Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Soulriding (2099 Posts)
Topic Soulspeak
On 4/2/2002 Speedy wrote in from (169.237.nnn.nnn)

Ok, I don't know about lodging, but since this place has a world-famous shakespear festival, I don't think it would be that big of a problem. I know there's at lease one fairly large hotel in town, and, knowing the area, I can tell you there's camping fairly near bye.
I think we could get the local skateshop in on this fairly easily.
I don't know about time. I would say sometime this summer (So that I could attend- I have college), perhaps late august. Allthough Ashland gets pretty hot, I hear. The other concern is the Shakespear festival: It could mean a crowded town. I'm not sure if this would interfere, but it may be harder to get permission to close some streets.
But yes, I would deffinately come!
And I'm with bObO on this: Who all really thinks they would come to this? If people are serious (and I am), we'd better get permission secured, look into legalities, etc. This sort of thing takes time to set up, folks, if we want 'em in August, we gotta jam!


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On 4/2/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

yo bobo, yes its a drive tho' we could spread it over a few days and camp out...i'll have a chat with some of the local shops and see if we could steal some of the infrastructure for the bude downhill for our event.....still an embryo yet...the event not me.

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On 4/2/2002 bObO wrote in from (65.56.nnn.nnn)

Good day all,
Speedy and L.B.B., sounds like a great start so far, I like
the idea's. Ashland sounds real sweet, as does Cornwall (bit
of a drive though) How is lodging there? Could we organize
an event through the local shop? Hmmm... I guess the big
question is- who's all up for it, and when do we do it? Details,
Details,...at least we know how we'll end it.

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On 4/1/2002 MissouriMatt wrote in from (208.141.nnn.nnn)

Watery smooth carve. Hill in front of my house.
58inch, 11-ply birch homemade.
Torsion 101's and krypto 76.
So many sweet spots.
Flowing transition from front side to back side.
So solid on da bomba.

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On 4/1/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.30.nnn.nnn)

we could do ours in cornwall maybe newquay a bit like ashland by the sea...i'll have a chat with some folk and feel the vibes back.....i figure we'll do a highjump comp too and a catamaran race eeek

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On 4/1/2002 Speedy wrote in from (169.237.nnn.nnn)

Sounds wonderful to me! And I even have a prospective venue: Ashland, Oregon. I spend spring break there, and I think that's the place I will finaly settle down. The entire town is downhill- no exceptions. Gentle vibes, longboard friendly people, a really cool skateshop, lots of hippies (not the ratty kind- the peaceful kind), lots of dancing, music, art... it's a very zen place. I think we can swing this people! I, for one, would be glad to help organize.


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On 4/1/2002 Mark wrote in from (199.46.nnn.nnn)

And don't forget:
"Most Radical Maneuver Attempted While Nekkid And Barefoot" Comp

Mark Colden
Dallas, TX

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On 3/31/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

hey we could still organise it....i'm in the uk but we could have a internet link up with a usa venue....soul carving across the world...live feed cameras etc...media.... then like i said before...a massive bare nekked carve down beautiful hills..slalom races where the winner is the one who carves with style..boardwalking comp...loudest shirt comp etc

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On 3/31/2002 bObO wrote in from (63.208.nnn.nnn)

Right on Mr. Thing, The feel of freedom when cruisin' a hill
makes everything else seem pretty darn trivial. And all I
have to say about religion is, its Easter so that means I
can hit all my fave spots and no is around! Thank God! I was
also thinking about an earlier post by L.B.B. and the Z-games,
I know everybodies pretty well spread out, but it would be so
cool if somehow we all could pull it off. I'm always down for
a road trip, just a pleasant thought, but maybe it could be done.
Skate & Create, bObO

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On 3/30/2002 Mr Thing wrote in from (168.209.nnn.nnn)

I see your vision. That's to everyone. Although I don't subscribe to any major religion, (I kind of believe my own things based on my experiences) and thus can't make any comparisons between longboarding and religious doctrine, I must give you my reason and philosophy behind the whole thing. See, the reason I don't do shortboarding is because of the image it has, and the difference in concept. Shortboard skating is, to me, frustrating. It's like trying to catch a fly with chopsticks. Where as longboarding is more relaxing and enjoyable. Also, almost everyone I know who does shortboarding did it because of the punk skater image. I took up longboarding because of the reason's I am about to outline, and I'm the only person in my school who owns one - most don't even know what it is, and because I am so unlike a traditional skater, people are surprised to see me with a longboard. See, when you go down a decent hill, for those 40 seconds of your descent, you are free. All your problems disappear. For those 40 seconds, you have no troubles, all you can muster is the natural reaction of caring for your safety. Try thinking about the test you failed when hitting 60 down a section. For those 40 seconds, your life truly has meaning. And when it's over and you've come to rest, you can take comfort in the profound fact that, no matter how many problems you have, you will always be able to come back to this, to use it as an escape.

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On 3/27/2002 longy wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

.....and womankind ooops.

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On 3/27/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

....ok i love it, this is the first internet debate on religion settled in -10 posts, we all agree to disagree and all hug for the love of longboarding..no recriminations, no name calling....we are the future of mankinds world government.

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On 3/27/2002 jaybrands wrote in from (142.179.nnn.nnn)

something i think we can all agree with is that ridin' the smooth slope, moving while making no effort to do so and cruisin' the quiet nights puts us in that introspective state where, in our minds, we make sense of our purpose for being around, and what's really important in this life. true enough?

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On 3/27/2002 Glen wrote in from (64.171.nnn.nnn)

nice statement Al,
I get to video a bunch of the shortboarders. I'm surprised at how many don't seem to like what they're doing. Some guys like Ray Barbee always seem to be enjoing themselves, even when they are having a bad day. But a much bigger percentage react by throwing their boards and getting mad, which never seems to help their performance.
Longboarding, be it in a skatepark, beach bike path, down a hill, etc. ,never seems to bring this reaction out of people.
A bad day longboarding is much better than the best day of working.

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On 3/27/2002 Glen wrote in from (64.171.nnn.nnn)

I was trying to draw a parallel compare/contrast to your statement re:God.
You don't believe my way or the nessasity
I don't believe in your way or the nessesity .

re-reading it, I can see I was a bit too heavy handed, sorry didn't mean to mock.

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On 3/27/2002 Mat wrote in from (213.122.nnn.nnn)

*gives Longy and Al a big hug*...and says "thankyou my brothers"....


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On 3/27/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

...thus longy bows down to al

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On 3/27/2002 Al wrote in from (216.2.nnn.nnn)

...it's facinating how this forum has yeilded some interesting relationships between skating and "soul"(for lack of a better term) - I think that this relationship has different aspects which, depending on your intentions, can manifest in a number of different ways. The most obvious to me when I came back to skating and discovered longboarding was skating as Meditation: the combination of concentration and mindfulness with the applications of Right Effort and Right Intention can yield a state of mind which can definitely support those treading the Eight-Fold Path - but also what occurs to me over the last few posts is the idea of skating as Sacred Dance - similar to the Praise Dancing you might see in Baptist or Pentacostal churches - one can Worship through movement - but each of these examples - and there are countless more - all depend on the intentions of the skater - quick example - I'm at the local park and I see this one young man attempt some sort of flippy thing over the pyramid - now I do not begrudge people for trying to do flippy stuff - getting 7 feet of air over an obstacle while the board rotates counterclockwise under you is very cool - BUT - after he does not make it he throws his board across the park in frustration - to me thats the difference - its not what you skate but its the attitude you bring to it - Soul Carving - Soul Ditch riding - Soul Kickflipping - Soul Slalom (you don't hold anger against the opponent who beat you - you hug him and thank him for the exhilaration of competition)...oh boy - I'm talkin' way to much......Al

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On 3/27/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

......but then you take the opportunity to immediatley demean mine? methinks you doth mock too much.

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On 3/27/2002 Glen wrote in from (64.171.nnn.nnn)

This morning I had to drop off my smog machine at the mechanics so it gave me oportunity to skate the remaining 8 blocks to work. I was skating through a sketchy neighboorhood of Hollywood and it was a real contrast between the beauty of my Fibreflex kicktail and clear Kryptos and the skank of the surrounding area. Some of the streets in Hollywood have recently been redone and it's a gentle smooth downhill slope from the shop to work which makes for a real nice early morning lite cruise session.

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On 3/27/2002 Glen wrote in from (64.171.nnn.nnn)

I don't believe in the "find yourself and discover the inner workings of the cosmos" via controled hyper-ventilation and contemplating ones navel and I don't believe that it actually helps anyone in the long run.
Apologies are always accepted but none are needed, no offense taken here.
You are welcome to your opinions, I'm welcome to mine.

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On 3/27/2002 lexx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

its wierd, just a 1 min ride to the shops on my 4' wonder can make me the happiest person i know:D

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On 3/27/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

oh i apologise..only i haven't got one {a god} and tend to think everyone else dont need one either...accept apologies?

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On 3/27/2002 jaybrands wrote in from (64.114.nnn.nnn)

longboarding is almost a worldview unto itself. however,
rather than using it to escape from all the crap we face
each day, i think we need to learn to live amidst the crap.
in doing so, we can change the way people see us but more
importantly we can change the way they see themselves, thus
letting them in on what we already know: life is short, we
have greater purposes to our lives than sittin' in an office,
makin' the most cash, or even carving the most soothing line.
the longboarding approach to life points to it, but what it
points to is much more than the longboarding itself. and that
is the relationship with God,the Creator, Glen refers to.

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On 3/27/2002 longy wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

...you mean the people who make the boards?

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