Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Soulriding (2099 Posts)
Topic Soulspeak
On 3/21/2002 EvilDrew wrote in from (152.19.nnn.nnn)

I'm really happy hearing other people talk about these sort of awareness expanding experiences they've had soulriding. I've had a few very strong ones that could perhaps be the most fullfilling experiences of my life. It's really hard to explain these... for me it's like the whole world moves through you rather than the other way around, and you're just the clear air spreading out between every tree. For a while I only knew one other guy (oh yeah, THAT'S why I like the guy) who could relate to this... most other folks I skate with have something more like an X-games attitude about the whole thing. Everyone finds SOMETHING fun in longboarding, i guess. Anyway, i was wondering

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On 3/21/2002 h0dad wrote in from (132.181.nnn.nnn)

h0dad remembers the first time..stormy dusk, after a long time of trying it just happened, a peak selected him, not the other way around.

It's like a reward from nature for taking in interest in one of her phenomena. You keep at it and one day she'll reward you , you'll go "holy f**k" as the curtain comes over, so beautiful, the world outside ripples through the green wall, so still inside. h0dad is not particularly religious, but can see clearly why so many riders are.

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On 3/21/2002 66.190 wrote in from (66.190.nnn.nnn)

..time slows down........

that essence is rare!

right on jp!

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On 3/21/2002 jakeyp wrote in from (212.219.nnn.nnn)

Has anyone seen the Laird movie? Laird Hamiltons dad, Billy is talking about the feeling of surfing. He says your equipment is irrelevent, even your body is secondary. Its all about traversing terrain with your mind. And its about the closest u can get to flying. Hes right u know. When it all works, when youre so dialled in that u dont have to mentally make your body perform the motions, well, thats when time slows down. Thats when life becomes very simple and all other worries fade away. Focus. Flow. Feel that lump in your throat. Im carving.

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On 3/20/2002 Mat wrote in from (213.122.nnn.nnn)

The night/morning (5am) after the Sheffield Boardfest riding had ceased I was laid in a borrowed sleeping-bag...I could feel my feet slowly moving on their own...still carving away, muscles contracting and releasing in time with each other!!!

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On 3/20/2002 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

I was in quite a funk the other evening when I came home only to find the ol' lady cranky and acting like she didn't even recognize me. So I got on the PC and went straight to The cRAzY WoRld of LOngboardbUddHa and that's when everything started to make sense. The birds started chirping, the lady was smiling again, the smell of GRASS was in the air, and the soulfull sound of a board went swooshing by the front window...

...only then did I realized I was in the wrong house.

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On 3/20/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (194.117.nnn.nnn)

angry,stressed,raining outside? chill on the new roadzen page on my website.....remember..concentrate feel the wind at;


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On 3/20/2002 EvilDrew wrote in from (152.19.nnn.nnn)

LONG LONG boards are best. gradual hills and smooth slides. Lotsa people I know think of longboarding as a sport... I think it's more an art, though i think plenty of people take a "sport" approach to painting and music too, so maybe it's just a different of temperment or outlook that really constitutes what soul is about. After a few awkward carves the feet take over and skate by themselves... then the ankles.... then the knees and hips... leading all the way up to just basic intention, and when that finally goes away it feels like you stop moving and the world just rolls under your feet towards you. effortless. that's what i like.

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On 3/19/2002 65.83 wrote in from (65.83.nnn.nnn)

it's like talking to yourself.....posting on the internet........very similiar in nature to the act of riding a skateboard downhill

all you hear is the sound of your wheels and the rush of air past your face

no time to focus, your eyes work ahead

leaning and turning, increasing the forces upon your body

what was i talking about?

oh yeah.......skateboarding

*soul together now*

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On 3/19/2002 Speedy wrote in from (169.237.nnn.nnn)

H'm... I'm laughing... I'm disgusted... I'm elated... I'm wondering- is it a chatroom or a posting forum?


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On 3/18/2002 Surfrider Foundation-Washington DC Capital Chapter wrote in from (209.244.nnn.nnn)

Surfrider Foundation is hosting a banked slalom race as an added bonus to the 2nd Gathering in Maryland. This is some sole, brothers. Matter of fact, bank slalom champion Curt Kimbel will be there. He still has the Ick Stick he used to win the Del Mar bank slalom race back in the day. Check it out at the contest calendar.

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On 3/14/2002 MissouriMatt wrote in from (208.141.nnn.nnn)

First barefoot skate of the season tonight. Took out my homemade 58" and glided down the road. It will be a while before the feet can handle much more. By September they'll be hard from so many quick, late night barefoot skates.

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On 3/14/2002 h0dad wrote in from (132.181.nnn.nnn)

h0dad agrees...and believes that it is better to take a chance and be a kook than wimp out and join the creatively challenged mainstream!

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On 3/14/2002 Speedy wrote in from (169.237.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, jakeyp! I agree as well. It's about soul. It's about being one with the moment. It's about love. It's about dancing through life- if you miss a step, just go on to the next one. Don't let the little things bother you, just zone into the intergalactic music and groove. It's about brother- and sisterhood. It's about family, a family united by the only thing thicker than blood- united by soul.


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On 3/14/2002 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (199.174.nnn.nnn)


You said a lot in a short post! If I ever end up in a skateboard court battle, I may quote part of your post. I'm with you regarding your thoughts on the matter.

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On 3/14/2002 jakeyp wrote in from (212.219.nnn.nnn)

Sadly when confronted with ignorance, hypocrisy and authoritarian extremes, we the proud 'fringe' members of society, obviously dangerous because we don't follow the norm, have little choice but to walk away with dignity. By keeping our soulfull happy existance there for all to see perhaps time will show us not to be renegades but people who are calm, happy and healthy. People notice these things. they are drawn to these qualities and the satisfaction they bring. It would be a shame to lose that facet of longboarding. Its who we are. we know that we are blessed with something Everyday Joe doesnt have. We have a brotherhood. Lets hold it tight, welcome new members, smile and talk to interested strangers and represent the lifestyle, no the life, that we lead. WE ARE LONGBOARDERS. Don't let anyone change you.

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On 3/12/2002 lexx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

had a great days skate today, learned how to do stand up slides, listend to some great tunes and rode around for a good few hours doing nothing but carving, pumping and learning how to slide and not die.. Things seem to have cooled down around here, the soul has returned to my carve:).. no need for the police after all. If every 1 just took a few hours out to ride around, im sure the world would b a much calmer place!:) hehe, ride on

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On 3/11/2002 lexx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

We were going to take the tape to the cops. Infact we have 2 tapes, because it so happend we were filming for my A-level media and had 3 cameras on the hill at the time, 1 at the top, 1 at the midle and 1 at the bottom.. Ne way, we were going to and we still might, but we dont want to get all wrapped up in all leagal stuff at the moment, and im worried that we wont b able to skate that hill any more. I mean, he could turn it on us and use it as an oppertunity to give us bad publicity round there so we can nolonger skate up and down. Hes a rich guy, i think hes a banker or lawyer or some thing, and im sure it wouldnt take long for him to convince all the other ppl who live on the road that we are bad news.. Hmmm, i think we need to find a different hill to sort our heads out on before we decide what to do. Cause we all know nothing makes ur mind clearer and calmer than a nice wide, steep hill.... and simon and garfunkle, but thats another story altogether..

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On 3/10/2002 Speedy wrote in from (169.237.nnn.nnn)

Youch, lexx, that's pretty harsh! Do have have legal grounds to take the tape the the cops? Harsh, yes. Not something I'd like to do, yes. But maybe it'll stop him. Good luck!


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On 3/9/2002 CloudBreak wrote in from (141.153.nnn.nnn)

L. Mack, one of the better skaters i know is a girl. actually i taught her how to ride. I givr mad respect to anyone who skates, especially girls (no cuz i think girls cant just that not many do). Def talk to C on this site, shes skates

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On 3/9/2002 lexx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

im also on a downer...
Had a great days skate up and down this private road we always skate. All the ppl who live on the hill know us cause we always skate there and they usually are nice and good tempered... All but 1 guy who lives at the top of the hill. He hates us, hes moody and always threatens to call the police. Last night however he went 1 step further.. He tried to kill us. No joke.. (we have this on film) he drove down the hill, turned around, stopped at the bottom, waited for us to start our run, accelerated to about 40mph (or more) then swearved to hit us as we passed, only missing my friend by 1 metre. We were obviously a little shook up, and cause we had it on film we decided to go up and get an appology. HA, not happening... We walked up to his door. (he lives in a HUGE house with remote gates, mac donald style speacker fone to the house, and cameras all over it), we walked up to the door, he came out swearing, and telling us hed call the police on us, he then said if we dont get off his land he'd "do some thing he might regret". We left promptly... Kind of put a downer on the days skate. The wierd thing is hes only 25 and lives in that huge house on his own.... Hmm, This really sucks because the guy he almost hit was only just getting into longboarding and now hes saying he dont want to do it because hes scared...

im not sure if any of that makes sence, but thats what happend, and now all my friends are scared to ride that hill any more, which sux cause there is no 1 else to ride around here:(

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On 3/8/2002 MissouriMatt wrote in from (208.141.nnn.nnn)

longboard, skate.
roll, roll, roll,
fly . . . . .

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On 3/8/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

wow what friendly police you all have, longy recieved a punch in the lip on the night and a call to the station got a few hearty laughs. when they confiscate boards, knives weapons etc apparently they all go in an amnesty bin which is emptied each Friday at the local incinerator. i'm not pressing it as i skate everyday down certain routes and i dont want my next board to be appropriated. longy stays cool and puts it down to experience.

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On 3/8/2002 sean wrote in from (165.247.nnn.nnn)

I'm looking for Bay Area souls to longboard with.
Am an old-school skater wanting to board some mellow stuff (at first) with good folk.

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On 3/8/2002 Speedy wrote in from (169.237.nnn.nnn)

Or put the word out in the highschool circuit. One of my buddies knows a guy who's the son of a local cop. He keeps the entire school supplied with confiscated toys.


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