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slalom hybrid boarder cross trucks
On 6/6/2007
R .Sammy
wrote in from
Thank´s for your opinion, I´m Try get a one this trucks for ride here in Brazil. May Be I´use Crail trucks 129mm whit white Khiro Bushings. Now I`m test trucks and bushings for ride in the next month. I´Have deck and Wheels Mankx 70mm 78A Have a Great final week Thanks again Rogério Sammy
what i would like to see..
On 6/6/2007
wrote in from
heres what i wished they made: 85mm rtx narrower bennett vectors wider bennett vectors(coming soon im told) seismics with a steeper angle narrower seismics narrow indys(i missed them the first time around) a randal rear slalom truck, kind of like a cut-down DH baseplate. and finally chaput's fyre trucks the list goes on, these are what i want most..
BX trucks
On 6/5/2007 PSR
wrote in from
United States
I'd add one other to that list for a front truck; Fury. Rear, I'd stick with Tracker Fulltrack, Extrack or RTS. Madrid Invaders, maybe. Seismics would be good, too, if you get the springs dialed in.
slalom hybrid boarder cross trucks
On 6/5/2007
wrote in from
United States
Bennett Vector 4.3's Tracker RTS & RTX Indy 129's Grind King Minis (lube the pivot)
all work great for slalom and will withstand boarder cross
What Kind Trucks
On 6/5/2007
Rogério Nogueira " SAMMY"
wrote in from
Hello Guys, I have one question? What kind trucks i can use in a one Slalom Hibrid boarder cross conpetition. The Course have a jump ramps and cones in hibrid series. 29 july here in São Paulo - Brazil best wishes for all Sammy
Randal or Gullwing
On 6/4/2007
wrote in from
United States
I was reading the latest issue of CW, and saw the gullwing ad for the alpine.
they claim Henry Larrucea patented the perpendicular kingpin/hanger design. and that the patent have expired...
gullwing sidewinder
On 6/3/2007
wrote in from
United States
I finally set up these trucks after buying it from someone a long time back.
initial review, I love them. great low speed carving and flatland carve/pump.
I have exkates and these trucks are much better IMO.
Lean and turn are smoooth and progressive. They don't 'hook' like all the other solid pivot deep turn trucks. Cushy ride due to the dual pivot design
I set it up on a Arbor pin 'fish' wb 27" I don't recommend longer wb, cuz the rear starts to drift.
con: very high truck, I might try a drop thru mounting.
anyways, two thumbs up on this truck.
Gullwing should offer them separately, sector9 have it as completes.
JimZ axles...
On 6/3/2007 M4RC10
wrote in from
Thanks Jim for the answer...
On 6/3/2007
wrote in from
The axles are O-1 tooling steel. Undisclosed heat treating process to optimize strength without being brittle.
japanese carver
On 6/2/2007
wrote in from
United States
more koo koo?
got a link? pics?
JIMZ axle steel???
On 6/1/2007 M4RC10
wrote in from
Does anybody here know which kind of steel is used on the JimZ trucks??
Japanesse truck
On 5/29/2007 carver heff
wrote in from
United States
It is a Carver truck, but it is only sold in Japan, as of now. Its like a super swively c-7, but is way more koo-koo. Check out carverskateboards on my space for the "Hard Water" trailer~~~land surf doc... history of Carver Trucks and its inventor Neil Carver. All Venice, All the time.
Bear Smokies FOR SALE - $175
On 5/29/2007
wrote in from
United States
In response to RANDAL DH vs. SMOKIES - I think it depends what set-up you use and how much you weigh and what bushing you put on them. I think the Smokies are great for top-mounts and lowered boards but for drop-thru's they seem to drift on me. I weigh 170 and had to put the harder black Jim-Z bushings and some washers on instead of white to get them to not drift on turns. Anyhow I like the Randal DH's a bit better for my Eastside drop-thru but others say they work great on other drop-thrus. So Im selling my set I've used only a half dozen times for $175 with the correct bushing washers. Any takers, let me know
Robin 503-680-0457
baseplate hole patterns
On 5/28/2007
wrote in from
United States
does anyone know the exact measurements for baseplate hole patterns? both old school and new school. if so, either post it, or e mail me direct at steve@thrusterusa.com
On 5/26/2007 will
wrote in from
United States
dude you gotta get some sidewinder two's from gullwing... best carving and turning you'll ever have!!! get em'!
hard water (carver)
On 5/25/2007
wrote in from
United States
check out the truck casting section,
CarverHeff, what is the Japanese truck you are refering to ? got a link?
randal vs Gullwing
On 5/24/2007
wrote in from
United States
they are similar in quality, but I would suggest Paris or Crail over either, depending on the width you want... The Paris is awesome...stable, yet fast turning but only in 150 mm...and warrantied the Crail is similar geometry, but not nearly the quality....but you can get Crail in 180mm
On 5/24/2007 CarverHeff
wrote in from
United States
Try Carver!! Conceived/developed on the streets of Venice, by Neil Carver. The CX is a good starter, as they are close to a traditional trucks with the exception that, you can create velocity by pumping yours hips, and carve instantly (I have seen Neil skate endless circles no pumping on a 5x7 piece of cement). Once you get the whip of the hips, try the c-7, super surfy! He also makes a Japanese truck that is bananas(killer on a short board)! My personal favorite is the Speed Board aka Stealth Bomber Just a prototype but soon to come out...Its low and fast, I pass bikers on flat ground with this sled!
myspace-carverskateboards (check out trailer for "Hard Water")
Happy Sk8ing, whatever you ride!
Alpine and Randall trucks
On 5/24/2007
wrote in from
Does anyone know if the Randall trucks and Gullwing Alpine are the same quality
On 5/23/2007
jurgen montenegro
wrote in from
United States
if you can beet me you can get some destructo taht are new!
On 5/23/2007 wantto
wrote in from
well, what kind of bushings are you riding on your pool-/bowldeck? I mean, soft,medium or hard ones? don't know what would be best on indy's 169 in a pool or bowl...
On 5/22/2007 PSR
wrote in from
United States
Yeah, but with Seismics, it's all about the Right Springs... The Revenge isn't something I've gotten to ride more than a few feet, but it's a torsion truck using the twist of urethane/rubber elastomers, which means it's gonna flow thru turns, until the bushings wear down, whereupon it'll slop thru turns. Seismics are hard to 'settle' into IF you're predisposed on another turning system. If you're tuned in to yourself, then you can 'tune' Seismics to suit your riding, but, even so, the metal springs always will differ from how quickly your muscles can move (the springs are quicker), so that 'oscillation' may bother. I've gotten used to them, but, man, it took two years (and this from someone who can ride most any snowboard made) to get them really sorted out, to find the niche they'd fill in my skating. I use them for Slalom, as a rear truck, for high-speed cruising, Both front/rear (on a 36" Barfoot), and as a front truck (in combo with a Randal) on a 48" longboard to get a nicely loose feeling nose without wobble worries. For Pumping, Seismics are great, as the enegy return is always on tap. The new Seismics are better in the springs thn the old ones, though a bit harsher feeling over rough tar. Torsions, btw, have always felt a little rough to me, due to the direct kingpin, so nothin' new there. If you Surf, maybe stick with a torsion truck. If you snowboard in non-powder, look at the Seismics. If you're a skater, hey, use both...
Seismic is a dish best served cold
On 5/22/2007 Don Giovanni
wrote in from
United States
Seismics will have a lot more control than Revenges but will not feel as surfy.
Revenge trucks vs Seismic trucks
On 5/21/2007 mike
wrote in from
I have some Revenge trucks and i love them, but i was thinking of trying something new and was wondering if anybody has tried both Revenge and Seismic, and what do you think of each? How do the Seismics compare? For turning ability and stability and control?
a different source
On 5/20/2007 herbn
wrote in from
United States
shorties, short popsicle board based accessories,right? well i got some new bushings some super bounce or some gimmicky name,but the gimmick seems to be super high rebound snap to center. Haven't tried them yet, but ....