Crashing Stories (1418 Posts)
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Crashing Stories |
On 7/7/2000
wrote in from
i was sliding, and my kryptos are kinda old, so they break loose really easily...and i slid...and slid and slid and slid right off the edge of the road, where i came to a complete stop. jeez. so i got mud all over my board and...get this! my ass was dragging the whole 12hr slide and now i have a big hole in my pants...it _was_ a crash!
On 7/5/2000
wrote in from
At 4:30 a.m. last night I went rideing I was pushing fairly fast. I went to put my foot on the board and missed. I started to do the spilts but my knee went out. I layed there for a little bit then I sat on the and pushed my self home. After four hours in a E.R. I left with three stiches and riped ligaments.Now I can barley walk with crutches and I have to wear a leg brace for at least three weeks but I have some good pain pills. psycho78
On 7/5/2000
wrote in from
ok here is my crashing story: i was on vacation in maui with a friend and we both brought our longboards. my friendss mom took us skating one day, she went to the top of this hill that did not look that good going up it. well i started skating down it and is was fun for the first minute. i then slowly realized that i was going to fast (about 45), I then realized that the road i was on was to narrow to turn around and i could'nt just wait for the hill to end because it dumped out into the main highway. anyway i got some mad wobbles started to turn, then i became airborn. lucky i did not break anything but i have a 3 inch long cut on my arm and about 20 smaller ones. i got away easy considering i was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. i think i will buy a leather jacket now, if anybody knows a good place in sf/bay area e-mail peace
On 7/4/2000
wrote in from
You have got to read this! This is not a "fish that got away" story, it really happened! You always hear about luges hitting squirrels, or some other fuzzy little creature, but how about a jack-rabbit going over 45 doing speedboarding? Well, it all started with me begging my dad to take me bomin'. There was a slight wind at my back and the hill is about a mile long. I got a very good kick start, and was going faster than ever before. Just about 3/4 of the way down, I saw a flash(it was right at the borderline of being dark) headed under my wheels, the next thing I know I'm flying through the air after I got bucked off my board. I got shown how 40 year old pavement can be like a cheese grater on leathers as I tumbled for about 50 feet-it really sucked. I was able to keep my head up, and all that really happened was my ankle slamed against the ground, very hard. I was lucky, but the poor little rabbit wasn't. I killed it. Oh well, he wasn't some cute little peter cottontail, it was a flea-bitten jack rabbit that could've prabably kicked most dog's asses. It didn't slow me down though- I went on to get 5th out of 10 amature riders in the EDI mammoth race, not bad for my 1st time racing!
On 7/3/2000 b-rian
wrote in from
i only know what was in the article, but i think that he might have lived if he had been wearing a helmet. even if though, he would still be pretty messed up. i drive on 52 all the time, and people speed like crazy. red lights to me are an absolute no no. if you can't avoid the light, i just avoid the hill no matter how tempting it is.
On 7/3/2000 Blah
wrote in from
A moment for the dead skater in Pennsylvania . . .
Question: Was he wearing a helmet? Would it have mattered?
And, how do you guys deal with red lights?
On 7/3/2000 b-rian
wrote in from
from the News Journal Monday, July 3, 2000
A Pennsylvania teen-ager died sunday when his skateboard collided with a sport-utility vehicle. Harun DeLuce, 18, was traveling east on Pa. 926 when he aproached the intersection with Pa. 52. Pennsylvania police said DeLuce traveled through a steady red light and collided with the right front portion of a 1996 Ford Explorer Sport traveling south on Pa. 52. DeLuce was taken to the Brandywine Hospital and Trauma Center, where he was pronounced dead from severe head and abdominal trauma.
On 7/2/2000
wrote in from
I got my first board a few days ago and have been riding around, cruising for a few days now. This morning I went up to the hills I live near and decided to take a run or two. I looked for the smallest streets I could find. Obviously not small enough. I couldn't turn fast enough and I ran into a *cough* parked *cough* car. The owner was on her porch and asked me if I was all right, but I could tell she was glancing at her car for damage (there was none). It aint nearly as harsh as some other dudes' stories, but it kinda hurt my knee and back.
On 7/2/2000
wrote in from
hey me too! like that time i only noticed my teeth were gone _after_ i'd ran after my board
On 7/2/2000 b-rian
wrote in from
herbn, i know exactly what you mean, if i take a spill, the first thing i do is check the board :)
On 6/30/2000
wrote in from
stack at 40 kph, no helmet, cut head, bruised back. Top speed was about 70kph so I'm glad i didn't stack then. shouldn't skate drunk, I would have never taken that hill without a helmet when sober. at least I didn't get AU$98 fine from the cops like my friend who was a bit slower.
On 6/29/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away,my brother was better than me at skating "better than me" meant he learned to cut across the grass next to the steps in front of our apartment before i did. Well we moved that summer and i found a skate shop,(I was more into skating, he was better)so I had saved ,and bought a shiney new polished red Banzai double kick(yes it was that long ago)mom made me share it anyway, so i took him along to a hill i'd found at a church in our new town. I cruise it first,damn it was fast and sketchy,I mean we're talking excaliber trucks and hard loose bearings on a 24 by 5.5 aluminum board,reluctantly hand it to my brother he takes off cautiously"just turn up the hill over there before going down the rest of it"all of a sudden wobble wobble ,slam; actually just more of a body slide.I yelled ,"you ok" as I ran to my shiney new skateboard to see if it was ok,first of many scratches,man did i get chewed out for checking on my skateboard first and my injured crying little brother after:)
On 6/29/2000
wrote in from
I guess I'm not the only one who has a problem with farmers/countrymen. Avoid cow shit!!!
On 6/29/2000 Angel
wrote in from
I was boarding down a hill that my friends and I call the "killer"(the hill is called this because no skater has ever made it down the hill without crashing) That day I felt like I could make the hill without eating the blacktop but as I approached the last few feet of the hill to my victory a damn hick on a tractor came up the middle of the hill and gave me the choice to either run into the tractor or eat the blacktop. Sorry to say I ate the blacktop instead of getting killed by a tractor. girl skater, Angel
On 6/29/2000
Ali King
wrote in from
me and two friends were on our way back from a surf when we decided to make a small detour onto dartmoor(in devon, england) to enjoy the huge smooth hills on our longboards. we'd carved our way down a couple of nice ones when we got to one huge mutha of a hill. my mate dave went down it first and had to bail halfway down onto the grass because of massive speed wobble and because there's grit all over each side of the road so it's basically bloody dangerous. me and ross went down to catch up with dave but when we got to him ross just carried on going like he'd skated all his life and not just one week..... anyways, he reaches the bottom of the hill, realises he's going to hit a cattle grid and so jumped off. he made about five big strides to try and slow down but fell over and ate it big time. he rolled for ages and lay in a heap until we got to him (laughing... well, you had to see it) the result: sliced up hands, graze from elbow to wrist (full of grit and shit)grazed knees, cut ankle, grazed back and a hip that looks like it's made of mince beef.there's a lesson to be learned here but obviously i didn't learn it because i fall off so much i should have a stunt double.
On 6/23/2000
wrote in from
Damn Rednecks, don't get me wrong, I lived in the south for 6 years, but don't try and pass me!!! The other day I was bombin a hill and this contractor guy ran me off the road. He try's to pass me and his big ol' FORD F-ing super duty diesel crew cab dually with ladders and 2x4's on the rack up top tryed to pass me and created a big gust of wind and I blew into the grass, lucky the grass was freshly cut and thin or I would've eaten the sidewalk. DAMN REDNECKS ---DOOBIE
On 6/22/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
I was skating Lennys Ramp in the early eighties (old crash story)and hooked a wheel a little coming in off a indy grab tail stall,which pushed me off balence,I veered towards the side of and didn't fly off until I was five or six feet up the tranny,I landed on the fence,constructed of 4 inch diameter posts carved down and put through holes in the verticle posts ,cracked it with my chest,didn't get hurt much,luckyly I landed in the middle,between posts,and they were kind of old,but it did make a loud cracking sound,which every body thought were my ribs.Or the time i pulled a splinter out of my chest that was so thick i needed plyers,that was the Belmar ramp(7.5 foot trannys 3.5 vert but with 6 replings,like a pool,down to the stone coping.).........
On 6/21/2000 greg
wrote in from
I was skating at 6 foot mini ramp with a group of friends in the late 80's. It turned into a snake session and someone dropped in the same time as me. We collided head-on and he broke his wrist. Later, his dad came to cart him off and the ramp owner's dog freaked out, chased the injured kid's dad around the yard and bit him on the ass! Noone was sued, so it was a happy ending. THE END
On 6/21/2000
wrote in from
my buddy and I are from the ecoast, went to FDR (a killer concrete park under i95 in Philadelphia) on saturday and totally were diggin it. I hadn't been there more than 5 minutes when I went a little to big on one of the bowls and totally busted my ass (literally). A wave of pain came over me. Just then I realized that I wasn't 16 anymore, reality came crashing in: I'm 28 and falling sucks. Needless to say I got to my motrin in time to ward off a lost day. skated it some more and could only last 15 minutes. Off to brigatine nj. cool little concrete park. Moral of the story: think than go big vs. go big than think. Four days later and I'm still feeling it.
skate on longboarders
On 6/20/2000 J. Kosow
wrote in from
well i was going down a huge hill by my house(I was going about 20 mph) when my front left wheel fell off and i went flying over a fence, rolled through a ditch and smashed into a tree. just got a bad headache and a big strawberry on my knee and a sprained ankle
On 6/20/2000 Mr. Fish
wrote in from
I was skating at Silver strand state beach in California and there are some cool tunnels to shoot through. Well My friend started at the top of those hills and he carved and shot like a bullet through the tunnel. He did it a few times and he convinced me to try I am still an amateur at downhil and carving because I just got it. So I go down and get a little speed wobbles and right when I entered the tunnel I decided to bail but realized I was to close to the wall but I jump anyway and scrape my face chest hands and knees on the wall and fall straight on my hands. It made for some bad cuts and a gnarly story.
On 6/15/2000
wrote in from
my friend was skateboarding and I was on my longboard and I turned and I saw him try a frontside flip and he had it untill he landed and his board went flying and he came down on his elbow and he got up and looked at the ground and there was blood his elbow busted and he never screamed or chucked his board once
On 6/15/2000
wrote in from
Last week I went to Antibes (France) with friends to train longboarding. As I was carving in the slope, my board slipped (on what?) and I fell on the road. Result:a large pizza on the side of the body and a pain when walking for a week. Today, I'm doing better. I miss my board. Going to skate tonight. Hope I won't fell...
On 6/12/2000
wrote in from
I was bombing and I saw car pull out of a drive way so I tryed to get around the car and I slid out and I landed on my ass and I riped my shorts and my ass was bleeding and I could not sit down I also lost my shoe and cut my foot up a week later my friend feel on the same hill
On 6/5/2000
wrote in from
OK, so i'm 34 now & have a 2.5 yr old kid. Can't drink beer like I used too. One of my all-time best freinds got married on Sat. Another of our friends brought some home-brewed Pilsner. MAN that stuff was good!!! Powered down about 7-8 of them. Went to leave the party and ....... CRASH!!!!! Stubbed the toe of my Doc on the doorstep, put my other foot down to catch myself and caught it on a step. Next thing I know, sprained ankle the size of a grapefruit and all Black & Blue. The worst part is I missed the Dump Rd ride on Sun. DAMN!!!!