Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Speedboarding (19049 Posts)
Topic Speedboarding
through the deck mounting
On 7/31/2000 Danny Connor wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Ok, is it really worth it to do this to your deck? or should it be a type of thing that, if you have two boards, you should try to do it to one of them? I have a Dregs, and it seems to work fine the way it is right now, even around sharp turns. It looks like it's fairly easy to do, from the pics on Hugh's site. I just want to know if I should do it to the deck I have, and does it really make that big of a difference. Thanks.

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Maui Crater road
On 7/31/2000 Kurt wrote in from (205.185.nnn.nnn)

Hi Toddcar, My brother used to live ON that road. Hitchhiking is very easy to the top, "They do it all the time" He says. Best to go with a Bud, (friend), incase you spill off the side. Sleep on the beach but bring a net for the sand flys.

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On 7/31/2000 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

Ask Jason Lee or someone at Mountain Board Sports. Their URL is http://www.MountainBoards.com You may want to go to the Contact page, as Haleakala is not found in their "Where to Ride" page. An email might save you a phone call or a citation.

I just saw the USA Network Core Culture show (I have the streetluge tape that RedBull sent the riders) and was pleased to see the inclusion of the Mountainboarder's race in the show. Only a couple of crazies like Cliff Coleman and Darryl Freeman took on the hill with more conventional skateboards and no brakes. The need for speed sometimes includes the need to slide.

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On 7/31/2000 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (209.162.nnn.nnn)


Haleakala has many tourists who go to the top every day to see the crater. The last time I was there I was hasseled by the cops. They threatened me with a $100.00 ticket. It's not very steep and the speeds for crusing are about what you said and at times a little faster. It is actually about 28 miles long. If you go, watch out for the cattle grates! They are too wide to ollie over and this means stopping every so often. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give it a 6. Sorry but I don't know anyone to hook you up with.

Cliff Coleman

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red bull/mountainboarding
On 7/31/2000 todcar wrote in from (198.39.nnn.nnn)

Saw the segment and it also showed guys riding down Mt. Haleakala on Maui (10,000 foot elevation to sea level - 20 miles) on mountainboards with brakes. Smooth pavement the whole way down. Nice controlled speeds (25-30 max). Does anyone know who I can contact in Maui to set-up a ride doing this? Any info is appreciated.

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red bull death race san fransisco
On 7/30/2000 namon wrote in from (4.4.nnn.nnn)

Chris, looking at your pictures from your web site. Holy shit that looked like fun. MAkes me want to go, buy some street luge stuff and start jumping off of things : ) nah, just kidding, I couldnt do that.
But I have respect for all the riders out there that partisipated in that event. Hope we get more events like that, looked damn cool.

so, just wanted to drop my little two cents in there

bomb hills
not people

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On 7/30/2000 MANU wrote in from (193.250.nnn.nnn)

The race should take place in september around the 9th or 10th.

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On 7/30/2000 Danny Connor wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

This sounds like a very cool race. What are the dates? and is it gonna be televised? What was the qualifying for it? Chris, I hope you tear it up. You and Mark need to show those other guys what is up. I wish I could come and watch!

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On 7/29/2000 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

Although the carnage was minimal, the abuse of equipment was maximized by the cheesegrater section, reflectors and jumps. This was definitely a SHOW, RedBull knows how to entertain!

BACK TO SPEEDBOARDING... I've got a couple of new slider gloves and pads and need a big hill to throw down some slides at speed that will keep the momentum up. I'm not ready for the Alps but the dump road will do nicely. My equipment is coming along okay for Seattle. The Rogers Bros, Cliff Coleman and Mark Golter are in for sure. I heard that a bunch of Dregs riders will be there too. I'm not sure who's going but Biker Sherlock, Dane von Bommel, John Dred, Todd Lehr may all be in the race. These guys have good starts and lots of tactical experience in drafting. The course may not be long enough for anything other than a drag race but we'll see. von Bommel was a double Gold Medalist at the Gravity Games last week.

I'll be sure and keep everyone informed as to what's working and what's not. I'm getting excited about putting a new quiver together. I guarantee you, I have had the worst equipment on the planet from 1981 to 1999. I totally forgot how great it is to get out and ride. Years in the "real world" of corporate America and cable TV has taken its toll. Married with children (a daughter and two big dogs) didn't help free up my weekends either, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm just now working it out with the wife so that I can go out and play more with my toys. Responsibility, what a killer.

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red bull on USA
On 7/29/2000 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)


It aired at 11 am on my cable system... some other may be receiving a different satelite feed than we do...

It looked like a wild event! Although the jumping seemed like an abuse of equipment and bodies as a way to boost ratings... naw, that couldn't be... I hope everyones backs and necks are okay!

Thanks for the heads up on the show... it was worth the hour I spent on my backside! See ya, HR

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Red Bull Tapes
On 7/29/2000 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)


I think I'll make a couple dozen copies (for my personal use;) and "loan" them to my friends for twenty years for whatever the cost is to do so. I missed the televised version because I was told that it would air 11:00am PST when it actually aired at 8:00am. I aplologize to anyone who did the same thing as I did. I'm hoping I can get the real McCoy out the door for under $5. I'll talk with my buddy who can do bulk copies as soon as I can.

Red Bull events are awesome for the riders and their families. They are great promoters and good people. The riders always go big and smile for the camera, the crowds at the events are appreciative and inspiring. It isn't always the purest form of racing, but it's definitely a great show. It's just about as good as it gets. If you're like me, you'll be wearing out the rewind and slow mo' button on the old remote control!

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Red Bull
On 7/29/2000 Danny Connor wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

The Red Bull was awesome!!! Chris, you are the man! Do you think you can make me a copy of that unedited tape? I'll pay for it. Thanks.

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GBJ Aka Andy...
On 7/29/2000 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)


Of course I remember, I'll send you an email so I don't clog the speedboard superhighway...

TV Alert. Put a tape in the old VCR cuz you won't want to miss this. The RedBull Streets of San Francisco Event including mountain boards and streetluge is airing on USA Networks "Core Culture" TODAY (Saturday) morning at 11:00am ET and PT. The very first shot is my Big Air jump. I'm in blue and white with black leathers, black helmet snapping open on impact. It's not speedboarding but it is a unique, "must see" event. I have the uneditted R-rated tape. I hope they don't cut out all the juicy parts.

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Oh well...
On 7/28/2000 GBJ wrote in from (205.177.nnn.nnn)

Well, Chris, it sounds like you don't remember. No biggie. I'm definitely not Grant Brittain, and the Ramptech connection came well after you were out of the area. Otherwise you've got my name down correctly as being Andy Bittner, and if you don't remember that name, I guess reminders of cruising around in your van or hanging out in the back office at GlassWave with Salty, Danny, Wilson and others wouldn't remind you. I just know (we're really digging now) every time I see the name of one Lori S. on my high school alumni website I recall that she was the chick you were dating, way back then. Again, I guess my most memorable time with you around (as I said before) was the time you pulled me out of the audience at SkateAmerica in Baltimore, put me on one of your long Chapsticks (with white Lipbombs), and had me high jump in the exhibition with you, Alva, and Ernie Martin. No recollection, huh? Oh well, it seems like you're back into it now. I was glad to hear it. Welcome back.

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82 ft jump
On 7/28/2000 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

Duh! i just realized; it was probabely on a luge.Still sounds kind of sick,still should be on video,more details.

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Buying in
On 7/28/2000 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

I did not mean it negative,i too beleive in quality equipment,my spendings are split to my DH mountainbike.82 ft.long jump!off a ramp or sidestreet crossing ,sick, Skyhooks,straps,not ollie right,that takes little away from it. That shouldv'e been on video,i doubt it wasn't,it would be mainsteam 411 material unless they're totally biased. I know skaters that act as if longboarding isn't even skating.

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Self Defense
On 7/28/2000 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

GBJ - HerbN,

I'm thrown for a loop. gbjPhotoworks can't be J. Grant Brittain? I was just looking at a picture of Josh Marlowe and thought of the old DelMarVA and D.C. days. Andy? Bittner? RampTech? I'm lost. Good thing my last greenie (or anything) was on February 21st, 1986. Speaking of old schoolers, Per Welinder of Birdhouse/Blitz lives around the corner here in HB and gave me the bearings with a "special" lube (I did take the seals out). To be honest, I think bearings are one of the hardest things to judge in terms of speed. My "good luck" on them was qualifying 6th overall in Mammoth after only having taken two downhill runs in my life, both during practice. I screwed up in the finals and took second, maybe I should blame the bearings ;) I like all Randals (and Randal himself is a great guy) except for his early luge truck. I sacrificed two old hangers on one run up in SF but Randal was there to replace them and the new ones held up after an 82 foot big air landing! Yes, it may appear that I am "buying" my way into speed racing and may only do well (initially) in drag races, but I can't stand being weak in any area of competition and will train for the turns and slide like the pros. I can't stand thinking that maybe my equipment is holding me back, so I'm getting what I think is the fastest stuff so I'll know that I SUCK when others beat me. That's how I improve. I am gonna have a great chance to see how I measure up in Seattle's RedBull downhill event against the Rogers Bros, Dregs, Cliff Coleman and others. Today I'm putting UHMW palms on my gloves, and getting my slide gear in order. For the record, I know that I'm putting myself out on a limb here by talking so much about something I have such little experience in doing. I kind of feel like a reporter, doing some field work in downhill, who is posting the trials and errors of his master plan. I am blessed that the "computer geek" in my wife and me can help support this effort, and that the skating community doesn't forget about us "old guys". Everyone has treated me so well that a little good natured ribbing at my expense is welcomed. I will crash and burn and lose alot of races out there, but if I lose my sense of humor, I'm dead.

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No defense necessary
On 7/28/2000 GBJ wrote in from (205.177.nnn.nnn)

Hey, I mentioned that he ought to come to his own defense with tongue-in-cheek and an elbow in the ribs. He'll understand, whenever he checks back in.

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Hawk bearings
On 7/28/2000 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

Defence? that was just a humorous (slightly) reference to old school Chaput pics,no defence necessary,i have no idea if Chris is a noteworthy speedboarder or not,he seems to be spending enough money and making sure his equipment isn't holding him back,anyone can skate fast for a while(pushing your luck)time tells if you are over your head or under it.Headstand pun comes back to haunt,I digress.Those red sheilds on the hawks are super close tolerance and they rub sometimes for almost no reason,I pryed mine out and they work o.k.but not really like 36 dollar bearings though.

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comp I
On 7/28/2000 david wrote in from (209.179.nnn.nnn)

thanks for the advice chris, are the randal comp-I good?
also i've heard that the more narrow the board is the less sensitive their trucks will get. for downhill a fairly narrow board should do.

keep on bombin'

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On 7/28/2000 GBJ wrote in from (205.177.nnn.nnn)

NS!!! No-handed headstands, lookin' like his head is gonna pop! LOL!!! Chris, buddy, better wake up and come to your own defense here. Hey Herbn, what's the deal? Is Chris a racer of note nowadays?

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T,Hawk bearings
On 7/28/2000 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

I'd like to know how they're special,(seals pryed out maybe?)i was quite under impressed with these.Chris who? just kidding,if you don't remember someone i would just blame it on all those one handed and no handed headstands:)

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On 7/28/2000 GBJ wrote in from (205.177.nnn.nnn)

btw, sorry if these posts to Chris aren't Speedboard related, and Chris, if you've become a downhill legend in the meanwhile, I apparently missed it. As you might imagine (once you remember who I am), most of my posting is done over on the Slalom forum.

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On 7/28/2000 gbj wrote in from (205.177.nnn.nnn)

Chris Chaput!! No way!!! Hey, dude, I've always wondered what happened to you! You won't recognize me by my screen name, but maybe you'll recall drinking greenies out of your skatebag back at Glass Wave in Gaithersburg, MD. Or maybe you'll remember talking me into jumping in the high jump exhibition at SkateAmerica in Baltimore. I beat everyone but Ernie Martin and pissed Alva off. Funny thing is, I got to talk to him about just that a few months ago. He remembers it, too. Don't ever let anybody tell you Chris Who? Dude, you were the World Freestyle Champion! ...and at a time when freestyle was the definitive form of competitive skateboarding. Write to me at my e-mail box, and I'll fill in the blanks, if you've forgotten too much.

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Speed Setup
On 7/27/2000 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)



Check out the above page at Hugh R's site to see what drop-through truck mounting looks like (if you don't already know). I grind off the tabs on the baseplate so I don't have to deal with a detailed template and think that they are still plenty strong. I like Exkate Cherry Bomb wheels, Randal Comp II's floating axle trucks and rubber pads between the underside of the baseplates and the top of an all wood laminated deck that absorbs shock. The drop-throughs and pads get the board closer to the ground and lower your center of gravity. Both your push and your turning are improved by the low CG. As far decks go, get something that is comfortable for your feet and your mind will follow. Cutouts are usually needed for a low deck if you need to turn sharply but concave, rocker, length, width and griptape are a matter of personal preference. I've been using special Tony Hawk bearings with success, and just bought some Ninja mini mizers to test out. Some swear by them, but it's hard to imagine those tiny little suckers at such high speeds. It's important to note, plenty of races have been won on lesser equipment, but alot of races are being won today on variations of this exact setup. As soon you get on fast hill with a board this fast, aerodynamics gets more and more important for speed, but rider skill and sliding gloves will get you in and out of turns faster and safer. Good luck!

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