Bulletin Board (5868 Posts)
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no new forums
On 8/13/2005
wrote in from
United States
Brad, with all respect, I was just about to post the opposite. I believe NCDSA is suffering from an overload of micro-forums on every conceivable topic.
I've been away for a while, and what strikes me most forcefully upon returning is that there is so little active, lively, ongoing discussion -- EXCEPT in the Slalom and Speedboarding forums during the run-up and aftermath of a big event.
It's worth remembering the crucial role NCDSA played during the early stages of the current slalom revival, and also the broader role it has played in the whole longboard/oldschool/soulskating renaissance. All these things started percolating at a time when -- architecturally speaking -- this board was extremely simple. There were only a few forums (the most active of which was Decks), and the practical result was that everybody saw everything. When the slalom thing broke, everybody felt it -- it was like an explosion in a confined space -- and the flood of posts was unbelievable. That is a large part of what stoked the excitement.
Today, with the number of forums having multiplied, the discussion (and hence the stoke) is automatically diluted. The board architecture seems to encourage the community (which is not exactly vast to begin with) to fragment into single-topic interest groups. Interesting topics that may arise in an out-of-the-way forum are not likely to be noticed by many people. The board architecture is such that one can't click a "See all new posts" function and tell at a glance what's going on where. It's possible to look everywhere manually, but in practice I would think that most people have certain forums that they check regularly, which of course don't coincide with the forums checked by someone else -- with the result that NOBODY sees everything.
One practical result of this is that queries by newcomers often go unanswered -- even in Decks, the first click on the board. And a consequence of THAT, of course, is that newcomers don't get drawn in to the community so readily as before.
The logic of creating new forums is irresistible. Why shouldn't there be a "Longboarding" forum? Obviously longboarding is of interest to many, probably most visitors to NCDSA. But what exactly is going on in the Longboarding forum? Not a whole lot. Certainly nothing that really draws in a large proportion of the community, despite the irrefutable logic that there MUST be a Longboard forum, since so many of us are longboarders. This is even more true for something like Sidewalk Surfing -- a topic that most of us find appealing, yet there hasn't been a post there for more than two weeks.
I don't know how much of this amounts to pining for the good old days. But I do think it's a matter of some concern.
Contest Forum
On 8/10/2005
wrote in from
United States
I would like to offer the idea of a Contest Forum to go along with the Contest Calendar.
Currently anytime there is a race, the respective Forum is totally!!! inundated before during and after the event with Contest posts, so all other posts just get buried. It's great that there are so many posts of everybody thanking the same people for doing the same things, but for those of us not at the contests, the forums become unusable during contest periods.
Plus, its more logical to have a Contest Forum to accompany the Contest Calendar.
System upgrade successful!
On 8/9/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Ncdsa.com's server is now a state-of-the-art dual-P4 rackmount with 2GB RAM and a RAID array of four S-ATA disks. Woo hoo!
As with any massive system change, there will likely be some glitches, so please report them to me via email. I'd also be interested in getting reports on how long pages are taking to load.
Thanks to Ncdsa.com's generous advertisers for their support that made this significant purchase possible.
System upgrade tonight!
On 8/9/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Tonight at around 2300 PDT we will be cutting over from our old dual-p3 server to our new dual-p4. This involves a DNS change with our registrar as the new box has a new IP. Your ISP may take a few hours to reflect the change.
We will keep the old site running for a few days, albeit without the means to add new posts for those folks with slow ISPs (whose DNS servers will need to become aware of our new IP).
I'll be posting a temporary hard-coded URL for those unable to access the new server via http://www.ncdsa.com.
Banner advertisers, it will take me another day or so to move over your FTP accounts so please do any ad changes now, before 2300 PDT.
PREVIEW button
On 8/8/2005 Adam
wrote in from
United States
That's a good idea and long overdue. Trouble is, I have little time to be coding new features these days. Our BBS software is our own home-grown app, not phpBB, vBulletin, etc. Gives the site a special charm along with other very valuable anti-spam features. On the downside, it lacks the bells and whistles the commercial bbs packages offer.
Posting on NCDSA
On 8/8/2005 Michael
wrote in from
United States
Is there anyway to add a PREVIEW button to the posting, or an EDIT button. This will cut down on the number of people requesting that you remove posts, and cut back on bandwidth for re-posts, and of course for people making mistakes when it comes to posting pictures or links...
I know that PHPBB has these features, as do most modern PHP, Perl, Java powered forums....
I always feel like when I post on here, it's a do or die kinda thing.. I just hope that I got it right the first time, othwise I end up looking lame....
Does anyone else feel this way?
Forgot E-Mail
On 8/6/2005
Stevan L. Hemingway
wrote in from
United States
Gravityska ter@aol.com (Dont use filled with junk)
20240 Fairway Dr. 14 Alpine lane Bend OR, 97702 or Sunriver OR, 97707
Great site
On 8/6/2005 STevan L. Hemingway
wrote in from
United States
I came to this site looking to expand the next generation of skateing, but instead my friend chad tells me I am getting hate mail. Saying things like i need to study physics again. Well, useing Earth's gravity to stop at 8.6 meters a second, doing the most powerfull manipulation of the gyro effect on any man powerd ride got some really smart people at stanford university wanting to study this. So its safe to say I know more about the gyro effect than some worlds experts. I am dumping massive amounts of money in this sport cuz my cousin Matt Hemingway (Worlds record holder for the high jump, also took the silver medal for U.S. in this last olympics.) informed me about the brazilians trying to get gravitational skateboarding in the olympics. You know how many people i have ran into in America that know about mother natures brakes? 4 others in the country all of which I trained. So I really dont like when skaters that know about this site depromote me. Instead of doing that, E-Mail me and tell me your interested, that way i can start spending the money on you so that you can help me smash the brasilians.
New banner advertiser: SkateboardAuction.com
On 7/18/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Please help me welcome our newest banner advertiser, SkateboardAuction.com! See their banner ad on the Slalom forum.
SandiegoArea downhill clinic
On 7/18/2005
wrote in from
United States
An intro to downhill/slalom clinic is being offerred this August 27th, a Saturday, from 3:30 to 6:30p.m.. The cost is $40.00US and will include Gravityboard slide gloves and a light snack/drinks. The hill is located in LaCosta and I will give directions as the date approaches. All riders must have a ride to the hill and their own skateboard/longboard, protective gear; helmut, knee pads, elbows are optional. All riders will complete a Release Of Liability form and payments are cash only. Both will be due the day of the clinic. E-mail ASAP, since room is limited.
slalom forum
On 7/15/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Odd server problem Friday afternoon.. I reset it and applied a few updates and it looks to be working again. Hopefully it will hang on long enough for me to deploy the new dual-P4 server that's here awaiting installation.
slalom forum
On 7/15/2005
wrote in from
United States
I cant see this forum, am i banned or is this aome kind of error of the page?
Skating in Dreamland
On 7/15/2005
wrote in from
United States
Funny you should metion that, Chris. Just last night I had a dream that I was sessioning the Danny Way Great Wall Of China Mega-Ramp. Although I wasn't jumping the gap like Danny was. I was just cruising up to the lip and doing berts and stuff, doing grinds on the Great Wall of China. Then I ended up in some crowded 70's style skatepark with snakeruns and connected bowls, but it was way too crowded to skate. And, yeah, I never fall in my dreams.
Ever skate a ditch in your dreams, or is it mostly hills and bowls? I'm asking because 99% of my skating dreams are in bowls and parks and pools, never ditches or hills.
On 7/14/2005
wrote in from
United States
Hey, maybe this is a stupid question, but does anyone else have skateboarding dreams? I have them practically every night, and they vary somewhat. Sometimes I am just bombing hills with or without cones, and sometimes skating a park. naturally I can pull off any trick with ease, I never wipe out, no uncontrollable slides or anything.
What a trip.
gen_tab2.asp now obsolete
On 7/5/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Those who have bookmarked or linked to their favorite Ncdsa.com forum using the page gen_tab2.asp will need to update their URL. As of July 5, 2005 we are no longer supporting this URL. Please use our new style URLs, e.g. http://www.ncdsa.com/21/Slalom-Skateboarding.htm.
10098196 pageviews
On 6/30/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Wow.. 10-million pageviews! It took nearly 9 years but we made it! Thanks for everyone's support. New dual-P4 server arriving next week plus scheduled database upgrade should produce consistent 1-2 second pageload times by end of July.
Did anyone record "SK8" on NBC?
On 6/28/2005
David L. Lumpkins
wrote in from
United States
I am posting this thread for all of you just to find out if, by any chance, you or anyone else that you know may have been able to record the former Saturday morning NBC series "Skate" ("SK8") on a VHS tape when it aired three seasons ago. I am also in the process of looking for someone who was able to record all of the show's commercials, along with the ending credits at the end of every episode. "Skate" was a teen-oriented skateboarding series that was a part of NBC's "TNBC" lineup during the 2001-2002 television season. The show only lasted one season, with a total of 13 episodes filmed. The main cast included Christopher Jorgens, Adrienne Carter, Jorgito Vargas, Jr., and Blair Wingo.
If you did record this show, especially if you recorded all of the TV commercials and the ending credits, or if you know anyone else who did record this show (in particular anyone else who recorded the commercials and the ending credits), please send an e-mail back to me immediately. Be sure to include the total number of "Skate" episodes that you or your acquaintance recorded. My e-mail address is david_lumpkins@yahoo.com. My ultimate goal is to set up a tape-trade with anyone who recorded this show, regardless if the person recorded or did not record any of the show's commercials and/or ending credits. If you did not record any episodes of this show, please try to give me some additional online websites so I can continue to post this message for other people to see.
Thank you.
(Extremely important note: Over the past year, eight different people have e-mailed me saying that they did record NBC's "SK8" and yet all of them never stayed committed with me to work out the tape-trade exchange. One of those uncommitted tape-traders happened to be Adrienne Justine Carter - also known as A.J. Carter - who is one of the show's actual cast members! All eight people stopped e-mailing me halfway through my agreement for unknown reasons. Therefore, if you do reply back to me saying that you did record this show, I encourage everyone to be 100% dead-serious and totally committed in working out the tape exchange from start to finish. If you did record this show and you are not willing to seriously help me get episodes of this show, please DO NOT e-mail back to me at all. I need a serious tape-trader; no joking around. Also, if you recorded the Nickelodeon TV show "SK8-TV" from 1990, please take note that it is NOT the show that I am looking for! I am only looking for the NBC television show titled "SK8", which was on the NBC television network between October of 2001 and September of 2002. Many people in the past have gotten those two shows confused with each other.)
--- David L. Lumpkins
Server upgrade
On 6/13/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
New dual-P4 rackmount server is on order! Slow page loads will soon be a thing of the past. I'll be trying to slip in an upgrade to SQL Server at the same time.
Badlands SkateBoard Blue Ick Deck
On 6/8/2005
Mike Gallagher
wrote in from
United States
Deck top only.Ick deck Wood By Pool Tool by BADLANDS this is a BADLANDS BULLET for sale in EX shape I have photos to send the collector .Note: this is a Rare board and I have had it sence 1977 If you are a collector and are serious about skate history then E-me and I will send you the photos.Good luck
Snoop Dogg Signed Nirve Skateboard Deck
On 5/24/2005
wrote in from
[U][B][URL=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7158864864]CLICK HERE TO VIEW' target='_blank'>Click here for link[/B][/U]
[U][B][URL=http://www.quickshare.org]QuickShare.Org' target='_blank'>Click here for link [/B][/U]
Marshall Islands
On 5/23/2005
hugh r
wrote in from
United States
Any skaters living in the Marshall Islands? Kwajalein in paticular?
If so, shoot me an email... I have a small amount of earthen matierial that I would like to return to the islands... it was removed in 1962 and has recently come into my posession. If you are able to assist with this then please shoot me an email... thanks, HR
Skateboarding Research Study pays $200
On 5/18/2005
wrote in from
United States
All interested people for this study should contact Rob at rbrown@matrixresearchrecruiting.com
Skateboarding Research Study pays $200
On 5/18/2005
wrote in from
United States
Matrix Research (www.matrixresearchrecruiting.com) is conducting research interviews in the Los Angeles area this weekend that pays $200. We will be interviewing guys ages 18-24 who frequently participate in BMX biking or Skateboarding. This interview would be conducted with you and 2-3 of your friends at your home. Your friends will receive $150 for their participation. This interview will last approximately 1 and a half hours, and focus on your activity and your use of your camcorder to record your sport. After the interview, we will accompany you and your friends to your regular skate/bike area and observe and talk to you and your friends about your sport and the use of video cameras for another couple hours. Finally, we would like you to complete an assignment that takes place over a few days. In this assignment you will be asked to film yourself, your friends, and others in your skate/bike location. All research will be used for market research only and kept strictly confidential. Interested participants should answer the following questions when e-mailing the provided e-mail address. Thank you for your consideration.
1) What is your name and age? 2) What number can you best be reached? 3) In what city do you live? 4) Which of the following do you frequently participate and how often? Organized youth football Organized youth soccer Skate boarding (street, ramp, or freestyle) Downhill skiing Freestyle Snowboarding Aggressive In line skating (Street, ramp, or freestyle) Organized youth baseball BMX (street, ramp, or flatland)
5) How many days per week do you participate in each sport? 6) How many hours a week do you participate in each sport? 7) Have you participate in any local, amateur events for these sports? 8) How often is your activity filmed by either you or one of your friends? 9) If you own the videocamera, what type of camera do you use? 10) Would you be able to find 2-3 friends that are also avid players of your sport and would like to participate? 11) Would you be willing to participate in a market research interview at your home and a nearby place where you practice your sport?
System Maintenance Successful
On 5/7/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Firewall firmware upgrade was successful. Next stop: SQL Server.
System Maintenance Saturday, May 7
On 5/6/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
I'll be upgrading the firmware on Ncdsa's firewall this Saturday. Expect some down-time.
Also, since our back pages have become accessible by the search engines, load on our server has increased a ton, sometimes resulting in 30+ second page load times. The problem is our MS Access database which we have thoroughly outgrown.
I'll be working this month to upgrade from MS Access to the SQL Server database which is far more powerful and should deliver 2-second page loads with far higher user counts.