Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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On 11/16/1999 Chris wrote in from (167.208.nnn.nnn)


You might want to start with the Westwood Ski and Sports Club. They hold slalom races out at West LA College. One of the guys Scott Peer is real into both inline slalom and downhill. He might be a good person to start with for the inline scene. I hope this helps.



P.S. If you're going in the high 40s, you probably don't want to be in too much of a hurry to get that crashing story. Good luck.

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On 11/16/1999 Matt wrote in from (207.252.nnn.nnn)

Mike: Get a skateboard. They are much more fun. Check out Pioneers surf shop rt1a in Hampton NH for boards.

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On 11/16/1999 mike kelleher wrote in from (209.222.nnn.nnn)

to whom it may concern, I am a 27 year old inline skater from Kennebunk Maine. I've been skating about three years and have allways liked going realy fast but recently started looking for the steepest hills possible. I was in Gilford Newhampshire a while ago when a friend clocked me at about 47 mph (he was in a car behind me). I didn't crash but got it on film just in case. the reason i'm writing this because i've been looking for some speed records or other people who do this type of thing. I cant find this info anywhere. please help me and i'm sure i'll have a good crash story for you pretty soon. thanks.

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On 11/15/1999 Na*na wrote in from (205.139.nnn.nnn)

so i just started riding my roommates' skateboard to work and cruisin' around the street on it and HOLY MOLY! it's the funnest thing ever.
i want a longboard of my own, but i don't know much about how to go about picking the kind of board that i'm looking for that suits me. basically, i want a longboard that rides really smoothe. advice would be much appreciated. please email me

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On 11/15/1999 Michael Gordon wrote in from (160.79.nnn.nnn)

Hello, my name is Michael Gordon and I am writing to describe our unique sports network. We have been asked by The College Television Network to pitch a show dealing with highlights and news from the alternative sports world. I am new to this company but I come from the alternative sports world. I have been working for MTV,ESPN and ABC, as a DV cameraman and production assistant. I have developed a realationship with a lot of the athletes, as well as people like Matt Hoffman, Sal Masakela and Chris Miller. I want to bring a new look to the company I work for, but I need your help. If you have any great footage that would make my presentation stronger I would appreciate it. If the show is greenlighted, then im sure I will be able to give each alternative sport the respect it deserves.

The Programming Group, LTD. is the exclusive provider of closed circuit, in-store television programming designed especially for sports specialty retailers. Since 1993, our network has been available to the active sports consumers that are shopping in our more than 1,110 stores. Our network presently includes Champs Sports, Going To The Game and The Athlete’s Foot. We are represented in all 50 states reaching more than 12 million sports enthusiasts every month.

A presence on our network is a terrific means for Skateboarding to gain exposure and directly target the sports consumer. Our goal is to show the best in sports – the highlights, the history and the human spirit. We’ll cover it all – professional, amateur collegiate and scholastic sports as well as sports related entertainment. Our programming up holds the highest principles of broadcasting, promotes individual and groups athletic achievement and encourages the betterment of young people today.

I can be reached at (212) 206.6447 if you have any further questions.


Michael Gordon
The In-Store Sports Network

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On 11/13/1999 Daz wrote in from (203.109.nnn.nnn)

Just reminding everyone about the Cruise the Planet Webring. Its been going for about a year or so now with 15 members to date. If you have a longboarding related website no matter how big or small visit: http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~daz/webring/
Here you will find all the information you need about the webring and how to join it, and if you have any questions don't hesitate to e-mail me.

Happy Cruisin'

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On 11/12/1999 skategeezer wrote in from (209.20.nnn.nnn)

Hi Again

The online version will be up in a day or so-we are just fixing the PDF files. Sorry for the delay
Also, print version has been sent out today and will arrive just as fast the mailman can go (perhaps the US postal service would benefit from a longboards?

As for page 2...well, you'll just have to check it out for yourself!

Look for the mag in skateshops and surf shops by the end of next week


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On 11/11/1999 Newbie Boarder wrote in from (63.70.nnn.nnn)

I loved the online version of Int. Longboarder Mag here on NCDSA. I've already subscribed on the 1st issue, but still haven't gotten any in the mail. :(

Oooh, and I LOVE the second page especially. Damn, I wish there were more female riders in Denver....and looked like the female riders in Cali. *DROOL*

Keep carving.....

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On 11/11/1999 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (209.162.nnn.nnn)

If you are cited for skating, here is a tip. Don't argue with the cop!!!!!!! Take your case to court and argue it there. If you behave badly when the cop cites you it will only hurt your case. There is a time and a place for everything.

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On 11/11/1999 Don wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

SF Bay Area ATB Demo Day, Mission Peak, Fremont CA. Many different all-terrain boards will be available to test ride. Saturday 11/13/99 10:00 AM. Maps and more info at www.dirtheads.com . Also , street skaters aren't the only ones being harrassed by the law. 2 weeks ago I got my first ticket for off-road skateboarding ( also posted on website ). Fight for your right to ride! Don

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On 11/11/1999 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (209.162.nnn.nnn)

Regarding "a skateboard must be licensed". Laws regarding skateboarding change from state to state and from community to community. In the state of California, any human powered vechicle other than a bicycle is considered a PEDESTRIAN. IMPORTANT!, there are some legal technicalities that I haven't pursued in court. Until I get kicked out, I don't want to jeopardize what we have in our area by going to court and possibly seeing a change in the law banning skateboards.

Points of interest: In California

1. There is no speed limit for a pedestrian.
2. Pedestrians are not required to stop at stop signs.
3. Pedestrians do not require a license.
4. Pedestrians are required to stay on the sidewalk or
in the cross-walk if crossing the street. If there
is no sidewalk a pedrestrian is required to travel
on the furthest left hand side of the road facing the
oncoming traffic.

What does all of this mean?

It means these issues haven't been addressed in a court of law.

1. The dictionary considers a pedestrian as an individual traveling on foot.

2. Don't run stop signs just because of a technicality!!! It's your life.

3. Don't expect to win in court because of these technicalities. If the court researches the law, they will cite you as a Jaywalker.

4. In California, the state allows each community to enact whatever laws they deem necessary regarding the Skateboard and Rollerskate/In-line skate issue.

5. The writers of the law never thought of pedestrians other than true foot pedestrians when they wrote the law regarding pedestrians in the roadway.


1. Most law enforcement agencies don't want skaters of any kind on the sidewalk. It is hazardous for the rest of the true pedestrian traffic. The irony is that as the law stands now you are required to ride on the sidewalk as a pedestrian.

2. If a Skateboarder or Rollerskater/In-line skater happened to be on a road without a sidewalk the law would require the rider to skate on the side of the on-coming traffic. THIS IS WHERE THE LAW IS NEGLIGENT AS IT NOW STANDS! Bicyclists faced the same laws until they were incorporated into the vechicle code. Bicyclists are no longer considered pedestrians. The law was changed for them to eliminate the obvious problems of riding against on-coming traffic. Now Bicyclists must obide by the rules of the vechicle code.

To finish, the Fourteenth Amendment gaurantees equal protection under the law. Skaters are citizens and should also be protected under the Constitution! This means that if you can demonstrate your ability to skate responsibly, following common sense rules of the road, then you too should be able to have access to the road. If we do gain legal access to the road, the law should be changed to allow us to ride with the flow of traffic and not against it. The physics of a head-on crash make it common sense to realize the law for skating pedestrians is dangerously negligent. If we ever see a change in this law, then prepare to follow the vechicle code and to be held accountable if you don't.

Cliff Coleman

P.S. Thankyou "Nike" for your ad that says it all,

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On 11/11/1999 PreSchoolRider/Legalize It! wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Herbn,you bring an interesting point up.I've found that it's a tough sell to organize a road closure in any area.But it can be done.First off,find the road/hill you think will work.It should be lightly travelled,well kept up or newly tarred,and hopefully have an available detour route nearby.Plan it out before you go asking about it.Then talk to the residents of that road,and see how they feel about the use of "their" road.Next,go to town hall,with those opinions,your timetable,a list of participents,and a list of sponsors,if any.Make it a well planned "event".Get local shops into it.Get the Recreation Dept. in on it.Hell,bring in a charity,sell tickets for spectators,put up Lemonade+Hotdog vendors,Whatever will make it "socially acceptable"to the bureaucrats in charge.Make one point,though.We are involved in a Legitimate Sport.Granted,an individuallistic one,but a sport nonetheless.We're NOT asking for a new Ballfield/Ballcourt/Swimming pool,just a piece of road for a few hours.If an area can host a foot race,or bicycle race,or soapbox derby,they can host us.Don't let "The Man" treat you like an outlaw for skating without the comparisions I listed above being brought out into public eye.I skate.I am not a third class citizen because of it.

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On 11/11/1999 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

It just sounds so farfetched that legal street luge practice would ever happen,perhaps its just the cynical New Yorker attitude in me. I guess a big luge group with the support of a self-insured nonprofit group like the boyscouts could pull off organized luge practices. Around here we havn't even got public skate areas, so the luge thing seems pretty unreal to me.

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On 11/11/1999 skategeezer wrote in from (216.13.nnn.nnn)

Hello Everyone!
international longboarder is off the press and heading to California as I type this. From here, it will be sent out to shops around the world.

My thanks to all who contribute to making the mag a success. Download the pdf files to see what we've cooked up this time...

Please note: we need scene reports! send me yours today!
Make it 250 words or so and tell us what is happening in your neck of the woods.

Cheers and thanks


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On 11/11/1999 Gravity Racers Association RACE EVENT!!! wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Check out "Event" on this website for details on NOV. 21st 1999 Slalom skateboard and Longboards event!!!

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On 11/11/1999 DT wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

By the way, a skateboard must be "licensed" to ride on the street .and i'm not talking about a license like a drivers license or an auto license. The Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) has certain requirements for a vehicle to be street legal that the maufacturors (<--did i spell that right?) must meet. Example...a bicycle is sold with reflectors and brakes, thus making it "safe" to ride on the road. Thats where permits and organizations come in. A permit from the city allows a group of people more commonly an organization that has met there guidelines (insurance, safety, police, crowd control, permission from residents, etc.) to use a city street/highway for an activity. It is very time consuming, but for now the only LEGAL way to skate/luge. Of course someone is going to have to practice for these races.

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On 11/11/1999 DT wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

Jake Kaplan,
Read my Previous Post VERY Carefully, I never once said that YOU are a Sell Out!

Since money is an issue for you, than let me tell you a little about myself since we are both in the same boat, hopefully you can learn from my experiences.

Growing up in California, my family was quite POOR. My mom worked as a teacher for a private school and sometimes as a maid, my dad couldnt hold a job for alomst 7 years making little money, we got our food from a local church who handed out random boxes of donated food. I was blessed enough to get a good education at the school that my mom worked at. I competed and did well in sports all through high school but had never surfed or skated...finally my senior year i started bodyboarding and i was hooked. It became an addiction, my senior year i dreamed about moving to Hawaii to surf the north shore. That spring/summer i worked 60 hour work weeks and saved my money. I went on a surf trip to Cabo San Lucas for Pit bodyboarding Magazine than moved to Oahu's North Shore. I decided if i'm going to live in hawaii it better be near the beach, i lived 30 ft from Pipeline. Last June i started skating in hawaii, i also dreamed of becoming a fireman, i now am living in California attending Rancho Santiago the best fire school/academy in the nation. I am now 20, i work 3 jobs (costco, radio shack, and at a restaurant), i'm taking hard classes (i'm also top of my class), and i still skate everynight. I am saving my money for leathers and plan to compete with EDI next year. The point to my story.... IF YOU HAVE A DREAM THAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Dont whine about the cards you were delt. (i would have loved having been born with a silverspoon, having my father work for a major TV network, and have my own company)

In fact, Jake, send me an e-mail and i'll give you my phone number. If you would like, i can help you with setting up a resume and other ideas on how to obtain sponsors,product, jobs, and in the long run your dreams.

David Thompson better known to my friends + this website as

skate2night@hotmail.c om

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On 11/10/1999 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

How would being sponcered or having "an organization" help you practice your sport without police harassment".You think a big luge company is gonna put you up at their luxurious mountain training grounds where you and their other equally gifted young lugers can practice your art without the hassles of police harresment.

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On 11/9/1999 Kurt wrote in from (63.13.nnn.nnn)

JAKE! Looks like those guys didn't mind throwing you under a bus! Can't say I didn't see it coming. You got out there and said what you had to say. I'm still thinking about how bad you got slamed. You got more coverage than the gravity games! Anyway, If you want a sponsor, I can't help you. If you want to win your next race, provided you can stay on the board and not end up looking like a dead deer on rt. 287 north and your parents lawers kicking in my door and spraying me with mace, call me.

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On 11/9/1999 Tyler wrote in from (151.197.nnn.nnn)

I'm pissed now. I get stopped like 3 times a month by cops but today has pushed me over the edge. I was skating in town and saw my friend in his car. So he yelled to me to meet him at the stop light down the street. So I was going kinda fast to get there so when I got there I put my hands on the back of his car to slow me down. His car was stopped. So I yell something up to him but he told me to go fast because there was a cop behind me. So I took off and then went down a different road when I turned around and saw a cop car behind me. The cop started honking his horn and told me to "pull of to the side of the road" So I pull off and they put their window down, and in a pretty thick redneck accent they tell me "Boy, I been seein' you every day after school lets out on dat der board. Goin' in and out of da' traffic and up on dem' sidewalks" I was like "yea.....that's probably me" So then, they told me to hop in the back. I guess they thought I was packing heat or something. So I hopped into the back of his big Crown Victoria and off we go. He informed that I was "hitching a ride" on my friend's car. I wasn't aware of this. I told him I was just talking to my friend Andy and he said "Belive me boy, I know your friend Andy and his little buddy Anton in the back too" I was like "great" and then he told me that he was my friend also. I wasn't really aware of that either. Then they pull up to my house and my mom sees me getting out of a cop car. This is just after I switched from private school to public school too. So the cop takes me inside and starts to tell my mom that I was being pulled around by my friend's car and I said that I wasn't I was just talking to him. Then he said "Well, you were about to be" I guess he knew what was going to happen or something. I could tell my mom didn't believe this guy because he was stuttering the whole time and couldn't even keep his story straight. I don't even know if he had the right to pull me over, let alone take me home in the back of his cop car. Now I guess I have to sit inside and do what normal high school kids do after school, smoke weed and drink beer. Hmmm...That sounds like alot of fun. Maybe I'll write to my congressmen or something. I really wish I had my video camera for this.

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On 11/9/1999 Jake wrote in from (209.253.nnn.nnn)

Yo .... The Reason I need A Sponsorship, Is Not to Gain Fame
Or any of that Bull Shit. This Sport is Very Expensive,
And the Only thing that Holding me up is the Money issue.
Money Envoled in any Sport Just Fuck ups all the injoyment in any Sport
Personally I hate Money....But hay What Can I do . Honesly
I aint the Kinda person you claim I am. Street Luge is an Outlaw sport..
They dont have an Street Luge Park like skateparks. Ive already tried
going out for fun, And geuss what I Had a little talk With
the Cops, They said If they Found me rider on the Street Without a Permit of some
sort They would arrest me. That Why I have to Have an Organization to ride with,
And those Oranizations Dont Come Cheap.....Either my Equipment.......So Dont be Shittin Me About Me Being an Sell OUT
Well I appericate your Honesty. I wish theres was no need for sponsors,
Well Thanks A lot

Peace 2 all that understand & dont

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On 11/9/1999 DT wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

Heres a link, for dealing with cops. I found it informative.


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On 11/9/1999 DT wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

My def. of a sell out:

someone who no longer rides for fun, but rides for the money, fame, and image that comes with selling out. examples: are those who only skate/streetluge/surf/bowl/etc. when there are cameras around, money to win, and people to impress.

there is nothing wrong with contests, money, pictures, etc. but dont let them "own" you.

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On 11/9/1999 D.T. wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

Jake (SPONSOR SLUT) Kaplan,

If you are indeed a professional, than act in a professional manner. Don't expect to gain any sponsors by simply posting a "plea" on a bulletin board. Put together a "professional" resume, work your butt off by going to them, and maybe you'll get a few. In fact, if what you say about yourself is true, than you shouldn't have any problems. But, dont expect any "free rides" since your only 15 and have minimal coverage, if any at all. Check out the current issue of X Core magazine, they have an article on getting sponsored.

More importantly, dont ride to be sposored, ride to have fun. No one likes a sell out.

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On 11/8/1999 mfiht wrote in from (203.109.nnn.nnn)

Oh Tyler, why are you so critical of Jakes situation of wanting to be sponsored? Are you jealous? Its ok, but don't put other people down, its doesn't suit the "soul". You don't know his situation, he wants to be sponsored and so hes trying to get sponsorship.

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