Vendor's Corner (9204 Posts)
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Ed Econ boards
On 5/29/2001 Glen
wrote in from
I give two thumbs up on my Ed Econ. bank rider. I went to a local school tthis weekend and cruised the banks for a couple of hours. I totally love the ride. My youngest boy was also liking it, and it spurred him on to riding his skateboard all weekend. They are kind of 56" high performance decks, which as one skater said, is an oxymoron, but it's true.
Ed Eco boards
On 5/29/2001
hugh r
wrote in from
I must say that is good news... My brother and I have a matched set and they are some of our all time favorite decks... big and bold (just like Ed...) and a blast to ride (don't care to know about that one)... Big ol' two thumbs up!! HR
57" Decks
On 5/29/2001
wrote in from
HEY ALL---Finally, the legendary Ed Economy's Longboards are availabe at longskate. Ed's shapes are a blast to ride, in fact, at the last Revere session, Ed had 4 of his boards there and every skater, including ones who own longboard companies, rode his boards until the end of the day. Interestingly enough, we all own our own Ed E boards now...Thanks ED! This one's a keeper
Airflow Slalomboard
On 5/25/2001
wrote in from
Hi my names Dominic & I have a Snowboard site that is running a competition to win a Airflow Slalomboard just go to www.snowboard-uk.co.uk or www.snowboard-uk.fsnet.co.uk/comps.htm and answer two easy questions for your chance to win one. Thanks for your time, Dom.
Deplo King Calamari
On 5/22/2001
steve c
wrote in from
Hey guys-
Just as a kind of teaser, I'm going to sell Volkswagen parts at the Sacramento Raceway next weekend (May 27).
Ya, what's that got to do with longboards? I found out that those people eat up my boards, so I'm taking the ONLY batch of King Calamari 48"ers to unload.
I'm only short on wheels and trucks right now...But I did send Rene a request for more Power Paws (great wheels) and Randall for some RII's. If Randall is not up and running with the move, I'll set them up with Indy's.
They will be priced to sell, basically discounting the deck to cost. If you're in the area, check it out.
In the Way
On 5/22/2001
Chris Chaput
wrote in from
Rene, Was this when I was walking up the hill and stepped in front of you (by accident) or at the award ceremony when I was laying down on the ground in front? Sorry about that. I wish someone would have said something at the time...
On 5/22/2001 rene
wrote in from
Yeah we have been waitin for so long I don't remember how long, I just don't like people getting miss information, the trucks are awesome, but just letting people know what the truth is...... were praying for trucks, just like we prayed for snow this last season....Dan has said soonnnnn!!! come on now Dan get the world u'r truck, once again...!!!
On 5/22/2001 slappy
wrote in from
Amen Neil! I wish I had the problem of too many Seismics.
On 5/22/2001
Neil G
wrote in from
Rene wrote (about Seismic): >we don't want people buying them from us at longskate inpairs and crying about anything
I won't cry just so long as I can buy them at all. Does this mean you'll actually have some for sale sometime soon?
On 5/22/2001 The libra I am, Rene
wrote in from
Too be fair, I'd like to say that Seismic trucks were either only on the front or the back, so people need to know that as we don't want people buying them from us at longskate inpairs and crying about anything...Just a point to know, People were mixing wheels, trucks, bearings, etc... Ps. Maurice had a g-truck on the rear, (seismic style) and a norm. g truck (indy style) on the front. Paul Dunn, seismic on front, indy on back Gary, indy front and rear. Gilmour seismic front & rear
Just to be fair!
PPS. I have gone to many events in the past 20yrs. and this was one of the top 3 ever, including cycling worlds in 86' thanx to Jack for putting a awesome weekend together, before the race, during and after, all the competitors were AWESOME! Chaput, learn to stay out of the way of photographers with real equipment if u ever wanna get in a pict. yourself!
On 5/22/2001
wrote in from
Hey Chris Chaput!
Sorry to sound like a pain in the butt, but please could you mail me a short response to my e-mail! I would phone, but i'm trying to avoid it as it's too expensive from here.
These wheels of yours are perfect, and I'd be bummed to go into a race without them.
Thanks Craig
seismic s
On 5/22/2001
wrote in from
Dan, when will the new trucks be ready? I've got an undrilled Turner dying for a pair. It stays up all night saying 'Ride Me!'. I keep telling it to wait for the Seismics. Please make the suffering stop.
Morro 1st trucks
On 5/22/2001 Glen
wrote in from
Gary Cross was first and was running an Indy up front and a modified offset axel Indy in back. Overall, Seismics were the truck to have.
On 5/22/2001 Herbn
wrote in from
Hate to be the spoiler,(not really:) but who was 1st and what trucks?
Seismic Trucks
On 5/21/2001
Chris Chaput
wrote in from
Dan, I just tried your trucks set up correctly by John Gilmour. Wow! The silver springs gave them a looseness and snappy return to center that I couldn't believe. All this time I haven't been giving them a fair chance. These babies are going to help me with the tight stuff soooooo much. I'll give you more info after I get me some silver springs. Spring me into summer dude. "Make it snappy".
Seismic Trucks
On 5/21/2001
Dan Gesmer / Seismic
wrote in from
At the 2001 World Championships of Slalom Skateboarding (May 20 in Morro Bay, CA), racers on Seismic trucks included: 2nd place Maurus Stroebel (Switzerland) 3rd place Paul Dunn (USA) 4th place John Gilmour (USA) 7th place Andreas Pfander (Switzerland) (The guy in 5th place may have been on Seismics, too.) Congratulations to everyone who contributed to giving a rebirth to slalom racing, particularly Jack Smith and webmaster Adam. See you all at the next big race!
Order ETA
On 5/20/2001 PCB
wrote in from
Have you thought about asking Longskate for the UPS tracking number and then tracking your shipment on UPS website to your heart's content? That will tell you the estimated time of arrival.
My order
On 5/20/2001
wrote in from
-Fluid Speed Rings -3 Packs of Mounting Bolts -Bones Speed Cream -Hardcore Bones Blue Bushings -Power Paw Aluminators(70mm/74a) -Randal 150mm -Grip Tape Strip
Shipping to the East Coast
On 5/20/2001
wrote in from
Sim: I live in Maine, about as far away as you can get from Longskate or Solidskate and still be in the continental US. For me, a UPS ground package takes 5 weekdays.
If I may ask, what are you getting for your $134.98?
On 5/19/2001
wrote in from
Alright i just threw down some major cash on skateboard equipment, 134.98 to be exact. Thats a lot of money for a 15 year old. Took several weeks of not buying lunch and weeks of mowing lawns but i did it.My major question is, with ground shipping, how long will it take to hit new york? THanx for the help. -Christian
Rider-direct advancement
On 5/18/2001 PCB
wrote in from
Kaspian is rightonthemoney, A direct example is when I was interested in some of the Afroman decks for park riding. The problem was that all of the photos of the decks were misleading and terrible from a customer’s point of view. So I did some investigating, asked some questions here. Eventually, the people at Afroman fixed the problem, and then what do you know, they suddenly got a jump in orders!
Bad reviews
On 5/18/2001 A. Lurker
wrote in from
Constructive crticism is one thing, when someone can't even explain why something "sucks" that's another. I probably should of put this on the bulletin board, as I'm not a manufacturer. I've tried a different setup on one of my decks, based on CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and it improved the ride quite a bit. In my opinion anyway.
Bad reviews
On 5/18/2001
wrote in from
A. Lurker -- I agree that we should always be aware of other people's feelings. But I don't think this means that we have to pull our punches when it comes to reviewing a piece of hardware.
A negative review of, say, a new truck is not a personal attack on the person who made the truck. It's just like if I wrote a bad review of a new John Updike novel, I'm not saying Updike is a jerk; just that I didn't like this particular printed object. If I'm a conscientious reviewer, I explain exactly WHY I didn't like it, and John Updike can make whatever use he wants of this information (including ignore it).
I don't think I've seen any review posted here that was directed at the manufacturer personally -- unless maybe to congratulate the person on another fine product. NCDSA is not a mean-spirited place -- especially compared to other online venues, like alt.skateboard, where the discussion seldom rises above the level of "Toy Machine can suck my tailpipe." On the contrary, this place provides thoughtful, reasoned feedback, with lots of opportunity for discussion and rebuttal, which can be a valuable source of information for manufacturers. If you make a product, it is vital to know what people honestly like or dislike about it. If you don't know that, how can you improve the product to compete more effectively in the real-life marketplace?
As I mentioned earlier, I've gotten my share of bad reviews (for novels, not skateboards). You just have to tell yourself that it's not YOU that is being torn apart here, just some words you put on paper a while ago. It may hurt, but so does falling off a board. That's how you learn and how you develop the character to get back on again.
Abec 11 at Barrett Junction
On 5/17/2001
Chris Chaput
wrote in from
Rick (Kludy), I have spoken to Brian Kiggins about you. He runs Haka Sports and will have plenty of wheels made available to you (and others) at Barrett. He's a super nice guy so just approach him and spark up the dialog. I will be very interested in hearing what you think about the wheels. Please feel to post anything you want about them here, or call me directly. Brian's got all my numbers. Great luck. I'll do what I can in Morro while you show 'em how it's done at Barrett. I really wish I could do both, but I committed to the slalom race long before they scheduled Barrett on that weekend. God Bless all the riders and may Jono's Recovery Fund overflow from an outpouring of brotherly love.
On 5/17/2001
wrote in from