Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
Product Info
Quiver has a new born!!
On 1/10/2009 Back To Work Man wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Santa Cruz re-issue. Not hit the concrete yet but will
soon, and yes slowly...
Want more info as to the hardware and wheels, the whys, etc, etc...
Just email me if interested!! :-)
Quiver is attached with all 4 decks....
Not for different styles, just cause I wanted more stuff!!
For salom style riding and again slow!!

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Fat Cat Streaker Wheels
On 1/8/2009 Rob in VA wrote in from United States  (138.163.nnn.nnn)

Anyone ever hear of these wheels? I haven't but just got a set on a very nice 1978 Logan Earth Ski Duralite with ACS 580 trucks. The deck and trucks are clearly from 1978ish but never heard of the wheels

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Track Mid track needed
On 1/7/2009 Chris wrote in from United States  (206.197.nnn.nnn)

I am in the market for 1 or a pair of Tracker Mid Tracks to complete my vintage Tony Alava setup.

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Alligator Wheels sticker
On 1/2/2009 laurie18 wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.16.nnn.nnn)

I recently got this sticker on an old G&S Warptail deck. I have only ever seen the original green version. This is slightly larger and a different color scheme. Is it rare? I would like to find an unused one if anyone has one to sell.

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Arrow Skateboards
On 1/2/2009 cabowabo44 wrote in from United States  (130.134.nnn.nnn)

Here is my Jay Adams Arrow deck complete with sixtracks and Tracnology 65's. Does anyone out there have any info on the other signature decks that Arrow produced for the crew from California that skated in the UK during the late 70's?

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Fibreflex Color Variations
On 12/30/2008 Nathan wrote in from Japan  (61.44.nnn.nnn)

It seems to me like Fibreflex produced every color variation you could think of. Is there a list somewhere with all the color combos? Is there a top 3 list of the rarest?

The strangest I have seen were black/yellow,, baby blue/black,, babyblue/red

The most common of course was yellow/yellow I believe.

Also, I believe the original decals were placed more toward the top (7 or 7 1/2 inches down?) and then later were placed in the middle. Anyone know?

Any input appreciated!

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On 12/29/2008 vintage man wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Good lord man... Its like finding a secret deep undercover agent...
After a 10min hunt and peck using that new fangled site, I did find you.
But you don't have a email address listed!!???
I have to send a private message!!?? To do so I gotta join up!!
If you cannot simply respond to me on this attached email. Its ok. LOL
You are staying hidden for the same reason I am not joining up
another group :----)
Yes the cupboard, its just a collection, not for riding... My age
group does not understand & all their kids want to use the stuff!!
Guess its what I wanted back in the day could not afford :---)
Now I can purchase and as you said, its into my 2nd childhood :--)
Cheers to all... Vintage Man aka Vacation Man right now!!

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Jeenyus ideas
On 12/28/2008 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.68.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Vintage, feel free to chat w/ me anytime using my e-mail over on slalomskateboarder. You might have 'join' to do so?, but I'm listed under Eric Brammer. No inane questions, or answers, refused!

That cupboard looks about twice as full as my 'box of goodies' from about ten years back. I've thinned the herd a good deal since then, down to +- 12 'vintage' boards these days. Funny thing is three of those are ones I've had since childhood (ahem, the 1st time around).

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Collection end of 2008
On 12/28/2008 Vintage Man wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

I am on vacation, yes I have too much time on my hands!! :---)
Hope ya like that cupboard tucked away in the garage..
Ok to email me with questions till 5th... Then its back to the
real career... LOL

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Vector Plates
On 12/28/2008 Nathan wrote in from Japan  (61.44.nnn.nnn)

Here are vintage Bennett Vector plates with Pro Hangers. I am listing the plates on buy/sell/trade but thought I would post them here since the info/photos may help others.

Perfectionist Notes: Pivot cups, Kingpin and nuts are replacement parts. As per PSR's suggestion, I went with a slightly larger kingpin that fits snug but does not catch the threads and acts only as a spacer. The kingpin hole fits 5/16 but I opted for a slightly larger thread that fits much nicer. I believe Vectors ran the screw head on there kingpings for some time -- correct??

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Vectors... Jean-Yus info!!
On 12/26/2008 Vacation Man aka Vintage Man wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

PSR send me your email so I don't put up my trivial
chatter on the site page :---)... I found some interesting stuff
as to the original kingpins for VECTORS and want to run
it by your huge brain head :-) But not insulted if don't
want my anal email :--)

Those vectors could end up on a Vintage Santa Cruz or
re-issue 5ply Santa Cruz if I can find the correct
color scheme of the logo I want....
My god, a re issue 5ply santa cruz is insane to locate in
proper colors... No california based shops and have contacted
12 of em, have in stock what is shown on their sights...
Santa cruz sends different colors as they wish... God talking to
em was like going back in time and talking with a 16yr old!!
Wonder if they sell anything!! Its the most insane sales/marketing
strategy in my experience anyway....
Well guess if Vintage Mr Bennett could and did do it in the 1970s,
why not replicate that feat eh Santa Cruz Manuf in present day era!!??

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On 12/25/2008 PSR wrote in from United States  (72.254.nnn.nnn)

Vintage Man, beware of that small jam-nut you've got on that one kingpin, as it may do either of these things; dent the lower bushing cup(deforming the bushing if used like that for awhile), or crease the baseplate as turning forces twist against the kingpin. Now, I realize you're not gonna ride those like I would, so, I am not too worried about your health... ;-) But, in the context of how the trucks were originally built and designed, a big jam-nut was there for good reasons. Keep in mind that truck builders (like Geezer-X) often bypass said jam-nuts with a simple metal bushing, and then rely on the baseplate threading to hold it all together. I've done a similar thing with one set of Cal-Slaloms I once owned by taking the jam-nut, and punching the threading out with a 19/32" drill, essentially creating a 'bushing' from a correct-height nut. Or, ask Geezer-X for parts? Pivot cups come to mind. Just thoughts... BTW, very nice e-bay snag! Original Vectors aren't all that easy to find.

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Bennett Vectors
On 12/24/2008 Vacation Man aka Vintage Man wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

So here is project #2... Completed in 2 hours no beverages today! :---)
Bennett Vectors $144... I sort of got ripped off, but doubt seller knew
My bad for not asking for more pictures on auction.... Who knows if
would have described it anyway even if I pointed it out..
CAN YOU EXPERT spot what I am talking about :----)Email me if want or care!!
Camera Flash takes away original but faded dark coating on the Bennett logos, hanger and truck plates...

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On 12/24/2008 AL PETERS wrote in from United States  (96.240.nnn.nnn)

I HAVE MOST OF THE ORIGINAL SKATOPIA ODDS N ENDS THAT ARE OUT THERE ,I THINK ?? anyway i'm looking for as much of it as i can , i hope to be setting up a display in the near future at skate events ,so if you have anything that would help me out ,please inform me, i will buy or trade etc.

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Most Expensive Taperflex in the World?
On 12/23/2008 Vintage on Vacation Man wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Hope you guys like.Took me all day!! 10am to 3pm!!
Traded a refurbished sims I did. 2 hours effort
and $80 bucks cost me. Bought the Gullwings recently $140 shipped.
Spent an hour buffing em up for the deck!!
In my defense Gullwing Phoenix cost $175 or more
in March-May 2008 :---). My cordless drill battery
was wearing out and was gonna rip the Taperflex wood,
so went and bought a $85 Dewalt electric hand held plug in Drill.
Total Cost $305!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well the owner of the Hardware Store
I got the drill, owns the land under his store, and is a
multi millionaire and a client.Maybe I can write that
part of the purchase off..
Enjoy, not a easy project with 2 early morning irish coffees,
followed by two run and cokes while buffing up the Gullwings in me!!
Happy holidays and couple more projects to undertake this vacation...
Questions, email me via the site... zzzzzzzzored, never mind :---)

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Bennett Vector Kingpin
On 12/23/2008 Nathan wrote in from Japan  (61.44.nnn.nnn)

I have a dillema. I have some Bennett Pro trucks without bases so I purchased some super rare Bennett Vector plates from eBay thinking they would be perfect fit.

Unfortunately the hangers fit fine and the geometry is great but the Bennett Pro kingpin is too large.

Does anyone know if the new vectors use same width/length kingpin?

Does anyone have replacement bolts I could purchase? (local hardware store doesn't have a match.) THANKS!

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On 12/9/2008 Vintage Man wrote in from United States  (199.67.nnn.nnn)

I agree with Bob... Skate with em and enjoy!!
That said...
If you are like me 100 lbs more heavy than your
college wrestling and skateboarding days 1975-79 :-----)
Or you have no real historical love for those old parts/decks.
Be it known, that some of the RE-ISSUE Skateboards, Trucks, &
Hardware are to DIE FOR!! Just fabulous equipment!!
Or you can do as I did; Refurbished with ebay purchased or
www.ncdsa traded vintage parts my old vintage deck, and purchased
a couple re-issues with all the known names: Alva, Jay Adams, Tracker,
Bennett, Alligators, Tunnel Rocks, and built a small quiver...
There is no single answer, its as you wish cause the sidewalk surf
industry seems to be alive and well, both in the Vintage world and Modern World!
Cheers, enjoy, skate em, and buy more stuff :----) Oh add pictures of your
deck when you finish it for us anal collectors to see :---)

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Fultrack question
On 12/9/2008 Bob Frias wrote in from United States  (98.204.nnn.nnn)

You can either ride them like they are with the threaded axles and no harm will come. Or, you can push out the solid axle and place it into the threaded hanger.

While they are worth a few bucks, Trackers are common trucks. I should know, I am a dyed in the wool Tracker guy. Skate em!!!!

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Old Tracker fultracks questions
On 12/8/2008 Baked Brotato wrote in from United States  (71.204.nnn.nnn)

I found a set of narrow-pivot fultracks on a broken Rockit at a garage sale. The pivots are not worn down, and the pivot bushing is some thick, somewhat softer black material, not like the off-white hard pivot bushing on the rest of the ones I have.

However, the axles are full threaded. Can I skate these with modern precision bearings, or should I convert them to the more common modern axles?

I have another set of fultracks with worn pivots, regular axles for donors.
The hanger castings are a bit different, but the axles are the same width. The fully threaded axles seem to be removable as they do at least partially slide out of the hanger, and there is some grease in there. I don't know about the regular axles, haven't messed with them yet.

My old Santa Cruz 5-ply wants to mate and skate with these, but I don't want to break anything irreplacable. Thanks!

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On 11/29/2008 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (65.122.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Are you from somewhere back east (Massachussets? New York? Maryland? D.C.?)? I corresponded with someone with the same name/initials a few times back in the 80's. I lived in Cheyenne, Wyoming at the time, Just curious, Adios -P

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New Life for Vintage Skateboard Stuff
On 11/29/2008 Vintage Man wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Maybe this is silly... I thought it kinda fun....
Attached are two pictures
One is a Vintage TO skateboard wheel. Which is now a
pull handle for my garage door. I am sure could be done more professionally!!
Another picture is of Vintage Skateboards, most were homemade, cracked
and done... Now are skateboard shelves. I have given several others away
and sold couple on ebay....
SO ANY OTHER BRIGHT IDEAS for your old vintage stuff?
Wheels could be pen holders on your desk :---)
Old trucks paper weights....
Any pictures of something you created???
If anal and boring... Then just enjoy the pictures :----)
Cheers David

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On 11/27/2008 vavickers wrote in from United States  (71.59.nnn.nnn)

I have some vintage parts and a board that I may be willing to part with. The board is a Sims (not Powell) Quicksilver 60Kg. I also have a pair of original Tracker Halftrack (the entire axle is threaded) hangers and baseplates (no bushings or washers) and pair of BSC hangers. Pics can be added if anyone may be interested.

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Taperflex and the likes
On 11/27/2008 Pete wrote in from United States  (70.162.nnn.nnn)

Vintage Man,
Thanks for posting some of my NOS stuff as well as my Sims Tapercopy. It is NOT an original Sims. It is an exact copy of a 36" Taperkick however. That one will be headed for ebay soon. Need some money for the Jeep.
The wheels are all original NOS Sims. First generation Comp's and Bowl Riders. The clear Red Snakes and the slightly yellowed White Snakes.
The Taperflex that PSR is referring to with the plastic bumper strip was known as the Hot Streak. These came about a year after the deck that you have Vintage.
I set up the one below with Trackers and NOS Panthers.Taperflex issued those originals with ACS trucks and Powerflex wheels. So mines is very similar.
Happy Thanksgiving all.

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On 11/27/2008 Turkey Boy wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Sorry about the size of these pictures...
Its a miracle I can just get em on the site...
Same collector... This Sims I know nothing about
and Lordy its pretty amazing... Comments, experience,
start showing off :---) HAPPY THANKSGIVING Vintage Gear boys!!

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Super Turkey Day Viewing
On 11/27/2008 I AM THE TURKEY wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Paul Revere and the Raiders....
Remember that song you vintage boys? I AM THE TURKEY!!!
PSR, FANTASTIC info and story.... THANKS......
So someone saw my pictures, and stomped me with their collection...
Thought you would enjoy Cheers David

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