Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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On 5/15/2000 Wiggy wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Hey Vlad what is all this "What". Are you feeling the pain or just taking the piss?

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On 5/14/2000 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

While out walking in the rain on Friday night I happened upon
a bunch of extremely drunk rugby players in tuxedos, cheering
on their mate who was ripping around on a Payaso stick, totally
baked, wiping out again and again, just wrecking that hired tux,
man I just stood there and laughed my ass off. I couldnt decide
if he was a fool or to be admired for his totally amped-up-f**-it-all
attitude...nice stick too, randals, road racers...finally got to
have a go with some randals, we dont get them here, and those payaso
wheels were sweet. Glad it wasnt my bearings in the wet aye.

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On 5/14/2000 Vlad Jones wrote in from (38.26.nnn.nnn)




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On 5/11/2000 Matt walters wrote in from (194.168.nnn.nnn)

Well, i unfortunatley will never skate again and i can no longer sleep knowing i will never thrash a steap roll like i did that day.Me and my brother set of very early to a hill we had heard many rumours about(people have come close to death on this hill). We arrived on the sunniest day youve ever seen my bro just went for a little skate to warm up as i came up with the bright idea of having a little sleep(as i had been on the piss alnight before). I awoke in the most pain ive ever been in my life, i wouldent even wish this pain on Hanson. RED AS A STINKY baboons arse, BURNT as a bastard. Although this did not put me off the run on not knowing were my bro was, of i went slowly picking up speed faster,faster,faster i screemed i was listening to a tape i had made up and at the minute it was pearl jam rear view mirror of VS. I came to a corner and there must have been a drop of at least 20ft if i failed to turn in time. I made it and i thought things had been a little bumpy after that and i looked down and realised that one of my wheels was loose man OH DOGNUTS! SHOVE it i carried on i must have been doing around 55mph, untill some FERRY drove toward me doing at least twice the FRUITY speed limit (which was only 30) and he just FRIGIN hit me full on the twat (MATT, YOU HAVE A TWAT?).I fell to the ground and cracked my head straight on the concrete and my stereo carried on playing and the moment i hit my head Jeff Buckley (WHO?) started singing Eternal Life the next thing you know i was in hospital and i can no longer use my legs. But i still live for the board and still dream of that SMELLY hill and if it wasent for that NOT SO NICE speeding driver i would of made it SO THERE.
from Matt Freebird rivers.


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On 5/11/2000 DT wrote in from (63.30.nnn.nnn)

sounds like Johnny was a little blazed when he bombed that hill.

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On 5/10/2000 wiggy wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Sorry i was in a rush and i get confused a bit at high speed. Any how we were bombing the hill at a speed so fast that i was contemplating death on the next corner as it is a high speed drop off and if you get out of line you are going down hard.I had already had one run down that was ok and so had my friend ben on roller boots he decided to put his boots away and get his longboard out. we bombed the hill but a freak few cars stopped the vital carve or slides needed at the top of a steep section to scrubb the speed. We were going hell for leather and i was not in any mind thinking that this corner is possible at 45+ My mate lost it half way through and i had the blag of my life and slide the whole corner and come out the otherside. my mate had only a pair of shorts on so left skin all up the road i went up there today and you can still see the marks. His back and shoulder are in a hell of a state still, it looks like some one has skinned him with a blade.
I t has tought me to not loose the respect you have for a hill the first time you bomb it which is an important thing and stops the process.
keep the carve

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On 5/9/2000 Mike wrote in from (64.7.nnn.nnn)

wiggy. can u please restate ur crash accident. i have no clue what u said

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On 5/9/2000 matt wrote in from (208.5.nnn.nnn)

I rememeber when i got my first longboard, it was about 6 years or so ago and my friends and i always rode our bikes down this huge hill behind a local grocery store well anyway they went on their bikes and i went on my board, needless to say i was in a hospital for two days suffering from hitting a parked car due to wobbles... but now im back and i have about 7 years of expierience and better trucks but the wrecks still come just not as bad... keep riding

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On 5/9/2000 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

You took the words right off my keyboard,maybe the helmet activists have a point,other than the one they're trying to conceal.oops:)sorry,no mass retaliation please,I take it back; really.

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On 5/9/2000 Fresh wrote in from (207.14.nnn.nnn)

I am not putting anybody down. I just want to know if Wiggy is in school? Wiggy, if you see this message, please stay in school and learn how to spell and write. It is very hard to understand what you are trying to get across in this message. I am sure you are a very bright kid.

Bomb hills, not people.

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On 5/8/2000 vlad jones wrote in from (38.26.nnn.nnn)




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On 5/7/2000 wiggy wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

I have just witnessed the the most horrific crashi ever seen. We been skating fresh east (the biggest hill)and went for some top runs i had already done one and so had my mate on boots he decided to swap his boots for a deck. We got up top of the monster this hill is easily a 50mph run and started to roll he was clad in only a pair of shorts mistake 1
We were ragging it him in front of me, i started to s+it it as it has never been this fast (i have had 50mph here) and a the bottom there is a big corner i though this is it we were well out of control i saw ben my mate disaper around the corner then concentrated on my line. I was driffting out like a ballerina tring to get back in then it started to wobble and slide *uck this is going to be death i really considered as i looked up my mate had lost it in a pair of shorts and went down on his back and bounced then on his shoulder . as i came round i got it back and finish the run i ran back up to see a ben in a bad way completley cut up half his back on the road you could see the impact mark of skin i reakon 65% cuts on his back then i saw his shoulder and it was wreaked hardcore he was wisked off to hospital and took it like a man.
I will remember today for the rest of my life today i felt the fear like i never have i though death was a certainty respect the hills.

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On 5/5/2000 Justin Morrison wrote in from (199.88.nnn.nnn)

Well, lets just say, I Hit 40mph, goin down a hill. The trick was, was that I had my friends 10 pound camera strapped to my helmet. Well the ride ended abruptly, and I have some interesting footage.

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On 5/4/2000 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Haha reminds me of when I headbutted a rock ducking on the
way out...an 8 stitcher I think with a fair bit of dribble,
makes one unpopular in the lineup..we get a few big noahs out
here, but the seal colony keeps them fed.

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On 5/4/2000 ROAD BURGER FUZZ (AGAIN!!!) wrote in from (193.62.nnn.nnn)

The Easter Bank holiday weekend turned out to be epic...

Me and the woman camped at a local break (Llangennith-nice and hard to pronounce for all you non-Welsh guys!) which was chockas with all the usual goons, valley boyos and Kappa cocks...but thankfully the surf picked up (to a decent 4ft), the wind switched offshore and the shorebreak sifted the MEN from the MICE (I am a MAN...oh yes!).
The paddle was the usual Gower marathon but worth it out the back... right handers peeling over head high, smack-able lips and long clean sections... ooh-er missus, a wave fest!
After knocking up my wave count for the first hour or so, I settled down to get focussed on some more quality sets. Boys, all the moves were coming out...I was proud...big gouges followed by long, speedy, trimming-style faces, floater, land it, bottom turn and...BOOM...smack the lip!
After 2 hours I paddled further up the beach to a series of sand bars locally known as Three Peaks...and it was worth it...suckier rights rolling for an eternity...well, maybe 15 second rides if ya lucky (that's good for around here!).
Three hours went by and my arms were beginning to resemble the consistency of noodles...several more waves...duck dives...lull...you know the scenario. Anyway a behemoth set appeared on the horizon (well, maybe 5ft), I was focused, or so I thought...I paddled for position...turned...scratched...launched, oh my God! this is fuggin' amazing - long faces...trim into the pocket...bottom turn...smack...bottom turn...trim a bit more...gain speed...ooh er, end of the section approaching, wave walls up - I'll go for the big move...bottom turn...swung into the face...BIG RE-ENTRY...and got launched into the air, pitched under the water, thud to my eye socket - ouch - pain - surfaced...and there's blood gushing out of my eye! Oh shit, I've really done some damage...could'nt see in my right eye, blood everywhere.
The worst thing was walking up the beach back to my tent - little kids wincing and pointing, "Mummy, look at the scary man!"
Cleaned up the cut, loads of blood for nothing in particular...thought it might need stitches but a few doobies sorted that uncertainty...I relaxed, arms like strings of spaghetti, jam oozing from my eyebrow, but stoked and content under the sun.
Monday (Bank Holiday) broke, the sun was shinin' and the weather was sweet...the surf had dropped but would pick up again later on the push for high tide. Thought I'd fill my time with some land carving action...bolted the Blue Kryptos to my trusty steed and headed for a shredable local hill, about a mile, super smooth tarmac, hardly any traffic...I'd tell you where but I'd have to kill ya!
Pushed off and semi bombed the first couple of runs, a couple of deep carves for good measure...nice. After the fourth run and several backhand power slides in that gravelly shit at the side of the road, I stopped for a break and a cool drink - in retrospect, BIG MISTAKE, you know why? Lost my focus...
On the fifth run, I pretty much repeated the fourth - backhand power slides...again, nice. Then I decided to pull to the left hand side of the road (as you look at it) and power slide (look mum, no hands!) on my frontside...slid...caught an edge, or the kryptos gained traction or sumfink...got pitched and bodysurfed the tarmac at about 35 mph...PAIN!

I think I've identified the problems in my surfing and skating...focus...stay focused. Other wise you'll recieve Road or even Sea Burgers from hell...no skin on my palms, chunks out of knees and elbows, almost minus a right eyeball sprained wrist (no broken bones again - close one). I gotta get some decent gloves...man, I'm getting too old for burger knees!

I hope that this injury shit don't come in threes!


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On 5/3/2000 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

hey quicky,

back in the old days my brother and I did a lot of catamaraning. Most good runs ended in a crash. Thankfully our speed rarely approached 20 mph! That is flying for that style of riding! Hope you and your bud are feeling better... hr

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On 5/2/2000 quicky wrote in from (205.179.nnn.nnn)

My friend and I had a pretty nasty fall last week. We were trying to catamaran (butt boarding sideways holding hands while placing your feet on on a friends board and vice versa) down a fairly small hill. We were trying to carve but couldn't so we started going about 20MPH. My friend decided the best way to slow down would be to take one of his feet off my board and drag it along the ground. Bad idea. His foot flung backwards along the ground and one of my back wheels rolled over it. I popped up in the air for a second but managed to stay on my board, sideways and sitting on my ass. My friend ate it immediatly. I guess I leaned back or somthing because I soon found myself heading towards the sidewalk. I hit the curb and rolled across the sidewalk into someones flower garden. My friend sprained his ankle and got some scrapes on his elbows and hands. I only got a couple bruises and scratches. Lucky me. I wish I had this fall on tape. It was great.

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On 5/1/2000 Sonny Rains wrote in from (216.54.nnn.nnn)

A while back I got a carve board. Those things stick to the
pavement like magnets. They are made of slick rubber and
work just about as well as car tires. I had been jamming on
this thing pretty hard with a buddy on his old powell board.
I let him borrow my carve for a sec and I jump on his board.
This thing was set up for his old half pipe. Tight ass trucks
about 55mm 98a wheels or some shit. I was used to the carve
board so I am sliding this thing around all over the place.
Unfortunately I wasn't intending to slide. Eventually I spilled
right on to my shoulder on the pavement. I didn't break it,
but I couldn't surf for like 6 weeks. I got a buch of darvocet
but it won't worth it. Anyway that's my story in summation
it's the same old shit.

I was skateboarding and I fell. It hurt. I wished I wasn't
skateboarding at that time. I wished I was somewhere else. I
hope it doesn't happen to you.

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On 4/30/2000 DT wrote in from (172.131.nnn.nnn)


When you finally read this you will probally be feeling better, but that was the craziest crash that i've seen yet. i wont spoil it by telling everyone, instead everyone will have to check in with longskate.net in about a week and see the video of it.


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On 4/28/2000 namon wrote in from (209.209.nnn.nnn)

Jon, that sounds pretty bad. And knowing you, I bet that you where not wearing any sft equiptment.


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On 4/28/2000 DT wrote in from (63.30.nnn.nnn)

Wow that must really be painful, if you ever want to go for a ride after you heal, e-mail me. i live in San Clemente which is about 15 min south.

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On 4/27/2000 Jon wrote in from (63.23.nnn.nnn)

Well, I crashed.

I was in Laguna Beach riding my cousin's board and the pavement was so smooth it was just smooth. Smooth and a half.

So I was carving/sliding this hill for the first time and I was going pretty slow because it was steep and the pavement was fast. I didn't like going so slow but I had to because I'm not good enough to pull a slide at high speeds to stop when I reach the bottom.

So basicaly the hill changed it's slope and it looked almost flat from where I was. It was like an optical illusion. I came out of my carves and decided to let let it go for the next 200 feet to where the grade changed. I did and by the time I got there I was going faster thant I expected. I didnt' panic. I was about to carve it out when a ca came down the hill behind me(I was on the right shoulder). The car prevented me from carving and I kept going faster. I knew I had to stop soon. I didn't panic. I was hauling a$$. I had to stop because the street was about to end and I didn't care to try merging with a four lane street. Also, it was a gated comunity(i know what you're thinking) and they had those spikes that dont let cars go in the wrong way. I dint' want to see if they let boards go in the right way or not. So I paniced and got into my crouch. I pulled back on my rail harder than I should've and the board popped out from under me. My toe cought funny and I sort of bounced off my knee. I'm not sure what happened next but I rolled a bit and somehow ended up with scrapes between my knukles.

I remember a question posed by herbn a while ago about wheather truck alighnment makes a diference in speed board. All I know is that gravity boards must be aligned acceptionaly well because the next thing I saw was the board moving very fast and very straight towards one of the gatepoasts. I started to limp down the hill yelling and trying to warn a guy in a car that he was about to run over a board. The board missed the car. The board was going very fast and when it's front wheel finally hit the post it ricoceted a good six feet in the air. It then coasted across the four lane street and stopped on someones lawn. When the gaurd at the gate saw the bloody, limping, wheezing figure(me) hoble down the street he just pointed to my board.

I realy twisted my knee too but you probably don't care about that.

Sorry about the novel.

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On 4/26/2000 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

Hey,Spacer,was that helmet on your hardrive?

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On 4/26/2000 Spacer wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I had the full on super bummer...Computer Crash.
Hard drive GONE.
Good thing I hadn't begun any of the four big papers due before the end of the semester.
I was wearing my helmet and everything

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On 4/23/2000 Brando wrote in from (63.14.nnn.nnn)

Me and my friends were doing one of the biggest hills in our town. Our friend Kevin (recently just started longboarding) did this one for his first hill. At about 35mph the board slipped out from under him, which sent him sliding into a ditch. His board was ranover by a 18 wheeler, which pretty much made it sawdust. He was allright but his arm had third degree road burns on it. He never longboarded agian, but he had an awsome story the next day at school.

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