Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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On 9/2/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

Point #1: I do not like to see these political statements taking over the web site.

Point #2: I agree that Adam certainly does have the right to do this, I have the right not to like it.

Point #3: I believe that most of the hatred for the administration is misdirected frustration and anger at A) Losing the election B) Not being able to find "THE" terrorists responsible for 9/11

Point #4: If you impeach Bush, who becomes president? Is that a better choice?

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On 9/2/2006 Steve Collins wrote in from United States  (68.105.nnn.nnn)

Joe, make an educated guess ;)

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On 9/2/2006 Joe Iacovelli wrote in from (71.234.nnn.nnn)

I know Farid, Bara, Geezer, TO, 66.

Who is Old Timer?

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Old Timer...
On 9/2/2006 Geezer-X wrote in from United States  (68.239.nnn.nnn)

Oldtimer. To have had an opinion on the Kennedy administration would truly make you an oldtimer. I'm 47 and was about 3 when he was assasinated.

Who here is old enough. Did I draw you in the round of 8 in the B group at the Dixie cup last year?

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I'm a Whig party member
On 9/2/2006 bara wrote in from United States  (69.14.nnn.nnn)

Bringing this over from the slalom forum

shall we recess?
On 9/2/2006 oldtimer wrote in from United States (72.65.xxx.xxx)

uh, why not take this to the other thread?? As to not garble slalom with slamming?
I for one was dis-enchanted with JFK's camelot carryings on and didn't support him either! He was as crooked as they got(almost) And I suppose you support his views on Vietnam??

Better on this thread....i was too young during the escalation in Viet Nam to have a well grounded opinion on the matter....
as for slamming...

I'm trying to be civil...which includes stating that our opinions may not be the same but that doesnt mean one is more valid than the other.
On the other hand, you are acting intollerant of my opinion....and once again, suggested my reasoning was "stupid"....

Oldtimer, i said i would let it ride ....once, but now youre pushing it....

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On 9/2/2006 T.O. wrote in from United States  (12.148.nnn.nnn)

Two men with manners! Thanks for the read!

I give Adam alot of credit for using his liberty, and at some risk
of backlash....But he's using his liberties and THAT is the whole

Carry on.......Tod Oles

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wheel suggestion take 2
On 9/1/2006 fast skater wrote in from United States  (71.107.nnn.nnn)

"Don't listen to all of the posturing?" Lol! That's funny. The "winningest" angle is also laughable. Who cares? A wheel recommendation question was posted and I replied with what wheels have worked best for my longboards. I've tried your brand on slalom boards and they worked okay. But everyone has differing tastes and wants. He's asking about longboard wheels. I fail to view my post as "posturing." Lol.

Josh- you are free to pick and choose any wheel that you want. I suggest that you try a few varying wheels and make your decision based on what makes you happy and what performs best in your opinion. Because at the end of the day, it's all about having fun on your skateboard.

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re: wheel recommendations
On 9/1/2006 just as fast skater wrote in from United States  (4.246.nnn.nnn)

You can find equally (!!) good wheels at:


With all the same qualities as the other company but with the winningest record in skateboard racing. Nevertheless - all great wheels. Try them all and make your final decision. Don't listen to all the posturing. YOU will find what YOU will like best.

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On 9/1/2006 O.Timer wrote in from United States  (72.65.nnn.nnn)

No pissin' match at this point! I agree whole heartidly w/ your last post. And yes, where is Teddy when he's needed? Hopefully, overviewing the situation and guiding with wisdom and faith.
Good night good sir,

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On 9/1/2006 Farid wrote in from United States  (4.246.nnn.nnn)

"oldtimer", I don't agree on your assesments - but that is as far as I'm going to go. Like earlier written in one of my posts, it'll become a pissing match. Let's value the "Freedom Of Opinion" as Americans - Not American'ts.

But I do feel that the steady decline started in the late '60's and has just snow-balled. It's both parties faults, all the presidents, and the American people for let it happening. We need to look at our roots (our fore fathers) and ask, "What would they do?" I only ask this because our first leaders were wise, brave, fair, and consistent. Perfect? No. But they sure as hell laid out the ideals of a great way of life. But it has waned. Please not let them roll in their graves; we all can build a better life, a better America, and a better representation of the countries original ideals. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE! Believe.....

They (the current Presidents) all lack business smarts and family values; but they have a common thirst for power. All of them. It's borderline fanatical without temperance.

Where is Teddy Roosevelt when you need him?

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Answer to Farid
On 9/1/2006 oldtimer wrote in from United States  (72.65.nnn.nnn)

Farid, sorry for mispelling your name. In answer to your question, I thought Clinton should have never been put in office in the first place (obviously)
His lack of morals on business and family lent him to ridicule from the onset.
His antics in "whiewater" real estate venture, and uncurbed, unhealthy conduct in his personal affairs was an open door to ridicule and accusations. But as far as "impeachment" No No No, He made his bed,he should sleep in it, But run the country #1 for the remainder of his term. I honestly feel (and am aware from un-named, privledge info) Our country would be experiencing far worse circumstances and life loss on home soil if a lesser man were "in power" at this time! Or economy would differ none for the better in the most of important aspects. Let G.W do his job to the best of his ability, then let the people choose what and who they feel would serve best! Distraction to the task at hand only creates less productive and more destructive results

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Farrid's Faction
On 9/1/2006 oldtimer wrote in from United States  (72.65.nnn.nnn)

Good on ya'. I can't argue with several of your points. But I honestly feel that GW is doing as well as any other, given what has, and is dropped in his lap daily!To blame the state of this country on a given individual is far off the mark as can be. My personal opinion is that it started snowballing with the Clinton admin. But it existed even prior to that era. Sensible and logical solution resolve is going to be a timely endevour, and to suggest the proper course of action is to charge the man in charge for all the mess this country has found itself is merely an act of finger pointing/self centered un-educated action that is being implemented in an effort to cure a cancer that needs tending to but not curable by a simple operation!! It's spread too far and will take time.
Thanks for your support, and comfort in the thought that the men and women abroad appreciate all good things said.

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On 9/1/2006 Troy wrote in from United States  (24.185.nnn.nnn)

Under normal circumstances I would say that this is not the place for political discussion and opinion, however, this is just not normal.

The douchebag's got to go.

Here, here.

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On 9/1/2006 Farid wrote in from United States  (64.74.nnn.nnn)

One question "oldtimer".

In the Slalom Forum you said that impeachment is for "quiters".

Did you feel the same way when the Republicans and a segment of our population was trying to impeach President Clinton?

A non-partisan question from a non-partisan person. Thanks.

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On 9/1/2006 Farid wrote in from United States  (64.74.nnn.nnn)

I would like to add that I've always supported our troops because they are out there doing one of the toughest jobs in the world with the very reality of the ultimate sacrifice: their lives. They do it regardless off the political agenda of right or wrong. They are not to be blamed. They are all heros.

But I can, and do, blame the people who put our troops in harms way and the political machine that has their own best interest at hand.

Hooray for the troops!

Shame on the President!

I honor your sacrifice to this great country "oldtimer".

This "war" is still young enough that the troops contend to be motivated. It does seem, though, that they sing a vastly different tune when they get back home. I don't know if we will know the real truth for another ten years.

But the war is not the only reason I DO NOT agree on what Pres. Bush is doing. The list is vast and I'm concerned for the greater good of ALL our country. Do I know who would do a better job? No. I feel, unfortunatly, that most of our government is corrupt and self-serving - in BOTH parties.

Personally, I am all over the board politically. Which, in the end, makes me middle of the road. Neither party appeals to me because they are now reaching towards the extremes. Both parties battle against each other instead of fighting for you and me. That is what I'm worried about - I, we, don't matter anymore. I don't want to be owned. I want to be American.


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On 9/1/2006 Joe I wrote in from (71.234.nnn.nnn)

Way to walk the walk Adam

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Hope and Impeachment
On 9/1/2006 oldtimer wrote in from United States  (72.65.nnn.nnn)

Well said Farrid, my contention remains that the loss of hope preceeds impeachment! Bush has my hope to do what's right for the country and freedom as a whole Virtually every soldier I spoke w/ in my 3 tour total mid-east experience has supported that sentiment!! Easy for people to sit on there asses and judge from afar as to what is actually being accomplished. The big picture is at stake, And I'm not alone in having faith that we are proceeding on the right path. A high price? Yes, but most all things worth having are expensive and demand sacrifice of one thing or another. What have you, or anyone rallying impeachment sacrificed? vs. what you've maintained?? Long term fear and subjectism to what I've seen is a goal most can't conceive.
Not an attack on anyone's thoughts or beliefs mind you, just my view and commitment to this, the greatest country of all!

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On 9/1/2006 Farid wrote in from United States  (64.74.nnn.nnn)


I feel this is NOT a Republican/Democrat issue, rather it is an issue of upholding the values and ideals of our founding fathers. It is an issue of our own (and the Worlds) personal safety and growth. Let Democracy grow and flourish, don't let a selfish zealot tear apart hundreds of years of progress.


We need middle of the road, not extreme liberal or the extreme conservative - it caters to a few and not to the masses. Whatever happened to bi-partisan collabaration on bettering the country? Rather, it's become a pissing contest on one-upmanship with the true losers being the citizens of this country and the rest of the World.

Remember, the people are supposed to control the government - not the government controlling the people. WE ARE LOSING THIS RIGHT! It is imparitive that it DOES NOT disappear!

There is room in this country to allow everyone to have their freedom of beliefs w/o infringing on others. D-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y! It's what has made our country strong.

Also, the concept of "hope" had been lost; let us find it again.

Thanks Adam for taking a stand.


Farid A. Abraham

"Let Freedom Ring!"


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Geezer X
On 9/1/2006 oldtimer wrote in from United States  (72.65.nnn.nnn)

Damn Geez..all these years, I thought you were good at aligning and truing things!! I still think your tops when it comes to mechanical properties. But Your political outlook is warped and farther from true than a randal baseplate and hanger combo after being run over by a SEMI... To each his own I guess.
Only 1 man can do the job better..John McCain for pres.

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Right On!
On 9/1/2006 Geezer-X wrote in from (71.166.nnn.nnn)

As a proud card-carrying democrat and godless heathen who resides in the very town where this clueless bumbling right-wing bumpkin has taken up residence, I wish to offer my heartfelt appreciation for NCDSA's participation in the IMPEACH blackout!

Right On!

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On 9/1/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

thanks adam!!


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On 9/1/2006 CSW wrote in from United States  (24.8.nnn.nnn)

Adam, word!

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On 9/1/2006 Huitt wrote in from United States  (24.8.nnn.nnn)

Right on Adam! I can think of a few people that will not be happy about this but I think that it is time for more people to realize the damage this administration is doing to our democracy. All Americans, right or left, liberal or conservative, should be terrified by the all-out assualt on our Constitution and our freedom.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both"

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On 9/1/2006 66 wrote in from United States  (66.188.nnn.nnn)

ya know, i've been a thorn in the webmasters side for a couple of years now, but i gotta give him two thumbs up for the impeachment blackout

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Impeachment Black Out
On 9/1/2006 Adam wrote in from United States  (198.144.nnn.nnn)

From the webmaster..

Ncdsa.com is proud to be a participant in the 24-hour Impeachment Black Out. For the next 24-hours Ncdsa.com's Home page will be dedicated to this vital cause.

Here's why: 1, 2.

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