Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
Product Info
On 10/27/1999 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

I'll guess that the only reason those wheels are new is cause you never had a complete set,all my old stuff is sooo thrashed cause I bought skateboard stuff to use it.Its cool though that you can show pix of brandnew 22 year old skateboard stuff.

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Re: John Sablosky, old UK Pro Skater
On 10/27/1999 Peter wrote in from (194.222.nnn.nnn)

Regarding the question about the 70's UK skater John SabIosky. Don't know where he is now, but here he is gracing the cover of Edition 3 of our home
grown skate mag of the 70's. What happened to Bruce Sawford, the editor of that mag that we all drooled over as kids.

John was still in the mag in edition 19 that I have, not sure how long after
that he went on skating.

Anyone know what happened to Simon Napper, Mad Mark Baker, Jock Paterson,
Jules Gayton, the Cutts brothers, Jeremy Henderson, Tim Altec (he's in the
U.S. I know that much) Mark Sinclair Etc.


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To Pre School Rider
On 10/27/1999 Peter wrote in from (194.222.nnn.nnn)

Pre School Rider, thanks for your appreciation of the old Mk1 Kryptonics scan. Don't they look good after all these years?

Let me know if there is anything else you would like to see scanned for you to drool over.

Also see my various scans in the Archives section of this Vintage Gear page.


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Peter's Kryptos
On 10/27/1999 Pre School Rider wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

That photo brought back some Damn fine memories,THANX!!!Now I've got to get the drool off my mouse pad.Wow! Thanx again!

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Original Kryptonics c. 1977.
On 10/27/1999 Peter wrote in from (63.192.nnn.nnn)

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On 10/27/1999 Sam wrote in from (193.203.nnn.nnn)

Having snapped my Super Skuda (ACS 580 trucks & Pipeline #2 wheels)in half by jumping onto it from the kitchen sideboard in the early eighties, I have only just replaced it with one of the repro Fibreflex slalom boards (although I really wanted the bowlrider like the rest of the world). My enquiry is totally unrelated.
Whatever happened to skater John Sablosky and the Benjy Board company?

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On 10/26/1999 Steve wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

I am looking for an original alva board.

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Magnesium Trucks
On 10/21/1999 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

Santana Skateboards made "American Magnesium"way way back

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On 10/17/1999 jon wrote in from (212.225.nnn.nnn)

any nos parts aboat in the uk????????.
email me @user@glenwood.in2home.co.uk

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Answers to questions re;: pirouettes
On 10/17/1999 Cliff wrote in from (209.162.nnn.nnn)

No and no. Maybe you were the first, but even if you were not the first those are both difficult moves beyond what I was doing. The most difficult move I created was a backflip dismount at the end of my routine. This was done while moving and from a position standing on the board like a female gymnast stands before doing the same move on a stationary balance beam. I first did this move on a Logan Earth Ski at the Cow Palace in 1975. I don't think it was ever duplicated. I quit doing them after about fourty successful attempts. I envisioned myself missing eventually and prefer skating and walking over paralysis. I used a gymnastic coach to spot me when I first tried. I missed the first time and he saved me. I made it on the second try and never missed again.

Cliff Coleman

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On 10/17/1999 JON wrote in from (212.225.nnn.nnn)

HELLO.any body out there in england got any old powell peralta boards and wheels,also anything in very good condition ,like santa cruz,veriflex{early only},h street,vision etc etc.

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Torger's pirouettes
On 10/17/1999 Daniel Gesmer / Seismic Skate Systems, Inc. wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Hey Cliff, I really enjoyed reading your first-hand reminiscences of those bygone days, along with Glen's historical details. I have a tape of the 1965 Anaheim Nationals that Glen was kind enough to send me. Anyway, I used to be a pro freestylist, and pirouettes and toe spins were two of my favorite moves. I was once quite adept at doing them straight into 360's, sometimes up to 10 spins. I also used to work at multiple pirouettes and toe spins, but never succeeded at doing more than 1-1/2 rotations at either. Question: Do you know who was the firt to do pirouettes or toe spins straight into 360's? (First guy I know of was Ty Paige.) Also, do you know of anyone who ever succeeded at doing double pirouettes or toe spins on a moving skateboard?

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Logan Earth Skis
On 10/16/1999 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (209.162.nnn.nnn)


I was a competitor at the 1965 contest. Torger showed me the pirouette and then made me promise not to use it during the competition. He did have great style and was also an innovator. He and John Freis were credited with developing such tricks as Kickturns and Three Sixties. Whether this is true or not I really don't know. One thing is for sure, these guys along with Bruce Logan, Bob Mohr, Danny Escalante and a guy named Rudy Esquer who won the Northern California Championships in 1965 were true pioneers!

Regarding the photo of D. David, Stacy Peralta, Myself and John Astin, this photo was taken at the Burbank studios at the premier of "Mr. Merlin" a pilot that Stacy and I did the stunt work for. This was at the beginning or at least the first few years of real downhill sliding. Stacy did the studio work in Burbank and I did the downhill work on location. I rode down Hyde street between the cable car tracks, (lousy surface), forwards and backwards, (so they could flip the film and make it appear that I was riding uphill defying gravity.) I also had the opportunity to ride down Lombard, "the crookedest street in the world". This all took place in about 1981 and I was paid $1250.00 a day. Let me tell you it was great to have the SF police on my side blocking traffic and not ticketing me!

Cliff Coleman

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Logan's and old guy stuff
On 10/16/1999 Glen wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

Hey Cliff,

I've been studing up on my skate history, more info on my reason for studying up in Feb.
Torger's style was one of a kind, I have a video copy of the Anaheim '65 contest that he was in with Bruce Logan, Skip Frye, Bob Mohr, etc. Kids now would laugh at what was considered hard to do or cool back then, but everyone had their own style and you could tell skaters apart even when the only picture was a silluette. It sucks now that "tricks" have become more the defining role in competition than is style.

BTW Cliff. I have an old Skateboarder with some cool shots of you going head to head in "full contact downhill". The Capitola Pro Downhill. People think Biker's hardcore? These guys wore nothing but knee and elbow pads, helmets, shoes, shorts and a wife-beater tee shirt.
Oh, and can you explain what you, Stacy Peralta, D. David, and John Astin ( the REAL Gomez Adams in the Adams Family ) were doing together?

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Logan Earth Skis
On 10/16/1999 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (209.162.nnn.nnn)

Glen, you are either a great historian or you must be quite old, Ha Ha. Cliff Coleman here. I liked your post. It brought back some fond memories. Torger and I were good friends back in the middle sixties when we skated for Hobie. By the way, he did invent tricks. The most important one was the pirouette. This was his secret trick that he used with a great routine to win the Freestyle at the International Skateboard Championships. This event took place in Anahiem, CA May 22 and 23, 1965 at La Palma stadium. I still have the "Quarterly Skateboarder" with Torger on the front doing a nose wheelie. It was mostly articles and photographs of the contest.

Cliff Coleman

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Logan Earth Ski
On 10/15/1999 Glen wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

I have a Torger Johnson Earth Ski. It was the longest one they made at the time 32" and solid oak with a slight kicktail. They also made them out of Rosewood and Walnut but these were REAL expensive. They are cool old decks. Mine has very rare Brewer Jarvis Pro wheels and Brewer Trucks.
Torger Johnson was a skateboard pro since the early sixties, first skating with Makaha and then switching to Hobie when Hobie stole the whole Makaha team. Torger had a wild, surf influenced style, he was a real pioneer in skateboarding, not so much for trick development but for his style and ability at perfecting others tricks. He was friends with the Logan's since the early 60's and eventually rode for them, thus the signiture deck. He skated and competed up till the mid 70's. Torger unfortunatly died in a car accident in Hawaii in the late 70's.
The wheels are the Bob Jarvis signiture models they are a bit larger than Road Rider 6's, and have the centered bearing design like the 6's and have same red urethane look as the Road Riders. The trucks are much like Bennett Pro's. Dick Brewer, the famous surfboard shaper, licensed his name to some guys who started the Brewer skateboard company. They made good products and at one time, circa '76,'77, had a real good team, led by Bob Jarvis, he made it to the cover of an old skateboarder mag and was one of the original longboarders.

I'll try to remember to take and post some picts of the deck sometime this weekend.

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Yo Yo's
On 10/15/1999 Jim wrote in from (205.179.nnn.nnn)

Im looking for any mint G&S yo yo wheels
Red or Yellow
Anybody seen any lately?

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Logan Earth Ski
On 10/14/1999 Luke wrote in from (150.228.nnn.nnn)

Anybody got a scanned picture of these boards? You guys have got me interested . . .

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Old school wheels
On 10/13/1999 dan k wrote in from (209.252.nnn.nnn)

They are cool but they break so quick

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Logan Earth Ski
On 10/11/1999 KJ wrote in from (209.240.nnn.nnn)

I can't remember the exact model but I
think it was the solid oak with a kicktail. It was my friends board and he used to let me ride
it all the time. I could not afford one at the time but I can now. Those boards were Phat! As for the trucks you mentioned I can't
remember them, but I can't remember a lot of the 70's! I rode Tracker with Road Riders!

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Magnesium trucks
On 10/11/1999 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

There was an earlier magnesium truck, it had a big sqare axle part on the hanger and was polished up real bright. I forget the name ,I've been looking through my old mags 77-80 getting kind of nostalgic, not necessarily in a "gee things were better back then kind of way" todays equipment rules and skating is better for it,but back in that day there were no guide lines some really wacky stuff was produced, some of it had a hint of genius some of it moronic. But interesring either way.

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Logan Earth Ski
On 10/11/1999 Mario wrote in from (205.227.nnn.nnn)

What Logan model would you be refering to? There were lots. I have a solid oak one with no kicktail from the mid-70s. I also had (but lost) a Robin Logan 7-ply model. It was one of the few female signature models. I had it set up with ACS Lites (the first magnesium trucks, remember them?) and Kanoa Surf wheels. I used that board through the dark ages ('81-84) and it was great.

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Logan Earth Ski
On 10/10/1999 KJ wrote in from (209.240.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone remember the Logan Earth Ski from the 1970's? It was one cool board!! If anyone
knows where to get one please e-mail. I think it would be sick with the Kapu trucks I have!

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Sokol Surf Skate
On 10/8/1999 Chris wrote in from (167.208.nnn.nnn)


What kind of information are you looking for? My guess would be that it was made in about 1965 when the skateboarding craze swept the nation. They were making boards and slapping logos on them as fast as they could. I don't think I've heard of Sokol, but that does't mean anything. If you're wondering about the value, that's going to be largely dependent on things like condition of the board, whether there was a graphic. Was it a cool graphic. Things like pictures of surfers, sharks, and whatnot bring more money than a board with just the words Sokol Surf Skate. Is it a real common model or fairly rare. Prices for for clay/steel wheel boards can range $10 to $15 up to hundreds even thousands of dollars. I hope this helps. Good luck,


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SOKOL Surf Skate
On 10/7/1999 Larry Gray wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Have you heard of a SOKOL Surf Skate? It is a solid wooden short skateboard with metal wheels like the old clamp on street skates.

I'm trying to get any information I can on this antique.


Larry Gray

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