Truck Reviews (15215 Posts)
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On 4/27/2006 James
wrote in from
my mate bought one of the new scriber boards.
he says they are prety good. i just watched the movies on grombiz.com not to bad. worth a look. can't get it here yet though.
Carving trucks
On 4/25/2006 David V.
wrote in from
United States
Has anyone got any insight as to which might be the better truck for serious carving, Revenge or Original? I've heard good things about both, but haven't ridden either one. Any thoughts on maintenance would also be appreciated.
Re-Issue Bennetts
On 4/24/2006 Dan Kasmar
wrote in from
United States
Does anybody know, first hand, about the Bennett's? They look like they'd be abit like the indy 101's.I was thinking about grabbing a set for a slalom setup. Wisdom, anyone?
On 4/23/2006
wrote in from
United States
I heard today that Fausto Vitello (Indy Trucks) died over the weekend, suffering a heart attack while riding his motorcycle.
He was one of the greats, and will be truly missed!
Condolences to Gwen and all the family.
Evans "Badlands" the House of High Speed
On 4/22/2006 WAX
wrote in from
United States
check out concretedisciples.com
On 4/22/2006
wrote in from
United States
any pics of ROCKET RONs Trackers or Indys?
replacement bushings
On 4/22/2006 eddie
wrote in from
United States
im replacing the bushings in my rII 180's. what should i go with? im also upgrading the kingpins and am wondering if i should go with a longer length? should i get flat washers? and is there a place online where i can get it all in one spot?
Trucks for Dregs Pin
On 4/20/2006
Steve in AZ
wrote in from
United States
180's will be too wide if you use a side or mild offset wheel but may be OK with a true centerset wheel.
155's are about where you want to be.
130's will also be just fine, if not a bit more responsive. Run these with those Flashbacks or other side-set wheel.
Finally...Seismics have the unique advantage of being able to remove the springs and re-mount the hanger assembly with the wheels installed. This will allow for you to properly position the truck holes, wheel wells/cut-outs and check proper truck spacing. Always leave a little extra space for wheel squish and you'll never have to worry about wheelbite. Yucky.
On 4/20/2006 g man
wrote in from
United States
what size seismic trucks would go good with a dregs pintail? thanks
10" Aggros
On 4/19/2006 Slowskate
wrote in from
United States
Naw, I am just grinding 'em with the paint on.
Good call on the darts. I still have a spare set of aggro base plates with halftrack hangers that I got from you. Thought I might eventually dip back into the world of 10" trucks & boards.
removing broken and possibly bent kingpin
On 4/18/2006
wrote in from
United States
hack saw, punch tool and hammer
10" Aggros
On 4/18/2006
wrote in from
United States
Slowskate, what's up buddy?
I think (but am not 100% sure) that the reason modern Trackers feel different to you is that the Aggros had the same "gnarly" bent-pivot geometry as most Trackers, but kicked back about 5 degrees or so to quicken the steering, hence the name "Quicktrack". Somebody correct me if I'm wrong here. Having said that though, I'm 99% sure (haven't done it myself) that a 184mm Dart hanger would fit on your Aggro baseplates and give you the best of both worlds. Do you still have the Stimulators that go in those trucks? Oh, and as a bonus, most Darts come in polished silver, so you won't have to worry about funky colored trucks. Did you ever get all the paint off of your red Aggros per Geezer-X's method?
10" Tracker Aggro Quicktracks?
On 4/17/2006
wrote in from
United States
I only use Tracker Aggro Quicktracks for pool/park use. Like'em more than Indy 215's. Have tried more modern Trackers and found them useless for my tastes.
So, my question is, what Tracker hangers are out there (if any) that will mate up with my Aggro Quicktrack bases and give me a 10" axle with exactly the same geometry as the 9" axle quicktracks.
Also, my impression is that the Aggro baseplate geometry was unique for tracker. Is this correct? Or is there a modern replacement with exactly the same geometry.
I know these questions may be obscure, but when you are hooked on vert trucks that havent been made for over ten years, there isn't much choice.
And, for what it is worth, I have allready dug through all the arcane discussions of Aggros from this forum from back in 2002.
Thanks in advance for any and all help!
breaking kingpins should there be a tool
On 4/17/2006
wrote in from
United States
I have been skateboarding for 12 years and I have broken a lot of kingpins and there is no tool on the market that can do this should some one make a tool a vise kind of works but i have broken the baseplate trying to get out a stubborn broken kingpin should something be done about this let me know I want to do something about this problem
160's stage 8
On 4/15/2006 herbn
wrote in from
United States
some people may call this a indy 168, to me there are originals,stage 2, stage three, then there's the hollow bodys from the bones brigade era then there's new ones, what ever stage they are it's really just sort of a blurr really nothing all to different, really, they pretty much turn the same since stage 3 and the heavier bigger diameter ones grind a bit nicer and longer.New ones have the skate specific kingpin, which is only better on paper/gram scale, it really is much better to be able to take any good 3/8-24 bolt and put it in your truck.
Don's Indys
On 4/15/2006
wrote in from
TRUCK HANGER AXLE BOARD RANGE I've never heard of an Indy 168. It's kind of hard to tell from your pictures, but those look to be an Indy 166/169. If I could see the front of the hanger and baseplate, I'd better able to better identify what stage they are. Axle length varies on Idys (even from truck to truck) so it is not usually a reliable method to identify Indy sizes. Hanger width is the better method. Here is the size chart from the Indy website. These measurements are for Stage 9's, but you can approximate for earlier stages from it (ie. a stage 9 169 will be very close in size to a stage 7 166, etc.). If your truck is not a Stage 9, and the measurements come somewhere in between a 149 and 169. You're trucks may be the now discontinued 156.
these measurements can be confusing. Keep in mind they are for Stage 9 Indys. The mm measurement is hanger width, the first inches measurement is axle width (which I find to vary, especially on older Indys). The last inches measurement is recommended deck width for that particular truck. Hope this helps:
SIZE MM INCHES INCHES 109 101.00 6.50 UNDER 7.00 129 127.00 7.60 7.40-7.75 139 137.00 8.00 7.75-8.25 149 150.00 8.50 8.25-8.75 169 162.00 8.90 9.50-10.00 215 183.00 10.00 10.00 above
Indy truck measurments
On 4/15/2006 Don J
wrote in from
When I measure my Independent trucks it totals 260mm from end of axle/to end of axle. It is also 130mm from axle to middle of kingpin head. Some tell me I have 168 Indy's is this correct? I think they are the 168's they just measure up different. Also, would you be able to tell the degree just by looking at the pic? Thanks
c11 scriber
On 4/14/2006 hc
wrote in from
United States
saw this on SL, not sure how it works...
Steve's unwanted Seismics
On 4/14/2006
wrote in from
United Kingdom
It's entirely possible that you may want to trade those Seismics for vintage skate gear. It has been known. Whaddya want? A yellowed set of SIMS Snakes (one careful lady owner, unused) or some truckage? Don't make me ship a deck through, the Post Office are just waiting to kick my broken-armed ass.
Hope everthang is everthang in AZ.
grindking for indys
On 4/14/2006 hc
wrote in from
United States
Jim or Dale...Email me!
On 4/13/2006
Steve in AZ
wrote in from
United States
Paul H: Yeah, I'm gonna miss it this summer. Hood River is one of those must go venues. Say HI to Scotty at Subsonic for me and see if he ever got that S.Michael Hybrid set up. It sounds like his new model may have incorporated some of my ideas. Any mild kicktail or R.foot positioner?
Jim: If you've got that big-ass 57 incher, then I'd agree with Paul: it still makes sense to get one 45* and one 30* truck. You can always wedge the back truck a little to get more whip-around of the back end, but I don't like de-wedging if I can avoid it. Too many risers.
Jim & Dale: What, no Email addresses? What am I going to do with this extra set of 180's (one Quick, one Stable)?
More Seismic Stuff
On 4/12/2006 Paul Howard
wrote in from
United States
JIM- If you get one Seismic, get a 30 degree and put it in the back for stablility and something with sharper turning in front.
If you get 2 Seismics, get one of each and put the 30 degree baseplate on back and a 45 degree baseplate on front. This will carve better, be more stable at higher speeds, just better all around.
STEVE IN AZ- Too bad man, but I know what you mean
ADAM DANIELS- Thanks for the compliment but my racing isn't really "that" spectacular, especially in my present condition(I got munched in a bike accident). I love my Subsonics(www.subsonicskateboards.com), I find I really like my "Pauliwog" model for T/S and Hybrid, but there's a new shape Scott hasn't put on his website yet called the "Scout" that I'm liking a LOT and it's a really good "one-gun" stiff noncambered, but concave with wheelwells slalom deck with multiple wb's 19" to 23"(?). It's a modified coffin shape, sorta like an oversized PPS Levine Cough'in Cut with a disproportionately wider nose so you can really use your front foot.
Yes I go on and on about Tracker RT-X's in front and Seismics and Splitfire's in back, but I gotta say, the ONLY reason I don't blab as much about Radikal is that noone has put on a Tight race tight ENOUGH for me to use it. That is one reactive precise truck, I save mine(front truck) for tighter than 5 foot spacing, otherwise I don't want to mess around with it or the deck it's on. -P
RE: Radikal
On 4/11/2006
Adam Daniels
wrote in from
I live in NY state and just flat rate shipping would be ok.
And I just aquired some of your Tunnel wheels from the 70's. they are currently being sported in a Blizzard with half-tracks.
thanks, Adam
On 4/11/2006
Keith Hollien
wrote in from
United States
Paul, the easy way is to use a belt or disc sander. There are other ways, but it depends which trucks you plan on putting the bushing in.
Adam, it depends what part of the country you live in and if you want over-night or whatever.
Keith, Teams Radikal & Pocket Pistols & Oust.
On 4/10/2006
Adam Daniels
wrote in from
ok, i am thinking of saving up for a front radikal. i know the base price is 175, but what is shipping on these babies?