Vendor's Corner (9204 Posts)
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Hamm chill out
On 7/16/2001
wrote in from
Any vendor who can get me quality skate gear at a decent price without being a dick IS helping NCDSA. Its supposed to be a community, right? So a guy doing his job and doing it well is aok by me. Relax man, there are bigger, more importnat battles out there.
BMW Streetcarver
On 7/15/2001
wrote in from
BMW Streetcarver now being auctioned at soulgarage.com
On 7/15/2001
wrote in from
PCB, the mediums are actually fairly light, meaning perfect for my lightweight of 150lbs.
On 7/13/2001
wrote in from
Chuck, it's great to see you posting here! If you search the site for "barfoot" you'll find that your boards have been mentioned here many times, always favorably. There's even a Vendor's Corner where you can publicize the product as often as you like, guilt free ;~)
Hope you got the Comp Stripe back via UPS, btw.
peace & waves richard, aka kaspian
Swiss decks.
On 7/13/2001 PCB
wrote in from
Marc, I need _less_stiff_. Please get SOMETHING in the Light version. Right now, you have the Med and Heavy versions.
swiss decks
On 7/13/2001
wrote in from
I realize we need some stiffer versions of these decks. To make things smoother in the future, anyone can email me anytime with product requests. I sold out of s-shapes in 2 days because I had to "blind" order, plus, I'm a light weight(150lbs)---so get on those emails Big Guys, so I can send in a re-order BTW-thanks for your support:)
On 7/13/2001
wrote in from
i just got turnened on to your longboarding site , last night while longboarding in ventura ! thought you might like to check out my custom LB'S . CHECK UM OUT ! WWW.BARFOOT.COM TELL ME YOU GOT MY INFO OFF THIS SITE AND I'LL HOOK YOU UP FOR $150 TOTAL !
On 7/13/2001 Herbn
wrote in from
I E mailed mr chaput for a case (83mm)send em COD cashier ck if you must, just send'm, Thanks
On 7/12/2001 Hamm
wrote in from
haha, my fellow 'air-freight' buddy beat me to posting the actual. 1kg = 2.20462lbs
On 7/12/2001
wrote in from
so if you want to convert from kgs to lbs you multiply kgs by that quantity, and if you want lbs to kgs divide it..
have anybody hear about hughR?
kg - lb
On 7/12/2001
wrote in from
It's not really *that* hard, at least to make a quick approximation. 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds, approximately.
So, for example, a weight range of 75-90 kg translates to, hmm, about 165-198 pounds, right? In other words, ultra-slender lightweight dudes ;~)
Weight and measurement converter.
On 7/11/2001
wrote in from
I see that the weights in metric got us on this side of the pond confounded. I have a converter that'll take anything and convert it. It works on Kg to pounds and just about anything else you could want. It's small enough to e-mail so anyone who wants it can e-me and I'll send it to ya. It has come in handy more times than I care to think about.
On 7/11/2001
wrote in from
A big KUDOS to you guys supplying the goods. If it weren`t folks like those at Longskate.com , Solidskate.com , Poolskater.com . and other individuals, the sport wouldn`t have grown as fast as it has. I am personally awaitng 2 decks, different sized Seismics, and gonna have to acquire umpteen sets of wheels to get that perfect stick.
We know you guys are trying your hardest to get the goods to us ASAP if to not to only end our incessant emails. I know I am not only in saying.....THANKS!!!
Scabs B-] maet gnicar daehelkcunk
On 7/11/2001 hc
wrote in from
small chief are for women or kids (35-50) (50-65)kg big chief (65-75) (75-90) kg chief 85, comes in three flex, medium = (65-75)kg ?
note: 1lb=453.6gm
On 7/11/2001
Neil G
wrote in from
Marc, I note you have the Response at 37 3/4" long, that's gotta be a typo. Where are the reissue decks?
Longskate Indiana
On 7/11/2001 PCB
wrote in from
Marc, can you say whether you made a mistake converting kg to pounds, or if Indiana started making the deck configurations in new weight ratings? Direct links to what look to be the same decks, but for weight classes different than what your site says: http://www.indiana.ch/indiana/shop/skates/smallchief.htm http://www.indiana.ch/indiana/shop/skates/bigchief.htm
swiss slalom decks
On 7/10/2001
wrote in from
FYI--The indiana decks and the new fibreflex slalom decks are here. the Summit decks and slick wheel 2's are arriving tomorrow.
Flowlab DCS36 and 32
On 7/10/2001
wrote in from
Just wanted to let all know that the new board sizes are out - 36 and 32 inch - along with the new trucks with better bearings, wheels, and hardware. Anyone interested in trying them contact us as we'll be planning some trips to do demo days. http://www.flowlab.com
abec 11 wheels
On 7/9/2001
wrote in from
hey mr. chaput, when are your 92mm size wheels going to be out. your site says the first of the july. i would exspect them to be sold a little late because thats how these things work. do you know a when these are going to be avialble and where to get some.
On 7/8/2001 Glen
wrote in from
I don't see a problem with someone making a page for slalom related stuff, especially video clips, pictures and race results posting. Hugh's homemade board and the longboard lounge on Yahoo don't compete with NCDSA, nor does Lonecore's site or any of the other longboard, speedboard, or oldschool interest, web pages. I think that the more longboard, slalom and oldschool related things that show in a web search is all the better for everyone. NCDSA is established and will continue to be the top discussion group/message board site around, regardless of other sites.
Mo Media, Mo Media, Mo Media
On 7/8/2001 c-money
wrote in from
I agree with Rene's comment about slalomers.com. Because I found NCSDA a little over a year ago-I'm back into boarding after 10 years, have a blast with my kids (though they are sticking to blades-bummer. I think I just intimidate them ;}) ), have met some old school/slalom/longboarders here in Chicagoland, and solidskate.com, longskate.com and poolskater.com are realizing significant revenue. . .Long Live NCDSA!
On 7/6/2001
wrote in from
Hey Adam, i am going to compromise a friend here...
i think that the best guy in this site would be my friend DeeTee aka: DT, delta
hey has demostrated (check speedboarding forum) that he knows what he is talkin
so i vote for DT to form part of the ncdsa board again
On 7/4/2001
wrote in from
I can see having an 'FAQ' link atop each forum page (like the 'Tasty Scans' link in Slalom). Who will step up and write an FAQ?! DT started one some time back, but I think a more topical approach would work better.
I'll accept volunteer FAQ writers on a per-forum basis. 10 FAQs per forum to start. If your answers reference a vendor, be sure to list several vendors to maintain objectivity. Subject to final edits by yours truly.
On 7/4/2001
slappy maxwell
wrote in from
I agree with both HC and Rene. It would be nice if there was a slalom FAQ and it would be nice if it was here.
HC, you can already find videos and pics of pumping and running cones here. There was plenty links of video from Morro Bay post a few weeks ago in the Slalom forum. Chris also has some video already of pumping at his site.
The one problem I could see in a FAQ page is that would have to be very subjective. There are a ton of 'it depends'. It depends on...where you ride....whats the pavement like...what is your size...etc. Some people like huge quivers, some find one or two boards is good enough.