Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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On 12/19/1999 Bruiser da' Cruiser wrote in from (38.26.nnn.nnn)

Anybody ever tried filming a downhill video in a 90 degree turn, standing up on a foot wide board with some pretty loose trucks? well, I have, and it sucks. First of all, I was using my dad's $850 video camera, and my friend, who I was filming, didn't give me a chance to sit on my board, which is a Sector 9 Luke Nosewalkr. I had to follow him, and as soon as I hit the turn, I started the wobbles. I also almost ran into a car, and it turns out that not me, but my friend fell. He basically did a flip in the air, landed on his shoulder, and rolled for about 10 yards. Not too much pain, major laffs, cought it all on tape. Don't stand and film, bad combo

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On 12/18/1999 Ryan wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Anybody ever hit a gate blocking a road? I thought I was done for tonight when my runout was suddenly restricted. I was comfortably cruising down a familiar hill at the other-wise deserted university, taking up both lanes with huge carves, when a car came up behind me and was closing in. My randalls were quite loose.

My mistake: moving over into the left lane to let him pass (no traffic was coming up the hill) thinking he would go on by and I could return to linking turns. He didn't, he pulled up and stayed beside me to watch, I presume--blocking me in and reducing my long carves to a straight-down-the-fallline descent. (high curbs on both sides) I felt that I would soon wobble out and the gate that closed off the uphill lane was getting way to close. I knew that I'd never make it under it. I had to take action and wasn't comfortable trying to slide in one lane at that speed.

I swung a hard toe edge turn, hoping that the wheels would stick and knowing that if he slowed down I'd ram the back of him when I went to heel edge again. He maintained his speed and for my benefit, I believe, he skipped the purpose-less stop sign and I slipped through right behind him in the only open lane as I had done numerous times before. I won't make that mistake again in the name of skater courtesy. Weird sequence of events.


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On 12/18/1999 Zeratul wrote in from (209.86.nnn.nnn)

The best way to get off is probably to dive into a wet lawn.i was going down this hill that runs in front of my house.i have a real old short board and i was using that.So at about 25 i got jerky speed wobbles,and coming up on my house,i thought it best to bail.i cranked the board to thr right towards my lawn,and as soon as i hit the slope of the gutter i dived onto my hip and arm and went into a roll,while sliding at the same time.i stopped by my mail box.No injurys,major grass stains

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On 12/16/1999 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Here in NZ we have a parking garage with a spiral ramp down the
middle that drops continuously for a dozen levels. Once a year, on a Sunday,
they open it skaters, what can I say but 'uhhhhngl...slurp'.

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On 12/16/1999 tonto wrote in from (208.12.nnn.nnn)

2 things to say here.
1st: stadium walkways are the sickest
fat albert and I bombed that walkway a few x's and I've
yet to find anything that can touch it
2nd: the crash
fat albert and I were up in VA and went out to carve
some hills. we found a pretty sick one and started
carving done the sidewalk. I popped off the curb and
began carving the hill, but it got to fast and I fell
back. I tried to catch myself with my arm and ended up
dislocating my finger. I'd recommend getting insurance
if your carving, since er visits get rather expensive

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On 12/16/1999 Newbie Boarder wrote in from (4.18.nnn.nnn)

Hey Fat Albert, I've wanted to hit Mile High Stadium (Where the Denver Broncos play) for that very reason. The walkways are about 17 feet wide and wind all the way around with a gradual slope. Maybe sometime I can get around security to do it.

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On 12/15/1999 fat albert wrote in from (63.224.nnn.nnn)

Not only are parking garages the coolest, ever tried bombing down a stadium walkway that winds round and round and round till you get to the bottom and feel like you've been twirling in circles for hours. That is phat as a mother. Greenville, ECU Pirates Dowdy Ficklen. been there done that with my buddy Tonto.

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On 12/14/1999 ben Wallen wrote in from (199.88.nnn.nnn)

i live in novato a little north of san francisco, and theres a hill and neighbor hood we call bahia. Its as wide as a fou lane high way, and it rips. its about 3/4 mile long and it can get ya up to about 45 50 mph. so my friend justin is bombing the hill goin about 45 mph. we clock our speed by driving behind them. it a rough estimate but its good enough. so we are amature film makers and we think, 'I got a video camera lets strap it to my friends haed and video tape the best hill in novato.' so i ride down first and i get massive speed woibbles but after boarding for a year like everyday, i got lower by bending mey knees and corrected them and continued to finish the hill. i get to the bottom waiting for my friend and he doesn't show up for about 5 minutes. then i see my friend who was driving, he recently quit b/c of an acidnet that tramatised him. any way he comes driving down with my camera in his hand. im like wait a minutes that on top of my friends head. then i see him coming down going pretty slow, and he usually fucks this hill up. he takes off his helmet and sees theres no camera and gets bumed. he fell going about 45 and we got i on camera. he told me, he was going about 455 when he reached the peak speed poiunt of the hill when he started to hit the wobbles. he is so tall and big that it is hard for him to control them. so he lost his board under his fet and stacked hella hard. he hard wounds as 15 inch long and 6 inches weide. he had blood every where and was shaking, he was a tramatised for a say or two but he still rides harder than ever, and we still rip shit up. till nect fall. RIDE WIH PRIDE!!!


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On 12/10/1999 Shane wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Me and my friend Jason were skating Diamond Hill, (damn fast) for the first time and I was way stoked. Jason started slow carving back and forth, while I the dumb one wanted to feel the rush of the bullet run down this hill. All I remember is that Jason started before me and that i zoomed by him pushing top speed on my board and the wobbles gods decided to teach me a lesson on board maitenance. Always tighten your trucks up for a super steep run. Or you may have the same luck i did. Losing your front set of trucks and face planting at ungodly speed. I had a nice free slide on t-shirt and boardshorts that left both not concealling much, and oh ya, I left a lot of me and my skin on the pavement. That hill definately got the best of me. The only person who got anything good out of it, was the doctor who got a nice check for casting my broken wrist.

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On 12/10/1999 Meredith wrote in from (209.232.nnn.nnn)

There's a spot in Seal Beach that my friend and I skate a
lot. It's pretty dope except that a lot of people mountain
bike and take their dirt buggies out up there so there's some
pretty big gouges in the dirt. Usually we just manuveur
around them but this one day about a week ago we decided to
put some dirt in one of the bigger holes to make it more
solid. So we filled it in and I went way up to the top of
the hill and started going down. I was going a lot faster
than I thought I would be (usually we take off from the
middle of the trail because there's a huge drop off at the
top) I hit the soft spot and my board just stopped. It
propelled me head first into the dirt. My head smacked the
ground and then bounced back up as I slid on my hip and my
elbow. My feet and legs hit the ground last.

I have a huge gash on my hip and my elbow and I
had some trouble walking in a straight line for the rest
of the day. Before I went that day I was thinking how I
should get a helmet. I was a little too late but now
whenever I go back I make sure I have a helmet. :)

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On 12/9/1999 DJ KEWL wrote in from (129.123.nnn.nnn)

My roommate and i love to bomb through our University's parking garage late at night. No security problems, yet. We've heard of people being kicked out and threatened before, though. I've really started to love laying down on my back, and bombing straight down hills at 40+ mph. That's a guaranteed rush. Especially when there are semi's coming up the road, one lane over! Peace out, ride long, ride strong. Keep it real. Ride with Pride.
Longboards are chick magnents.

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On 12/8/1999 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Uh, sorry Newbie Boarder, I'm a dude. Anyway, bombed that car park for
the last time in a while last night. I'm just cranking those
pillars and really getting into it and I hear bang-bang-bang-bang-bang,
a door's thrown open and this guy with a walkie talkie runs
out in front of me waving his arms, I thought goodbye 48 pin,
nice knowing you, but he just marched me out, all the way down
the stairs right behind me, making his point, fair enough.
I cant go back for a while, it's a $1000 fine plus confiscation.
Shame, I was had my flattie Alex keen to take photos of a run.
Ok, back to crash stories...

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On 12/7/1999 Newbie Boarder wrote in from (63.70.nnn.nnn)

Oooooooohhhh Lindsay...you're making me drool.

Parking garages are the best. Especially when there is little or no security. The one I hit is 8 levels, newly built. Right now it's closed to traffic because the apartment complex it is built for is not fully constructed yet. Every once in a while the security guy will ask me to leave, but most of the time he likes to watch me make my runs.

I've had a couple of scrapes in it, but nothing major enough to post here.

Keep Carvin'

P.S. It's great to see more women in the sport. (I'm assuming you're a woman by the name....if not, extreme apologies!)

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On 12/7/1999 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Newbie boarder, (sorry, not a crash subject, yet) that favourite
car park I speak of is a beauty; 12 storeys, a football field
of prime asphalt on each level, where the levels themselves
are entirely sloped, a slalom course of 8 pillars on each
level, and a guard who will only hassle me if I do repeated
runs. Oh, and at night it's 90% empty!

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On 12/7/1999 Juan Fungi wrote in from (131.183.nnn.nnn)

Re: drinking and skating
In 1977, I rode down the sidewalk on Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena (at the corner where the floats always got stuck in front of the TV cameras during the Rose Parade). I was on an ~18" plastic board and filled to the brim with equal parts vodka and orange juice. At the bottom of the hill is a cross street. The last thing I remember of the ride was thinking I had to stay close to the bank building to avoid the light poles streetside.
From the patch of red hair and blood 3 feet up the pole of the stop sign on the opposite side of the cross street, I assume I was still on the board when foreward progress was interrupted by the far curb. I do remember leaning against the pole bleeding and thinking I should probably get up but I just couldn't seem to get motivated. I also remember them loading me into the ambulance and asking if I was going to die.
This took the fun right out of skateboards for about 15 years until my son found one in a ditch on the way home from school. He learned to ride, upgraded , I inherited the oldie and shortly thereafter discovered the pleasures of longboarding as transportation and stress reduction.
The damage:
90 stitches in two spots on my head (I used to be able to say they went way up into my hairline - now I just point at my forehead)
1 broken collarbone
1 gold crown where my jaws snapped shut and broke off one of my lower front teeth.
1 hellacious concussion that kept me puking for 2 days whenever I raised my head off the pillow
A strange tendency to spell any word ending in 'cks' with an 'x'. (This was either due to the accident or a pre-awareness of the spelling that was to come into vogue w/ rap bands)
3 days in the hospital followed by a 1.95 gpa in my first year of college.
Moral: Listen and believe or live and learn - one causes less stitches.
I now ride only on flats if I've had one beer and kick it to the curb if I've had two. I can tell enough difference in my speed/distance perception and balance to not want to risk a repeat performance.
Ride sober and ride long.

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On 12/7/1999 Newbie Boarder wrote in from (4.18.nnn.nnn)


I seem to have the same weaknesses. There's a parking garage close to my fav bar, and I always seem to be attracted to it after a couple of beers.

It's bad I know, and it'll probably catch up to me sooner or later......damn that little devil on my shoulder.

Keep Carvin'

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On 12/6/1999 namon wrote in from (209.209.nnn.nnn)

You are so right about dogs. I hate those things.

bomb hills
not people

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On 12/5/1999 aftermath wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

because brian never told me in real life i had to read about his post...since you guys asked (or just brian) here it is:
kwyk ryde's rules to not crash

#1:stay sober/straight
#2: don't wobble
#3: know thy hill
#4: to avoid all
falls, don't skateboard
#5:blood doesn't get you chicks,
scars do--so wash up
#6:don't trust cars
#7:don't trust dogs

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On 12/5/1999 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Whoops, draankin' n' skatin is not actually my name, that would be sad.

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On 12/5/1999 Draankin' n' skatin wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

I totally agree about drinking and skating. Although after a couple of beers
on Friday night i just get a bit amped sometimes and have to grab my skate and
hit that favourite carpark building...it's a weakness.

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On 12/3/1999 namon wrote in from (209.232.nnn.nnn)

Yup, drinking is not to good when you mix it with things that require balance and a little skill and that involve speed. You usually get messed.

bomb hills
not people

geezers for ever

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On 12/2/1999 brian wrote in from (206.105.nnn.nnn)

me and aftermath made a list of things on how not to get killed. Drinking was definently one of the things to avoid.
maybe he'll post it for you guys.

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On 12/2/1999 brandie terrient wrote in from (204.100.nnn.nnn)

one night my friends and i were drinking at the top of the big hiil i live on. so we were there for about an 2hours and i said that i have to go home to wack it.i had one 40oz of bud light and so i was drunk.so i started down the hill as fast i could and then i was close to my house at the bottom of the hill so i hit a rock and i flew a good 5 yard and went face first into the pavement. my face was so fucked up that i couldnt get a date to prom. so i went with my neighbor. the end i just want everone be safe

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On 12/1/1999 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

I'm starting to get the rail grab Coleman slide thing working on
my 48" pin and I'm feeling good about that. So I practiced in
earnest last Friday night in a smooth tiled amphitheatre,
dropping down an incline, cutting in tight and leaning back and
and making urethane flakes. We get a lot of Japanese camera crews
shooting photos around our fair city for tourism promos...our man
gets all amped up, stops shooting the fountain or whatever and
sets up his tripod etc. and when he's ready I pump it up for
another run...only this time my 78 wheels stick (how bizzare) and
I get pitched right off into a bench, ah well, bit sore you know how it is.
Got some smaller wheels on that deck now, it's a bit looser now aye ;)

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On 11/29/1999 Cranker Sore wrote in from (63.27.nnn.nnn)

Looking back, there is one crash that really knocked some sense into me. I had the opportunity to skate the powell peralta skate zone by myself. Kim Robinon set me up to do a film session and his last words were "wear a helmet" What did I do? I came down the roll in, travelled the distance of the floor, blew my backside turn out the top of the twelve foot transition, then had to back pedal. I should have balled up, but I tried to step it out and Slam!, whip lashed limp necked head cram onto concrete warehouse floor. I have not hed the film for at least five years, but I will never forget the intense mental clarity that has not left since that day. Wear your helmet, a simple head plant will not come close to feeling like a full throttle whipping head slam.

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