Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Soulriding (2099 Posts)
Topic Soulspeak
On 10/2/2000 Kaylee wrote in from (65.0.nnn.nnn)

Alex, you are truly a lucky man. Soulcarving with your soulmate.

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On 10/1/2000 Alex wrote in from (12.79.nnn.nnn)

Went to the local park with nicely newly paved walkways and streets. My wife (42) on a freeride Marvin. Me (37) on a G&S Blacktip, out sweeping carves, laughing, doing kneedrops as we swept back and forth one behind the other. Damn if it didnt remind me of those dolphins at play. Lots of laughs, lots o hugs and a zen when your carves just flowed and you could hear your wheels just holding on. Yep a good day.


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On 10/1/2000 Rich wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

For me soulcarving is what I started skating for in the 60's ... soulcarving is surfing on land when the ocean is flat ! Noseriding, drop knees, soul arches and using your board for everything. I think Hamm mentioned it was when you had a spare hour and you grab your board, I tend to think it's when you take your wife and kids out shopping and take your board with you to get there. Teach your partner and sprogs to skate and you have mastered life (maybe :-)

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On 9/29/2000 Ondrej wrote in from (204.157.nnn.nnn)

Soulcarving is when you longboard to live. Your equipment becomes a part of you and life instantly gets better when you are able to experience soulcarving.

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On 9/29/2000 Hamm wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

For me, Soul is when you skate simply for the act of skating. Its not about speed, runnng cones, half-pipes, or sliding. But can also be about all those things. Its when the score of the football game is so lopsided you can't bear to watch anymore, or the wife goes to the grocery store and takes your son with her and you realize, "oh my god, I actually have an hour to myself", and you grab your favorite board and run out the door so fast you forget to lock it behind you. Its when you go down to the liquor store to get a 6pack and keep going("honestly honey, i WAS going to come right back"). Its when you really don't feel like skating but have some new gear to try out and you end end skating ALL day. But mostly its that time when you fly silently past a bunch of kids making a ton of noise riding they're 55mm 101a rocks and just smile because: you know....and they don't

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On 9/29/2000 GBJ wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

To me soulcarving can be something different everyday. Sometimes it's wide road traversing slow carves, and some days it's 20-25 mph cruising turns. One way or the other...
major praise to K2000 for running Frank Nasworthy's name up the ol' flagpole for a salute. Praise the Father of All Wheels Urethane.

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On 9/29/2000 Kaylee wrote in from (65.0.nnn.nnn)

When I think of soulcarving, I think of a lack of competition and comparison. I used to soulcarve on my flipper deck before I ever got a longboard. It's about having fun and not trying to be better, faster, or cooler than any one else. It's about soothing something deep inside of you in a mellow and calming way. Going with the flow, not forcing anything. A very Zen and Taoist approach to skating where your lines and flow become one with the universe. Almost as if you are skating with every elementary particle in the Universe, and time stands still. The ultimate meditation.

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On 9/29/2000 Mikey wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

soulcarving to me is the freedom to do whatever you want with your skate, goin out carvin, doin whatever feels good, rippin soo hard your body hurts but you feel sooo good afterward, workin up a good sweat and then drivin home thinkin about the next time you go ride...soulcarving keeps you goin...its a way of life.....lates

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On 9/29/2000 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Soulcarving takes on many forms for me... Not long ago, after a paticularly stressed day, I had this experience:

The sun was setting low over the hills that face my house. My body tense and my mind burning from the day I had just endured. I could feel a little tension melt every time my foot pushed against the surface of the road. Carving, pumping, floating, gliding... the pressure dripping out my pores.

Pushing, fighting, straining, gliding... back up the hill to ride once more, my troubles dripping out my pores.

I turn, I spin, I carve, I ride... this time mellower than the time before. Much less pressure, much less strife... More poetic, more full of life.

A few more times, I start to smile... my mind is clearing, I'm much less tense. I hear the birds, I see the kids. My neighbor smiling as he says "was a rough day, huh?"

"Yes" I say, "but it just got better"

At times for me soul carving is a time of rejuvination... a time to work off the problems of the day... HR

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On 9/29/2000 Relic wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Perhaps soulcarving can be defined by what it’s not. It’s not going downhill as fast as possible, or running cones in the quickest time, or using your skate to get to work/school/the store in a hurry. Maybe it’s like the old beer slogan: “when you’ve got the time, we’ve got the beer”. Could it be that soulcarving is what you do when you’ve got the time, the weather, the surface, and no other goals other than to enjoy it all?

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On 9/29/2000 k2000 wrote in from (208.30.nnn.nnn)

looks like everybody has their own definition of soul carving

but we all share a common experience regardless

urethane in contact with asphalt

god save frank nasworthy

anybody know if he's still alive?

i'd like to see his interview in ILB


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On 9/29/2000 gavin wrote in from (141.163.nnn.nnn)

its a full 'body torque' sensation!

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On 9/28/2000 tragus666@aol.com wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

soulcarving to me is getting on your longboard giving those first initial pushes--- getting up a little speed----- leaning back on your board---pelvis thrusted out--- hands back behind you ape-style---feeling that first carve---trucks responding like there a part of your foot---back and forth---whooooosh--- can you feel it--- remember that one spot we hit? I could have gone forever.......
that's soulcarving--- felt good then
feels better now.

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On 9/28/2000 roger wrote in from (198.206.nnn.nnn)

We had a dobbie dog that would pull me way up a hill several miles. I taught her to turn left and right, but she never did learn stop. She loved every minute of the workout, good girl she was.

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On 9/28/2000 john gilmour wrote in from (149.130.nnn.nnn)

With a very long leash and a hyperactive over zealous pit bull puppy I find soul carving on flat terrain possible. This critter will run for miles hauling my butt around town. I just carve to add resistance to slow him down.

Best terrain for soul carving I have found is in Hombrechtikon Switzerland. The town has a road right down the center with a perfect grade that goes on for miles through a scenic swiss vista. Best of all teh bus back up runs every 15 minutes (one of the only vechiles on the road) and costs about 60 cents.

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On 9/28/2000 cmc wrote in from (64.210.nnn.nnn)

The sea....the wine....

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On 9/28/2000 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

I've been blessed by being in VT most of my life.It's a small state,used to be quiet(at least until the flatlanders built all those condos)and is just packed with hilly roads that twist their way down into the valleys.It's an amazing experience to go out for a lazy drive(Bring Boards!)and find these hidden country lanes,tucked in amongst woodland and farmyards,and then grab your board,and just cruise!I run shorter boards than most who look through this site,because the hills here demand tight turns,where speed control,technique,timing,and sticky wheels to make it down in one piece.I find myself often alone,walking up some road like Higley Hill,or Wateringtrough Hill,or Agony Hill,hills that earned their names when horse+buggy was the way to travel,just admiring the beauty of this old countryside.I take note of that landscape even as I wander back down it,linking carved arcs,sliding smoothly to shrug off that extra momentum,tucking here or there just to make it over the next knoll...It's amazing to find yourself a thousand feet further down the hill,a few miles from the top,panting,knowing you just totally ruled it on a backroad,with only the wildlife being aware that you'd passed this way.It's then you know that you've refreshed your soul..Ride on.

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On 9/28/2000 Jamison wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

soulcarving to me is long boarding with my buddiesat 2:00 in the morning through neighborhoods and avoiding cops

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On 9/28/2000 bug wrote in from (141.213.nnn.nnn)

My soulcarving dreams came true this summer when a section of the highway here was closed for re-paving. It was two lanes each way, divided, freshly poured concrete, and graded evenly at, what, maybe 3-5% for almost a mile. I'd go out after the contractors quit at 7 and just carve, carve, carve. All to myself and a few buddies, and some mountain bikers etc. It was a cool scene for a while. I mostly have the small hills in new sub-divisions to ride on, but this was like 100's of turns to get down, not just dozens. I could really work on balanceing my turns frontside and back, controlling speed with turns, little grab-rail loop-circles back up the hill, my frontside kickturns at speed, all kinds of stuff I don't have time to work out when a hill's only a couple of hundred yards at best. Cruising along, looking at the scenery, it was like a skateboarders' path built through a golf course. Finaly it felt like pure natural skating, not practicing, or dodging cars. Just skating, not wanna-be surfing or snowboarding or anything else.

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On 9/28/2000 Adam wrote in from (207.251.nnn.nnn)

My idea of soulcarving is a one-way, 4-lane, freshly paved, slightly inclined street with no cars that I can carve to pieces on my Seismic-equipped 35" Peregrine Talon. My runs include pumping, knee-drops, bottom turns, and slalom style -- it's all fun, and very good for the soul. I do this nightly on my walk back to the parking garage at Franklin/19th in downtown Oakland.

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On 9/28/2000 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

To me, "Soulcarving" would be done with the wind in my face and at speeds where tight, snappy turns would not be poSsible, much less desirable. I don't consider aggressive, trick based riding to have much soul. I think of someone arching his back or holding a perfect line through a long sweeping turn as having soul. It's a style and a feeling, not an ollie that you landed or a snap turn that you pulled off. I love performing tricks on longboards (I used 48" boards in my freestyle routines in the seventies), but soulcarving is more like a sweet bottom turn in surfing, or an extended laid out carve in snowboarding. I think longboards begin at 48" and for soulcarving, the longer the better. A soulcarve is like icecream, SMOOTH & SWEET!

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On 9/28/2000 k2000 wrote in from (208.30.nnn.nnn)

now i lay me down a carve

red kryptonics at my feet

if i should leave you in my wake

i pray my gravestone reads, "longskate"

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On 9/28/2000 Nick wrote in from (203.96.nnn.nnn)

Surfstyle is what first interested me about longboarding, having lost more and more interest in shortboarding throughout the 90,s. By soulcarving are we talking shortboard surfstyle(tight carves,snappy turns,slides etc), which I think is best on a 42-48 inch board, or longboard surfstlye (walking tricks,noserides,spinners etc) which seems to be best on a 52 inch plus board, or both?
Both styles rule, the feeling of a still evening carving session down a winding hill can,t be beat,cruising up on to the footpath and ducking into a overhanging hedge tube, awesome.

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On 9/27/2000 Danny Connor wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Hey guys!,
New forums are always the coolest! Soulcarving! There's nothing like hitting a hill with some buddies on a cool sunday morning! Putting the board rail to rail is one of the funnest ways to do anything down a hill.

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On 9/27/2000 Adam wrote in from (63.192.nnn.nnn)

The new Soulcarving forum is up! Enjoy.

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