Soulriding (2099 Posts)
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On 9/25/2001 loneskater
wrote in from
Cliff Coleman, your post 9/21 was awesome, i printed it out and have it pasted to the wall. what you wrote as a skater and human being summed up right there. it inspires me and i hope to give out more than i have received in thirty years of a board and wheels. i hope to meet you in 2002 and shake your hand. thank you.
On 9/24/2001
bill wantuck
wrote in from
to all, if your ever in the finger lakes region of new york drop me a line, we love new faces and have a ton of amazing newly surfaced roads here that are great for carving/bombing eh much love to longboards
On 9/22/2001 MissouriMatt
wrote in from
So much focus on the board, the gear, the tune up. And when it's perfect, it disapears. You fly. Dancing with gravity. To all the flyers, fly on. It's as good as you think it is, the stoke is real.
On 9/21/2001
Cliff Coleman
wrote in from
I want to skate. I want to share the experience. I do skate by myself, but something is missing. It is you, the others that I so much want to share the joy with. I want to skate with riders of all religions, of all nationalities, of any age and either sex. I want to skate with Freestylers, Slalom skaters, Downhillers, Streetstyle, Buttboarders, Luge riders and Vert skaters. I want to skate. I want to listen to the stories. I want to share the history. I want to witness the creativity of skaters from here and there. I want to give a skateboard to a child who can't afford one for themself. I want to see the smile of accomplishment when another skater learns a new move or runs a better time. I want to skate. I want to thank the skaters that share their time skating with me and for the happiness we feel. I want to skate.
Cliff Coleman
On 9/21/2001
wrote in from
Kick out, up my oldest favorite hill, eye on the smooth, worn, grip tap. flat black, the point of pivot, the story of so many turns forgotten.
Hey goyofawley, should you read this, I'm still love'n the crosstown.
On 9/20/2001
wrote in from
Wow... talk about soul tonight... I'm about to go away to college. One of my future room mates lives in my hometown. Some of his buddies threw a sort of cook-on-location potluck for him, and I was invited to attend. Skated there, with bum directions, which wasn't so great. Finaly got there. Hung out with skaters (!!! Almost none left here!) for several hours. Went home, and skated the normaly buisy road wide and proud. Not many people around at one in the morning. Wow, what a feeling! Cruising along, no light other then the stars and occasional street lamp, the only sounds the wind hiss mixing in my ears with Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit" playing over headphones... Wow! Love to all,
On 9/19/2001
wrote in from
Whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men. -- from the Koran
The way I see it, NCDSA is a model of the only kind of world that will ever be safe to live in. People of every kind, from every part of the world, professing all manner of beliefs and disbeliefs and preferences and credos and attitudes, united by something that cuts through all the other stuff, something that we all agree is cool and soulful.
In the larger world, the "something" that unifies us must, of course, go deeper than skateboarding. It must be the human soul itself, the thing that these occasional moments of "stoke" or oneness or skating Zen tap into.
We can never BUILD a safe world, no matter how sophisticated the hardware gets. We can IMAGINE a safe world in a "what if" sort of way, like that dreamy John Lennon song (with which, for the record, I politically disagree). And I believe ultimately we can CREATE safe world, but not through military force or tightened security measures -- only by wielding the immense "soft power" of the democratic ideal, that ephemeral but very real thing we see demonstrated every day here in the microcosm of NCDSA.
On 9/15/2001 Repairman Cam
wrote in from
It's 1:20 am. I watch my children sleeping and worry. I know whatever coming is necessary but I still feel like I'm looking at into the heart of darkness and hoping for daylight. I find myself a little afraid of what the world has become...I feel a little lost and a lot older. Last weeks bbq ride seems like years ago...It seems like the whole world changed overnight. I know this doesn't have alot to do with riding but I couldn't think of anywhere else to go this late.( I want my wife to get as much sleep as she can...if she can) May God bless us and get us through these times of madness. May we all ride free soon
On 9/15/2001
hugh r
wrote in from
For a moment there was no terror For a moment there was no fear For a moment there were no planes
For a moment the birds were singing and all was as it should be For a moment there was peace
For a moment there was road For a moment there was I
For a moment there the road and I were connected For this moment I was on my board
On 9/13/2001
wrote in from
Yesterday, we were all asked to "return to normal"-yet half my department is stuck somewhere in the world. We had a meeting looking at preparations for how to handle added security, distribution, etc. etc. (thankfully after all department reported in that no one in the org. was hurt/killed in the carnage on the east coast). So it seems necessary to redefine "normalcy."
After the day at the 9-5, I went home, kissed the wife and kids again (and don't we all do it more these days, and shouldn't we?), and sent them off to AWANA-a church program the kids participate in and my wife teaches in.
So I had the evening to myself. I headed to the skatepark (Ramp-Rail-and Roll in Mundelein, IL) with my Numbchuck and skated and carved myself into a better place on the bowl, and took out some aggressions on the half-pipe. Thankfully, the young thrasher's numbers were limited to below 10, and a few bladers here-and-there. All riding is soulcarving-it can at least help you get away from it all while your setting up for your next trip to the coping. I do it all the time to shake off the day-to-day junk those of us who are plankton on the corporate foodchain must face. (but didn't Tuesday help put that into perspective?)
Then I went home and pulled out the Comet Race and set up a 25-cone course, few offsets, most 6' on centers, and carved myself into a relaxed frenzy until the light ran out. . .Soulcarving, what a great way to relish life. . .and escape the insanity
On 9/12/2001
wrote in from
Skate-ing thru the city brings me back to San Diego layed back style just got a Barfoot any more LongBoarders here in the KC area Email me (no grommets)
On 9/12/2001 MissouriMatt
wrote in from
Lindsay, always good to get a quick story of surf stoke. Hearing the clean boom before you see the beach is a great feeling.
Surf report for Columbia, Missouri. Stil no beach. Thank God for the longsk8. Torsion trucks have covered the town with a foot of H2O.
Ride on.
On 9/11/2001 lindsay
wrote in from
jakey...tenuously linked to soulcarving but...early morning, still dark, waking in a sleeping bag on the back seat. The air is still and crisp, no wind. Silent, except for "shhhhhh..... BOOM...shhhhhhhh.....BOOM!". Jump out, pull on sneakers and struggle up a dune to find everything has changed from the windblown puss the night before into ruler edged lines, as if from no-where. Sudden anxiety "it might drop off before I get out" and "shit there's people already on it" as some grommit bashes his way onto a rolling peak. Weetbix eaten dry with a sport drink while pulling on a cold damp wettie. Into it!
On 9/11/2001
wrote in from
Kaspian...rolling thru Rockport to Searsport today afternoon, where's the hills?...MAX
On 9/11/2001
jakey p
wrote in from
i ad keep my board in my car!! but you can guarantee that the day i find a sweet hill is the day i ummed and aahhed over taking it cos if my board got nicked id die. we dont often have nice tubes where i live lindsay but i still take my fish every where just in case. surfing isnt so popular here, there are waves and i know my friends and i think that we have something special, a little bit more life to live than everyday joe. So shhh, dont tell everyone. But those times when you drive over that crest and the swell lines are like corduroy, it makes up for all those days when its 2 foot, windblown and raining. And that four wheel drift that you make perfectly is worth all those times you land on your ass. take every chance, they dont come too often.
On 9/10/2001
wrote in from
I am addicted. I cannot get enough. I love it. I just found this site and will soon be a regular. Such a fun sport...
On 9/10/2001
wrote in from
Stopped to get some fruit this weekend. My son, who turned 6 Friday said, "Hey Dad look at that!" and pointed to the clear plastic covered quansit hut style greenhouse. "If you flipped that over it would make a perfect halfpipe."
The twisted view that colors how you see each hill, parking lot, loading dock has taken over my small boy's brain. I was so proud!
Joe & Nick, Father and Son Knuckleheads
On 9/10/2001
wrote in from
Missouri Matt: Yah Daddy!
On 9/9/2001 MissouriMatt
wrote in from
Driving the waves. the 84 Volvo winds through the asphalt streets. Overhanging oaks shade the streetlights white and yellow glow. "Look at the slope on that hill", I think to myself. It will be ridden.
On 9/9/2001
wrote in from
Kaspian...MAX in South Portland. Lindsey & Jakey...keep your boards in the car!!!
On 9/8/2001 lindsay
wrote in from
jakey...I obsess also. It can be painful not being in the position to skate what you see. Another source of pain is going down to the beach with friends, for a picnic or something, without any gear, to find clean tubes. Very very painful.
On 9/8/2001 Repairman Cam
wrote in from
File this under Kids (of all ages)Only. Just got back from a BBQ with friends. We brought my longboard and my oldest son’s shortboard. The house we were at sits at the bottom of a hill and before long all everybody was bombing down the hill with scooters and skateboards. The boys wanted to know why my board was faster. I let all the kids take a turn on the longboard. It was like one big party wave-asphalt style! I was the oldest on the hill…by about 31 years! I took the last run as the sun was setting with my youngest son…he’s only 5 and was riding a skateboard scooter… The other adults never knew what they were missing.
On 9/8/2001
jakey p.
wrote in from
Ive taken to checking gradient and tarmac quality as i drive now. i think i'm obsessed and i'm sure i'm gonna crash or something!! anyways i'll go back and try it later, usually late. this month its been Porlock toll road, north devon, and the a30 outa crewkerne in somerset. does anyone else do stuff like that, or am i just a freak? By the way, i'm a way away from nrth cal, i live in southwest england. we're everywhere, huh? well guys, keep it tight, represent and slide with pride.
Jakey p.
On 9/8/2001
wrote in from
Max -- Where in Maine are you? I'm in Rockport.
On 9/7/2001
wrote in from
just so you'll know...soul carvers are in sweden too. astraaaal asphaaalt