Crashing Stories (1418 Posts)
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Crashing Stories |
On 2/22/2003 Halfbreed
wrote in from
i keep reading all these stories about people loosing controll, deciding to bail, and eating it cause you just cant run that fast. i know ive done it myself but than i realized somthing i knew all along and you probly do to. if you going down a hill and you sit on your ass you dont get hurt that bad (kinda like siting down when your sking). i realized this one night when i was skating 21jump street in Santa Monica Ca and i lost it at the bottom going lord knows how fast. 21 jump street has a sick drop about 1/4 of the way through and when i hit it my wheels left the ground, it was great. befor i could say "oh S**t" i was at the end of street and needed to stop so i tryed to put my foot down (there was no room to air break i had to stop befor i hit oncoming trafic) but when i tryed my board (my friends board actualy i thought my board was too loose for the hill) drifted out from under me and left me flying through the air with all the time in the world to think about where i was. the only thing to do was sit down so i did right on my wallet and i dident get a scratch. so now when i know im going to crash, i just take a seat on my ...
On 2/18/2003 speedluver
wrote in from
Oh yea once I was over my friend derek's house and I was bombing this nice sized hill with my randal trucks. I was going so fast....I told himt that I was going to go as fast as I could i did not airbrake at all! It was fall and guess what? there was a cruched pepsi can at the bottom with some leaves covering it. I tried to get it inbetween my wheels on my trucks since i spotted it too late to turn. but it caught and WHAM! I stopped immediately and i flew forward and bashed my hip. Worst pain i ever felt.
On 2/13/2003 Slider'75
wrote in from
This past sunday I rocked the pavement hard. I'd been in San luis Obispo for the weekend and found a lone sick phatty hill. I took my sector nine supercruiser with some friends watching, sped down the hill. About halfway down I got really bad speed wobble. In trying to compensate the lack of stability, the board threw me off and I managed to land upright running with the board. Unfortunatly you cant run at 35 mph so in the blind hope for something to save me, I crashed decently hard. I broke my toe, sprained my ankle, and took all the skin off my hands, knees, and feet (I look somewhat like a mummy, and walk something like frankenstein). All in all, it wasn't my hardest crash, however I wish i was wearing pads at the time. WEAR PADS and HELMETS!!!
On 2/3/2003 Kludy
wrote in from
Just had a great wekin of riding, was riding barret junction in san deigo calf. Crazy hill, never know when your going down. I was racen my freind frank waterhouse we had raced all the way to the bottom i was HOT on his heals and thinking o.k. kludy get ready to pass and from out of nowhere frank goes down,HARD! Freaked me out, we where doing low 50 and i was two feet behind him and he was all over the road, body and board. 1st thing was jump, decided not to this time and paid off big, I made it clean!!!!!!!!learning not to jump off so fast.Frank was hurt but he is a big rider with a big heart, no worrys
On 2/2/2003
Eddy Martinez
wrote in from
While slaloming though an arrythmia of cones this am. I HIT a cone dead straight. It became wedged in between my trucks. Next then I know I am flying through the air, hit the ground and perform 2 barrel role flips. Lucky for me I was wearing full protective gear. Believe me at 42 years of age you dont get up as quickly from a fall. As for the makeshift WalMart cones I was using they are history. Here is hoping the cones I ordered from Turner Down Hill arrive this week. Time to soak in the tub. Eddy Martinez,Harlingen,Texas
On 1/29/2003 EK
wrote in from
Well it's about time I got back to this site to see if anybody read my post. Yea... every once in a while there's someone who takes my words to heart and go railing. I'm not critizing anyone for not wearing protective gear nor brag about a crash. And you are right about this site is for us to "tell stories around the camp fire". It's just that I hope that from that crash you have experienced or read about that hopefully you learned to "minimize" or prevent the injuries. I would rather be skating than laid up in a hospital or crutches due to my "I don't give a F" atttitude when it comes to safety. Just something to think about... if you still have brain cells after not wearing a helmet.
Peace. EK
On 1/27/2003
wrote in from
i dont know how to punctuate while tping after this story. ramona california, march 2001, 5th street. 5th is a drop off for a quick burst of ball busting speed. my 7th trip down this hill,(should have called it quits the first time) i was clocked at around 55mph, wearing no gear, next thing i know i get 2 consecutive speed wobbles, & the 2nd ond took me down, slamming my shoulder on the broken up asphalt, cracked my scapula, skraped up me head,(nopads, i know, very stupid)elbow, shoulder and back, i was seeing triple. im writing this 10 monthes and 2 days after the accident, and still have an unusable wrist with surgery and pins, and a pretty hefty docs bill. laugh how you will now, but im still on the board. by the way, the crash board was a sector9 cosmic2 and the clothes, whell, they no longer exist. ight den'
On 1/24/2003 Andrew
wrote in from
I went down this hill which is kinda infamous for people getting serieously hurt on bikes and stuff. its not tbat steep for all you pros but steep none the less. anyway i bombed it and realised at the last minute saw these 2 inch ditches across the road at the bottom. so i bailed and lost it, sliding on my side kinda like penguin. the button of my pants got ripped off so when i ran off the road when this car came i did it with my pants around my ankles.i then fell to ground in pain as had broken my collar bone and my thumb. so there i was wriggling around in the dirt, trying to pull my pants up with my right hand which had a broken thumb while cradling my left arm because of the collar bone. i had to weight about 15 minutes until someone walked by and helped. but the good thing was i got a large dose of pethodine out of it.
On 1/22/2003 KLUDY
wrote in from
The crash story do alot of things, yes. Tell your story because it gives others something to think about. Storys are good because you can share with others, alot of people can see your story and say, dame that almost happened to me yesterday boy am I lucky.If your young and dum please tell us how you crashed. If you dont wear gear at least where slide gloves and a lid , they will save you time and time again. I know 1st hand.Ha HA!!!!!!!!!!Go big or stay home. STAND-UP RULES!!!!!!!!!!!
< br>
On 1/22/2003 snoball
wrote in from
This is just a quick after thought because that ended rather abruptly and didn't completely convey what I wanted to.
If anything, the crash stories presented here are solid evidence that all things considered, it's better to wear your gear than not. There is an impish impetuousness to skating sometimes. You see it, it's now, you wanna ride it...oops! no gear. The temptation's very heavy and logic begins to slide away rapidly. I'm all for freedom of choice and expression. What generally makes ME pause is taking a moment to put myself in the shoes of those who care for me were I to get hurt, and the people that I might hurt on the way. I can't always control everything at any given time but controlling what I can by minimizing potential damage to myself or others is something I WANT to do. I don't judge any other skaters who don't feel the same or approach these situations differently. Experience will teach you or lose you I guess.
The main thing was just an attempt to explain why it seems like people are bragging when really, in general, I think they're just amazed they survived and looking for affirmation.
"Whoa! I can't believe I came out of that!"
"Me either! You better put on some gear."
On 1/22/2003
wrote in from
I haven't read enough of the threads here to know if anyone actually claimed their injuries were 'cool' or not. The thread though, is titled 'Crashes' and that's what people are writing about. Belittling them for it...why?
I have one on here myself. I didn't think there was anything remotely cool about scaring all hell out of my dad, the drivers of a couple of cars, or my stack n' bail. I think people just tell the story as a way of expressing their own amazement that skaters can be incredibly lucky at times. It's also somewhat therapeutic I'd imagine.
Now, I'm not gonna get all religious and tell you I'm now on the straight and narrow, the poster kid for 'should've known better', and ALWAYS wear full gear because the truth is that I don't. Think what you will about me. That's not something I can control or care to.
On 1/18/2003 Spanky Malone
wrote in from
EK~ And you wonder why I used to call them "meatheads"...
On 1/17/2003
wrote in from
After reading some of you guys crashes, it made me wonder, "How many of you guys wore any protective gear?". Especially the downhill speeders. Now I know that these stories sound cool and all, great conversation at parties and campfires. But you have got to admitt that it is such a pain to be laid up and losing road time due to crash that could be lessen by wearing gear... even the "scraps and scratches" crash. Now I crashed at the last San Fran Gravity Fest (Nov. '02) and my full face helmet and leathers would not have helped me from fracturing my right in three places but I was smart eoungh to wear the gear. Sorry about not giving you the play-by-play on the blood and guts of my crash and sound like a messenger of bad news... but I just want to see at least that some of you skaters are using the gray matter in your bucket and wear protection before you next "cool" crash. Peace and ride safe to ride again tomorrow. EK
On 1/1/2003
wrote in from
i had just gottem my first longboard. A sector 9 46" complete. I had no real style or carving skills. started to bomb a hill near my house. It started out fairly mellow, but i accelerated fast(some hills are inexplciably fast)I was bombing at this point. I rounded a small curve to find a realy steep drop. i took it, and the hairpin left turn right after it. what I had ot realized was that this hill ended in a a dirt road. oi. I ddint knwo how to slide at all, so i figured my big wheels would carry me through it. As soon as I hit the dirt i spun into a 250 degree powerside into a divit. I was flung from my deck and landed a good 5 feet away, skidded on ym gloveless hands in the rocks and came to a halt. no broken bones or sprained muscles, thakn god. i got off with some bloddy hands and a bruised pelvis, but sall good. i was back on teh slopes in about 20 minites.
On 12/30/2002
Matt Traver
wrote in from
I've got a pretty neat crash story... well.. the thing is... i've always had near misses from severe pain... right.. well... i was goin' down a fairly steep hill with a 50m straight section and there was a 90degree right turn that moved into a sorta curve... i was coming down the straight section probably 25mph, not too fast... then it started to sprinkle... JUST A TINY BIT you could only see 1 or 2 miniscule rain drops so i decided to go for the right turn... crouched down... planted my right hand on the road... grabbed the outside rail with my left... then suddenly my wheels broke into a slide... my board spun around 180 and halfway through the rotation I was thrown off backwards and was flipped upside down in the air.. i could see buildings and trees in the upside down world... i thought this was gonna be the end cuz i was only about 5 or 6 ft from a solid steel sign but i ended up falling flat on my back and skidding for a few feet... ripped up my shirt and i nearly landed on my jaw. I just lay there thinking how f#@!ing scary but cool that was and had to run after my board as it was rolling downhill... NOT ONE SCRATCH, SCRAPE OR ACHE, AT ALL... that's cuz I WAS WEARING ALL MY PADS... woooo goooo mee... so after that near miss i saved up and bought myself a fullface. So far no serious accidents... thank you mr.pads and mrs. helmet
On 12/26/2002
wrote in from
You guys buy gullwing speed trucks and no more speed wobbbbssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On 12/26/2002
wrote in from
I love the post on this site, it keeps downhill real !!!I am 90% healed and ready to tell my worst crash to date.Red Bull puts on a race every year and invites a few pro. to come and race locals.This hill is called skid road and named well. I had raced this hill the year befour and never made it down cleanly and broke my hand in time trails. This year I trained just for this hill, my goil was to bomb this hill top to bottom.We were downtown Seatle , the hill started on a ramp into a hard right made with smooth coblestone and slick ,if you made that turn the hill is flat and you cannot see the bottom just skyline of the city.Then you are looking down at a big drop with manhole covers,we whent over a freeway so there where expanion joints in four places, cracks in the road where up to eight inches.Guys where airbraking halfway down because speeds where up to 50mph and at the bottom was this left that scared the best speedboarder with three manhole covers and a ten story building to deal with before the finish line.Guys where flying over the hay and fence into the people watching , it was wild!I am to bomb this hill, my 1st run started out just like the year befour i slide out in the 1st turn. Changed wheels and i stuck it and made the whole hill , top to bottom. Now it was time trails and I had to do what I came to do, BOMB THAT HILL ! It would be the time to do it.Got off the top ramp clean, whent tru the 1st turn sliding hard buy pulled it off . Looked up and my heart hit another beat, a fast one.I put my head down , took a deap breath grabed my board with two hands and whent for it. A straight line, opened my eyes in time to see my line tru the left, had a great line but this road is wild and i had two hands on my board tru that turn that i was told 45mph , the other rider where at 35 to 40mph because they where airbraking, i didnot!Caveman dave told me i had a foot of air befour i hit hay in a downhill race where air is unheard of.There was a dip in the road that i saw but i was racing and not thinking at all hit it and skiped to the right looked up and saw the finish line and had it! My back foot was sticking out and hit the hay and i followed.The impaced of the hit turned my foot so hard that it broke the bone in my leg, called it a spiral brake. Laid there for a few mins. thinking the pain was to much to live yelling help me , help me. Then i had a few riders put me on my board to finish time trials and i did !!!!!!!
On 12/16/2002
John Chiaromonte
wrote in from
I started carving back in the steel wheel days... I remember I got a hobie with clay wheels for christmas... anyway I skated in the 70's most downhill carving and slalom... but stopped in the 80's.... until last year... I made two longboards 44" and 48" both with randal trucks... well in Feb of this year I had been carving this hill near our home... speeds of 35+.... wonderful... I decided to do a run on another section of the road... my wife was behind me in our truck and she clocked me at 45+ before high speed wobble got me.... I bailed and broke my left arm... At the hospital one of the doctors said I was to old (51) to skateboard... what does he know.... it did cost me $10,000+ for medical expenses... I carved the hill the other day.... I've decided your never to old to skate!!!!
On 12/13/2002 Jimmathy
wrote in from
Well i am Extremely bored cuz i cant skate cuz of a skate injury (already told that one) but i have a kinda funny crash story. Me and my friends were carving this really steep hill right by a school. THe road was kinda narrow which was bad judgement on my part but thats not what cause my crash. Some lady in a Explorer comes flooring up the hill.... I had to make a hard turn into the curb resulting in a long jump over the curb into grass (but there were still those damn twigs.. ouch) anyway... so i was ok cept a scratch or two... But then... the lady turns comes back while im collecting my board and helmet (shoulda buckeled it) and she starts yelling at my friends and I. "You stupid kids i could have hit you, i always do 50 up this hill!" and drives off. Well me and my friends get ready to skate when we realize... THis lady was yelling at us when she was doing 50 in a school zone which was like 15 mph limit.. Thnx Jimmath
On 12/13/2002 Glen
wrote in from
Theres this gnarly hill in my neghborhood that i had succesfully bombed several times. As I was on this street I decided I was in the mood for an adrenaline rush. Little had I remembered that a week ago I had loosened my trucks for some slalom. I was crankin at about 30+ mph (I know because I passed a car going 25 the speed limit) and then got dreaded wobbles. I rode them for a while but knew I woulded make it to the bottom. I aimed for the grass but missed. I slid about 80ft. Took off so much skin on my hip you could see the bone. I walked into someones yard and took off my shirt. I looked like I was grenaded or sumpthin.I went home and hade learned my lesson. Wow it hurt.Ride safely and tighten your trucks. Peace,Glen
On 12/12/2002 Kengo
wrote in from
Well.. this one was a doozy, biggest crash ive ever had. It all started on day when i had just recently gotten my new board, sector 9 deck with some randel rII's it's a pritty sick board. ne way, me and my freind went to go ride this gnarly hill thats in my neighborhood, the whole hill was about the length of a football feild and had a some pritty steep spots to it.. 30 grade atleast, however my neighbor hood is anal about cars goin to fast so they loaded it up with speed bumps and there is one right at towards the bottom of the hill. So my freind is lookin out at the bottom for cars and i start out at the top. I make a couple good carves and then start to speed up. Im feelin it and its great id say i was goin about 35+ anyway the original plan i had was to stop befor i got to the speed bump, but i was feelin adventurous so i decided i would see if i could use it as a ramp sorta (the speed bumb was one of those less drastic ones where u can drive over it at about 20) So im chargin this thing and i hit it and go flyyin... the thing is the board shot off somewhere and i flew back and landed right on my ass and fell backward. I just kinda laid there for a while and then i relized i couldnt move my legs my friend (thank god he was there) got my parents and they carefully got me to the ER, turns out i shaterd one of my vertebra... BUT thank god no damage was done to my spinal cord and it was only pinched, i was hospitalized for almost 3 months they fused one of my good vertabras with my broken one and now im good as new, a little bit of physical theropy and i was back out carvin hills again. what a rush that was!
On 12/3/2002
waren hostkoeter
wrote in from
well i juss started longboardin a few months ago, and well i love speed, all fast things i love to do, but i got my new long board"sector 9 board" bran new trucks, pretty thick wheels, but my friend gave it to me, n e ways, i didnt no how to ride, and my friends took me up a realy steep bural hill, well road, i walked up as far as i wanted to. then go on, and started goin. my trucks were pretty loose, so i started to wobble and ended up landin in a ditch, i got a few black berry thorns in my hands, but no biggy, then i got back on, and started ridding. i was goin at least 30 and i lost control cause of wobbles and my board hit a dithc and i went flyin, face planted and skidded on my face in the dirt, i got a few rocks in my cheek and sum blood all down my face. but i got back up. and i had to meet my friend down at the end of the hill. and well i was balling ass man, i mean i couldnt even realy control my speed at all, i didnt even no how to carve, and i juss flew by him and the board started to jump up and down and i ate s#@!, my friend it looked like i broke my leg, but i juss got a big keep road rash on my knee and on my calf, and i cut my ankle to. but no worries, we got it on camera, and man, still i dont even no i got back up on the board, i guess i juss love boarding .
On 11/26/2002 k.j.
wrote in from
Once I was bombing a huge hill at a civic center. I had 60 millimeter super hard wheels and ABEC-7 bearings so you could imagine how fast I was going. I started speed wobbling really fast. I ride fairly lose trucks so it was really bad wobble (I know, always ride super tight trucks while bombing hills). I knew I couldn't handle my board so I jumped off of my board. My friend said that I was in the air for 1 and a half seconds! I fell at about 30 MPH and skidded with all me weight on my elbow. It was completely screwed up.
On 11/19/2002
wrote in from
I always walk up a hill I'm going to bomb. If I'm going to be going faster than about 15 or 20mph. ALWAYS. Walking up so that I can see the road better and more straight on. It's also kind of a good luck ritual. It didn't work this one time, though. I started going down this hill and there is a steeper part where you drop a lot in altitude on the hill that makes the board just seem to fall out from under you. Well, I fell off. I scraped myself up pretty good and then had to walk back up it and ride home. Great.
On 11/18/2002 snoball
wrote in from
Fall from a speed wobble? zoinks! try not to fall too far ;-) i.o.w, "Get lowdown to your ride. Quicklike."....
and uh, ROLL it off as much as possible..sliding on back or front for several feet across snarling, bumpy pavement is too ouchie, ouchie on your skin :-(