Crashing Stories (1418 Posts)
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low speed wipes
On 5/15/2005
wrote in from
United States
hey kludy- did i hear something about not having your slide gloves on recently?? ;-)
thx for the note, I do remember that news from last year and I am very sorry for the loss - its all been a serious wake up call on the flat rides and as we've progressed we're keeping avg. speeds up around 10-14 mph which is fast enough for serious pain and worse, when you smack down hard like you said. thus i'm sporting one of my four helmets, i have always worn them for downhill, slalom, parks etc... Tight slalom is another deceptive area, I remember Fluitt telling me how in GS even with the high speed (with training) you may be less prone for serious injury because you know when a wipe out's coming and can get low and prepared for it, whereas in TS though the speed is lower the crackups happen in split seconds.
Low speed hurts
On 5/12/2005 Kludy
wrote in from
United States
The lower the speed the more hurt you will get because you have too take the impact straight up !The higher the speed the chances are a little better because you can slide, on your back, front, whatever !A sponsor I had was just skating around with no helmet and the board just came out on him, he hit his head and was DOA at the ER.Its like why put my seatbelt on, I am just going around the coner, you get hit by someone esle and are gone, just like that!I am 43 years old and have takin alot of hits riding skateboards and still in good shape, why? I always where good gear , helmet and slidegloves if nothing esle and I am aways thinking about going down, well maybe not always.Be safe, be lucky and never take a skate without your lid.
no matter how short the ride...
On 5/12/2005
wrote in from
United States
Jack, my recent injury hardly compares, though I'd have to admit I was completely graced out bein a fool, whereas you were doing all you could to be safe. Hope you recover quick and get back in action...
9-stitch bonker I got almost a week ago and fuzzy recall of the event.
A solitary pine-cone crumples under my front wheel at about 14mph on a heelside carve - stopping a 44" stiff deck, creating the perfect human catapult. All-muscles relaxed, high speed backward somersault ensues. Land on my backside and gracefully roll through the motions... then comes a giant head BONK at the end. I jump up immediately due to instant surge of adrenalin, dazed enough to know this whack really sucked. Derek takes one look and says there's a tiny cut "less than a half inch long"... I reach back, feel the goo, see blood and wrap my bandana around my head. I'm already suspecting its not just a little cut, because he's immediately talkin about a trip to the ER...in the truck he's going on and on, keepin my mind engaged - plus the dude just loves to talk ;-) we're talking about the dog bite I got just a few months ago and the crazy karma with this Green Lake trail lately. So there we are, the nurse draws a nice diagram of the cut which is in fact about 2 inches long and the shape of an upside-down California. Coming down off adrenalin I get nausea spins and almost pass out, so I know it was near concussion-level bonkitude. Doc thanks me for having just shaved my entire head the night before, it made his job easier... I was so freakin lucky...time to kiss Buddha's belly, Rosary beads, or Angelina Jolie's feet, whatever seems worth worshipping at the moment.
I never go without pads and helmet for slalom or parks, and as Dr. Dave has also said, flatland should be no different. Even when it's "just a short ride"... You never know when you'll get tossed. Fans of gore can see a closeup at www.geocities.com/pavedwave_com - Compared to other horror on this forum it may look minor, but hitting your head sucks bad no matter what. The helmet collection is growing. jp
Busted Humerus
On 5/8/2005
Jack in Aurora
wrote in from
United States
I'm 45 and have been skating off and on since I was 15. This is the story of the worst accident I've ever had. On Mar. 5, 2005 I was carving a hill in Aurora, CO. I had brand new 85MM Krypto Classics on a 46" S9. I tried to pull a slide to stop at the bottom of the hill and the wheels didn't break and slide, they held. I got thrown, hit hard and slid. I scraped the skin above my pad on the left knee, left hand, right eyebrow and right elbow. I also broke the right humerus at the shoulder. I was wearing my helmet and full pads including skating shorts. My right elbow pad twisted around from the impact, hence the scrape that took 5 weeks to heal and the bone snapped on contact. My helmet shifted back slightly and that's how I scraped my eyebrow. I've been off work since Mar 7, 2005 and don't know when I'll be going back. My 9 year old son was skating with me. He got me out of my pads and retrieved my board from the gutter. He got me back to the car and made me comfortable. He found another skater with a cellphone and called my wife to come get us. He then watched over me and kept me from going into shock for nearly an hour. I'm thankful for two things that happened that day. One, I was wearing my pads and helmet or my injuries would have been much worse. Two, my son is a Cub Scout with a rank of Webelos and had received first aid training in 2004 and his scout training kicked right in. He remained calm and steady throughout the entire debacle until his Mom showed up to get us and take me to the hospital. I'm still not back on a board. Wear your pads. Parents, support Scouting. Cheers, Jack in Aurora
maryhill crash
On 5/1/2005 dennis
wrote in from
United States
not sure if this has been posted yet, some footage david threw together from tads helmet cam, he hit the log pretty good, and check that board flyin.
some night skating with glowsitck too but it didn't turn out too well. kind of need to be patient till it loads, at least i had to be.
On 4/30/2005 dallon
wrote in from
United States
dude one time i was bombing a hill by my ouse. its not a very steep hill, but its long and has a big tunr at the bottom. anyway as i was going down these stupid deer started crossing the road like 50 ft in front of me. iwas only going about 25mph, but there were a lot of deer, and they were in no hurry. so i started screaming so theyd freak out and run away. instead they just turned and stared at me. so i croucehd over and picked up some gravel and tried to throw it at them. i missed. so i decided i could try to slide between their legs or bail. as awesome as the first choice would have been, i just fell into some dudes yard and gutter. as sonn as i stodd up the deer all ran away. figures
Last time
On 4/25/2005 Kludy
wrote in from
United States
I think it was very cool that my 1st run my last race had too jump off my board, HiT A RoCk.lasT fAll, I won aNd oVeR iT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Slightly Bad
On 4/17/2005 MikeR
wrote in from
United States
The weekend I was learning how to board my friend got slightly messed up. We were at a campground near the beach and he had brought his board so we were all taking turns learning and every now and then a trailer would pass by going ten mph. He'd look at it and go "damnit, I'm gonna skitch one of those," but he never got the chance until later when my friends and I were going to go pick something up from the store.
As we were leaving we asked if he wanted to skitch the car. He said ok and grabbed on to the rolled down window that I was sitting by. He was hanging on on the right side of the car right in front of the rear right wheel. We started going and he kept yelling faster and we soon got to 25mph at which point he yelled stop. My friend who was driving braked and then let go which caused my friend who was skitching to go forward and back and then I just saw him fall and heard him hit the pavement.
I looked back and he stood up and came over to us to show us his hands. The skin was literally pealed off since he landed hands first and then his hands had let go and he slid on his arms and then on his body. He wasn't wearing any protective gear. In fact he was only wearing a pair of jeans.
I think that's pretty bad, but then I looked ahead and saw that we were about to make a turn, which would have meant we'd have run over him, so I guess it all worked out in the end..
On 4/16/2005 aaron
wrote in from
United States
ya always wear gear!! no I coulda carved the hill but instead bombed it. But ya always wear gear and keep your trucks tight! never bomb hill on first attempt either. All in all it was a good rush. pro helmet supporter here.
On 4/15/2005 sean
wrote in from
United States
Aaron -You are dumb not lucky. You need to know your ability level and wear a helmet. You should also know what your gear is set at before you jump into a hill and if adjustments need to be made.Kludy is lucky and smart. Do you see the difference?
On 4/9/2005 Aaron
wrote in from
United States
So two days ago I got together with 15 of my friends to longboard at night. (I guess it is more of a club than anything). We decided that since we had so many people we would find a new hill to bomb. As we eventualy found the 2 mile long hill we were in uproar of how fun it was going to be. Mind you half of us have been boarding for years. As I took the hill on my board I just realized I had my trucks completly loose. I thought nothing of it as I kept going. About 1/4th way down I was getting sick speed wobbles, like ones that throw you from one side of the road to the other. We were doing this at 11pm so little to no light except the cars headlights behind us. The street light gave out so it was almost pitch dark. This was the last thing i remmember on my board(I guess due to me hitting my head on the concrete). What seemed like 15 seconds later I was lying in the grass/gravel next to the street. Results were complete break of radius and ulna and scaphoid(bone by thumb) I was so fortunate especially with hitting my head. Out of 16 of us only 6 made it to the end. They all repeatedly said they saw their lives flash before their eyes after they hit roughly 45+. I think after this crash I will giveup the sport =( but it was a hell of a run until i fell lol.
On 4/9/2005 KLUDY
wrote in from
United States
I just had the crash that we all wish would never happen.I have in the past messed both shoulders at the graviy games in 1999. I broke my thumb one year at the skid road, red bull race and my leg the following year.Have messed my neck up bad from hitting hay at 45.Last weekin I was at a one mile road with 5 of the best american speedboarders and I was testing wheels.The 1st set was slow and the 2nd set was faster and I was in the pac when I started too go by a rider at 50mph.The weekin before the same thing happened and I hit road dots not to get too close to two other riders and dame near hit a car head on.This time the road had two yellow lines but no road dots but it frecked me out so I came in on that rider, as i was making a pass our wheels hit at 50mph.Life was very slow motion as i was hitting the ground over and over again and again the other riders board hit my ribs, I broke two.Jimmy flew over me at that speed not too hurt me but his board had other plans.I have raced all over and had no fear and I will tell you now thats all bad,fear is something you should always have and always know where you are on a hill!That was a great wake up call for me and this sport have been a blast but I could have died and am over it.Have fun riding but dont let it go so far that you lose your life!
to skate too close!
On 4/8/2005 Hook
wrote in from
United States
we were almost at the end of our three mile gradual downhill. As we were getting close to the car, I noticed I was gaining too much speed and was getting waaay to close to my buddy. Now we weren't going extremely fast, but I just had my wisdom teeth removed the prior day (stupid to go longboarding after getting wisdom teeth removed- I don't recommend it) so I was still feeling a bit loopy. Not to mention, passing was not an option as a couple of civilians were comming towards us on the left side. Anyway, as I got close, i hollared out "watch it! i'm getting real close" so my buddy tries to kick to get more speed. Well, he kicked my board out from underneath me and I go crashing to the ground headfirst. I busted up my left hand real nicely, and to remind myself, my left pinky now has a permanent 90 degree angle attached to it. Mind you, it won't straighten out at all. that is why i call myself hook.
dumb injury # 89
On 4/7/2005
wrote in from
United States
Here's a novel one. We have this really cool ramp set-up in an abandoned warehouse here in DC. Basically quarterpipe wall rides and a corner made of masonite and street signs. It has it's share of problems, such as a roof that leaks right into the middle of the floor. We combat the water with squeegies and a propane heater. The heater suspends off an arm, aiming at the floor. We had it on so it was super hot, and we pulled it (mostly) out of lines way. I took off, pumped up the walls in a halfpipe approach and set up for a big carve in the corner. As I came off the ramp, I was heading right for the heater, which looked like a metallic flat book. I should have simply jumped over it but instead I tried to carve/soul arch around it (at speed). The sharp edge caught my calf so cleanly I barely felt it, but felt it none the less. I knew without looking though, it was gonna be ugly. And it is. I'll try and post a photo.
Like a hot knife thru butter
On 4/3/2005
wrote in from
United States
Well, when it comes to hitting your head, concussions are always a possibility. In my personal experience.. everytime I've ever gotten a concussion I experience the same symptoms, the most prominent being upon standing up after the injury.... I feel a sharp fuzziness in my fingertips, toe tips, and in my vision. I'm not sure if everyone suffers from the same effects when they are concust, but those are soem of the indicators for me.
On 4/1/2005 Brock
wrote in from
well i had just orderd some rII'sand 81a gumballs and bearings of ebay and put them on my 38" deck(looks like a lush kuni). Anyway all excited brought it to school and most of th people arw like wow thats a big board(lol). so i was going home and the street was a slow downward slope and this was baasically my first riding this setup and mostly my first tme TRULY LONGBOARDING. and then i get these huge wobbles(never tightened the trucks they were LOOSE) and start heading to the grass and the curb is one of those flat type so i had to jump and thats the last thing i rember. i woke up grabbed my board and went home my only injury was 3 cuts on my head and a scrape on my shpulder. i wasn't even goin that fast maybe 30k or less(lol). No pads helmet or gloves. so know your board and equipment and wear a helmet .i guess i hit the curb before i jumped and got flipped sideways and smacked my head or something. got anyideas what i might have done.
Ouch Phillip
On 3/25/2005
wrote in from
United States
Phillip I hope ya have a speedy recovery. Have you gave any thought to entering the Mary hill race in Goldendale Wa just a couple hrs from you?
lake oswego is lake no negro
On 3/14/2005
Phillip Hickey
wrote in from
United States
i have been longboarding for a good 9 years now and i took my boggest fall bout a week ago, i was bobming asome hills me a a buddie found and we took it up a notch walking up a few hundred more yards up more hills and we didnt think to much of it, we kick straight into it, we are goin and goin and we feel it goin a lil to fast(bout 35 40 give or take a few mphs)) and i start to do a mellow slow carve and i lose it in some loose gravel on the street, i bail into a curb and split my scalp open(i had 28 stitches) broke my cvollar bone and broke my anckle and got a major concusion, and of coarse my being 17 i dont give a s#@!, im still longboarding every day to and from school, but i am in the most crazy pain i ahve ever felt when i turn or what ever i was in the hospitol for a good 6 days and had skin graphs on my back and i have to have surgery on my anckle, it was bad, but i just have to say, dont try to exceed your limits and be all cocky for the women, altho the women liek the stories, but yea keep it safe but fun and keep on cruisin
One collarbone, three pieces
On 3/13/2005 Kevin the board maker
wrote in from
United States
Man, I wish I read this stuff on "safety" about a year ago! Well, here it is: I'm down in SoCal (the OC) and my buddy and I got into bombing hills about a year ago when I started to make long boards that look like 50s surfboards (very sweet). We were taking some big hill after school and he was telling me about this monster hill that had legendary status near were i live. Being a cocky kid of 17, I naturally felt invincible and decided to take it on. I was riding a board i learned to skate on which was my aunts original from the 70's (100% original Tunnel board, sat in a closet for thirty years) We got to the top of this hill and it looked like the edge of the world. He was stoked on it and started to kick into it. I could feel my balls in my throat just looking down the hill but went anyway. We carved a little to slow down but i panicked and straightened out. HUGE MISTAKE!! This little, 27 inch board turned to jelly under my feet as i remembered loosening the trucks a few months ago. I knew the ride had come to an end so I decided to run it off. I soon realized I couldn't run 30 mph and didn't get two steps in before i turned and slammed the ground with my left shoulder. When I stopped tumbling, I instantly popped up to find my board with little care to how I was. I realized two minutes later that the t-shirt and jeans I was wearing didn't protect as much as I had hoped: thrashed both knees through the jeans, tore up both elbows, massive scrape on my left hip, and my left collarbone in three pieces with one making a sharp bump under the skin. RESULT: i've still got the sharp bump, dark scars, and I only ride the boards I makel. I am also looking into some safety equipment.
Helmet and gloves would be a good purchase. ;)
CO crashes
On 3/5/2005
wrote in from
United States
That sucks. Did he ever tell you why he fell? Like, was it speed wobs, trying to bail, or what? I live for this thread, by the way. I fell today.
Worst Crash Ever
On 2/23/2005
wrote in from
United States
I live in Denver Colorado, and i was reading up on some North Cali stories, and i wanted to tell you all what just happened to my friend. Me and my friend Andy decided to go hill-hunting, and we found a straight hill that just dropped straight down. First run, i pulled ahead of Andy right at the bottom, i stopped, picked up my board, and turned around to see Andy on the ground. I ran over to him and asked him what happened, and all he said was "i busted my arm." I looked at his arm, and to my surprise, i could see both his wrist bones. To sum it all up, Andy left the hospital with a 13" rod, a 1.5" by 4" metal plate, and 6 screws. It was the crazyest longboarding injury i have ever seen
On 1/11/2005 BombHillsNotCountries
wrote in from
United States
We were having contest down a really long, twisting, sketchy road. My friend was riding with super loose randals and we were seeing who could ride further down UNATURALLY. So he looks up, says to me, "I'm going down," I laugh and next thing I know, KA-BOOM!!! He's down, and bad. He Hits pavement, ahrd, bounces up, hits again, and slid about 20 feet. Road rash, bruised ribs, and clothes that were so torn up even Ethiopians laugh at them.
On 1/10/2005 Bender
wrote in from
United States
I had gloves on. It wasn't a sliding deal anyway just so much force going straight on top of the wrist. I always wear the gloves. In fact I value my gloves more than leathers. I've had experiences sliding good distances on pucks without having my torso even touch the ground. I think the next step in gloves is wrist support, kind of like a lifting belt, or the fiberglass they wrap around support columns of over passes. It may keep everything in my wrist together if it works on structural and concrete loads. Obvoiusly not the same thing but something similar rather than wrapping or taping a wrist would be cool.
Sublexation dislocation
On 1/10/2005
wrote in from
United States
The lesson? The use of slider gloves likely would have prevented or minimized your injury. See Cliff Coleman's new forum, Cliff Coleman on Sliding and Safety, in our Q&A section.
Sublexation dislocation
On 1/10/2005
wrote in from
United States
Riding in the rain on slick stuff hurts. Recently I took a spill and put all my weight square onto my left palm. I heard a pop sound and felt a decent amount of pain. Immediately it swelled and even with ice my palm swelled through the top of my hand. The discoloration was incredible. X rays taken three days later showed tendon damage and apparently it wasn't broken. I had dislocated my thumb away from my wrist and my wrist away from my forearm from the blunt force put on top of it. The lesson in my opinion....Don't fall...it should prolly be dont ride in the rain...but its fun.