Crashing Stories (1418 Posts)
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Crashing Stories |
On 1/9/2000 Oldskool punx
wrote in from
I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I can remember how badly i would get beaten up when i first started skating but, actually LEARNED how to fall. now its not so usual that i scrape my knees or elbows. I find that just rolling as i hit the ground can do wonders. sorta like on old westerns where they jumped off of a moving train. I always remembered that you were supposed to roll with the ground, and not try to brace yourself against it, because that is how you scrape yourself up. But of course if you are going REALLY fast you are going to break bones no matter what.
On 1/9/2000 Lindsay
wrote in from
Oh I hate that
On 1/9/2000 Lindsay
wrote in from
Hey Speedy
You're right..I used to do aikido until my knees finally gave out. Then I got back into old school skating and when I'm in a bowl or on the flats or a carpark, I found some of the breakfalls I used to do helped me absorb some impact when falling off, and helped me protect my head.
On 1/9/2000 Lindsay
wrote in from
Hey Speedy
You're right..I used to do aikido until my knees finally gave out. Then I got back into old school skating and when I'm in a bowl or on the flats or a carpark, I found some of the breakfalls I used to do helped me absorb some impact when falling off, and helped me protect my head.
On 1/8/2000 Ed
wrote in from
Just thought you may want to know that (since I'm a medical professional) Wearing wrist gaurds can take the forces from your hands and place those forces at the end of the wrist gaurd. This is usually the end of those 2 wacky bones that make up your forearm (the ulna and radius bones). If those 2 don't break then, if something is going to break, you will almost always break one of the structures that make up your elbow joint. This was told to me by one of my colleagues (an Orthopedist). The elbow is much more difficult to repair surgically and has less chances of a complete recovery. My advice: good gloves with abrasion resistive palms. A good wrap of velcro around the wrist is part of some of the gloves I've seen. Proper support is way better than a hard plastic "brace". Remember that broken bones are part of the risk, but who could give up all that fun? Skate on.
On 1/8/2000
wrote in from
Yes Brian, but if your truly pushing yourself and skating fast your going to fall, sooner or later. It happens to the best.
On 1/8/2000 brian
wrote in from
my favorite way to fall is not too.
On 1/7/2000
wrote in from
I dont know if i would call shoulder rolls my friend, they may be fine and dandy at low speeds but when your going over 30 or so you will break bones. my personal mode of crashing requires sliding gloves and kneepads (i also would reccomend elbow pads) when i fall,i fall forward and i always land on my hands and knees and slide to a stop, i've crashed going 40mph and didnt get a scratch. also if you dont have strong wrists you should wear wrist guards. these are my two cents.
On 1/7/2000
Carlo Medina
wrote in from
Hey Speedy,
There is a thing called a "Professional Fall" Sounds like you are mastering it! Good luck and be safe!
On 1/7/2000
wrote in from
I'm a sucky boarder, though I've been doing it for ever. Just nothing to ride here. But here a tip that helped me a lot: Shoulder rolls are your friend! If you know somebody in Judo or somehing like that, have them teach you. It's kinda like a "Sumersault", except that you go over diagonal. Left shoulder to right hip or vice versa. Don't try this 'till you know what you're doing, though. Have someone show you. But it helps a lot! Basicly, it can transform a header into a really cool lookin' little maneuver that you can just stand up and walk away out of, pretty much unhurt. Yeah, that's my $0.02! Speedy
On 1/6/2000
wrote in from
It happened last week. I was bombing this huge hill in Puyallup WA when a car swept past me. The side view mirror hit me in the back and I went out of control. I was swerving and hitting city titties all over the place. Then I hit the curb on the side of the road and hit a fence. My ear was ripped off half way and I broke my femer in my right leg and tore my quads in my left leg. It hurt.
On 12/26/1999 MATT
wrote in from
well when i first started to longboard as a kid i wasnt at all good so i went to the steepest hill in my town and thought that if i bombed it i would get better, big mistake at about 30 i started gettin the wobbles and i was all over the road plus there were cars parked all along the road near the bottom i cut left a little too much and ate it in the back of a car that night i got to take a free trip to the hospital well what im tryin to say is if your inexperienced stay the h*ll away from the big roads.
On 12/26/1999 tim/oldskool punx
wrote in from
i got an error when i enterd that message the first time. maybe an error in the site? just so you know.
On 12/26/1999
wrote in from
A piece of advice, dont skate after being sick in bed for more than 2 days I had been in bed with the flue for about a week. not particularly sick, just tired enough to sleep 17hrs a day. Well that doesn't do verymuch for your sense of balance or strenght. I was on my way to school on my board as usual and there was this one hill that i used to have MAD troubles with when i was just starting to skate. The hill is really tight, less than a lane and is fast enough that if you just bomb it you will wobble. and end up going straight onto a main road. so i decided to smoke a fag on the top of the hill, and feeling all light headed dropped down the hill. man was that stupid. i fell on my head infront of a bus stop loaded with people (embaressing) and dropped all my shit everywhere. and put a cut on my chin which bled the rest of the day. so here is the moral, dont skate after being in bed a week, and DEFINATELY dont smoke a cig when you havent smoked in a week. really f'n dumb.
On 12/26/1999
oldskool punx
wrote in from
A piece of advice, dont skate after being sick in bed for more than 2 days I had been in bed with the flue for about a week. not particularly sick, just tired enough to sleep 17hrs a day. Well that doesn't do verymuch for your sense of balance or strenght. I was on my way to school on my board as usual and there was this one hill that i used to have MAD troubles with when i was just starting to skate. The hill is really tight, less than a lane and is fast enough that if you just bomb it you will wobble. and end up going straight onto a main road. so i decided to smoke a fag on the top of the hill, and feeling all light headed dropped down the hill. man was that stupid. i fell on my head infront of a bus stop loaded with people (embaressing) and dropped all my shit everywhere. and put a cut on my chin which bled the rest of the day. so here is the moral, dont skate after being in bed a week, and DEFINATELY dont smoke a cig when you havent smoked in a week. really f'n dumb.
headed and sick just dropped down the hill trying to carve. As you could guess i got to
On 12/24/1999 steve
wrote in from
Ha ha, there are a FEW good motorists... rock on, meatheads. steve
On 12/21/1999 Lindsay
wrote in from
Sorry not a crash.. Went for a cruise last night as I do every night...this is trivial but I thought it was cool...I'm carving back and forth down the summit road. I did not realise that cars were stacking up behind me until people start honking, I turn to see these cars and I'm wondering why nobody overtakes. But then I notice the grin on the dude in the station wagon right behind me, he gives me the 'hang loose' sign as he drives wide to obstruct the traffic for me, awsome!
On 12/20/1999
Newbie Boarder
wrote in from
Luke & Cory,
Hey Luke, haven't heard from you in a while. All the Denver boys are present!
So that anti-freeze crap is the stuff on the roads huh? I was out one night, and all the roads were wet, but it didn't rain or snow. I crossed the intersection and crashed HARD! When I got up, my hands looked wet, but the liquid on my hand was evaporating as fast as rubbing alcohol. I was wondering what the hell it was, and why my clothes and shoes were so greasy. Now I know why.
Cory, I know that stretch of Speer you're talking about (It's actually my back yard). There is too much gravel on it now to hit. I've fell on it a couple of times last week.
On a non-crashing note, Tonight, I braved the streets even with a gimpy ankle, and started at the top of 15th st. I hit every green light. When I hit the fastest part of the hill, this car pulled up next to me. the driver was like "What the hell are you doing?!" I asked him how fast he had me clocked, he was beside me saying I was at 37mph...my fastest (and freakest) yet.
Keep Carvin'
On 12/20/1999
wrote in from
One thing to add to Cory and Newbie Boarder's messages: These guys live in Denver, CO. Hardly SoCal. Be careful, guys--I've resigned myself mostly to my indoor skate-spots for the winter. Denver throws down gravel or this anti-freeze slime (more slippery than ice, I think) when weather threatens; more than half of my commute is un-skateable for now. Be careful, stay warm and get better before proper season hits again! Hang loose, guys . . . .
On 12/20/1999 cory
wrote in from
more recently. I was longboarding along this sidewalk near Speer Boulevard (flat ground near river). It was dark out, and there are not too many lights. I have boarded this sidewalk a thousand times and didn't think anything about having light. I was going about 20 miles an hour when all of a sudden my board came from under neath me and I was in the air.....kinda like super man, except I come down and scrape the hell out of my whole body. I even hit my head. I also screwed up my heal because right after I fell I got back up on my board and was trying to get home when all of a sudden I bailed again. I really am not this bad. I just had a bad night. Thats the last time I skate at night without any lights. Next time I skate I should probably wear some kinda of protective wear. So i don't look like that kid that fell 13 years ago. (look at the next one)
On 12/20/1999 cory
wrote in from
When I was little. We always skated this one hill with our 80's boards. Vision and G&S to be exact. At the time these boards were the coolest. Anyways, we were thirteen years old and were pretty small and could control this huge hill. One day this older kid came up to us and bullied us into letting him ride our board. What a d@#k. He took our board and headed down this huge hill, thinking he was the coolest guy in the world. hehe, He got the WOBBLES he was going faster than s@#t and face planted it. We called the ambulance and I kid you not. He lost his nose and part of his left face was permanently scarred. I think that was the last time that jerk ever bothered us.
On 12/20/1999
Newbie Boarder
wrote in from
Rolled my ankle in a non-skating, drunk accident, and I haven't been able to skate since friday. My ankle is all bruised and swollen, and of course it has to be on my "push off" foot.
So I guess it goes to show alcohol can cause skating injuries, without the rider even stepping on a board....
Keep Carvin' (for me!)
On 12/19/1999
wrote in from
I'm curious to know how you guys prepare to crash as well as crash. Since there must be a wrong and a right way. I fall quite often, when i'm pushing my limits, so i have developed my own method of controlled crashing. has anyone else done this?
On 12/19/1999
Dumb Ass
wrote in from
This has got to be the stupidest thing I've everdone. After school I brought my longboard to ride on my back in the hallways, to try out these new black bones I bought. Well when my friend gave me a good push,I was flyin down the hallway straight into the wrestling team. I tried to turn out of the way, but I put my one hand down and it must have gotten stuck on something. Cause when I got up my middle finger was shaped like an "S" and my index was bent all the way back. Soo I did what was only natural, I freaked and put them back the way they should have looked. Too bad now because I can no longer get full use out of them again. Although I can give one hell of a middle finger, bein proped up and all.
On 12/19/1999 Lindsay
wrote in from
One of my flatties is starting to longboard, I loan him a 48" and we cruise to the shops or wherever. Seeing him take the odd dive, the board shooting out from under him etc. brings it home how it takes time to get styley on these things. 10 out 10 for effort though. Yesterday he caught his first stand up wave...alright, go Adam!