Crashing Stories (1418 Posts)
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Crashing Stories |
On 8/16/2001
Mitch T
wrote in from
I went skating with the DC DC last night. I wore full pads even soccer goalkeeper shorts to protect the hips. I was riding very tentatively carving alot and sliding to scrub speed. We came into a section that was a little dark I was going kind of fast then carved a turn and hit a big oil slick and my ass went straight to the ground as my board just slid right out from under me. I can't ever remember slamming so hard. Most of the impact was on my ass but I think my helmet saved the back of my head. I was in shock as the whole crash came from out of nowhere completely unexpected.
On 8/16/2001
wrote in from
You guys havent seen anything. im still in a wheelchair for my crash. my friend and i are racing down a 3 mile hill about 20 miles from my house, and he starts to get speed wobbles. i am right next to him, we are going same speed, and he is whipped out of control at 50 mph, and hits into me! he knocks me forwards, lands on my leg, and spins my femur in two. the doctor stopped counting how many places it broke at 7, but anyways, i am sitting here now with 8 pins along my whole leg. i almost died 3 times from blood clots, and after a while got no effect from morphine, valium, or any pain medication. i startes to do weird things to my body to put the pan on another part. doctors from around the state came and said they had never seen a brake as bad s mine. and, when the people got there to help me, i was allergic to the medication, so i didnt get any pain medication, and they had to take my leg from over my head and straighten it to normal poition. u pussies, aint seen nothing yet. and pads cant prevent it either.
On 8/15/2001
Mathieu Scott
wrote in from
I just got some exkates with the black bushings.. They tuirn really well and the fact that I dont get wheel bite with them got me all excited to the point i decided to take them down peters mtn... A local mtn. where I live.. About 50 feet down I would estimate 35-40mph.. I rode the wobbles out well then I seen what I thought was a diort inbankment when all it was, was greavel... Now My left side is nothing but a scab, I cant find my skin anywhere... And it sucks cause I can take my randals like 55 and not get the hint of a wobble...
On 8/10/2001
Dave H.
wrote in from
Speedboy, while a regular helmet that covers your forehead and back of your head is OK, a full face helmet would stop your nose being shoved into your brain pan if you flew into a tree or the ground at 50+ mph. Might save your teeth too. . .
It's still the best option and if somebody offered you the choice of paying 200 extra bucks or watching reruns of Gilligans Island in the rest home for the next 40 years, you'd reach into your wallet. If you want to know what I'm talking about, see if you can get a tour of a rehab center and take a look at the rebel motorcycle guys who flew into something at 40-60 mph without a helmet.
Make sure whatever helmet you use passes the Snell criteria. You want to put a lot of styrofoam in between the asphalt and your skull. And if you hit something and crack the helmet, buy a new one immediately. It's designed to break so your head won't.
One last thing. There's some new research that says if you get concussed once, give yourself a break and don't go back to skating that day. Some of the people who got two concussions within the same couple of hours had very severe brain injuries or died.
Skate safe, Dave H.
On 8/10/2001
wrote in from
Your right Speed, $300, let alone $80, is way to much. Its much better to eat out of a tube and watch tunes all day. At least your priorities are straight. I bet you can hit 80 if you loose the extra weight bushings add on.
On 8/10/2001
speedboy again
wrote in from
The full face ones cost too much. I'v seen some cheap full face helmets for 80$, but still 80$? and it's not even a adult size. and a good one would be around $180-$300! will my half-cut skate helmet provide enough protection?
On 8/10/2001
wrote in from
hey...not all of us young uns are stupid like that...i'm only 17....
On 8/9/2001
Dave H.
wrote in from
David is absolutely right. It might feel awesome to skate without a helmet at that speed, but if you've ever seen the inside of a human skull, it has knife-like projections in the front and around the temporal lobes. You bang your skull at that speed and your brain cuts itself up on the edges of the bone. If you hit at 50 mph, you could explode your temporal lobes against the bone. Plus, neurons stretch and snap like old rubberbands across the entire brain.
I've evaluated a lot of young adults who got hit at that speed. Mostly they smile a lot and watch TV in a nursing home. Want to be skating a long time? Wear that helmet.
Dave H.
On 8/8/2001
wrote in from
dude, those are some seroius fuckin speeds to not be wearing any safety gear. get a full face helmet, at those speeds a motorcycle helmet would be best. you can't race with the pros if your brains are all over the road. i thought i was invincible to...now i have a nice 5 inch scar on my arm
On 8/6/2001
wrote in from
I started longboarding about a year ago and have never had one serious crash. I've been shortboarding and snowboarding and have crashed, not too serious(brocken arms and toes) but never on my longboard, and I'm starting to feel invincible. I go like 50-55 mph, with no helmet! In my car I feel like a could always go faster. should I get a speedsuit or helmet or what sumthin and start racing? it looks really fun, and I'd like to be on TV racing other guys
On 8/6/2001 captainmike
wrote in from
my driveway is about .2 miles long and very steep. I'm pretty much a tech/streetcourse skater and deciding to bomb my driveway was probably not in my best intrest. I can hack a hill, but my railgrinding, loose-trucked, flip stick was just not the right tool for the job. I'm used to rolling ankles and i bruise my shins daily, but damn this sucked. I'll let you crazy old sidewalk surfers use you kneecaps as skid stoppers, im going to go throw myself down some stairs. Much respect- Captainmike
On 8/5/2001 Drake
wrote in from
Taking a pretty mellow hill with some speedy sections. Just knew I was going down for some reason, but skated it anyway. I haden't spilled in some time, and knew it was time. You know the feeling. It was getting dark out, I was carving, my rear wheels were sliding a bit to kill some speed, not going too fast maybe 10-20 mph? Anyway on one turn my wheels slid then caught, I got tossed, did a forward somersault, smacked my helmeted head and skidded a bit on my arm and back. If I didn't have that helmet I would be in the hospital right now. Wear a helmet and other safety gear. This was a wakeup call for me.
On 8/2/2001
wrote in from
I know this is only a skateboard site but I had to tell this one. I was luging today down a local hill with some pretty gnarly turns. the particular turn I was on had a dipwhich when you are on top of can't see the bottom of too clearly and then it goes into a left hand hairpin, Anyways I came over on my luge My friend Leander behind me and see most of the 2 lane road is being taken up by a gready car. I can just see down and tell LEander to SLOW DOWN with my hand and I put on the brakes to an almost complete stop. Leander comes over the bump and quickly thinks over the situation he is going too fast too stop and decides to try and slide on my inside but in doing so his nerf bar hit my head rest shooting me forwards directly at the car a quick attempt at stopping reveals that There's not a chance and I lift my legs and brace myself(all this happened in about a second) wam I hit the car and rebound(the milli second before impact I ask please lord keep me safe) and he did My nerf bar went under the car(JUST IN FRONT OF MY LEGS) and I slammed off the car(more like bounced)I lay on the ground and quickly checked for breakages(hey they happen) stand up and hop around a lot. Now comes the reason why I thought I should post this here If I didn't have my left elbow gourd, my helmet(a full face motor bike helmet) and my leathers I would be a very schmangled person(I am very lucky to not be in the hospital having the cast done for the leg which I JUST managed to pull away in time.)other wise the car would have ridden over my shin. Although there was a lot of luck involved in my accident(thank you god(which I said out loud lots of times immidiatly afterwards) ) If I didn't have the exact helmet on that I had one(a solid full face motor bike helmet)I would be farting words out of my left ear and blowing on a straw and spelling out "please rehydrate me" If I didn't have my leathers on there would be definite stitchage on my right forarm. If I didn't have my one elbow gourd on I would be in a LOT more pain in my left arm. and if a cars tire wasn't so hard Leander wouldn't be paying for a new luge axle(I was trying his luge and he was trying mine) and please people note I was not going fast AT ALL to calculate the head on impact with a car you calculate your speed plus the cars speed. The figures would scare you If you sre doing 50 miles per hour down a hill and you hit a car car that is doing fifty miles per hour on the way up it is like coming to a complete stop from 100MPH. So try to dodge the cars OK. Right now I am jumping around in complete enjoyment that I am OK. It was truly an eye opening experience for me, and has tought me the true value of proper safety equipment
On 8/2/2001 Jesse
wrote in from
Good advice. I wasn't going that fast and actually thought I could run in out. I guess I was wrong.
On 8/2/2001
Cliff Coleman
wrote in from
Wear slide gloves if you have them. If you don't have them then make some and learn to slide. If you clap your hands together with slide gloves the sound may scare the dog away. If not, then it's you or the dog. I am an animal lover but if an unleashed dog challenges me I plan on winning the battle. It has happened many times. When it does I ride straight at the dog. Once the dog sees me as the preditor they have always except once run the other way to get away from me. The one time the dog didn't I was able to easily turn and avoid him at the last moment. If the day comes that I don't scare the dog and can't avoid the dog, then I will slide and take the dog out. If they are not on a leash it is impossible to know what the dog will do.
Remember, when you get the slider gloves and the techniques to use them you become the alfa dog.
Cliff Coleman
On 8/2/2001 Jesse
wrote in from
Here's a question: You're moving at a moderate clip (nothing crazy) when a dog jumps out in front of you and squares you up with a look on his face that says "let's play". You've got 2 choices: 1) Go for the old reliabe run out/ragdoll and take it on the elbow/hip like a man or 2) attempt evasive manuevers which may result in a much nastier crash, but could get you off scott free. So what do you do? I opted for number one and my hip is a lovely shade of purple.
On 8/1/2001
matt and john
wrote in from
we are the only irish longboarders and both of us are made almost entirely from scar tissue. we have too many stories to tell... basically we ride a 60 inch and a 42 inch luge and standup, our roads are shit surface but steep as hell. we rock . oh yeah. and so does ireland...!
On 7/28/2001
wrote in from
OK, 1 I just want to say that the 90a bones bombers dont grip for anything.. Good if your bombing not good if your takeing a turn... Anyway I tried to take a wide turn going about 45 when my wheels slid across the paint on the road and slipped out from under me.. My ass hurts, the back of my legs are all torn up and I had to waddle home with my ass hanging out..
On 7/26/2001
wrote in from
Im one of four guys in orlando who actually longboard (not to surprising considering floridas as flat as hell).Any way me and my brother were out bombing one of the biggest hils we got down here by a park.we made the run a couple times hitting speeds of up 40mph. And on the last run of the day i decide im goin try to break 50, i guess at the same time one of the snotty little kids decides hes gonna make me fall and throws a huge branch in the road. So im crouching down on my flex dex goin like 45 when i see this this in the middle of the freakin road and i start carving to try and slow down but being the the dumbass iam, i noticed way to late. so i bale i try try the "i might be able to run as fast as i was going than i could try to slow down" tecnique and try as i might it didnt work so i then tryed the "tuck and roll" tecnique nope that didnt work either. So im now left with a (kool looking) 4inch long scar on my elbow that looks like 3rd degree burn also a big round scar on my knee that has little round silloets in it that if you look hard enough look like irregular peebles and knowledge that the latter tecniques do NOT work and that pads could hve save me from a lot of pain and whining
On 7/20/2001
wrote in from
well, here is one more beginner story so the rest of us newbies don't feel so bad. (I) was crashing at a friends house (not the one with the cast) when he decided we needed to bomb his hill at night! trust me this isn't a good idea. well it turns out that i have never done this hill before. but being cocky as i am i do it anyway. half way down, my right front wheel finds a 2 inch hole in the road. i try to run it off left foot first but i end up hopping sideways down the hill since the front of the board turned right.(running side ways + 25mph. = falling on ass looking up hill) i lay back sliding on my shirt and pull my knees up to my chest and roll backwards 2x. then look up to see headlights staring me in the face. i get up and wave hello hobble to my board and lay down, my buddy (gimpy)... another story, runs up the hill to see me pulling 3 rocks out of my left palm, looking like i had sat down on a belt sander. well, i guess gloves are in order.
On 7/20/2001
wrote in from
well, here it goes, this is true. First off, i am a beginner longboarder. i live in portland,oregon where it seems that no one longboards, so i don't get showed up much. anyway my 2 friends and i decided to hit this local hill from our high school "head-rush hill" it is a 1/2 mile dip with a two lane steep hill after. anyway at the bottom of the first hill my friend sobe wobbles out and trys to run it out at 25-30, which is fast for us newbies. well he finds the ground with the side of his ankle and then his hip. we walk 5 miles home (no joke). he goes to the hospital the next day and the doc says he is fine. so he skates to summer school (5 miles each way) for 3 Weeks! he goes back to the hospital still hurtin' and they x-ray his leg and he had broken it in two places (smaller bone) so a piece 3 inches long was floating around. he is layed up for 4 more weeks (no skating) while im enjoying the hills in california, poor guy was gonna come with me...
On 7/18/2001 Matt
wrote in from
Hey whats up, this is like the 3rd time within 2 weeks i have posted here.. Its getting old!!!!! Anyway, I was doing about 45-50 and decided I wanted to slide my new wheels and board.. well my foot was way front so about 10 feet through it my foot fell off, I did a front summer sault, then rolled about 15 more feet.. Now my helmet is F*cked, along with my ego.. So now that I have destroyed my helmet, Im really happy I did.. It could've been my head.. Dont screw yourself, wear one...
On 7/17/2001
Marcus Richter
wrote in from
Me and a friend where riding down this hill we werent verry smart had no pads or helmets i was getting bored of carving so i straiten the board out and shoot past my friend the hill curved at the bottom so when my head dissapeared from sight he thought i made it i didt i got a huge speed wobble so i started heading for some grass i didt make it i flew threw the air landed on my knee rolled to my back did a backflip and landed on my feet then started rolling backwards down the hill my friend rode by thinking i made it but i was tumbbling down the hill when passed he sorta turned back to see if i was all right just as he was going aroun a turn filled with watter i didnt see him past that i got up i asked my other friend if he made it he said yes but when i looked over josh was running around a bush his arm was completely covered in blood his thigh wasnt any better he walked up and we are both bloody from about are elbows to are shins we still have scars hes still limping
On 7/16/2001 kook
wrote in from
most embarrassing kook story challenge: top this and you're a bigger kook than I...
a year after i started skating, the Gravity Games had a qualifying contest for skate and luge in my hometown. the hill is over a mile long, with speeds topping 50 mph. so of course i decide to go down on my longboard, wearing shorts, a t-shirt and sandals. on the sidewalk. i hit about 25 and got speed wobbs. thinking i was a world-class sprinter, i thought i'd run it out. right after my foot hit the cement, my head did too. i slid about 15 feet, losing skin all over my body. i didn't think i was hurt so i jumped up and tried to act cool. i had blood gushing from a broken nose and from the roadrash ... pretty nasty. the bloodiest wipeout of the games wasn't even a competetor. i won't even bother to list the injuries because all of you know what happens. anyone with a more embarrassing story, please share. i'd like to know i'm not the only one...
On 7/16/2001 niels
wrote in from
i was going down hill into a brand new vw beetle, it was real fun,, but i have got one broken arm,and the owner of the car is fary engrie
(i know my englisch is farry farry bad im from halland, thats the reason)