Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
Product Info
SIMS Fiberglass...
On 12/2/2000 tropicalian wrote in from (150.131.nnn.nnn)

This board is black on top. Heres a pic on my website, http://www.geocities.com/tropicalian/boards/fibersims.jpg, if you go up a directory you can see most of my other board collection. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.

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tropicalian RE: Sims Glass boards
On 12/2/2000 Eric wrote in from (209.220.nnn.nnn)

Jay here is what I know for you. Sims produced the following glass boards between 74-78? maybe...

Complete boards:

27" Stratoglass (glass silk screened on two sides) wheels: red, poured stokers trucks: ACS430 deck surface: Silicatraction Price: $29.95

27" Stratoglass (glass silk screened on two sides) wheels: red, poured stokers trucks: ACS500 deck surface: Silicatraction Price: $34.95

27" Stratoglass (glass silk screened on two sides) wheels: red, poured stokers trucks: ACS650 deck surface: Silicatraction Price: $39.95

27" Stratoglass (glass silk screened on two sides) wheels: red, poured stokers trucks: Bennett deck surface: Silicatraction Price: $38.95

And just glass decks:

24" 360 Stratoglass $10.50

27" 720 Stratoglass $11.00

30" Giant Slalom $16.50

44" Downhill $14.75

All the above decks are fiberglass and come with a textured deck and Sims team graphics(which I believe was the pure juice logo)
The Silca-traction deck surface was available as on option for $1.70.

Hope that helps ya. One of these days when I get around to it I will compile a database of these stats and post it on my website.
Maybe even have a list of the present day collector values.

I'm thinkin that Fiber 44" downhiller with the optional Silca-traction surface would be worth a mint.

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On 12/1/2000 GBJ wrote in from (205.177.nnn.nnn)

Paul d., FYI, WRV stands for Wave Riding Vehicles, a company that deals, primarily, in surfboards. I believe they are located in Virginia Beach, VA. As for value, the mid-tracks and the wheels might bring you between 30 and 50 dollars (US) on an auction site like EBay. That's just a guess though. Search the word "Skateboard" on EBay and guage for yourself.

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On 12/1/2000 Marty North wrote in from (24.67.nnn.nnn)

The very first skateboard I ever saw or rode was in 1962, my buddy had it and introduced me to my first ride. It was short, skinny, red, had steel wheels and had a little devil on it holding a pitchfork. Has anyone ever heard of these or does someone out there HAVE one?

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Trackers /G&S yandall's/YO-YO Pro's
On 11/30/2000 Paul d. wrote in from (154.5.nnn.nnn)

My brother found a complete brd with tracker mid-tracks and G&s yandall's (I think thats what the wheels are). The deck has WRV burned into the bottom, it looks like a g&s warp tail.He also got an unused set of yo-yo pros w/ bearings and spacers.The price, 3 Canadian dollars (thats about 80 cents U.S.)What's it really worth?

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SIMS Pure Juice Fiberglass Board
On 11/30/2000 tropicalian wrote in from (150.131.nnn.nnn)

Greetings all, I am writing to see if anyones got some info on the line of Pure Juice boards SIMS released that were fiberglass. This would be a huge help to me, I appreciate it. Era, sizes, how much they're worth etc...

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Fibreflex Bowlriders
On 11/26/2000 Scabs wrote in from (209.86.nnn.nnn)

I STILL need a Fibreflex Bowlrider. First or second version, latter preferred. I`ll trade anything I have to get one or plain dead presidents.

email or call direct
Brady "Scabs" Mitchell

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On 11/26/2000 Scabs wrote in from (209.86.nnn.nnn)

Winchester Skateboards ??? I doubt it. Being a collector of old fishing tackle, I know of at least 2 dozen different so-called "Winchester" products that turned out to be fakes. A detailed look at eBay reveals "1950`s" skateboards that are NOS. More like Not Old Skateboards but repro rip-offs. So I wouldn`t trust those rumors. Stick to what ya know...ya know what I mean Vern??....

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Sims gloves
On 11/25/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

Those were dope/cool/ excellent,to bad the calve leather was so easy to shread,i even remember the price 32,1979 bucks.i'd settle for the urithane pieces,they out lasted the gloves everytime.Hey! Urithane comes in 1/8 inch sheets,get 85 or 90a ,cut out shapes,punch holes,connect with grooves,extra strong textile strength thread,nice gloves,recreate the classics,only better.I do think a grippy sliding glove,could make you very fast, on a need to slide corner,like putting down another wheel or two.

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Delphion Patent Archives
On 11/25/2000 marty wrote in from (131.194.nnn.nnn)

Has archives of patents, and a search for "skateboard", or a similarly interesting topic will turn up numerous hits. Worth a look for both serious research, as well as a fun look at the past, and the future of skateboard designs.

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SIMS Gloves NOS with urethane pads
On 11/25/2000 Johngilmour wrote in from (64.197.nnn.nnn)

Anyone know where I could find a set of these gloves?

Or Kip freestyle paws???

I like hte new Pawn gloves a lot, but I would really like a set of these.

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that 1.7 %
On 11/24/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

i think i was less concerned with the people involved in skating,not unconcerned just less concerned. Woody may have been a transplant, but Oak St was not an L.A /Diego co. i'd guess early S.F /OAKland. a breatholding frontside kickturn on the side of a biulding off a somewhat tight(as in not to high off the ground) shabby quarter pipe,is the picture in my head.

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oak street
On 11/23/2000 terence wrote in from (165.247.nnn.nnn)

is woody an east coast guy?

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Oak st.
On 11/23/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

Made different boards than what you describe,also.They had trucks,date back to loose bearings,Woody Woodward is a name that may be associated with them ,if my 98.3 % accurate photobscuroskatgraphic memory ain't failed me yet.

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oak street longboards
On 11/22/2000 terence wrote in from (165.247.nnn.nnn)

Any one ever hear of these. They are 40" x 5-6" and flexy. Terence

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!980 Steve Caballero Powell Peralta
On 11/21/2000 Jeffs wrote in from (209.240.nnn.nnn)

Just found this board at a thrift store.
It has pink rails installed with t-bolts, Indy 169's (old style) copers, and has a broken hanger. The graphics are in excellent shape,very little wear on the tail, very worn bones wheels. Anyone have any idea what it's worth? Anyone care to make an offer? I have a KRyptonic K-beam with 70mm orange kryps an Indy's circa 1979, but I don't think I could bear to sell that one...

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On 11/21/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

I got my old Cubics on that Shogo,i found the old Mag parts,even back then i was messin with stuff,the kingpins are removed and one of them has the start of being converted to replacable kingpins,i'll have to finnish the job.Oh yeah i tried to paint them black,evidently i didn't think yellow was to cool back then,a real restoration would be sandblasting them and repainting (powdercoating?)

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Santa Cruz Graphite Slalom
On 11/18/2000 TN wrote in from (209.208.nnn.nnn)

Anyone know where I might be able to find one these beauties?

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On 11/17/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

Got 1,yeah!looks like the wheels were updated to Slimeballs at sometime,i have my old Cubics,maybe i'll see if i have all the parts of my mag extracks.

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On 11/17/2000 gavin wrote in from (141.163.nnn.nnn)

Rapture is a channel available on satelite in the Uk that shows a bunch of 'freesports' type programmes. Chilli Factor is a show made by a company in London that is kind of a magazine show that has pieces on things like BMX, skate, mtb, surf etc..

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On 11/14/2000 Glen wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

What is
"Rapture, chillie factor"

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winchester board
On 11/13/2000 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)


Any chance of tracking that board down and snapping a couple of pictures? Thanks, HR

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Early Skateboards
On 11/13/2000 SighKlone wrote in from (161.76.nnn.nnn)

I was watching some Rapture, chillie factor, I always thought skating started around the 1950's but this old old skateboarder dude said that his mate found a board that was down for $1.50 in 1905ish made by Winchester. So Skating is like almost over a century long sport/art/recreation.

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old school Kryptos
On 11/6/2000 Jetlabels wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I noticed these vintage wheels while surfing ebay, I thought they might of interest to someone. They look like their in great shape.
ebay Kryptos

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4 inch ufos (picture)
On 11/4/2000 John Gilmour wrote in from (63.214.nnn.nnn)

I've got them up on ebay.


These were the jumbo soft 4inch wheels with the giant bearings.

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