Bulletin Board (5868 Posts)
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On 2/13/2000
Keith Fellmy
wrote in from
Hey Tim
How close are you to Ansted. We get their once a year for the Bridge day luge race. Then we go jump off the bridge.
On 2/13/2000
Tim Cline
wrote in from
Posted here about a year ago but got no response so I thought I would try again. Just put together a new 44 inch Fiberflex Pintail and skated Ritter Park Knob Hill yesterday. If there are any longboard skaters looking to ride some West "By God" Virginia hills. E'mail and we will hook up. I mostly cruise casual hills due to the fact that there is nobody to take me to the ER. If vertical is in your blood Skatopia is about and hour away (Kidney Bowl)
On 2/12/2000 tech deck
wrote in from
give it up to me my sweet angel give it up me hi a'm pro for sk82000 who evers looken to be a am/pro e mail me at seansk82000
On 2/11/2000 SoCalSoul
wrote in from
Maybe I'm just dumb, but can someone tell me how to use that Linkpath crap to read Intl.Longboarder mag? All I can make it do is give me the cover and a bunch of ads. GRRR!! That mag kicks butt and I want to read it!
On 2/10/2000 michael - int. longboarder magazine
wrote in from
ASR SHOW - some details
I attended the asr show in Long Beach on Saturday and Sunday. This is a big show with over 18,000 people attending and lots of skate, surf and clothing companies showing their wares.
Among the highlights...
1) the carve board-big fat tires with some very neat trucks...this thing is different...
2)sector 9 were giving out cool posters
3)chad muska getting kicked out (he was in a drunken stupor) by security... of course I heard the classic line "do you know who I am?!!" hilarious
4) Jeff Budro ripping up the street course
5) after 25 years, I finally met Tony Alva - he liked International Longboarder and was really impressed by the photo of Jeff on the cover
6) eXkate has some new humongous wheels and were showing their electric board (apparently it's new and improved)
7) Libtech (gnu snowboards) now have longboards
8) Kryptonics booth was in the shape of a garage...very funny.
that's it for now...the 3rd issue should be in shops as you read this-in the UK, 4000 are about to hit, so watch out!
cheers mike
On 2/9/2000 Lindsay
wrote in from
But, you're going to be so stoked.
On 2/9/2000
Carlo Medina
wrote in from
Welcome.....It's going to be a long haul.
On 2/9/2000 Jessie
wrote in from
hey, I'm new here, just got into longboarding, and am thoroughly addicted already. I'm glad to see someplace I can talk to some people who know what they're doing, because my locale is lacking in longboarders.... but in any case, hi, and glad to be here!
On 2/9/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
Basic is alright, didn't make my day,but since they're tring to educate beginners that"frontside kick carve" appears to be backside , I guess "kickcarve" is ok if you gotta name such basic stuff,but I guess that basic misinformation about frontside and backside gotta get passed down to a new generation somehow.A backside turn is towards your toes,you're backside pointed at the spectators on the deck of the pool/ramp you're riding,doesn't matter if you're riding reg.stance,switchstance, goofy, whatever.
On 2/9/2000 Tuch
wrote in from
It was good, but i liked your new page!
On 2/8/2000
wrote in from
Have anyone checked out this page??
Just suberb!
On 2/8/2000 skategeezer
wrote in from
Just got back from the big skate/surf show in Long Beach...lots of neat stuff. The most amazing thing I saw...check out the latest issue of Rolling Stone (Mariah C. is on the front) and go the spring break section - there you will find a little photo and story on LONGBOARDING!
cheers mike
On 2/7/2000
wrote in from
G13 i have a couple Ok pics on my wakeboarding site of us cross training on longboards. http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/wakereview check out pic set 8
On 2/7/2000 g13
wrote in from
Who has some good longboard picture on their site?
On 2/7/2000 Chris again
wrote in from
I'm an idiot. I forgot I'm busy tonight. I'm supposed to be somewhere right now. Maybe next time.
On 2/7/2000
Chris from Nose Wheelie
wrote in from
Hey is anyone doing the chat thing tonight? Wasn't it supposed to be the first and third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm Pacific time? I'll try to be there if anyone wants to join me. Later,
On 2/6/2000
wrote in from
If there are any riders in the salt lake area and would like to get out and ride let me know!
On 2/6/2000
Jeff Sandlin
wrote in from
40 year old, broken, crappy skater looking for anyone with no attitude to skate Colorado with. Older, younger, better, worse, I don`t care. Heck, I even ride shortboards! E- mail me and I`ll give up all my spots even if you don`t want to get to get together. Skate hard or go home, boy!(or girl).
On 2/6/2000
James Deakins
wrote in from
Anyone know if there are any newsgroups dedicated to skateboarding?
On 2/5/2000
wrote in from
I was flipping through the recent issue of Heckler toward the middle part of the magazine,(p.46) and saw a picture of none other than Jerry Springer of 'The Jerry Springer Show' fame carving out the park at Landsdowne, Maryland (tuck-knee style) on a longboard!
On 2/5/2000
wrote in from
'The Concrete Wave' (best skate history book to date) has a good section on old school skate movies. That might be a good place to start.
On 2/5/2000 Tom
wrote in from
Who is the barefoot skater in the film "Skater Dater"? Anyone know a good video source for early skateboard foootage?
On 2/4/2000
wrote in from
For those interested in learning more about Guiness Book World Record holder, TVS owner and rider Gary Hardwick, check out EDI Europe's interview on him. just click here and your there.
On 2/4/2000
wrote in from
Believe it or not, I just updated Nose Wheelie with a video review, and I should have more stuff later in the month. Check it out at
On 2/3/2000
wrote in from
There is a nice picture of a Kalani Robb(flexdex) in this weeks issue of Newsweek. it is near the back and it is in a drug add trying to get kids to stop smoking weed