Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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On 1/17/2000 Simon Gunning wrote in from (194.72.nnn.nnn)

I am the Guy who broke the record for stand up that john hutson held
for 12 years

this was for GBR

55.46 mph

then roger hickey broke my record

all the best , great site

Simon Gunning

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On 1/17/2000 waver wrote in from (195.204.nnn.nnn)

This is not a snowboarding page!

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On 1/16/2000 freak wrote in from (212.151.nnn.nnn)

mr kid
I should go whit a big and stiff ride board, they make great board´s. at least litle shorter than the one you want 165) and try emery step-in system to, just make sure it´s this year´s modell, last year´s stunk...

what does everyone think of a longboard made of ply and carbon in a neat blend? good idea? I have a whole bunch of carbonfiber(?) sheets(?) lying(?) around.
exuse my spelling, I know it stink´s.

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On 1/16/2000 namon wrote in from (209.209.nnn.nnn)

Mr. Kid,

You gave some examples of boards that you have heard of

lib tech, never summer, ride, burton, winterstick, glissade

There are some good companies in there. In fact, they all make good boards. The type of board that you are looking for would be found more in the Burton and Winterstick companies seeing as the other ones try to be a tad more freestyle. If you are looking at large boards, I would suggest the supermodel from burton and most of the Winterstick lines. These would be run on soft boots, as most people prefer. But if you are looking for real carving boards, I would sugest that you run hard boot. Try Burtons freecarve boards, and look into a company entiteled "Hot"
They make great carving boards. Wintersticks can be run hard boot, but if you run a winterstick hard boot, then try the swallowtail, which is backcountry powder board more then a freecarve board. There are people on this board with alot more information and experiance when it comes to hard plae bindings, so I will let them answer with thier experties. But if you are looking into a soft boot board set up, then by all means look the Burton supermodel, or the Johan sig. model. If you want super control, but still have the soft boot, then take a look into the Burton freecarve binding. Its a three strap binding, that is going to give you the most soft boot control. They stop making it this year, but you can still find people that are willing to sell thier's. Hope this helped a little. Email me if you want a little more information.

bomb hills
not people

P.S. the links for those are
http://www.burton.com (Burton)
http://www.wintersticksnowboards.com (winterstick)
http://www.mervin.com (lib tech)
http://www.ridesnowboards.com (ride)
http://www.neversummer.com (never summer)
You might have these allready, but just in case you dont, here you go.
Oh ya, I have never heard of glissade so I looked around, and I only found that they sell ski and board bags but if you want the link then http://www.glissade.com is where you want to go.

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On 1/15/2000 Adam wrote in from (63.192.nnn.nnn)

Mr. kid,

Check out www.freecarve.com for alpine carving info.

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On 1/15/2000 the kid wrote in from (134.39.nnn.nnn)

sorry about this - hope y'all don't mind a snowboard question -

what's the best long (168 cm or bigger) board? i want something really, really fast that's good for bombing the steeps and carving the groomers. i've heard good things about lib tech, never summer, ride, burton, winterstick, glissade. any advice would be much appreciated.

i love my tahoe tallac. i want something that rides similar.

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On 1/15/2000 Chuck Killaride wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

"Downhill skating" is kind of derogatory,don't you think? I prefer the more PC term "Gravitationally enhanced", or even the more PC phrase,"suicidal menace to society".

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On 1/14/2000 Skategeezer wrote in from (216.13.nnn.nnn)


Hello all...some great news here in Toronto. I have just secured distribution for International Longboarder in the UK. Mags will also see the light of day in Europe. So, be prepared people in the UK, your local longboard shop will have our Winter/Spring 2000 issue in mid to late February.

More news coming soon. First North America, then Europe...can the land of Oz be that far behind...

Our thanks to all of our supporters and contributors. We need your scene reports for issue #4 (due out in May!)


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On 1/13/2000 HOMEMADE wrote in from (209.253.nnn.nnn)


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On 1/13/2000 Marcelo Martins wrote in from (32.94.nnn.nnn)

Hi everyone,

I want to invite them they visit it OUR site dedicated to DownHill Longboard in Brazil and in the World. The content of the site is in the Portuguese language, being worth a checked in the gallery of photos.



Marcelo Martins.

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On 1/13/2000 HUMBLE FUZZ wrote in from (193.62.nnn.nnn)

Appologies DT and ADAM...

So, any offers for my body then? I was trying to sell it in the for sale section... any offers?
Good mileage, regular servicing...

Yours taking the pissingly...

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On 1/13/2000 albert munoz wrote in from (163.118.nnn.nnn)

i ve been looking for someone to make me a kneeboard skateboard , if you are unfamiliar witht he term, its a skateboard designed to be ridden on your knees, it is about 22" wide and about 45" long, i recently started riding them in skate parks and now need something with a kick in the tail to help with drop in vert skating.
any help would be greatly appreciated
thank you very much
albert munoz

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On 1/12/2000 Adam wrote in from (63.192.nnn.nnn)

DT didn't wipe them, I did. They were removed because they did not pertain to the forum they were placed in. Off-topic posts are best placed in our more general forums like this one or the Guest Book where almost anything goes as long as it conforms to the User Agreement.

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On 1/12/2000 ANGRY FUZZ!!! wrote in from (193.62.nnn.nnn)

Are my messages considered so offensive that you wipe 'em off? I didn't realise this was a facist dictatorship!
I understand that users of all ages are viewing this site, but is the words bum, arse and shit considered swear words?
(ooh you naughty boy!, smack your wrists fuzzy!)
Is slightly suggestive language deemed innappropriate? (re:unbuttoning my trousers to show off my road rash...road rod, hahahaha! mate, I'm sorry, I couldn't resist that one, it's just a bit of a laugh!)
Listen, I'll be humble and cringeworthy and try not to curse like the foul-mouthed naughty little boy I am... but DT, you gotta lighten up mate, chill, we all know the rules... have I really over stepped the mark that much?
Or are my comments deemed as being irrelevant and therefor likely to be erased?
Me, irrelevant?

Damn pesky wabbits!!
(bang bang)
gotchya...yuk yuk!

Yours humbly, appologetically, cringeworthingly...

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On 1/11/2000 The Skategeezer wrote in from (216.13.nnn.nnn)

International Longboarder Magazine

Hi everyone;

hope all is well with you. here in toronto, we've been very busy working on the third issue of the magazine. I am happy to report that this issue is now at 32 pages. Thanks to the overwhelming support from the industry, we are able to provide this magazine at no charge to shops around the world. I urge you to support the advertisers, without them, there would be no magazine.

I know a number of you have asked about trial issues. We are implementing a new strategy of dealing with this...So, if you want a trial issue, visit the skategeezer web site and follow the directions.

I will heading off to the ASR show next month and look forward to reporting on what takes place. There are a ton of new products hitting the market and things are certainly heating up around the world.

Best wishes to all!


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On 1/9/2000 A New Guy wrote in from (207.167.nnn.nnn)

Here's a question:

I started skateboarding as a way to travel the UCSD campus between classes. I was thinking that one could mount their books and supplies on their board instead of on their back. Anyone ever tried this? How?

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On 1/8/2000 paul demers wrote in from (216.210.nnn.nnn)

I'd just like say thanks to guys like Michael Brooke and ncdsa for
for the work they do. The book is great and so is this site.
I'm from the old school and I'm looking for some
longboarders to slide around with out in the west island
of Montreal. If you remember me from footloose, the tarpits
or even the CRACKPOT POOL in Lachine (20 YEARS BACK!)
please give me a call I'm in the book.

p.s. steve coffee (B.C.) get a phone so I can call

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On 1/7/2000 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (209.162.nnn.nnn)

Regarding debates and politics, a healthy debate is good! It gets people talking about what gear, techniques and yes even riders are the best.

For those of you that are upset by people making statements that dissagree with your personal opinions, don't be! I'm not angry about statements made by, "From one who was there". I'm not angry about Mr. Jay Barr, and I don't care if Bubba thinks I'm a Kook. When I challenge a Bubba or "From one who was there" to race for $100.00, I'm not trying to demean them or put them down. In fact, it is these people that get us all talking about something that is usually very interesting! I challenge them to see what is actually correct and factual. Remember, talk is cheap.
What I'm saying is, let's find out. When someone has the heart to actually show up for a challenge I treat them with all the respect that they deserve.

Anyone who skates and has a good time, regardless if they are good or not is ok with me. I do feel these political posts can be good for the sport as long as we don't get carried away. I am a person who will risk losing a challenge to find out what is true or not. I don't mind these and other posters speaking their minds. I just would love for them to back up what they say.

I do post my e-mail address so contact me if you wish. I'm not always home so sometimes my responses might be slow.

Cliff Coleman

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On 1/6/2000 Hizzout (Formerly known as NMewbie Boarder) wrote in from (4.18.nnn.nnn)

Hey fellas at ILB Mag,

I also asked for a trial version, and haven't seen one yet. I'm going to place a subscription soon here anyway, but I'd like to know about ordering back issues too.

E-mail me...

Keep Carvin'

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On 1/5/2000 THE HUMUNGEOUS FUZZ wrote in from (193.62.nnn.nnn)

Hey... Mike Brooke, and skategeezer too!
I've asked for a 'trial' copy of IL mag, have'nt seen it yet... but thats not what this is about.
If I start my subscription I'll get issue #3 and beyond... can I order back issues #1 and #2?

Much yuletide turkey devoured... burp!
I'm off for a beer!
My round, anyone want a drink?

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On 1/4/2000 C502 wrote in from (63.27.nnn.nnn)

I would just like to thank the guy at the swap
meet with the brand spankin new 47" Hypercarves for
15 bucks each.For I would never have bought one before.
He had an ancient G&S with Bennet trucks in way to killer
cond.,that was sold until I seen the board that wasn't
going on my wall.Gratzi...

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On 1/3/2000 Rich wrote in from (62.252.nnn.nnn)

Well just started putting up my UK version of Toes Over. Now I am landlocked in London the new page is less surf orientated (a bit anyway).
Anyway happy new Mill and all that to all my cyberspace longboard buddies i have been to lazy to write to ... oops to busy I mean ....

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On 1/3/2000 Matt wrote in from (207.252.nnn.nnn)

Hey Space Case. I skate in Mass as well. I have been riding longboards for 4 years now and they are just super fun. I never was into shorboards so I can't really compare.
But a nice longboard some super soft 70mm wheels and some wide trucks like randal 2's and you can carve anything. It is a good time. I skate when their are no waves and it has
helped my surfing learning curve. The first thing you will notice is the speed you can reach on flat ground. I used to skate down a bike path near me and pass the rollerbladers and a few
bikers with ease. You also will notice how stable and carvable longboards are. You can just crank turns. Where are you skating in Mass?

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On 1/2/2000 Bob wrote in from (207.200.nnn.nnn)


While I wouldn't say my recent longboard learning experiences are characteristic of most longboarders, you might want to read my "Carving the Learning Curve" page for another shortboarder to longboarder transformation story. Actually, I still ride a short board too.


Look in the Longboarding Section.



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On 1/2/2000 Space-Case wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

I'm lookin for any advice or info anyone wants to share with me. I live in Massachusetts, so it's pretty chilly and slippery here now, but I'm lookin to get a longboard. I'm 26, skated a fair amount in my teens, and have gotten back into making turns on some of the hills around here this past fall. I'm riding an old Shmidt Stix street board and old school wheels (which the cat at the local skate shop was mighty impressed by, not to mention all the mystified 15 year olds in my town, "what the hell is that old guy riding on?"). I've snowboarded a lot as well and just love the edgy turns they make.
Anyway, what's the scoop with long skateboards? Will I float through turns like I'm surfing or carving through powder? How is riding a longer board different from shorter, AND, most importantly, got any reccomendations for a good rig? I'm probably not going to give my life over to it, but I'd be psyched to get out there and bomb the hills with a little more control than my short board is giving me (the wheels aren't sticking through fast turns, YIKES). E-mail me, if you could. Thanks.

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