Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
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What PaulW said...
On 2/27/2009 Alec wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.147.nnn.nnn)

Yeah great to see that stuff oldskoolrulz.

There's stuff that you got that I've only ever seen in ad's from bitd.

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On 2/26/2009 PauW wrote in from United Kingdom  (82.24.nnn.nnn)

Forgot to add... if that means that Rod/Cress5 will get on with posting his modern version of the SIMS "3 ways wide" advert, that's done everyone a service ;)

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Great pics...
On 2/26/2009 PaulW wrote in from United Kingdom  (82.24.nnn.nnn)

Don't get too much time here, these days, but WOW, what a great collection. And seeing them put together -per the old Skateboarder adverts- is really something too.
Thanks for posting.

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The Bug Man was here collection :---)
On 2/26/2009 Vintage Man wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Lordy what if they had been termites knawing at that
vintage wood deck collection!!
Paly/Dax here chatted a few times another site. Are you married?
Reason I ask what are your tips that I can use with my better half
and be allowed my collection in the the house? :--)
I am banished to the garage with my toy collection!!
Bribing her and expressing my love ain't cutting it here in california.
That was a fine flurry of wheels and decks pictures!!!!
I still think in the original debated picture :---) when piled up high,
you just wanted everyone to know you had a pool table and were showing it off!! Or else your precious was vacuming and you were ordered to pick
up your toys off the floor!! That bug story just ain't cutting it with me!!

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Thanks for the Last run of Pictures!
On 2/26/2009 Paul Howard wrote in from (173.8.nnn.nnn)

That run of pictures was AWESOME! That is really a great vintage collection from a wide array of equipment progression from some of my fondest memories of skateboarding in the 70's and early 80's.

I owned a few of the same things so that was pretty neat seeing of those things again. I pretty much used up all my stuff or gave some away to kids if I wasn't using it and now wished I'd saved some. I still have some California Slaloms and Powerflex #3's, my first-run Kanoa Surf Flyaway(from when Lonnie Hiramoto and Howard Hood were Kanoa's pro's prior to the ads with Adams) with the same pinstripes but loads of scratches and a few cracks, and replaced foam and straps since those parts rotted away with use/sweat. I don't use it anymore because it just has too much value to me.

I've never been a good collector since I don't tolerate too much "stuff" sitting around the house but now that I know better, I'm sitting on a few things I've used since the rebirth of slalom that are worth next to nothing now but I cherish since I used them after I got pushed back into racing in 2002. Glad to see someone is able to collect those things and show pictures.
Thanks -Paul

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more vintage goodies
On 2/26/2009 oldskoolrulz wrote in from United States  (68.52.nnn.nnn)

hey guys - thought i'd post up and explain the skateboards on the pool table, they are mine and i guess you are wondering why they are stacked like they are. simple reason: had a bug guy come in to spray and they were all lined up around the wall, didn't want 'em sprayed so had to get 'em up and out of the way. as far as jonathan's (selfish) comments go, i am not rich by any means and it's taken me around 10 years buying decks trucks and wheels and assembling them as completes to get where i am today. I am turning 45 next week, skated in the 70's and combed thru Skateboarder mag for HOURS dreaming of the completes in the Val Surf and Kanoa Surf ads, still skate but more of a longboard/carver/cruiser fella these days. @ Jonathan: sorry you are saddened by my passion, but maybe you should stop and think before you spout off about someone you know nothing about, hating on someone when you don't know the facts is petty and childish imho...

i'm attaching some more pics of the collection in it's normal state, to the folks that made rational comments here i truly appreciate it and hope you enjoy the rest of the pics!

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Bennett Pro Adds
On 2/26/2009 Geo68 wrote in from (173.73.nnn.nnn)

Anyone know what pro adds are going for these days? Thanks

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Selfish Johnathan from New Zeland
On 2/25/2009 A Bro wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Geo, what are you talking about? The guy just wanted
everything in a picture I guess. Take a chill pill thar child...
OK FOLKS... This is first degree murder I guess. I planned this
out, I took the time to get the picture, and am posting in a moment...
If ole Johnathon of New Zeeland had a 9yr old meltdown on the previous
post and collection I did, his head is just gonna explode with this one!!
LOL at him and GEO!!
Lordy, whats happening to this site and page.. You cannot even post pictures
without 9yr olds with little wet pants getting all huffy and puffy!!
So if anyone knows where to send the flowers for ole Johnny in NZ, let me know, cause this picture is gonna kill him... LOL again..
As a collector and sidewalk surfer and knowing dogtown history.
I thought this a fabulous collection. Breath in deep one last
time Johnny! And GEO, I don't know why picture was posed this way!
It just was!
Waaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaa To our new romper room kids!!!!

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Pile o Vintage
On 2/25/2009 Geo wrote in from United States  (72.42.nnn.nnn)

Why not display them on the wall instead of piling them where you can't even see what's in the middle?

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Skateboard Collection
On 2/25/2009 Rob in VA wrote in from United States  (138.163.nnn.nnn)

Wow! That is the most amazing collection I have seen!!

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selfish.. not!
On 2/24/2009 Adam wrote in from United States  (208.64.nnn.nnn)


Take it from someone who was an early teen when most of those boards were new..
millions upon millions of them were ridden -- and ridden hard -- by their original owners. We rode them into the ground and, being kids, didn't think a whole lot about preserving them for next week, let alone for future generations. So I see it as more of a minor miracle that such a pristine collection even exists as opposed to calling it selfishness. They are utterly irreplaceable and represent an important part of our country's cultural history.

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On 2/24/2009 jonathan wrote in from New Zealand  (121.98.nnn.nnn)

those pictures make me a bit angry and a bit sad. none of those boards look like they have been ridden ever. not skateboarders. rich hoarders. i give my boards away to kids who need em.....and always have, why if i'd kept those boards that i gave away when i was younger i would have a collection worth loadsamoney! and id be a fat c#@! at home wanking over my collection...
f#@! it, im going surfing. goodbye

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One Heck of a Skateboard Collection!!
On 2/19/2009 Jus one of Da Guys wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Found these pictures posted on another site.
Was posted in 2007 approx....
I believe all the decks are vintage. Sure look NOS-ish!!
Amazing collection!! Pics are from two angles...
Comments some wrote after the posting:
"oh you just want us to see your pool table" "what a pack rat",
Very humorous crew they have thar :----) Enjoy the sights!!

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On 2/14/2009 Cress5 wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.243.nnn.nnn)

The Lazers are the 8 inch versions, I have 2 NOS first Generation bolt versions, and 2 sets of the later Allen key head versions. They're not as rare as the 9 inch Lazers, but still hard to come by NOS.

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those lazers
On 2/13/2009 herbn wrote in from United States  (67.83.nnn.nnn)

are those the "nines" with the os bushing? i have one on the back of a DT biniak, are those as rare as i thought they were.

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SIMS stash
On 2/13/2009 PaulW wrote in from United Kingdom  (80.169.nnn.nnn)

Rod, yes. Idiots. My pain about those Gullwings (took so long to find a good set, they're rare as hen's teeth) was reinforced by an old skatemate sending me pics of me skating a set in '79. Bah!

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Sims boards
On 2/13/2009 Cress5 wrote in from United Kingdom  (199.229.nnn.nnn)

Wow, look at those Sims decks, I want those conicals.

What kinda ass#@! would sell them????

$$$$ waiting.

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On 2/13/2009 Rod Broomfield wrote in from United Kingdom  (199.229.nnn.nnn)

What's going on here?

Meanwhile, I hold on to my hoard od of Sims/Toft crap.

God knows what made me let the conicals go, what an idiot.


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Vintage man
On 2/13/2009 Liam wrote in from United States  (192.127.nnn.nnn)

I apologize for offending you.. i respect your knowledge of the gear and admire your collection..

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On 2/13/2009 Liam wrote in from United States  (192.127.nnn.nnn)

I frequent these forums because it interests me ..i am a collector. No need to try and chase me off the NCDSA alright.. just because i don't post thousands of times doesn't mean i am not on there often or that i have any less cred..
Don't be nasty..

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Those SIMS completes...
On 2/13/2009 PaulW wrote in from United Kingdom  (80.169.nnn.nnn)

Seeing that Toft (right on the end) just reminds me (ow!) of how skint I was at the time to let the trucks wheels (and -yes- the deck) go.
The wheels were a find from Darren at Shiner. NOS green/yellow Snake conicals. A chance conversation and a small amount of cash.
The trucks were another matter altogether: Lifted from an old bashed-up Superlight that had spent 20 years in a water butt -they were pretty much unskated, but were badly blemished from the water and weather. I really got a kick out of restoring those!
The deck was the easiest bit to source. Cress5 is (was) the Toft motherlode!

For me, personally, it was always about the trucks though. The original Gull Pro 8 inch is the best looking bit of undercarriage ever made. No arguments!


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On 2/13/2009 ? wrote in from United Kingdom  (193.113.nnn.nnn)


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On 2/12/2009 Your Brotha in Arms!! wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

Found him on BDS... Liam Sean Fourie, in the UK...
Has only one ever post on the Bulldog site..
Occupation says; Renta Cop...
TO FUNNY.... Lets just move on!!

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Liam continued
On 2/12/2009 Paul C. wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

I agree with Vintage Man!!
Liam get off ncdsa with your unwanted imput..
The BDS page you should be on is called the "SHALLOW END"..
Thats the page for beginners!!!

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On 2/12/2009 Vintage Man wrote in from United States  (66.245.nnn.nnn)

You are correct Liam. I was a little out of bounds there.
I agree it is not vintage gear. It was homemade. I should have
posted on the homemade page I guess.
P.S. By the way what you wrote was offensive, it was needless and
that of a spoiled 9yr old child.. What do you care? Who are you??
You are never on this vintage gear site posting, and yet you come in
with words of insult to our site. First you tell us its a lame
site and to go to BDS. Why go there? So we can get more
of your childish insults if we post something you don't like?
Go back to the Bulldog in that playpen section where anything goes.
Oh, I am coaching at Palo Alto High this weekend in the Varsity
Championship league tournament. If you wish to further discuss with
me face to face... Love it!! We could find out a lot about you for sure!

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