Crashing Stories (1418 Posts)
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Re: Skool
On 12/30/2005 Kludy
wrote in from
United States
Yes, you should wear a helmet going slow because thats when it can hurt you the most,The great thing is to make a black helmet your own and have all the others kids thinking that they can make a cooler helmet than your.You can save your life and a freinds by wearing not just a helmet but a cool one!
On 12/30/2005 Anthony
wrote in from
United States
well i been walking to skool (intermediate) and i c kids ridings skateboards without a helmet but they werent going fast my friend was riding a skateboard without a helmet and he was going fast either but i c some kids bring a helmet maybe they jump and do tricks, but is it ok to ride an skateboard without a helmet not going fast cause i need to no cause i might ride it to skol cause im sick and tired of walking reply back
No Helmet=More than just your pain
On 12/28/2005 LadyL
wrote in from
United States
Never been one to preach, but need to share...4 months ago, my 20 yr old son chose to long board down a pretty steep, freshly paved road without a helmet on. He's been riding for 12 years and thought he was invincible. Unfortunately, he got a bad case of speed wobbles and went down. When his friend turned around, he was unconscious in the middle of the road bleeding bad from his left ear. Paramedics rushed him to the trauma unit and to make a long story short, he fractured his head in 2 places and had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the entire left side of his skull to relieve pressure and save his life. Thankfully, he has no ill effects from this. He was without the left side of his skull for 4 months, until 2 weeks ago when they operated again to replace it with a polymer piece. The pain he went through was staggering, and the mental heartache and pain our family endured was almost as bad. Hey, it's your life, but take a minute to think about what could happen. You never think it will be you, or someone you love. But it could be.
Marc and no helmets
On 12/25/2005 Kludy
wrote in from
United States
Dame you just helped me to understand something that has been going on with me for years.I got a skateboard helmet for the 1st time today for x-mas my son got it for me. I have hit my head as a young boy skating and to these day will loose one side of my body from time to time.Wear a helmet and live a full life!Have been tru. alot of E.Rs and the numbest is apart of my life now and the doc. could not find why I was going numb. Thanks alot bro. for sharing and its easier for me now the next time it happens. If you ride a skateboard and dont wear a helmet you will not see THE next day as you saw today. My freind Joe D. over 3 years now and can not talk or walk, got ran over and his head was on the pavement to 3/4 of a mile with no helmet. WEAR ONE AND SEE YOURSELF DOING GREAT THINGS,DONT AND YOU WILL JUST BE ABLE TO SEE THE PAST AND ONLY HEAR THE FUTURE BECAUSE YOU CANT MOVE! MERRY X-MAS
On 12/23/2005
wrote in from
United States
dude im to big of a pansie to not wear a helmet. ha im already cool enough man i dont need to not rock the helmet. i mean damn dude with out your melon cap bailing your screwed
My crash No helmet
On 12/22/2005 Marc
wrote in from
United States
A couple of years ago I was skateboarding with a friend. I had a cheap board and was going down a steep curved hill without a helmet. The back wheels came out from under the board and I hit the back of my head on the pavement. My whole body went numb and I had trouble getting up. I didn't go to the hospital afterwards and suffred no type of concusion. I have had three seizures since then and I don't know if that is atributed to not wearing a helmet. I just recently had one and will probably have them the rest of my life.
No helmet - No Life
On 12/15/2005 Fred
wrote in from
United States
For anyone who thinks that they do not need a helmet, check out the page labeled "Ouch" on www.crashcorner.net. Turn up the volume, and listen to Beagle Jarvis' head hammer the pavement at MCGF IV. He was quite shook up, even with the protective gear.
In the words of Beagle himself, "ALWAYS wear your Brain Bucket!"
On 12/14/2005
wrote in from
About 12 years ago my oldest son turned 18 and decided he didn't need to wear a helmet. He was living on his own already and had insurance plus he was "A MAN", my youngest at the time was only 6, and got his first set of wheels under him, the 3 of us went for a ride and as soon as we rounded the first corner the youngest hit the curb and went down hitting his head hard enough to crack the helmet. Well from that day on the oldest decided it wasn't too uncool to wear his "brain bucket". The youngest is 18 now and trying to get out of wearing it, but I continue to remind him of the 2 day long headache he had, then he puts it on. It hurts if we don't protect ourselves, but we hurt others that care for us if we disregard our safety. js
always wear a helmet
On 12/13/2005
wrote in from
United States
i cant even say how many times my helmet has saved me trips to the hospital.i just hate it when i see kids bombing at liek 20 mph and not wearin a helmet! it makes me so frustrated and i try to tell them but they jsut look at me like im a loser who thinks its cool to wear a helmet. guess what, i do think its cool, cause i mean, is it cool to crack ur head open? is cool to get a concussion? i dont think so. e-mail me if u agree and have any good stories.
Why You Should Wear A Helmet
On 12/12/2005
North Carolina Longboarder -Downhillbillies
wrote in from
United States
Go to the Slalom forum and scroll down to the posts regarding Hobby Park and its helmet carnage this weekend.
Wear a freakin helmet!
Marion Karr Sk8sville, North Carolina DHB WORLD HEADQUARTERS
"Fueling the Stoke One Hillbilly At A Time!"
Your ?'s
On 11/28/2005 steve
wrote in from
United States
Most questions about foot braking and other methods of slowing down can be answered under the title (STOPPING) on the main page.
On 11/27/2005
wrote in from
United States
cool dude...
Foot brake
On 11/27/2005 steve
wrote in from
United States
A good rider can foot brake at 50 mph..........without problems...............FYI
Mashed Skull
On 11/24/2005
wrote in from
United States
man last night at like one in the morning I was coming down one of the hills on the golf course flying my ass of and all of the sudden I hit a rock patch and spun my board frontside. After the instantaneous stop on my ass I flung the back of my head into the pavement. I remember screaming and then my buddy tim came over with the flashlight. My pupils were dialated as s#@! and I had a humungus mouse on the back of my head. I think next time I'll wear a helmet.
On 11/24/2005
wrote in from
United States
motorcyles NASCARs and the spinning earth have very little to do with longboards Stevie. Wieght distrbution CG and friction vary from vehicle to vehicle you know.
1100 rpms?
On 11/16/2005 Bug
wrote in from
United States
Actually, I think the earth's rotation is something like one revolution per day. Watching too much NASCAR?
Crashing and your instincts
On 11/15/2005
Stevan L. Panton
wrote in from
United States
My first high speed crash was going to return a video. The parking lot with steep driveways just put in new speed bumps and left them un-colored. I crashed very badly. However, my next crash was faster and I rolled like 6 times. Your body has powerfull defense mechanisms that after 1 bad crash you learn 300x how to handle it next time. I trained myself doing "Staged Crashes" to endure another high speed crash.
How foot brake has claimed lifes of Skaters
On 11/15/2005
Stevan L. Panton
wrote in from
United States
Ever see a NASCAR crash? When one car is bumped lightly, then milliseconds later the car rolls 14 times? Thats what happens when the 4 wheels that are spinning faster than 1100 rpms (speed of Earth's Rotation) suddenly start destablizeing at deffrent speeds. The foot brake is good untill you hit retrograde speeds, for me the speeds are around 28-32mph. If you open you minds, learn some things about (Mass X acceleration + a rotation = gravity). Figure out why motercycle racers lean so far into there turns. There are methods of stoping that have worked for 100's of people at very high speed numbers of times in a row.
foot break
On 11/14/2005
wrote in from
United States
Once upon a time my bro and are crew were shreding a ditch when my bro decided to bomb that bitch. when it came time to stop his toe came off the board and hit a rock..... he flew off his board did a roll, and broke his collar bone... good thing for helmets or he wouldn't have gotten up and laughed....
Unfamiliar runs
On 11/7/2005
wrote in from
NOW I remember the rule "Know your run". This last weekend my son an I were driving around looking for new places to ride, we found a new bike trail at a fairly new park by one of the bayous in Houston. The trail was confined to a large bowllike area maybe a 1/4 mile around. The entrance to the trail is a series of switchbacks, short runs with dogleg turns. They are deceptivly steeper than they look. I thought that I would'nt get up too much speed before the turns, WRONG! At the second turn the detachable pucks on my slide gloves came off (just enough distraction to throw off my timing). Anyway I when my wheels hit the grass I went flying off and did a little courtship dance with an oak tree. I understand they are naming the seedling after me. All in all thanks to the proper protection I came out of it with little more than a bruised ego and a few scrapes.
On 10/9/2005
wrote in from
United States
so i dont break my head next time.
knee accident
On 10/9/2005
wrote in from
United States
Just dislocated my knee and fracture the side of my leg goind down a hill at about 20mph, and there was a pothole in the road so i dove off and took to my knees and a car ran over the tail of my board, good thing it didn't break.Forgot to post it in my last post and the first thing i did since i could leave the house was to go look for a helmet.
knee accident
On 10/9/2005
wrote in from
United States
Just dislocated my knee and fracture the side of my leg goind down a hill at about 20mph, and there was a pothole in the road so i dove off and took to my knees and a car ran over the tail of my board, good thing it didn't break.
No fun getting older
On 10/6/2005 Kludy
wrote in from
United States
Tuesday My son Justin told me he could get air out of the local wood skate park and wanted to show me.He did get air but not out of the ramp.All my life 3 wheels out was it, forsure and I did come to ride.After about an half an hour I decided to drop in and try,boy did I get some air.Just could not land it.After a while I had egough so we when home no worrys had a ball.The next day Justin came home and said he was going again did I want to go, I said no, need a day to recover from yesterdays ride.My wife asked me if I would take Kyle to school for bagpipe practice which was near the park.I get there feeling all that and was going big.Forgot that I was 43 years of age with a very bad neck and shoulder bad from racing downhill.I was getting it and almost landed both front side and back side air.Was at the top making a turn and would you beleave it I got a wheel bite that gave me air I did not want.I came down so hard in the flat that kids heard it outside the place, laided in the flat thinking ER again, DAMIT ! I should go but hate docs. real bad and nothing seem to be broke but my neck and left shoulder is hurt real bad again and I will have to have my neck fixed very soon because I cant turn it but half way and cant sleep. IT SUCKS THAT I CAN NOT TAKE A HIT ANY MORE. Now I am done for at least a month. BUT I DID NOT BREAK ANYTHING, (GOT MILK)
i ate it
On 9/10/2005 lt
wrote in from
United States
yesterday i crashed on this hill and got messed up pretty bad. No helmet, shorts, and a t shirt. My friend was with me. I fell off, hit my head, got a concusion, sliced open both knees, elbows, one ankle, and my face. I spend 4 hours in the er. I had to ask my friend what happened today about the crash cause i can evn remember the rum i fell on. Now my head hurts, its all mesed up, my face looks like someone beats me, and i'm all wrapped up like a mummy. Now i wearin a f#@!in helmet. i had to learn the hard way, you shouldn't. Just find a cool helmet and save yourself the pain.