Soulriding (2099 Posts)
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On 3/27/2002 Glen
wrote in from
we tend to spend way too much time worshiping the creation and not enough, worshiping the Creator.
On 3/26/2002 joshua staten
wrote in from
I totally agree with what Glen wrote on 3/25. Without our Creator none of the things we do and take for granted could even be possible. Thanks Glen for reminding me what it is all about.
On 3/26/2002 longboardbuddha
wrote in from
a taoist monk from china travelled all the way from ceylon (modern day sri lanka) to japan bringing with him the sacred scriptures of buddhist philosophy...travelling through harsh terrain and beset with bandits and lack of food and water after 7 years he returned to his master and presented to him the beautifully bound scriptures....as he walked into the temple courtyard it was snowing...the master greeted him and hustled him inside out of the cold...the master took the scriptures off the monk and threw them on the fire...the monk cried out and tried to rescue the texts and the master stopped him and gently rubbed his hands in the heat of the flames smiling. thus the monk was enlightened......one minutes skating is worth 12 months reading about it.
On 3/25/2002
jeremy cooper
wrote in from
100% with you on that. we do what we like and like what we do, simple as that, but yet it is so hard for people to grasp. i think it's because our lives revolve around something so simple as rolling on a piece of wood with wheels that everything else just seems as simple. i was thinking the other day, if i had to pick between finding my soulmate or my skateboard i would definantly pick skateboarding. for me, i have already found my soulmate...
On 3/25/2002 bObO
wrote in from
If everyone knew what we know, would it be any good? Are we the chosen ones who understand the REAL meaning of living. I mean so many people stress and flip-out, then hit the bottle or their spouse. We grab our boards and get to it, do what we like, no drugs, no violence, just a mellow groove. No rules, no boss, no out-of-bounds, do what you like, no pressure. 100% Longboarder for life, and then some. Life is good!!!
On 3/25/2002 h0dad
wrote in from
Next time you walk home in the rain spinning your wheels, get kicked out of the parking garage, paddle and miss that 0.5' mouse-sized wave, cast your mind forward to when you're eighty-nine and wheezing in the ward on a tank of 02. Think about the rain, the funny security guy, the glassy water. Seize the day.
On 3/25/2002 h0dad
wrote in from
Agreed longboardbuddha, the samsara bulls#@! saps our energy, energy that we could be putting into adventure. If we keep our lives simple we'll have more fun thats for sure.
On 3/25/2002 MissouriMatt
wrote in from
Give thanks.
On 3/25/2002 Al
wrote in from
...yes...to come off a session and just say thanks - to be experiencing the energy of being Grateful - to be thankful for your health and the ability to ride - I spent 4 hours in the park this weekend and driving home I just had this grin - I was thankful....Al
On 3/25/2002 Glen
wrote in from
for me there is a great sense of awesomeness in realizing that I have been given the privilage of knowing the creator of the waves we ride, the hills we carve, the trees that are used to build the decks and the rocks that the concrete comes from. It is amazing that it's not about me making myself approved, but that the creator approved me through his Son. Skating and the people I've met through skating, gives me another thing to say thanks for.
On 3/25/2002 longboardbuddha
wrote in from
longboarding does bring about better knowledge of the self and negation of the ego but.....our lives are constantly being bombarded with information and communications that bolster the ego and throw us into "samsara" or illusion of the world and denial of our spirituality....longboarding i find acts as a form of meditation that denys the ego (ie how we like others to see us and how we react to the world)and reinforces the idea of self and our part in the "natural" not samsaric order. thus we realise our true selves and discover....we "like" ourselves, become more friendly, help others, negate some of the stresses in our lives because we know the true order of things is seen during the act of longboarding.....longboarding is just another aspect of for example zen breathing practice or yogic excersise.
On 3/25/2002
wrote in from
The loss of self to four wheels and some wood. Funny how sucha simple thing can bring about such changes. I find that longboarding frequently changes ones outlook on life and in general makes me happier. The feeling of "now" that one finds skating (and other places, i'm sure) seems to be one of the most fulfilling feelings I'm capable of. Could it be that fun is nothing but getting closer to a more complete picture of reality/now? Is the vibrancy of that moment what we're all calling soul?
On 3/25/2002
wrote in from
Skating chooses you, you don't chooose her. I've been reflecting on how often skating seemed to be the cure for life. I realize now that easing the pain of life through skating is as much a celebration of life as charging out the door to ride cause you feel too good not too. We are born skaters. We simply hear her siren call at different points in our life. The simple skateboard has enriched my life beyond the wildest dreams of my youth. Thanks to everyone at NCDSA for expanding and improving my world soo much. "I didn't start skateboarding to quit" Bill Danforth Juice magazine
On 3/24/2002 DanG
wrote in from
Every one of us who really knows what boarding is about has felt it. That moment when everything clicks, muscle to board, board to road, soul to the world; it’s more then just getting dialed in. When time has no meaning and neither do you because you’re fully immersed in your surroundings. No problems, no worries, no past or future, just now. I always remember my best time skating in the park near my house. As I was heading down the freshly paved hill with the sun at my back I scared some ducks, which decided to pace me the rest of the way. I’ve never experienced anything quite like that, flying downhill with a flock of ducks at my side. All I had to do was turn my head and I was staring one right in the eye. I was thinking about ride for a couple of days.
On 3/23/2002
wrote in from
Wow, my brothers and sisters, soul! Soul like I've rarely seen it. A few weeks ago I headed out by myself and skaked the streets of Davis at about 11 at night. It was a full moon, smooth asphalt, and nobody out. I think I can safely say that was deffinately one of those soul moments. When you don't need to try to live in the moment- you just do. Afterwards, you realize how small you really are in the great scheme of things. But for that one second, you are the lens, the micrscope through which everything is examined in minutes detail. Then you slow, kick the board up, and go for the best trip of all: The faster-than-light zoom out to where you were before. Only, this time, you're a little to the left of that...
On 3/23/2002 longboardbuddha
wrote in from
i skate the lord buddhas noble eightfold path...but all paths lead in the same direction..follow not the skaters who travel in ever decreasing circles...eventually they come to a stop
On 3/22/2002
wrote in from
When the carve is deep Connected to the earth The moment is everything Leave the moment And you may fall
On 3/22/2002 h0dad
wrote in from
h0dad tries to skate the middle path and allow worldly desire to come and pass...but allows himself one last look
On 3/22/2002 Al
wrote in from
....hmmm....skating as a moving meditation....yes, but it seems as if it might be in the mind of the beholder - to tap into the Soul of skating it seems that one must be awake to the moment that IS.....that moment may not be so pleasant - a tough thing to take - but when its right - this thing can take you to that place where -in the moment -all else does not matter - so in that sense it is quite addictive - quite seductive - quite nice......
On 3/22/2002
wrote in from
Seriously, though, in my studies of Eastern mysticism I learned about Tai Chi as a form of "moving meditaton" that helps to reveal the cosmic dance we are all engaged in. This "moving meditation" can take many forms (skiing, surfing, etc...) but always expands one's consciousness to that of the Universal Mind. Some people take pure pharmaceutical grade LSD, Cubensis, or DMT, (the list goes on...) to get there, but the smart ones use a 50"+ deck with the softest wheels they can find. As soon as the Abec 11 101mm (50mm core) 72a Flywheels come out, they're going on my Afroman Big Worm with some of those 15" Gullwings (or perhaps the 250mm metal Seismics? Even better!). This is going to be one soulful summer. Soulboarding: my anti-drug. Even when I'm too old to hit the parks and ditches, too tired to run cones, I'll always be walking up and down my tanker. It's my old age board, but I still love it now. Any kiddies out there still think drugs are cool? Take my advice, they take away from the REALLY cool things like family, friends, skating, loving, learning, living, etc... Sorry to go on, but I thought I'd be a user forever. Who knew a set of Flashbacks would put an end to all of that? Plus, Chaput's 21 PETS thing is a great inspiration as well. Ride on...
On 3/22/2002 longboardbuddha
wrote in from
rob....nothing feeds the sould like a good laugh hee hee hee
On 3/22/2002 rob
wrote in from
The z games....I like that....we'll need some slalom koans...
On 3/22/2002 longboardbuddha
wrote in from
introducing the z games....one weekend of solid soul riding and intense zen..downhill carving wid style and panache connecting with the cosmic all...the winner didnt even get off the start line..he was too busy watching the sunset and spinning his wheels...and somebody stole all the slalom cones and made them into hats....the grand finale everybody gets bare naked and skate through town in a great convoy....it'll happen you heard it here first.
On 3/21/2002
wrote in from
After years of abusing myself with no-good drugs, the experience you describe is familiar. You become the Universe looking at itself through a longboarder's eyes, and the ego of that longboarder is long gone. Thank God I finally moved onto the fix of rolling on asphalt INSTEAD of the other forms of rolling (a blunt, on the ground, my eyes back into my head, etc....) Trust me, longboarding gets you there in a healthy way, same place.
On 3/21/2002 EvilDrew
wrote in from
woops... so I was wondering if anyone else has come up with a good way of describing these experiences? They seem like they're at the very middle of what longboarding (life?) is all about. whopeeeee!!!!!