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I Need A Sponsor (skateboarding)
On 7/8/2006
Brent Chenoweth
wrote in from
United States
My name is Brent Chenoweth for the longest ive been looking for a sponsor so if there are any companies in need of a skater to sponsor contact me at sqadmadd@aol.com thanks much!
Mama Logan
On 5/24/2006
John Hughes
wrote in from
United States
I happen to be in the right place at the right time today and got to visit with my old buddy Bruce Logan. He told me that Mama Logan had been in a car crash last night and he was on his way to the hospital to see her. We skaters from the 1970 all know her and love her, So put out a prayer for her today. In her day she did so much for so many of us. Get well soon Mama Logan, Respectfully, John Hughes
Bots on NCDSA.com
On 5/8/2006
wrote in from
United States
Thanks WT, I hadn't realized the comment spammers had hit the ConCal. I'll have to add a Captcha there too. You wouldn't believe the volume of comment spam you're *not* seeing in the discussion forums due to our countermeasures.
Bots on NCDSA.com
On 5/8/2006 WT
wrote in from
United States
Anyone else noticed all the weird Bots who have invaded the contest sign up? I was looking at the La Costa sign up and see three that have invaded the website.
I have no clue how it's stopped, but wanted to mention it's happening.
back in cali...
On 4/26/2006 Tasos
wrote in from
United States
just wanted to say aloha to all that know me and to let you know that i have been in los angeles for a few months playing in a sick band and i invite anyone to check it out and i'll see you at the pool (or at zuma in da waves). peace and total stoke to all of you --- myspace.com/oceantribemusic
skate rock
On 4/21/2006 jonathan
wrote in from
United Kingdom
Hi Adam, thanks for the great service...
How about a music forum?
Black box trouble?
On 3/27/2006
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
If you have had trouble using the Ncdsa's new anti-spambot Black Box number, please relate your experience to me via email.
Site stat: 200,000th post
On 3/26/2006
wrote in from
United States
I just happened to glance at our top-of-page stats:
Since 1996: 5958079 visitors to ncdsa.com, 200002 posts.
Black box
On 3/26/2006
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
The Black Box number is working amazingly well. I'm thrilled. I know it's a slight hassle to have to enter the number with every post.. that's why I chose to use a short all-digits captcha as opposed to most sites that use 5 or 6-characted mixed number and letter captchas.
A little comment spam is still getting through, but I suspect this is from Asian web spam boiler rooms, i.e. people paid to do nothing but cut/paste spam into blogs and forums all day. Eww.. what a job.
Attack of the comment spam bots
On 3/24/2006
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
The comment spam bots have been hitting Ncdsa hard and heavy so I've just rolled out a Captcha check to make sure those posting are of the non-bot variety.
More on Captcha for those who are interested.
RollerRapper = GAY
On 3/8/2006 Rob
wrote in from
We have said that slalom is Gay, but after looking at that site, slalom is safe.
I cannot believe that there is even a market for that kind of s**@t!!!!!
If that is popular somewhere, then God help us all
Just my 2 cents
On 3/1/2006
robby Love
wrote in from
United States
roller rapper
On 3/1/2006 robby Love
wrote in from
United States
please check out rollerrapper to learn about a really cool skating tour that will take place summer of 2006
evo or vanguard
On 3/1/2006
wrote in from
United States
loaded vangaurd or lanyachtz's evo with randall 180's on both, i want to know what someone would rather own for cruising purposes. yes downhill and yescarving and such i know, but which would you rather cruise with, the loaded vanguard flex 2 or landyachtz's evo
On 2/25/2006 R. BYRON
wrote in from
United States
I would like to know where I can take my son for skateboarding lessons in the fremont, calif and san jose, calif area/
At long last.. post EDITING!
On 2/21/2006
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Effective immediately, members with browser cookies not disabled will see an Edit Post button in the Post Rating window of new posts. The new button remains active for 60-minutes after the initial post was made, and only on the computer that made the post.
Old Skateboarder Magazine Font
On 2/19/2006
wrote in from
Hey all I've been doing some searching with no luck. Anyone know of a font that is a close representation of the 70's Skateboarder Magazine title font. Stay cool Mark Aus
Database maintenance today.. OUCH!
On 2/17/2006
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Our database maintenance didn't go quite to plan. While we're back online after a 5-hour downtime, the database is in a possibly unstable state. I'm attempting to stabilize a copy of this database offline, and if that works, I'll replace this database with the clean one, adding in the newest posts, of course.
Database maintenance today
On 2/17/2006
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
I'll be doing some archiving of our visitor logs today so you may see some short downtime. Page load performance should be better once the smaller database comes back online.
On 2/9/2006
wrote in from
United States
yo my skate team is gettin pretty good although our little video sucks......go to myspace.com/refan124 then they are the third person on that persons top 8 and i am the refan124 dude thats also my aim if u wna chat
Dude this kid rocks!
On 1/31/2006 Travis
wrote in from
United States
check this kid out he skates and is totally awesome!
On 1/21/2006 Google
wrote in from
United States
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
crazy kids
On 1/9/2006 suzan n.
wrote in from
United States
Hey kids!! What are you doing skating on my roof in Standish Maine!!! I can't leave the house without some wild skateboard stunts going on!! Love the videos but I am mortified!!
On 12/20/2005
wrote in from
United States
I presently run skateboarding clubs at two middle schools in the Boulder, CO area. The programs are free for the kids. We skate before and after school on school grounds, using some small launch ramps and rails that were previously donated. The clubs are a partnership between the school and the YMCA of Boulder Valley, my employer. I want to teach these kids to ride tranny! I would like to build a small quarterpipe/ bank ramp set-up that can be used seperately, side by side or together as an launch-to-bank set-up. It would be stored at the school and maintained by club-members. I have a quote from a good friend/master ramp builder. Since the program is provided to the youth at no charge, there is very little budget for these obstacles. Maybe you would like to help? Ric Widenor
it was 9 years ago....
On 12/20/2005
Michael Brooke
wrote in from
Adam put forth the NCDSA.
Skateboarding changed and continues to change because of Adam's dedication.
On behalf of the entire skate community, THANK YOU ADAM & HAPPY 9th birthday!
best wishes Michael