Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Topic Crashing Stories
On 5/21/2002 chris 01 wrote in from (12.79.nnn.nnn)

i am not an expert, and i know that safety equipment is mighty important but i don't think that pads and guards can really prevent against muscle/ligament tear.

hopefully you'll be drumming again soon,

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On 5/20/2002 Civ wrote in from (216.221.nnn.nnn)

WEar your wristguards, I took a light fall while running cones and thought i was ok, took off a little skin and had a sore wrist, turns out I tore a ligament in my left wrist, now i need surgery, so much for my drumming career. Gear is your friend.

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On 5/20/2002 joseph wrote in from (144.137.nnn.nnn)

fell off the other day all body weight landed on my right elbow possible fracture pretty sure i have done some muscle damage. i broke my left elbow fist day off school for six week christmas broke my collar bone year before last and broke my hand last year. i dont fall off much but when i do i usuallyget some serious damage guess my luck sucks. oh yeah did muscle damage to my right forearm two years ago and have lost plenty of skin.

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On 5/17/2002 Whoa wrote in from (170.152.nnn.nnn)


Sorry bro, but I had to reply to your earlier post... Sounds like a future Darwin Award to me. Be careful with cars, they'll ^%*$!% you up good...


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On 5/16/2002 David"MoonDoggie"Garcia wrote in from (199.123.nnn.nnn)

My Old school crash story it was 1978 I had been skating
3 years I was about 16/17 years old I thought I was
invincble. I had bombed my hometown bridge in Oxnard and
thought I could bomb anyhill.I was invited to go to church
and afterwards we were promised to go skating in some small
ditches past Camarillo in the Santa Rosa area lots of rich
houses, but it had some ditches that a lot of the
local guys were skating. At the top of one particular road
there was this perfect downhil road which was steep in the
extreme with a uphill runoff which slowed you down safely.
I did it on my board with no problem and I had the foresight
to bring my big brothers motorcycle helmet and some rector
golves. Well there this one kid who went after on his board
it had Kryptonics and he really took off, he got the speed
wobbles and ate it but walked away, I thought we were hitting
45mph/50mph but in retrospect I think we only hit 35mph/40
anyways I thought I so good so I told him to let me try his
board and Id show him how to do it. I tightened down the
trucks and off I went in a full tuck position this board
was fast and towards
the bottom of the run I got the wobbles I stood up
immediatly trying to think what to do, I thought I could
run it out,I took one step and then my friends up at the
top the hill said
I landed on my Head and bounced 3 times like a basketball
if Ihad not been wearing my brothers helmet I think i would
be dead or crippled as I hit hard, I laid there for a minute
was able to shake it off with no after afects. After I had
another buddy tell me that I didnt how to skate and he'd
show me how and took the board and preceeded to tighten the
trucks somemore he took off barefoot,jeans,no gloves, no
shirt he got the wobbles and preceded to do a Supermanflying
on asphalt well you can guess the rest it was bad.
We called the board after that the death board we thought it was
jinxed and no one wanted to ride after that.
One sidenote I am 41 years old now and my son who 16 skates
soI started telling about the places I used skate in Camarillo
Lefts and Rights and santa rosa downhill place so I took him
to the place I crashed it still there the asphalt a little
but still rideable with the right setup, anyways he said he
wanted to try it I told him your crazy you dont have
safety equipment
I also said I must been nuts after looking at again for
doing it with so little safety equipment, I am now getting
my equipment together to start bombing again.

MoonDoggie Endless Wave Oxnard
Ride Safe live to ride again

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On 5/15/2002 Todd wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

my friend pulls me from his carand i hold on to his door with the window open and we started out going like 35 and everyday pushed it higher until we got 50consistently and one day our goal was 60 and so were going 55 and i told him to go for it and he gunned it a little hard and jerk me so i fell but caught myself on his door and my foot draged for a second but i got my feet on tthe running borad and we slowed down my shoe was torn to s#@! the laces ripped in 4 differnt places the sides and tongue shredded it was the scariest thing ever im scared to go that fast agian

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On 5/15/2002 joe wrote in from (198.8.nnn.nnn)

so an addendum to my earlier post. after my crash I had some really nasty holes in my forarm and elbow and I was walking around trying to let them air out. You can always tell if a girl likes you when she is willing play nurse and put neosporen on your wounds. especialy when she has to touch nasty white yellow pus coming out of you arm!

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On 5/14/2002 brian wrote in from (216.179.nnn.nnn)

last summer me and some friends were bombing this huge hill near my house on the way to the deli. i had fallen on this road before, and so have many others, but it had been a while since id fallen so i was pretty confident. so towards the end of the hill im coming up behind my buddy, and i decide to carve around him to give him a lil scare, but when straiting out, i got the worst speed wobble of my life, it was one huge fast carve where my back truck complety slid out. i slid along the rought asphault for a good 10 feet then rolled the next 10 into the woods. i got up with a rather bad pain in my hip and shoulder. i brush offf with the usual cursing and my friends goes "oh s#@!". i had a 2 cm deep, 1 and a half inch in diameter chunk removed from my elbow, it was so deep i didnt feel it, and it wasnt really bleeding cuz it was deep flesh and i guess it was seared. anyway, i made a turiquit out of my shirt and kept skating, the wound took 7 months to fully heal, and the scar still hurts if you poke it (this fall was the middle of august 2001, its now may 14 2002)

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On 5/13/2002 jas wrote in from (208.21.nnn.nnn)

I was just skating in my driveway the other day, doing some
slides and messing around, when I decided to cruise down to
this little boat launch nearby. The road leading down to the
launch is nice new smooth pavement. Well the road is straight
and flat until you get to the launch then it drops down and
switches back. So I start cruising down the hill not going too
fast or anything and start leaning into the turn. Well it was
getting kind of dark out so I didn't notice the pea-sized gravel
covering the road in the middle of the curve. By that time I
was on the ground with holes in my shirt and shorts thinking
that I would be picking gravel out of my ass for the next couple
of months. Man, that was some pain. I walked around cursing
for about 15 minutes until the pain started to subside. Fortunately
there was no gravel imbedded in my ass or my palm, but my ass
looks like someone beat me with a bat and then took a belt
sander to it and it's pretty sore. The only other scrapes I
got are on my side and a little bit of skin off my palm, nothing
too bad but man you should see my ass, it's pretty gruesome

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On 5/13/2002 ICE wrote in from (165.121.nnn.nnn)

So it was a beautiful day sunday in a city by the bay. I was shooting down a new hill did'ent realize how steep and narrow it was on the drive up but gess what? It was. So Im moving pretty quick 20-25 residential street cars parked on both sides, new randal 180's way too loose. So back to the 20-25. Start getting the wobbles, never had them so big guess it was the 180's well I rode it out on the first and second time but by the time the third set came around I desided I better set up for a slide, well I can only confidentlly do toeside slides so I droped down and slid for a good 15' lost the board slid another 10' and then slid under the bumper of some escort or something like that feet first. The damm muffler caught my belt or some thing on my pants stoped me cold about 2" off the ground. I had to unbuckel my belt and just about take off my pants to free myself. My buddy was paceing me and saw me go down but not hit the car. He had to drag me out. First time I have worne a full set of pads. Though it dident help my ass and the small of my back where the muffler took a nice bite. Oh well these things happen I guess, hey funs fun right?


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On 5/11/2002 Dave wrote in from (208.191.nnn.nnn)

What a beautiful night, only to be ruined by the irrational bickering of a cheating, borderline schizophrenic, 3rd trimester pregnant ex-fiancée. Well, I had enough of that, so I grabbed my longboard and headed for the nearest seven story parking garage. I parked in a vacant parking lot just down a small hill from the structure, to ensure a quick get-away if I should run into security. Walking up the stairs (avoiding the cameras in the elevator) got the blood running though my body, and started the process of leaving everything behind me. I arrived at the top, gazing at the clear ski I could see the stars much better from up here without all of the city lights in my eyes. Finally relaxed,and forgetting the mess I just came from, I started down the long empty ramps, gaining good speed immediately. good deep carving just seems to relax me even more. Skating all the way down to the basement with enough speed to coast right up to the stairs for the next run. On my fifth run down, going pretty fast at this point, the all to familiar image of that clean white truck with the letters Warren Duck Hotel Security on the door caught my eye. He was watching me ride down from the adjacent ramp going up. I new my ride was over, but I was looking at him while in middle of a good fast carve and didn't realize that someone had spilt there drink rite in my path. As my front wheels slid out from under me, I thought "What The Crap?" but only managed to say out loud "Wha" before I hit the ground sliding and rolling. Shirt torn and knees bloodied, I picked myself up and grabbed my board and continued down to the vacant parking lot to get in my truck and go home, and avoid the confrontation and embarrassment of the security guard who just witnessed my spill. I guess today is just not my day.

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On 5/11/2002 Patio mendino wrote in from (66.168.nnn.nnn)

I just did a boneless to tail up on a ledge, and the dicks had it all waxed up, and I slid out and tried to catch the nose of the board, and instead the board caught my pinkey finger and folded it into my palm as I heard a "pencil snap" and so now I have a broken finger. I managed to ride out of it, so it's technically not a crashing story, but the broken finger should buy me extra "crash" points...

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On 5/10/2002 Brad wrote in from (20.20.nnn.nnn)

screwed up something..ok lets try that again...a long time ago...june 23 1976 to be exact..my freind was telling me about this "awesome" hill that we needed to try. I was new to skating, and had never heard of such frivolous things as "high speed wobble"..This guy told me he had taken this hill from the top the day before, with no problems. I agreed..we were riding 26" plastic "Continental Jaws" boards...anyone remember them? our trucks were nice and loose, you know, so we could turn or whatever (high speed what?) and about half way down, my board twiched..the "pit of the stomach" indicator went off..hmmm to fast to jump off..will have to ride it out..right at the bottom at what we later found was a speed of 32 mph, my board wobbled violently and I was on the pavement..no helmet,pads nothing..just shorts and a short sleeve shirt...we both went down..we stood up and yelled as loud as we could, freaked out by what happened..then we started to crack up..my mom came and picked us up after a call, and on the way home I started noticing some weird stuff happening..I couldn't talk straight...my mom,ignorant to the effects of a concussion, was laughing..later I got sick..real sick and ended up in bed for 5 days...saw the doc and he confirmed concussion..my freind did not get a concussion but took so much skin off his hand that it bothers him to this day..later that summer I met a guy from NYC who came to my area "The Berkshires" (a haven for NYers)to spend the summer..same thing, same hill, except this time I was riding a bike along side to get his speed...32..anyone ever see what a board does when it wobbles enough to through you off? it does a 90 degree turn and shoots across the road.. no wonder we get beat so bad..might as well just step off the board at top speed ..same thing..anyway, as soon as we healed from crashes, we were right back on..using helmets, but still doing speed runs..what's wrong with us boarders anyway??

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On 5/10/2002 godhatesme wrote in from (198.8.nnn.nnn)

So I was in Portland OR and I am taking this astronomy class so me and some friends go up in the west hills to do an observation project. There was this nice hill going into a sub division that was being built. I look down at it from a ridge and I am like yah! So I hop on my stick and ride down to the start of the road. I drop in and realize it is a lot faster and steeper than it looked from the ridge. No bigy I just start carving and do a speed check then I come around a corner and turn it down hill. I look up and notice that all the water acess covers are not flush with the ground they are sticking up about 2" And for some reason there is a ton of them. I slomon therew the first couple and realize I'll never make it around all of them so I go to brake and just tumble. I was wearing a wife beater and just bounced and skided for about five feet. No serious injurys just road rash the worst part was I jsut got there and had to be there for another two hours all bunt up.

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On 5/8/2002 plunkett wrote in from (62.30.nnn.nnn)

ok the story of micky longboardbuddhas smash up. i'm on his computer now, he is smashed up. we are at cannock chase a nature reserve with long smooth downhills (i dont skate but we race him on downhill mtb's)i am clocking him at 35-40mph and we go into a smooth right hander he rides goofy so his back is to the bend all of a sudden he starts to lose the back of the board and i see him shift position and heave the deck with his hand into the turn then wham the deck does a complete 180 digs in and mick goes whap headfirst straight into the tarmac, he somersualts two or three times as i brake then slides on his leathers at least 40 yards like a rag doll.we get to him and his helmet is split and blood pours out of his nose he gets up and runs after his deck, the dick.i try phone an ambulance and he gets shirty and trys to throw punches we calm him down and he gets up to his van and drives off shouting out the window.his helmet saved his life ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!!!!!!!!!and i though mtb hardcore craziness was bad but you freaks need therapy

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On 5/3/2002 Matt Brewer wrote in from (24.158.nnn.nnn)

Longboarding down Flagstaff Mountain in Boulder, CO had to be the best of times. Now highly illegal due to some death of a in-line skater. ( Some lady on the way to her wedding ran over him. As he was sling shoting of the back of a friends car into a blind corner) Though one day right after a cool sunrise we hit the mountain. My friend grabbed his fast flexy sector 9 and took off down the mountian. Never speed checking or dragging his foot(Bad Idea). Half a mile down he started going out of control. I was following in my truck behind and noticed I was going 40 mph plus! He finally took his foot off to footbrake and lost it! One step to run out the momentum and he was superman flying head first down the road and around a corner. I knew he was dead, he flew 20 ft. then I heard a huge Ya Hoo! He came running back to the truck. I was like, are you dead? He was so pumped up he was no I'm fine just goy my elbow a little holding it up all the skin and meat were gone! He was in Shock! I took him to the hospitial and the doctor could not even stitch it it was to open.

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On 4/25/2002 The Bass Fiddler wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

This is another funny story, only cause I got to watch it. My friends and I were skating a fairly quick hill in downtown Birmingham, MI. the hill is a 30-35mph hill, one of my friends is just getting into skating so he is not experienced at all. Me and the other friend started to go down, only after about 5 min of pepping the other friend, i carved it up, as i approached the bottom i looked beack, the one friend was right behind me, the other just starting. a few words exchanged when we looked back, just in time to see the other friend fall strait forward on his face. he was going 20-25mph when he did it. it was great, he left 10ft marks on the ground from the leather gloves, 3 buttons left behind and 5inch scrapes on his elbows, no pads. he slid into the curb and stopped, jumped up and started to crack up. it really rocked. later

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On 4/25/2002 Bob wrote in from (65.28.nnn.nnn)

This one is funny becasue it didn't happen to me. A buddy of mine and me were bombing a hill ou towards SDSU(San Diego State University) an he decides to forgo and attempt to control his speed and takes off in a tuck down the fastet part of the hill. He was going pretty good until about 35 40 mph and then he looses it crashes into the curb and goes over the side of the canyon. It wasn't too steep of a wall, maybe 30 to 35 degrees, but he hit fast and hard and probably would have kept rolling till he hit the bottom of the canyon. Lucky for him he found a nice soft cactus to land on and break his fall. After getting him back to the rode we had to bring him to the emergency room where he spent the next 3 hour getting cactus spines removed from various parts of his body including some that shouldnt be mentioned in polite company. It was like something out of a Road Runner cartoon. All in all he got off light, no permanent damage. Like I siad its funny because it didn't happen to me.

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On 4/25/2002 Austin wrote in from (144.92.nnn.nnn)

I've heard that before. How can the kingpin snap? That worries me...

That would definatally suck.


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On 4/25/2002 ICE wrote in from (165.121.nnn.nnn)

Not much of a story or a crash just a word of caution.
I was riding my RII's real loose practicing some slides when my king pin snaped could have been bad but no worries just watch out and change the bolt to a grade 8.
Good Luck

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On 4/21/2002 Pete Eats Street wrote in from (216.244.nnn.nnn)

so i have a sector 9 skate.... sorry dont know the type.... but i know i did put torson trucks on it... and i was skating my hill outside my house REDONDO BEACH CALIFORNIA right next to the high school... and im carving back and forth... some real ass comes to the stop sign at the bottom of the little run... he spots me and i spot him... and i skate on... he drives at me.... i must move to the side of the road that im designated to... and i must go straight.... if any of you dont know the types of trucks i have www.exkate.com..... and i get to the bottom of the road and i hit a little biff in the pavement that they had worked on this last summer..... and my board drops that 1/2 inch difference.... and i get the most VIOLENT speed wobble known to any skater alive.... this all happened so quick that i just let my legs give out and i dropped like a sack of fruits.... i lost the most skin off of my left arm around the elbow.... i scraped to the bone on both hips... bruised all my rips cut some skin off of the left side.... and my hands had holes in them the size of half dollars... and my arms looked like "raw ham"..... needles to say the guy who got in my way, watched me fall and after parking walked by me and didnt even offer help to stand up... the next weekend i bought a new board and was clocked at 40 mph off in MANHATTAN BEACH CALIFORNIA... im trying to make the city noticable because if there are any skaters out and around here and want to cruise with a couple of young aspiring downhillers... email me at ltj16hb@yahoo.com

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On 4/14/2002 lbk wrote in from (166.90.nnn.nnn)

Feeling good today. We practiced slalom and I didn't hit the blacktop once. Yesterday was more like every time out for I’d say the last month. Yesterday I even scored a nice roll off my shoulder going through the timing system. Thank goodness for my half ass helmet and pads (like there are any decent skateboard helmets and pads out there). I guess something is better than nothing. Lately I have started to have to use leather gloves. I’ve got black leather ones with the fingers cut off. They at one time had some sort of cheesy plastic wrist protectors in them. Any way when I fall slaloming and I can’t get a good knee slide in, I go for the roll. The roll looks more impressive and if you’re lucky, you can catch your board when it comes down the hill after you. BTW, I didn’t catch my Turner yesterday on my first fall but I had a Diamond Tip on it that saved the nose when it slammed into the curb. But, I did catch my Turner on my second fall.

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On 4/10/2002 David wrote in from (205.143.nnn.nnn)

Last week a good friend of mine and I were Luging down a mountain road in the rain. We knew the road was slippery, and were being carefull, but every run down we took it a little faster each time. The last run down he passes me going crazy fast in a sharp left hander, and was going WAY to fast for the following right hander. He bit the guardrail almost straight on going over 55mph! I saw the whole thing, what a knarly crash. he spun 5 times, did a double back fip, then rolled 4 times, all with a broken feemer bone! He was wearing his leathers and helmet, if he hadnt, he would for shure be dead. Had to use the bent luge frame as a stretcher to put him in the back of the truck to take him to the emergency room. When the morphine kicked in, he said "Damn, i forgot about that last turn"... So i guess the moral is know the course you are on..and wear your helmet!!

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On 4/9/2002 Tiger wrote in from (66.27.nnn.nnn)

Always wear your safety gear!I no sooner get off the phone with Bob Turner after a conversation about not pushing too hard before a contest,he said Tommy Ryan and Bobby Peircy were famous for hurting themselves before a contest ramp riding or such,I went out and was running gates without my gear on and went down.Not wanting to hit my head I tucked so hard that I half rolled before hitting the pavement and took the impact on my shoulder.It shattered my collar bone and scapula.Took pins,screws and wire to put me back together.I was just cruising the coarse trying out a set of siesmic trucks not paying attention to what I was doing.I truly believe that if I were wearing my gear this would not have happened and I would be racing in Catalina and not watching.I'm out untill next season.The moral of the story is always wear your safety gear....

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On 4/9/2002 philthy phil wrote in from (64.175.nnn.nnn)

my wife is a noob skateboarder who professed desire 2 join my friend darrin and i for skateboarding forays into local parking structures.well she made itdown 3 ramps before tiring of darrin and i constant advice .telling us to shut up and leave her alone......well we did offering some last words of advice and encouragement...after 1 run vdarrin and i took elevator back up,and discovered my wife lying on conrete having made it 50 yards down the ramp when i last spoke to her;my poor honey broke her arm;now she wants 2 sell her board constantly tells me 2 be careful.so...if u want to take ur wife ,girlfriend sk8boarding gear up!

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