Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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On 1/20/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Jonny, I said your posts "appear anti-american". To many people on this site they will "appear" as such.
I want nothing more to do with this argument. I didnt start it, I was accused of being a protagonist, and I am happy to state that I don't see any place for politics on this forum. Arab has apoligised for his mix-up and I am willing to leave it at that.

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On 1/20/2003 jonnyx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

micheal my posts are not anti american they are anti fascist. i have been accused of anti semitism in the past for criticising israels policies, yet i have also been convicted and jailed for fighting with german nazi party members in the streets using bricks and bottles. if any others of you can say this then i will consider your point. if not............

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On 1/20/2003 jonnyx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

arab am i correct in anticipating that your use of the word "whiner" is a standard term of abuse you use for those who take issue with you? perhaps you could come up with some new, more descriptive terms, with a little creativity. you have not attempted to answer any criticism but instead merely deflect it. this is not an intelligent response. i repeat, YOU ARE RACIST SCUM

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On 1/20/2003 oil spoil wrote in from (195.194.nnn.nnn)

What vast supplies of oil does England have?

brady, the UK is in effect self sufficient in oil, but our crude is so fine that it has to be mixed with the 'rougher' stuff from the middle east. hence our dependency.

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On 1/20/2003 JONNYX wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

TO JOHN OSHEI, you sound like a real rabid angry little man. what is the problem? tiny penis?
watercress?< br>did you learn nothing from mccarthy?

"Your not fooling anybody with that, "is wasn't me" cop out. " - well hey guess what it wasnt him it was me. never thought id hear myself say this but it seems micheal deserves a real apology from you guys.

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On 1/20/2003 gavin wrote in from (195.194.nnn.nnn)

'This is America and this is an American site so keep your anti-western, left wing, tree hugging, anti-war, peace at all costs, line of crap to yourself.'

great cliche john, next you'll be telling us that if it wasn't for the good ole' USA we would'nt have won WW2! ; )

seriously though, if it was'nt for mike stride we would'nt have even half the stuff we can now get in the UK, especially the niche lines like turner, deathbox, bulldog, gravity et al (and where the hell would slalom be!). he's doing a great job of not only raising the profile of slalom/new old school over here but also putting in a stirling effort of tempting us to go even further into CC debt!

p.s. john, don't you know anything...? alfalfa is the cress of the new millenia!

pps. just had a thought, you're not still sore that Turner cones were available over here before you got em' in the US are you john?

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On 1/20/2003 jonnyx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

oh yeah law i am also involved in ploughshares.

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On 1/20/2003 Teresa Green wrote in from (209.234.nnn.nnn)

Too right Micheals a whinner. If I ran a business and was the subject of your insane and inane ramblings I'd whine too. You attack people who try to protect their business. And from what I can see he imports stuff from the US. You are being Anti-American by not supporting him and others like him. Don't you get it?

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On 1/20/2003 jonnyx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

hey micheal am i really you?
thats gotta hurt (us both)!!!!
hey LAW believe me I DO take part. just cos i respond to the racists on this site aggressively does not mean that i dont do so here in europe. as i explained to arab in our post 9-11 exchange of mails, i spent 3 months in prison in germany for fighting fascists and i would happily do it again.
do i like prison?
do i act on my beliefs?
hell yeah.

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On 1/20/2003 jonnyx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

woahhhh arab you are really tripping now
i am known as jonny x because my name is jon and, many years ago, i appeared indestructible to some freinds who named me after wolverine, logan , the x -men geddit?
arab, shortly after 9-11 you included me in a mail that you posted out to several users of this site. it contained, amongst other things, a racist tract by ted nugent including the line " nigger bitches squeezing crack babies out"you will remember this, as i responded to you and you replied that, (and this seems to be your usual), that i am a whiner and that you were going to - and i quote - "kick my ass". i immediately resaponded by offering to pay for your flights so that you could do just that. then you seemed to lose interest????? why??????
sorry arab but i am not a liar. sorry hughr to drag you into this but werent you also included in the circular??? hey im not implying involvement but i seem to remember you were on the list.
arab, here is a fact - you distributed racist literature
and here is another - we wont f#@!ing stand for it

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On 1/20/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Arab.
Thats spelt 'Winner'.

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On 1/20/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Arab.
Knowing your spelling, I think you meant 'Winner'.
The King of Smack

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On 1/20/2003 SSofS wrote in from (192.12.nnn.nnn)

John O Shei - good at slalom, but you sound like a f#@!ing idiot to me

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On 1/20/2003 Arab wrote in from (24.24.nnn.nnn)

Yes Michael I have apoligized here and on the slalom forum where you dragged your name looking for somebody to kiss your ass, and yes I always add something at the end, YOUR A WHINER!


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On 1/20/2003 Arab wrote in from (24.24.nnn.nnn)

Michael-Like I said it started on the Bulliten board and it ended on the bulliten board, you dragged your name all over this website looking for sympathy and whatever you could do to make sure everybody new that I was attacking you. Yeah I apologize but you are such a whiner.

JO-Good to see ya around, sorry if you got mixed up in Michael bringing this crap here. Talked to Chicken today and he said JPL is gonna be a blast, You goin? I'm just gettin back on board, come on down and ride with us,

Rich-Put JO on the honorary SSS list and let him know when we ride, he can even wear his FCR shirt and BLR thong.


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On 1/20/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

I have NO IDEA why people still talk about your e-mails.
And frankly I don't care.
You always have to end up apologising to me, but you always add a little bit on the end. Childish.

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On 1/20/2003 Arab wrote in from (24.24.nnn.nnn)

No need to go to the slalom forum, it started here and ended here, I have not sent email in a durogatory manor to anybody with the exception of you in over a year. Why would people start making these claims a year later? After 1 email to you?

jonnyx-I can see that you have very strong political views, as do I, I have no idea who you are, and if you think that I have equated your name (jonnyX) with a recent post here on NCDSA about Nazi Hate Groups that use an X to the right of their names and on other propaganda, You are wrong, I have not directed that at you. By the comments of yourself and others I can see that you like myself do not like such groups, Do I believe that there is hate groups out there that do this, Damn straight I do, because I have seen the litature. How do you think I feel having a nickname ARAB, or how do you think I feel because I'm of German decent that people equat that, as me being a Nazi, Well it happens all the time, Stereo typing is a form of hate.

Whatever beef you got with me, your sniffing up the wrong a$$hole pal, Whatever hatred you have for the US, Thats your problem not mine. I only hope that the US and its allys(your country being #1)stops Saddam and his Weapons of Mass Destruction before he hits your country or mine.

And as far as Bin Laden and Saddam goes, I watched a documentry from a British journalist who put Saddam and Bin Laden in the same bed, Did you see that on the BBC?

A quote from Cliffs post:
"The threat of nuclear terrorism is closing in upon us. Chemical terrorism is at hand, and biological terrorism is a future danger. None of our thousands of nuclear weapons can protect us from these threats. These idols of plutonium, titanium, and steel are impotent. Our worship of them for over five decades has not brought us security, only greater danger. No 'Star Wars' system ... no matter how technically advanced, no matter how many trillions of dollars was poured into it ... can protect us from even a single terrorist bomb.

Not one weapon in our vast arsenal can shield us from a nuclear weapon delivered in a sailboat or a Piper Cub or a suitcase or a Ryder rental truck. Not a penny of the 273 billion dollars a year we spend on so-called defense can actually defend us against a terrorist bomb. Nothing in our enormous military establishment can actually give us one whit of security. That is a military fact."

Every bit of that statement is true, No bomb will stop another bomb, But you know what will stop a bomb, Stopping the person who has their finger on it! and getting the bombs out of their control. If that means toppling Saddam and his regime, then so be it! Call me a NIMBY(not in my back yard) or yours, War is not a pretty thing, people die in wars, Your family and mine! If terrorist like Saddam and Bin Laden have it there way, you and I will have no family left because they hate you and I, and everything we stand for.


John Airey-good post, sorry it got pushed back.

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On 1/20/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Oh and John, I came 5th equal at Morro in the open class.
So much for not being able to make the course.

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On 1/20/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Thanks John.
Your right, I didnt like the course you set. After I whined at you I went and fell on my head on the second cone. No one to blame but me. Tell you what, I got up and tried again. I made it. I was proud of myself.

Arab HAS just apologised on the Bulletin board for getting me mixed up with the other people who post there. I just wish his apologies were as loud as his rants.

I'm not going to go to work today, I'm going to blow up a few Greenpeace boats.

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On 1/20/2003 John O'Shei wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone else wonder why all the English hate America. Micheal Stride, I for one am sick and fed up with all your whining on this site. You did nothing but whine about the event at Morro and you couldn't even skate the course. I guess it wasn't fast enough for you, or maybe you just resent having to turn more the six inches off the fall line. Everything Arab says about you is true. You are a snake wraped in a union jack. This is America and this is an American site so keep your anti-western, left wing, tree hugging, anti-war, peace at all costs, line of crap to yourself. Your not fooling anybody with that, "is wasn't me" cop out. I can see you and that hippie Communist Simon Levine out in the english countryside in an electric car eating watercress sandwiches with the crust trimmed off. Just like a couple of red spies. Your not fooling me or anybody else on this sight.

John O. (Human being)

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On 1/20/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Arab.
A simple apology on 'Slalom' will do.

As for why people think you send hate mail, well I really don't know. But I heard it from other people before you were banned, before I even met you. Your reputation goes before you.

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On 1/20/2003 Michael Stride, Octane Sport wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

I have just woken up to read this site and found that Arab is still attacking me on the Bulletin board. PLEASE will someone explain to him, by phone/fax or on the bulletin board) that I am not 'jonnyx'.
I am trying to make a living by selling skateboards. Arab is posting accusations about me that will make some of my suppliers wonder. Most will see these rants for what they are. Some MIGHT believe him. In any case I am sick to back teeth of this. I know this forum is not the right place to argue, but Arab has taken it upon himself to wage a disgusting hurtful campaign against me this forum is the most read one here.
I dont feel like working today, I wonder why I bother.

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On 1/20/2003 Arab wrote in from (24.24.nnn.nnn)

I just got back from there, before your last post, My Apologies to you, I have no idea who this guy is and why he has made the claims he has.

jonnyx is a LIAR, not you.

Still Michael I ask you, Why are people making claims all over this site that I'm sending hate mail, I have sent 1 letter to you, and now people are claiming all kinds of BS.


PS Like I said jonny, maybe Joe Kennedy was right.

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On 1/20/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Please put 'jonnyx' into the search box on this site. You will see posts going back to 2000. Thats BEFORE I even heard of this site.
You will also easily find out his real, full name.
Arab, you continue to make yourself look silly by attacking me, I thought we'd got over that. A simple apology will suffice.

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On 1/20/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Jonnyx is a well known downhill racer from England.
He happens to have the same IP number as me.
Please go to www.baddaskate.co.uk where you will find he is a moderator on that site. Contact him. Its as simple as that Arab.
It will be easy for the webmaster to tell you that the 6 remaing x's on my address are different from Jonny's OK?

Arab. I try to do business with people on this site. Your accusations could jeapordise tha friendly relationship I have with these people. I will not stand for it.

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