Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Product Info
LY-RIII proto
On 4/19/2001 roger wrote in from (198.206.nnn.nnn)


Yes, I am interested in one of the rIII protos!
Please email me.


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On 4/18/2001 shnitzel wrote in from (24.65.nnn.nnn)

we'll have some pics of the new dh up soon. working on a page as we speak. going to show an evolution of the product or something of the sort.

there are a few rIII proto's left if yer interested just inquire.

later. going back to the parkade!!!!! love that little right hand turn...

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the new dh
On 4/18/2001 hc wrote in from (64.195.nnn.nnn)

shnitzel, do you have pics on this new board? like to see the side view of the board. Is there changes in the mounting angle?

btw, how about the RIII, I want to get one.

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On 4/18/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Halfs, Mids, Ex's... I'd buy several of each... HR

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Old School Trackers
On 4/18/2001 kmg wrote in from (24.241.nnn.nnn)

Hell yes!!

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Tracker Trucks
On 4/18/2001 Kevin Carroll wrote in from (65.193.nnn.nnn)

Been talking to some of the folks at climax manuf. (tracker Trucks) trying to get them to do a run of old school trackers.(77-79 models) Think there would be enough of a demand to run a few hundred pair? Haf tracks, Mid tracks or fulls?


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aka venter's corner
On 4/18/2001 wackyskate wrote in from (24.20.nnn.nnn)

listen peeps...

like my *close personal friend* elvis costello
once said... "what's so funny about peace, love
& understanding?" ~ honestly i think everyone has
the same goal in mind... make great skate products
that PERFORM and in order 2 best produce said product
people such as one chris chaput seek the feedback of
fellow skaters in search of the ultimate ride 2 be
enjoyed by all... and most likely abec 11's are not the
cure-all be-all wheels 4 every skater on the planet but
they will stoke out countless #'s of skate citizens
others will stick 2 the exskates or kryptos or whatever
turns their crank...

same deal w/trucks for some indy's rule or seismics get
them stoked or randals reign supreme even beyond this we
see still more pioneers like herbn and duane seeking yet
a more customized ride 4 their liking and probably 2 the liking of others as well...

decks? don't even go there 2 many flava's 2 mention
the point being when it's all said and done ~ i digress
2 borrow an overused phrase in today's culture yet
it rings true... IT'S ALL GOOD!

let the innovators keep innovating and the skate public
will judge them by their works... if they work ~ stoked!
if not ~ wash out! only good products will survive
regardless of hype or sentimentality!

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On 4/18/2001 shnitzel wrote in from (24.65.nnn.nnn)

should we release both??? a little stubby one cut at both ends as well as one with a kick-turnable tail???? more input.

running a little parkade corner tonight until the local security kicked us out. the corner was wet and wild!!!! hella fun!


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Danny's butt
On 4/17/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

It ain't pretty... HR

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On 4/17/2001 REED LOWRY wrote in from (64.90.nnn.nnn)

Hey, You guys are very entertaining, I never came to vendors corner before and I dont see much reason to come back, the web master should change the name to "crybaby corner". ILB-good mag, Connor-smart kid, the future of racing. Chaput-really starting to annoy. JOHNNY- funny guy, cant wait to skate with Ya again. Im picturing all You chronic bitchers at your computers, A big box of tissues next to Your mouse.

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Abec 11
On 4/17/2001 Craig wrote in from (196.14.nnn.nnn)

Too stretch it out a post further...the abec 11's look similar to some other wheels except for one or 2 fundamental differences.

But the biggest difference to me, having been lucky enough to ride a set, is that they are BETTER than any other wheels I have ridden. And I think that that is what really matters!

I must concede, for the record, that the roads i rode them on were smooth, straightish, med-fast roads.

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Chris' wheels
On 4/17/2001 Danny Connor wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Hey guys,
Wow, I haven't been to the "vendors corner" in a while and to my suprise I come back to see everone talking trash. I want to say someting without making any enemies. I don't get why everone bags on Chris for making some cool wheels. I don't know who is telling the truth or not, but I don't know why he would copy a design. The wheel's debut in Amerca got a gold medal. Plain and simple. I realize that I am secluded in this little desert town of mine, but I still have a bit of an idea about what goes on. If this post pisses anyone off, then jeez, RACE ME!!! Save the crying for when all you see is my butt the entire time down the track. Later.

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shiny forehead
On 4/17/2001 rene wrote in from (216.101.nnn.nnn)

Another thing is try your photoshop 6.0

haha, or maybe an afro-Wig...
better photographer.....!

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Photo tip for Chris
On 4/16/2001 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (209.162.nnn.nnn)


A rug will get rid of the shine on your forehead.

Just some good natured teasing,


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Fluid Stinger
On 4/16/2001 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

BTW, both the six ply and the seven ply deck ripped. Marc let me try both and I loved them. I like more GS style courses than the real tight stuff and the R-II 150's on that wheelbase is just right. I know that I need to get a little wiggle board for tight slalom, but I really hope that we'll be seeing the types of courses where these boards shine. A+

p.s. Thanks for the pix, your camera is too cool. Any tips for reducing the shine on my forehead?

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abec 11
On 4/16/2001 rene wrote in from (216.101.nnn.nnn)

Kool, so get skating, I got's to get to work...I was talkin duro's not mm....and the pad print stating the core size etc. was my idea so I'm flattered that u'r going to use it on your line....

Have a good week, we have orders to fill....and if u need more mags...let us know we have plenty....

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abec 11
On 4/16/2001 RooX wrote in from (142.66.nnn.nnn)

and i say the sooner they get out, the better. chris, they look great and im personally excited by the fact a new company is coming head on into our little market. Props to you and i can't wait ot have the chance to pick up a pair and try them.

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Abec 11
On 4/16/2001 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

Rene, with all due respect, a wheel having a centerset hub is the oldest design known to man. All of the first wheels for carts, wagons, bikes, cars and skates used them. As a former hockey player and inline speed skater (I know that you were much faster) you'd have to believe that I am well aware of the value of rotating wheels for longer life and better performance. As a speedboarder and streetluger I am also well aware of how quickly wheels can cone. You and I both know that wheels cone for several reasons. The downward force that is distributed disproportionately to the inside of the wheel, the use of undersized axles, offset bearing seats and having urethane that is unsupported by the hub, to name a few. It is very costly to have to dispose of wheels after only a handful of runs. Centerset wheels also cone, but rotating them greatly extends their life. That's a nice feature for a wheel, but there are even better reasons for me to choose centersets. For one, they are fast. I am a racer. I need fast wheels. A perfectly symmetrical wheel provides superior rolling performance. Traction. I need good traction. The distrbution of urethane across a centerset hub provides great, predictable traction through the corners. Knowing all of this, I can't imagine why you (or anyone else) would expect me to make an offset or a sideset wheel design for speedboarding and luging. What's ironic is that if I had made a offset wheel, I'd probably stand accused of stealing that idea! Considering the multitude of centerset wheels that have been produced in the '70's, '80's and '90's, I really don't think that I am stepping on anyone's toes by choosing centersets in 2001.

I don't know why Sean Mallard shapes wheels the way he does (we've never spoken), but I'll gladly share with you my reasons. In the seventies, I chose to radius the edge of my wheels because I did alot of kickturns and tricks that would "catch" a sharper edge. Wheels would end up getting rounded anyway, a radiused edge meant that I didn't have to "break in" the new ones. The slight chamfer was helpful in kickflips and rail tricks. My reasons for incorporating a radiused edge and chamfered-to-flat sidewall design is entirely different for racing today. Initially, the radiused edges help to prevent the wheels from "chattering" during a turn. The radius means predictable, controlled sliding. After the wheels wear down a bit, that radius is gone. If I used a perfectly vertical sidewall, it would result in the hard, squared edge wheel that I'm trying to avoid. The hard edge may be good for a slalom wheel, but that's not what I'm making (yet). The chamfered sidewall means that as a wheel wears down, the edge stays softer and at an angle greater than 90 degrees. Not only that, but the contact patch remains centered and supported by the beefiest part of the hub, the middle. It also helps to keep the weight of the wheel down in the most critical area, the area farthest from the axis of rotation. This means that the wheel can spin up faster because it isn't suffering from the "flywheel effect". Pun intended. I kept the vertical area of the sidewall nearest to the hub at a constant for all four wheel sizes so it could act as a gauge of when the wheel should be retired. No riding on the rims. My Belair teammate Mike Williams also had his "Wings" wheels designed similarly and they rocked. This has been a common sidewall design for so many decades now that I find it truly amazing that anyone would try to stake claim to it now.

I've made no secrets with regard to the choice of my wheel sizes. I wanted them to be supersized. 102mm barely exceeds the 4" maximum wheel diameter allowed in racing, 101mm is just under that limit. I knew that I'd initially be producing wheels in 4 sizes and hubs in 2 sizes. Do the math. Find the sweet spots. Enjoy variety. I had to chose the wheel diameters that would provide me with the best depths of urethane for the chosen hub diameters. Knowing that I definitely wanted a 101mm wheel, choosing 70mm and 50mm hub sizes along with 9mm wheel increments gave me a selection of well proportioned wheels that I think work best. I wanted to avoid having too much or too little urethane on the hubs. I had to toss out the 74mm wheel on the 70mm hubs for the obvious reason. 92mm, 83mm and 74mm wheel sizes are a function of subtracting multiples of 9mm from 101mm. I don't know of anyone making wheels and hubs like this. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that someone would just ignore my formula based on 101mm wheels and 70mm hubs and instead suggest that I had arbitrarily stolen someone else's wheel sizes.

I made a unique 5 spoked star hub design because they work great, look great and I could avoid looking like anything else on the market. I made sure that floating axle trucks wouldn't "rub the hub", even with only a speedwasher between them. I made an open design that would allow hubcaps to be attached to one another. I made the hubs bright orange so they'd be different than anything out there and so they'd show up in pictures. I also kept the colors close to neutral (grays) so that no pigment or dye would effect the integrity of the urethane chemistry. I chose urethane formulas that work, regardless of what the durometer reading says.

Every single attribute of my wheels came as a result of an enormous amount of time and planning and design work and theory and production and testing. When skateboards starting looking less like a surfboard and more like my blunt nosed/square tailed Chapstik I didn't cry "hey, they're ripping me off". I said "good, they're on the right path". If what I came up with has something in common with what someone else came up with, I'm not at all surprised. When someone at Barrett said that my sidewall design resembled Sean's design I said with a smile, "Well then, he must be a genius!". You and I also know that any wheel will be compared to others. Given the choice of changing my design to something that wouldn't work as well or just going with what I truly wanted, I chose to go with what I wanted. You of all people should know how much time and effort and expense is involved in producing a wheel. You also know that there is a huge risk in producing a large centerset wheel for racing. Many of the racers will want them for free or for cost and there is no guarantee that you will recoup your investment. This fact alone may explain why there are lots of people who may be thinking about wheels like this, but none who have actually done anything about it.

I would appreciate it in the future if you would give me the benefit of the doubt. I can honestly tell you that none of the design choices that I made for my wheels came as a result yours or Sean's ideas. I am way too stubborn and egotistical to hire a consultant for wheel design. I think I can do a better job myself. As a matter of fact, I was approached by my manufaturing team because they figured that someone who races in Speedboarding, Streetluging, Buttboarding and Inline could do the best job. Considering the extensive detail and quality of my product, you'd have to admit that if I wanted to copy a wheel, I would have simply copied a wheel. The only thing that I am guilty of is bringing a longer overdue wheel design to the marketplace quickly, and proving its quality and value by winning races on it. There are plenty of other wheels that need to be made for slalom, buttboarding and cruising too. No, I'm not going to slow down to make others comfortable. It's full speed ahead for this old fart. Catch me if you can.

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dh IV
On 4/16/2001 shnitzel wrote in from (24.65.nnn.nnn)

you will be seeing a new dh very soon. there are a few proto's out there and people generally seem happy with the changes. compared to last years dh the new one is slightly wider, longer standing platform, wider at the front. supposivly people have been using them for filming because of their snappy turns, lowered deck and stability. that's why i like 'em too! this years is designed more around carving and less around ollieing...(howz that spelled??). i'll post pics as soon as the final perimiter shape is decided..... how important is that tail? i like it for quick kick turns and little ollies. maybe it should be snipped....... feedback???


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On 4/16/2001 Leo wrote in from (146.18.nnn.nnn)

Shuttle.....:Houston: we have a problem!
Houston: reset timer to T minus 15 days until everythings ok
Shuttle: done, we will wait until may 1st then.
Houston: Pls be patient...good thins worth the wait


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I'm Done
On 4/16/2001 Mike Moore wrote in from (204.181.nnn.nnn)

Elvis, thanks again for your opinion. I've been mulling this over, and I've decided I'm done. I've got too much going on to waste time trading salvos. Good luck in all you do, whatever that may be. Let's end the bitching, backstabbing, I did it, you did it, he did it, wasn't me, you suck , they suck etc.etc.etc. How about a forum for POSITIVE CHANGE AND REPORTING?!?! I believe that's what this started out to be. Like Rene said it's easy to tear down or tear apart. How about building up and supporting? That's how our sport is gonna grow. If we keep slamming each other, we're going nowhere but down. 'Nuff said.

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On 4/16/2001 Leo wrote in from (146.18.nnn.nnn)

i think that this forum just gained the name of corner, but i think adam must re-name it as boxer corner.

Stop arguing...start friendships, dont fight...skate


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On 4/16/2001 JONNY wrote in from (213.123.nnn.nnn)

Hail my droogs. Verily I am honoured that my reputation goes before me, but viddy this - I am left curious as to how I have been tolchocked and who by. Surely not from my old droog Chaput and his verbal in-out? He has been known to blubber like an old devotchka you know. That's it, Im off to the Korova for synthemesc and milk with knives in Prost

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On 4/15/2001 rene wrote in from (216.101.nnn.nnn)

my 2-cents worth
1) mag: I was in the inline industry for 9+ yrs. over that time frame I've seen magazines about inline get better, kind of like a child, instead of complaining about the mag. sucks, email the guy's some "Great Ideas" U can pick apart most anything that's easy, make something better or paying someone a compliment is the hard part! So put your mind into a positive gear and help the industry or stop reading the MaG! And don't forget it's free....
2) wheels:
Chris I'm not going to get into a pisssing match, I will say that you are know thru the industry to stop in many factories and ask alot of questions...Mallard tried to get exkate to make a centered wheel 82mm but that did not happen for whatever reason, when u stopped into our shop I showed u a centered 84mm that I told you Sean and my self had come up with and that I was going to do a whole line of centered wheels because it makes sense roatating wheels (I learned that from racing inlines for years, rotation and the importance of correct bearing spacers) as I showed DT and some others so it's natural that everyone including exkate think or know that u have taken and use a bit from here a bit from there Who hasn't (the way I put the info. on the aluminator, the 1st to use a 74a compound until I did that 78a was the normal) so your list is what I'd say is pissiing me off, I didn't come up with the alloy hub I just re introduced it with a soft compound, Sean Mallard came up with the name not me, I tell people that all the time....that's the difference I admit that I talk to people and get info. hit the drawing board and then sell the stuff.....that's where I think people get rubbed the wrong way....u come across as a "know it all" slow down a bit and don't forget that skating is about having fun.....Sat. was killer, hell your a very talented skater if I could skate 5% as good as you can I'd be stolked...
I've notice alot of guy's get off of this site because they are tired of you attacking everything they say like your some skate god/wizard, me included, I didn't visit this site for a long time cause I would rather spend time reading other things than see u beat up people like Steve from Deplo, that guy's a pretty good skater and noticed he was not on this site for months until the other week.... So u have spent thousands on this that, who hasn't you will most likely never spend as much on skateboard manufacuring as I have already, But I never whine about it...I spend $3000ish. on ea. issue of ILB but never complain.... Welcome to the world of business!
We really have sector 9 to thank, because the every day skater is who's gonna make us the money...not our friends in the industry...! That's why I have waited before expanding my line of PP, no sense in making a ton of Killer stuff if the market isn't ready for it...I could have knocked the cherry bomb off long ago, hell our factory is the largest purchaser of urethane in all of North America, we even considered buying the factory that your having make your wheels...Formulas are no big secret....Uniroyal, Dupont, BASF, Bayer, etc... You don't think burger king could make a Big Mac to the T...

Use this site as a positive format, I don't see any other vendor's hyping there stuff as much as you do, use your talent and write a book about riddles and rymes..some where else...
We could bombard this site with picture posts if we wanted but elected to purchase banners instead and use the site the way it was designed....

billy bob had some truth about what he said, t minus 1 day...sounds like the nasa space shuttle's that always get delayed....were tired of it...

tired of rambling got's to go thru those pix from yest...

BTW...Happy Easter and I'll email ya some pix. in the am.

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On 4/15/2001 ELVIS wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

Its not that your artistic talent is lacking.

Speedboard - CHECK
Helmet - CHECK
Wobbles - CHECK
Lame - CHECK
Not Funny - CHECK


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