Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Riding Techniques (3851 Posts)
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On 2/8/2000 jack wrote in from (209.179.nnn.nnn)

juast a quick question; what durometer of wheels sholud you have if you plan on sliding? Or is it more of a speed issue. How much can I slide my 78a Power paws. In my younger days we only thought you could slide something with say a 90-95 durometer, and at that hardness it doesn't seem like a good idea to go real fast

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On 2/8/2000 Reece wrote in from (209.137.nnn.nnn)

By better sk8er, i mean i can do more riding stuff, and slide my board alot better than he can but all he can really do is tricks and cruise in the middle of the street. so in that respect, im a lot better. Also, on the fun factor i go with lindsay, downhill is way cooler.

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On 2/7/2000 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Oh hell yeah, downhilling is way more exciting

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On 2/7/2000 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

Reece,Please define "better skater"!You can out slide this guy,he can kickflip.You have superior control of your stick AT SPEED,and he (yawn) Ollie.Yup,no doubt about it,he's got the slow stuff dialed.Just keep on shooting hills,cause that's what a longbord is for,and let your buddy work on the shortboard stuff.My vote is for you being the better skater!

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On 2/6/2000 Reece wrote in from (216.10.nnn.nnn)

I recently went to a friends house who had a longboard, and he could ollie about three feet in the air and do kickflips, etc. I pale in comparison to his trick skills, but am just as fast and have better control at high speeds. I also make his slides look like crap cpmpared to mine, yet he says hes a better skater... I want to learn to ollie like that, but i never seem to get over six inches in the air....... any suggestions, or should i just be content to be able to cruise and carve well?

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On 2/6/2000 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

I can now cruise, sit on my board then stand up again, it looks pretty silly.

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On 2/5/2000 @$%$#^%&*%^* wrote in from (192.239.nnn.nnn)

i am 210 pound and am looking for a great cruising/carving board. suggestions appreciated

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On 2/4/2000 Keith Johnson wrote in from (216.223.nnn.nnn)

Blazing Longboards is a surf vid but it has a very brief scene with Mike Myers riding a Topps longboard skate.
Check this out if you're interested: http://www.inch.com/~joso/dotcrawl/dcsurf/lngskate/advsoup/nosewrk.html
Here is a url to some pictures and explanation of one way I do a hang five nose wheelie. I think it's the easiest way to balance and it might be easier to learn first than the arching way. Although maybe not as cool. Also on this page is a trick I was working on last summer called the "nose sit". It's kind of like the foot brake we've been talking about here lately. Sorry about the absurdly long url.

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On 2/4/2000 eggman wrote in from (156.39.nnn.nnn)

Hey Keith.
What is the deal with the video you mentioned, "Blazing longboard"? Is that a surf vid or a skate longboard vid? If it is a skate vid, where did you get it? Thanks!

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On 2/4/2000 Keith Johnson wrote in from (216.223.nnn.nnn)

When I'm setting up a nose wheelie I try to make a balance like a see saw. Your balance point is the front wheels and there are weights in front and behind that counter balance. If you're arching, your stomach is the front weight and your shoulders are the back weight. If that makes sense. The more you arch the more even the weighting. An easier way to set it up is to bend your knees at the nose deeply so your knees and head stick out as front weight and your hips are the back weight. If your stretch your arms forward and back it makes a counter weight that helps. You can hang ten or hang five. On the Blazing Longboard tape Mike Myers does a nose wheelie where he's hunched forward, or piked, instead of arching. his toes are curled over in a hang ten and the board is balanced at a very high angle.

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On 2/3/2000 brian wrote in from (206.105.nnn.nnn)

when i need to slow down, or just feel like wearing down the wheels, i'll do a 180 slide (rail grab w/left hand, right hand on the ground) i can't seem to slide just 90 and i haven't had much chance to practice, damn the snow!

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On 2/3/2000 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

Sounds like a 180 powerslide, or powerslide to fakie

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On 2/3/2000 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Dunno Toddo, but when I pull one of those off I'm feeling

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On 2/2/2000 toddo wrote in from (206.17.nnn.nnn)

whats it called when you crank a 90 degree turn and slide sideways on all four wheels for a couple of metres before sliding another 90 and going backwards .... i know they feel sick, leave big red marks on the road and wear down my wheels alot but i'm not sure what to call them when i'm trying to describe them ...... the best way to slide is to go fast and throw all your weight around like a surfing gouge i reckon

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On 2/1/2000 Chris wrote in from (167.208.nnn.nnn)

Two things


For nose wheelies, try either not arching your back as much or not arching your back at all. I know that everything ever written on doing a nose wheelie says you need to arch your back, but if the board is going out from under you, you probably have your weight too far back. The key is finding a balance point. Arching your back looks way cool, but I wouldn't worry about it if it's throwing off your balance.

Wheeldirt and Herbn,

Wheeldirt, where do you draw the line is a good question. Personally, I don't see a problem with grabbing a rail in a race, anymore than I see a problem with foot dragging as a braking technique before a turn. Admittedly, certain techniques are going to favor certain riders on a certain course, but that's always going to be the case. As far as I'm concerned, as long as you primarily keep the bottom of your feet on the board, you're skating. If you're laying down, sitting, or kneeling on the board, you're doing something else.

Herbn, the main difference between street luge and butt board is the equipment. Competitive butt boarders race lying down, luge style. A street luge is a long metal frame with a seat, foot pegs, trucks and wheels, etc. mounted to it. A butt board is more or less a standard production-based skateboard. I think that the rules limit you to 48 inch length and 11 or 12 inch width and no extra trucks, foot pegs, etc.

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On 2/1/2000 Chris wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Hi. I'm having trouble doing a nose wheelie. I try to arch my back, but the board keeps flying backwards from under me. Does anybody have any tips? Thanks

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On 2/1/2000 Mars wrote in from (194.78.nnn.nnn)

I just want to point out to any of you that it's a good thing that your gloves really fit and stay on.
The other day I was in a slide, alot of weight on my hand/ sliding glove and all of a sudden I found myself sliding on my bare hand. It hurt like hell! Only because I was grabbing the rail with my other hand, I managed to stay on the board. Try explaining such an injury to your non-skating boss...
Next time I'll tape the glove to my wrist.

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On 1/31/2000 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

Its sort of simple really,if you laydown your a luger,if you sit your a buttboarder ,and your times get posted with all the other lugers and buttboarders if there are no others or there are no prizes for those catagories you raced for fun,nothing else.Rail grabing probabely shouldn't be a problem,while it feels agressive and more in control it probabely slows you down ,on a racing standard (tenths of a second)because its a less than optimal tuck.

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On 1/30/2000 wheeldirt wrote in from (208.202.nnn.nnn)

skateboarders on high speed runs should not be allowed to touch the board with anything but their feet, if you ask me. Putting anything on the board other than your feet and your not really skating anymore. Yes, short boarders and us too do "grab" but that's only when off the ground and we need to keep the board attached to us. High speed skating does not do this. What's to stop someone from sitting on the board? Laying on the board? Where would you draw the line?

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On 1/29/2000 brian wrote in from (206.105.nnn.nnn)


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On 1/29/2000 rob k wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

go to SOLIDSKATE.COM $25 each

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On 1/28/2000 %#@$&&^*%&^ wrote in from (192.239.nnn.nnn)

Tis isn't really a technique, but what is thicker 11-ply wood or 8-ply wood.

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On 1/28/2000 brian wrote in from (206.105.nnn.nnn)

where did u find rIIs for 25$ a piece? when i originally got mine, they were 20$ a piece but last i checked i thought it went up to fifty per one...maybe i read wrong and it was for a pair.

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On 1/28/2000 rob k wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

r-2's are usually about $25 or so

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On 1/28/2000 Fender wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I just got a Lib tech board and its not to good at carving. I wanted to find a pair of trucks that would enhance carving. I found the randal 2 carving trucks but I don't know how much they are. Did they come out yet, and if they did how much are they??

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