Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Vendor's Corner (9204 Posts)
Product Info
On 5/17/2001 A. Lurker wrote in from (206.168.nnn.nnn)

It feels good to be able to post an opinion on a product on the net. People should maybe stop and consider that there are reputations, family fortunes, and marriages on the line here. when people step up to try and supply a new product, they're taking a BIG risk. The only ones who won't be hurt by people crticizing a product because it's not "cool" or doesn't work for them are greed mongers who worship the bottom line. I think we should try to have a little respect for the people trying to supply us better toys.

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herbn's hangers
On 5/17/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)


No problem on that one... here that chaput? once... HR

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My hangers
On 5/17/2001 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

Hugh,i did a bit more on the hangers today,shop time is even more sporatic than ever. But they will get done,and they come with one instruction; "let chris chaput try them, ONCE":)

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Abec 11
On 5/16/2001 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

Yes, a little. Chris McBride is one those 200 plus pound riders who had 6 of the 83mm/78a wheels on his luge the other day. No one could take him in the straights until they too had the same wheels. I gave your brother all the latest, is he afraid of you too?

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On 5/16/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Ok Chris... what's up with the wheels? Scared? HR

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Anger Management
On 5/16/2001 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

I too, need to take a chill pill at times, and count to ten before posting responses to others. Like many others, I am human and sensitive to attacks, both real and imagined. It has cost me and I will learn from these mistakes. Fortunately my products have received mostly rave reviews. Unfortunately some attacks have been aimed at me personally as a racer, as a rider, as a vendor and even as a husband! It hurts. It is also infuriating. Generally speaking, it is all based on rumours and bad information but when I jump in and immediately attempt to "set the record straight", I end up sounding defensive. If I'm defensive I sound guilty. If I appear guilty, people are suspicious. If I'm suspicious I appear to be untrustworthy and so the cycle of negativity continues with me being the ultimate loser. I have to remember that any twelve year old with a computer can come in here and tear me a new one in less than a minute. I have to remember that I am not what others think I am. I am not only as good as my last race. I am not the latest review of my products.

It takes a "spiritual" approach to let the truly unimportant things just slide. I too respect the Gesmer's of the world and those who do a much better job than I do of "letting it go". As vendors, we can't be all things to all people but we're doing the best that we can to provide the skaters with quality choices. We all want the same things. I do the best that I can to work from the principle of ABUNDANCE. There is currently, right here, right now, today, enough food, water, clothing, fame, fortune, pleasure, and STUFF to go around for everyone. When someone else succeeds, it does not take away from me. When someone else falls, it does not make me stronger. There is enough to go around for everyone. In an "I want mine before they get theirs" world, it is easy to forget that we live in abundance. Isn't it nice when you go to an "all you can eat" buffet or sit around a large table with friends and family and there is so much food that you can take just a little and pass the bowl to the next guy? That's how the world really is when you see things more clearly. Yes, sometimes it looks like the bowl will be empty by the time it gets to you but we have more fat people than we have hungry. Don't bogart.

Robert Fulghum wrote the book: All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. He writes: Share Everything. Play Fair. Don't hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. Say you're sorry when you hurt someone... ...When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic... ...and stick together... Be aware of wonder.

I wonder if he's a skater?

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On 5/15/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Kaspian... very well said!

Hank... we all have bad days sometimes! I have posted a few myself that I wish I could take back... all in a days posting I guess. A lot of juice flows through this site... hang on for the ride! HR

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On 5/15/2001 Hfactor wrote in from (64.221.nnn.nnn)

Yes, been a bad day. And I do agree with what you are saying as far as mediating how things are addressed and discussed within the confines of this website. I did create a more specific and targeted response than I had meant to do. I am all about opinions as well as the next. Something occurred which prompted me to post for the first time. It reflected negatively both on ncdsa as well as my own interests.

Regretfully, my first post was marginal at best. But be certain I shall certainly show a presence here.

Thanks kaspian. See you guys.

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Flexdex maker's post in "Decks"
On 5/15/2001 kaspian wrote in from (208.244.nnn.nnn)

Hi, Hank (Hfactor) -- Welcome to NCDSA!

As someone who has gotten his quota of bad reviews, I understand how you feel about negative things people have said here about your products. Please bear a couple of things in mind:

- This is an open forum where people tend to speak their minds pretty freely. We are all just skaters talking to other skaters, and we don't hold back.

- Flexdex has actually been getting good comments as well as bad ones, especially in the past couple of weeks. This is how the ball bounces, right? I'm sure you've heard the old public-relations truism: There's no such thing as bad publicity.

You probably don't have time to scour the Archives here, so let me tell you that one other manufacturer (at least) has set a precedent you don't want to follow: launching an attack against a poster who was dissatisfied with a particular skate deck. Most of us here are savvy (or jaded) enough to understand that any given person's opinion is just that. We do not automatically accept a statement such as "Brand X sucks" as being Holy Writ.

We do, however, take exception to anybody's attempt to stifle the spirit of open, freewheeling discussion that prevails here. To put this plainly, people have a right to say that Flexdex decks are junk, if that's what they think. You don't make your company look good by having a hissy fit over it.

The cool and dignified thing to do is simply to ignore the whole thing; or -- if factual errors have been made -- post a restrained note of correction in the appropriate forum. Check out how Dan Gesmer handled this kind of thing recently in the "Trucks" forum, when somebody made some erroneous comments about Seismic's technology. Not knowing anything personally about the issues involved, I came away thinking, "This Gesmer guy has got class."

I guess that about covers it.

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Bullet proof
On 5/15/2001 D.G wrote in from (208.29.nnn.nnn)

I don't know 'bout you guys, But if I spend the $122.00 for a board...and it breaks,I'm supposed to send $15.00 and the board back and in three weeks I get the same board back!!!
Why don't I just send $137.00 and you send me a broken board to start with!!! Better rephrase you promo!

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On 5/12/2001 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

I thought that was off,didn't have the time to really check it out,thoroughly.

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kyrpto/paw molds
On 5/12/2001 rene wrote in from (216.101.nnn.nnn)

"The Kryptonics Classic K and the Power Paws are made from the same molds, so the shapes are identical"

Hey this part of your two cents was incorrect, they are Not I repeat Not the same molds, they are actually made in two diff. factories, and the paws are 70mm the krypto's 68.5mm just to let ya know so u'r two cents don't go to waste...haha...take it easy...

ps. Paws use steel molds as they are much better, ever notice the nice seem line in krypto's like the 76mm those are molds that have been used for years and wearing out, steel is much better but costs much more! Hint krypto doesn't use alloy or steel molds...hummm?

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On 5/11/2001 Mig wrote in from (216.13.nnn.nnn)

Glen, thanks for all the info. I can't wait for your video to be available. I will be eagerly waiting for your next clip.

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Video-response to MIG in decks forum
On 5/10/2001 Glen wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the comments on the video clips.
I'm currently shooting a bunch of longboard skating for a video I've been wanting to make for a while. Most skate (long or shortboard) videos follow a prescribed look and feel of get some punk/vintage metal/hiphop etc. and cut together skate footage. I'm trying to make a longboard video that is more in the line of classic surf videos or the newer surf video "The Seedling".You won't see any railsliding, no blowing up police cars, bloody slams, very limited skatepark footage, and not much "point it down the hill and go" footage. You will see some classic skatespots, skaters who have unique styles, not just the ability to pull off "tricks", surf style flatland ( style being the keyword), bank riding, pool riding, hill carving, ditch ripping and clips of people enjoying skating. It will even have some voice overs detailing the skatespots and you may get to hear what the skaters think and their influences. The sound track will be in the jazz realm, not sure what yet, I'm checking on rights, but Ray Barbee ( a great street skater) has just released an album of instrumental music, some songs which are on "The Seedling", and he will let me use his music.

I'm still shooting lots of footage and probably won't be editing until end of summer. I will continue to post clips from sessions we shoot, and I hope they inspire people to go out and skate.

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Bulletproof skateboards
On 5/10/2001 Woody wrote in from (163.248.nnn.nnn)

Wooden decks arent that great, if you want an awesome board for $122 that is made of fiberglass and will last a long time plus it has a one year warrenty on every board you get.After you break it(which youll have to do intentionally because its impossible to break on accident)you just send it back with $15 DOLLARS SHIPPING AND HANDELING and youll get it back after about three weeks. So if your interested just go to bulletproofboards.com

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On 5/8/2001 Bob Swartz wrote in from (207.199.nnn.nnn)

anyone heard from Chaput in the last week or have sucessfully purchased a case of ABEC 11 wheels yet? I was looking to run these babies in Scotland and France this month but may be stuck with old reliable race cores.
Maybe he is on vacation or fixing the Blue Bird. Chris...you stuck on some hill???..again


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On 5/8/2001 Misterbill wrote in from (63.183.nnn.nnn)

The author's name said it all from the very beginning.

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Turnpike Lame
On 5/8/2001 Turd Ferguson wrote in from (64.236.nnn.nnn)

Don't bother with Boulevard Swell. It's actually Turnpike Lame. Its a logo on a piece of notebook paper and a bad black and white photo of some non-descript boards.
Actually something can be learned from this...if you try actually promote a product in this fashion, you are not only wasting your time, you're wasting everybody elses.

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On 5/8/2001 BSWELL wrote in from (137.150.nnn.nnn)

I needed a slalom board too, so i built it! Still leading the pack, catch us at http://humboldt.edu/~pkm3

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Fibreflex-Dom 2nd Try
On 5/7/2001 Richard Alvord wrote in from (207.137.nnn.nnn)

Fibreflex can be e-mailed at debs@gordonandsmith.com

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Fibreflex- - - Dom!
On 5/7/2001 Richard Alvord wrote in from (207.137.nnn.nnn)

Dom, you can contact Fibreflex at

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On 5/7/2001 Dom wrote in from (62.161.nnn.nnn)

Please I need to get one of those new slalomboards
Tell me how please.

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Atilla Gorilla Model
On 5/4/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Atilla, I too will be in "need" of one of your signature decks (a signed version if possible... and with the extra ply option!)

Rooney, I am in negotiations with Ed Economy for two of his giant decks... extra stiff. I'll make you a deal... You pay for my Atilla and I'll pay for your Ed... HR

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Attilla Pro
On 5/4/2001 rooney wrote in from (198.211.nnn.nnn)

Attilla that is a very pleasing to the eye deck and I must say getting youre own G&S model is as cool as could be!I will ''need'' one for my collection . Hope to see you at morro.

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On 5/4/2001 attila wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

trucks pictured are indy 101's / wheels- krypto classic 62mm which are both readily available. Bushings are blue soft trackers.

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