Soulriding (2099 Posts)
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On 4/25/2002
wrote in from
SteveP- I know how you feel. I hadn't played bass in a year. Then, two weeks ago, I traded in my electric for an acoustic. Why did I ever stop?!
On 4/25/2002 Al
wrote in from
Stevep - We have a similar story only I'm 6 months into it -It just keeps getting better:)......Al
On 4/25/2002 scrubbing my bubble
wrote in from
There is no feeling like getting on a fat longboard with big soft wheels, late at night, portable tunes turned up, cruising downhill on a deserted expressway. Quiet on the outside--blazing on the inside.
On 4/24/2002
wrote in from
just turned 35, haven't been on a skateboard since high school...decided to pick up a used sector9 48" pintail on whim to help with snowboard crosstraining....haven't really gotten my skate legs back just yet.
feeling antsy all day, been reading NCDSA...wife's asleep...looking at my board across the room....hmmmm. 11:15pm - grab my jacket and wrist guards, close the door quietly and step out onto the street here in brooklyn. nobody's out - push up 2 blocks, hang a left at the laudrymat, another left onto greene st - no traffic. little hill, big turns all the way across the street for 2 blocks back to the house. did it 4 more times... oh my - i get it now! focus on the carve, focus on the feeling...why the hell did i wait so long to get back to boarding?!? if i could do that every night - even for 15min...i would be a saner man.
sorry to be gone for so long - it's nice to be back.
On 4/19/2002 stevem
wrote in from
So this is soul huh? (this is a rhetorical question not referring to any particular post:) Well, as I'm busy learning one of life's infinite harder lessons... that has nothing to do with skating, at least til I got on my board (don't worry I won't bore you with it), but here's a little thought I'd like to relate;
If it ain't got no spin, if it ain't got no orbit, and if it ain't got that feel, it don't mean a thing. And it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that care, that heart, that dig, that life of its own. A network of tiny roots will destroy a city, or build it. Just a matter of perspective. So what does this mean? absolutely nothin unless its got that soul of its own. so where do you find this soul that you are seekin this thought thats a burnin, well you all know the answer just don't think to hard about it cause that'd be a wastin your time. And now back to me and a nice pleasant evening, hope its pleasant for you all. After all its just another day. Make the best of it, cause tomorrow is another day, and today is just about gone.
On 4/18/2002 h0dad
wrote in from
h0dad's going out now with Surfa Rosa on his discman to surf an urban spiral!
On 4/18/2002 Al
wrote in from
...for the past month I have found myself spending more time at my local ramp-park than on the hills - partly because of the natural ebb and flow of interests and partly because before 3-21-02 the last time I skated in a park was the summer of '78 and I am more than a little stoked. One thing that I have discovered or re-discovered is the endless soul of the halfpipe/bowls - its like a hill that never ends - I know that there are probably alot of you who know this all to well - but - what a trip to discover it again! The last time I rode banks and vert it was an Alva 8x30" with Indy 109's and Krypto "StarTracs" - Now it's a Sector with R-2 150's with Flashback 92a's - I just can't get over how cool it feels to ride this stuff again - but with a new - mindful - approach - there is still striving/wanting but now more informed - when I slam--smile--and realize that life does bite back sometimes - but oh to hit those - errr-uhh - 50-50's.................Al
On 4/18/2002
Jakey p
wrote in from
You could sing about mountains, and the sun that lights the day, I dont mind. A song called The Ocean off Zep's Houses of The Holy. Ever get the idea that maybe we're not as individual as we might like? But hell, if the stereotype i fall into is the same as u matt, we could be a lot worse. I read a wonderfull article this week in Surfers Path about the lost sport of Holua, a hawaiian ritual of surfing sleds down mountainsides. Its strange how such things are so deeply ingrained in our phsyche. Perhaps thats why we gain such pleasure from releasing that desire.
On 4/17/2002 MissouriMatt
wrote in from
In the words of Led Zepplin... LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVVVVVVVEE!!!! !!
On 4/17/2002 MissouriMatt
wrote in from
That feeling when you hit a hill where the grip and the drift have perfect balance. You can fully commit comming out of every turn. Leaning hard back side, and diving hard to the full commitment front side. Scrubbing just a bit of speed, more for fun than to lose speed. Smiling at the bottom as the momentum leaves you, you straighten out, then pump away, looking for the next hill. Is good. that feeling is good ...dude, I had that good feeling. Ride on
On 4/17/2002 Luke
wrote in from
Longboarding.....where i am, when my crew and i go by most, we get looked at, laughed at, "hey, look! cool longboarders"...... if only they knew what they were missing. Wheels screaming as you race down hills, wheels screeching as you slide it up, wheels in your head as you sit in class all day, waiting for the moment when you can ride again.....
On 4/16/2002 _
wrote in from
skating down my smooth path in the secluded woods... so much better again now that ur there skatin next to me hang on to who you love, the one who makes ur dreams reality and ur reality nothing but a dream
On 4/16/2002 ro
wrote in from
I started longboarding cause I've never had a chance to go surfing - no surf where I am. And surf is like what i see in dreams almost every night - huge tidal wave eating up a street shooting empty cans and cars and all that junk down the street ... and weird things like that. So I just been going out at night when everybody's back in their homes sobering up and carving down the high street 5 min long sidewalk, cruising between takeaway food someone dropped, or vomit puddles. A couple of weeks ago I set my trucks really loose - as loose as possible just so that dont get a wheel bite. And when I walk back from the nose It's kinda wobbly and alive -feels a bit closer to how guys walk the longboards on a surf (I only saw that on my TV). Like sidewalk is melting butter or something...
On 4/15/2002
wrote in from
5 new boys born unto our world tonight in a baptism of scrubbing urethane. we popped yet another sheffield street cherry; through the woods and 'hoods for two sweet miles. man it felt good. just right, you know, where you ride a new hill for the first time and you think "this is the one we've been searching for. This is the puppy", all the way down.
you look back to see 7 other riders carving and whooping it up behind you, you pull your best slide to scrub speed before it steepens.
one guy can't brake yet and you keep hearing the "whap whap whap" of his shoes further up the hill as he runs out, one guy in front has it dialled and you hear the br-rr-rr-rr of sliding wheels every now and then, somewhere in the distance is the chug of dan's big old diesel van following you down, your own head is spinning with the buzz, right there in the zone, out with your mates, and deciding that you've just met a great bunch of new ones.
The big-ass grins all round at the bottom. What a night. [c]
On 4/15/2002 66.190
wrote in from
sunday evening - it's been raining for days here
but the clouds parted early yesterday afternoon and by 7pm the asphalt was dry enough for a run through the neighborhood
my quiver is in disarray as i prepare for fo'twenny, so the only complete at my disposal was the comet race wide w/ indy 101's and vtwelve ngens (82a and centerset)
there's an asphalt alley behind my house (early stages of "crumble"), i can usually avoid the roughspots and pump up enough speed to drop down onto the steep end section of my hill
the hill ends as many epic hills do, smack (no pun intended) dab perpendicular into another road, necessating a 90 degree left hand turn at speed across traffic (usually non existant)
even at 28" the comet has a longer wheelbase than most newschool decks, but it's still sketchy when you're used to something longer
what a rush to get up to speed (around 20mph max) and work the deck through imaginary cones - pushing it hard enough to hear the rear wheels struggle to maintain their tenuous grip on the asphalt
walking home uphill i swear i could hear the echos of kona
On 4/14/2002 longboardbuddha
wrote in from
a good native american friend of mine name of kodie prepared to go fishing with his son and the son asked "dad dont the huntin' gods have to be thanked or sumthin'" and kodie replied "**** the gods" he then shut the pick up door on the brand new rod he had bought for the trip...he opened the door to look at the damage then slammed it in disgust...right on his fingers....he extracted fingers and stepped back onto a huge pile of dog **** slipped and fell straight into the ****...end of fishing trip...bad karma or the fishing/rain gods who can tell.
On 4/14/2002
wrote in from
Spilling blood...
I hate getting all preachy and all, but do you believe? Are there skaye gods? Do they insist on a sacrifice?
I pulled into Kona skatepark sat morn to learn that none of the fridays contests were held due to rain. My first response was...."Did anyone spill blood?" "Was bad karma brought into the park?" I pronounced that some had to do the deed and offer up some fresh red cells. Little did I know that it would be I that would be called to duty.
Well, the sun broke enough to dry the surface but heavy clouds were looming. the gods were testing us (or is that testing us)??? Anyhoos, I got the nerve tp take a go on the snake run. Four cones into the coarse and I go down. A slight hipper but a little blood trickle none the less.
Now i know there were other skaters offering up thier own sacrafice, but I believe it was my call that the gods heard and with given blood from many, they allowed us to have perfect weather throughout the eavening.
Sunday was a new day and clouds loomed again. The course was dry and I was eager to try it again even though I was sore from the day before. Sure enough, I go down again 2 more times and more blood is spilling. And the weather was holding.
As it turns out, I had a 6 hr drive home waiting for me so I decided to call it quits on sunday. As I was loading the gear, the sky again opened(rained) up.
Was I the only one that could hear the skategods? Was my leaving early a sign to me? Was it karma?
Do you feel it?
On 4/14/2002
jeremy cooper
wrote in from
hookups, that was my favorite shoe company, i had like four pairs of them. i can't beleive they stopped making them.
On 4/14/2002 h0dad
wrote in from
h0dad would win the stinkiest shoe competition for he does not skate with socks. Three pairs of hookups and two pairs of vans in the last 18 months; you could see h0dad's foot through the hookups, and they all lived outside, well away from the door.
On 4/14/2002 lexx
wrote in from
ur wrong there longy, i havent made any gloves yet, simply cut all the pieces up in preperation. Im using my power of foresight to predict my sliding ability. Can we have a 'most torn up shoe' comp? The skater with the flatest shoe soul wins for being the most hardcore as they spend all their spair cash on new boards. Points get deducted for 'ollie holes' and any entrant who went to the trouble of shoe gooing car tires to the bottom of their shoe gets a prize out of principle. Hmmm, may b this idea has no future.
On 4/14/2002 longy
wrote in from
yeah i like that...and freestyle slalom same boards but through cones 10 foot apart trick and get through the cones at the same time "freestyle slalom" or "soul slalom" and instead of arguing we could pick someone to recieve immense praise hee hee
On 4/14/2002
wrote in from
Yeah! I like that. How 'bout a walking competition- with the competitors being the judges? They have to consence on who gets the trophy, or nobody gets it. Better yet, have enough trophys for everyone (sort of a "certificate of sportsmanlike competition"), unbeknownst to the competitors?
On 4/14/2002 longy
wrote in from
aaah but lexx thats just cos you just made some gloves surely....but i think longboard freestyle with 3 runs of perhaps 100m...boards must be over 55"long and max 12" wide...with as many tricks as you can squeeze in over the 100m so speed is not the essence but boardwalking,hang tens,one footed nose rides,tail rides,christies,back spins,stylish carves etc automatic dq if you lose your temper...swear...everybody votes audience,tourists,fellow competitors and yourself
On 4/13/2002
wrote in from
Definately (though personaly, I can't slide worth beans). How 'bout a long ride comp? The longest unassisted coast wins.
On 4/13/2002 lexx
wrote in from
Just to take the conversation back to the z.games. Dont forget the sliding comp. Longest/smoothest/most stylish slide wins of course:)