighting' your body from the board. Keep your arms twisted so they don't stop the rotation at 180 degrees. It helps to turn your head toward where you want to be going. When you reach the front again, sink your body just a little bit...this allows the board to grab the surface and straighten out.
WALK-the-BOARD: (the only trick extra long boards are good for)
Again, two push speed for beginners. Start by standing more in the rear of your board in your usual stance. Cross your rear leg over the front and establish a solid stance with your legs crossed. Bring your front foot around from the rear and stand normally again, but with a short stance. Do the steps over again to the front of the board and reverse the whole thing, walking back to the starting position. Try doing this while turning on a bank for [bonus points].
...brought to you by the guy with a bunch of ideas, and good 'old school know-how...
On 10/5/1999 VT
wrote in from
Any good spots up in VT?
On 10/3/1999
wrote in from
Just started longboarding in NY. Not a real big sport out this way. Anybody out there know of any shops in the Albany area? Also, any good videos showing the Coleman slide?
On 10/2/1999 pat
wrote in from
hi from vt too
On 10/2/1999 Gabe
wrote in from
I just learned how to colman/power slide. Started on a 30" flexdex and now I am doing my 62" Tahoe without putting my hand down and without grabbing the board. You have to go really fast to do it, otherwise when you lean back you just fall off. Anyone have any tips for frontside slides? Peace Gabe
On 10/2/1999
wrote in from
I was hanging out with some friends today and I was showing them how to kickflip a 47". I was just messing around and I busted out a double kickflip and landed it perfect. Can anyone else do this? Peace Gabe
On 10/2/1999
wrote in from
hello from vermont! i thought i was the only one in the world thinking about down hill! maybe in vermont. i do it on my old school board, an old hosoi hamerhead w/ 215mm independent trucks and rasta ctr-63 wheels. this means i am over 30. anyway i did make a long board but could never figure out how to stop the thing. i can do a power slide on my 11 x 30 board. but how does one swing a 48" board around with out it spitting you forward on your face?
also where can i find old school wheels. the rasta ctr-63 wheels are really grip the road. or a good substitute.
On 10/2/1999
wrote in from
i cant get around for a 360 slide im riding a bareback prefomance with 76mm 78a weels any tips