Vendor's Corner (9204 Posts)
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On 8/6/2001
wrote in from
I too placed an order last week and upon an inquire Regan said stuff was shipped saturday...pictures will be up on ur13.net/move once i get it all....
I can't wait.
(ur13) (mail@ur13.net) (AIM: urthirteen)
V-12 update
On 8/6/2001
wrote in from
Well, I think its safe to say V-12 is finally trying to sell some stuff. I am the proud owner of 2 sets of nice wheels, a large batch of stickers and a cool t-shirt. I'll post a review in wheels after I've put some time on them.
On 8/5/2001
wrote in from
New goodies just posted at soulgarage.com
V-twelve n-gen
On 8/5/2001 Relic
wrote in from
I ordered a set of the n-gen wheels via the web site (www.v-twelve.com), and they arived in about 4 days by USPS. On the smooth flat roads that I ride they outperformed my 78a Stradas, but that's not too surprising since they are a little harder, and harder wheels have always worked better here. I don't have any of the harder Stradas to compare them with, but I'll match them against my 82a StreetGs and see how they hold up. From a subjective perspective they have very good grip (here), but they don't feel real fast. My experience is that speed and grip depend a lot on the road surface, so your results may be different.
On 8/4/2001 scabs
wrote in from
What`s the deal on Seismics? All I`ve heard is "they`re coming". Yeah but when? Spring? Summer? Fall? Can somebody close to the source just tell me when they will be available and not "soon" `cause "soon" has not been soon enough.
And if we can`t get the Seismics, hows about one of the online operators ordering some 110 trucks?
V-12 update
On 8/3/2001 Hamm
wrote in from
well, they're on-line store took my money! So we'll see if I get some wheels in the next few days.
RE: BMW Questions
On 8/3/2001
wrote in from
Not only does information from Germany come slowly, but another thing I've noticed is that those Germans have a different word for everything. . .OK, I ripped that line off Steve Martin. Thanks for the reply, Hugh. So, are the bearings are unique, too?
BMW questions
On 8/3/2001
hugh r
wrote in from
The rubber tires are seeming to wear a bit quickly... using a standard wheel on this deck wouldn't work well because of the angle of the steering arms when it turns... it needs the rounded profile tires.
I have my inside contact trying to track down the non-part numbered replacement tires... we'll see what happens, info from Germany comes slow.
I'll measure up the axel tonight.
I am thinking in a pinch some 8 ball type wheels and different bearing might work. If someone has a set laying around I would love to borrow them for a bit and give them a go.
Rene is saying he may try to make some replacement thane wheels for them... and I sure hope he does, because I want three sets!
More to come as I find it out... HR
On 8/3/2001 Hamm
wrote in from
jj, there are 96 in the usa, when they are gone............they're gone
On 8/2/2001 JJ
wrote in from
I'm pretty stoked to try this board too....I'd buy it right now if I could only try it for 30 secs before kickin' down cash. What's the deal here? I thought I've been pretty up to date on this stuff...this board has been unattainable until today (I thought). Are they in production now? Is this limited stock? Will I be able to easily pick one up next month? Or should I snag it now?
RE: BMW Street Carver
On 8/2/2001 C-Money
wrote in from
Just a question:
What happens when the rubber "tire" on the two-piece wheel wears out? I think these boards are awesome, I would die to try one, but wonder about long term. What size are the axles? Could you put a set of Aluminators on them, for example?
RE: Comet Race Slalom decks
On 8/2/2001
wrote in from
Regarding the post 4 or 5 down from here from solidskate HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA after reading all the vendor-bashing price fixing crappolla, that was pretty damn funny. Thanks for all the vendors do to keep this great time truckin'
Carl Kincaid team knucklehead
bmw street carver
On 8/2/2001
wrote in from
Check out these incredible boards on the longskate site. Feel free to email me if you have questions regarding these rare products-and thanks
Abec 11 Spacers
On 8/2/2001
Chris Chaput
wrote in from
SimFucious, Yes!
As a rider, it never made sense to me to have to search for a different sized spacer for every different kind of wheel that I used. The truth is, many of the skateboard wheels that are produced today are based on a hub that was designed for quad rollerskate wheels or for floating axle trucks that provide more axle length. Other hubs were made in error and require special proprietary spacers. Some of these spacers are either hard to find, expensive or both. It's a royal pain in the neck and unnecessary. Some trucks provide only enough axle room for a wheel with a standard spacer, a couple of thin washers and a locknut.
Understanding rider's frustrations, I made sure that the the Abec 11 Flywheel hub would take a standard spacer and would allow for the Randal Comp I, Comp II and Luge trucks to fit without shimming them with multiple washers. A "standard" spacer is actually 400/1000 of an inch which is equal to 10.16mm and can be found at just about every skate and surf shop for about a dime.
Abec 11 Gigantic Wheels
On 8/2/2001
wrote in from
Will the 101mm Fit on an RII hanger?
70mm Abec 11 Flywheel Hub
On 8/1/2001
Chris Chaput
wrote in from
Today was a beautiful day for those who think big. The first of the HUGE 70mm hubs for Abec 11 92mm and 101mm Flywheel Series wheels was created. For its size (its bigger than most wheels are) it is relatively lightweight and looks awesome. It spins perfectly round and is made of high grade polyurethane that begs to bonded to a urethane wheel that will roll over everything in its path like a Panzer tank.
Yet it is still a skateboard wheel that can carve and cruise and crank, unlike its cousin the offroad wheel. If an off-road board is a Monster Truck, then this is an SUV. The difference is, after a couple of days the novelty of the Monster Truck wears off and you can't park it anywhere and you won't take it to the corner market because it is too cumbersome. The SUV invites you in and sez "Today boy, you are ridin' in style". At first it's going to look like someone put shopping cart wheels on his skateboard. Remember the first time you saw Stokers and thought about how massive they looked?
Call me crazy. I know that there is "no market" for this kind of wheel and it costs a barrel full of money to make. I can tell you right now, this thing rocks like nothing before. Finally, a big wheel for the rest of us. This is fun. This is big. You're gonna love these wheels!
Comet Race Slalom decks
On 8/1/2001
wrote in from
not sure if it's safe to do this here anymore, but here goes...
The new Comet Race Slalom decks are available at SolidSkate.com
correction: Yack Research
On 8/1/2001
wrote in from
...and I guess from the other concurring remarks I should have said "disservice I could expect!"
On 8/1/2001
wrote in from
Leo: Thanks for the low down on YakSearch, a fellow team member was inquiring about doing a group purchase through this vendor and I guess you answered our question about what kind of service to expect.
Alan Sidlo Knucklehead Racing Team
On 8/1/2001
wrote in from
It appears that V-12 has a shopping cart up & running. I gave it a shot and ordered a couple sets of wheels. I'll let you guys now how it comes out.
Howard Gordon had a set of them and they looked great
Grilled Cheese
On 8/1/2001
wrote in from
Sorry, Don I was in NO WAY implying that the GGP race or Morro Bay were or ever would be involved in such stuff. I was using them as examples of what a 'race' is for some of the slower folk who didn't seem to understand what a 'race' is.
Damn people...you'd think i came on here and burned the American flag! I stated two simple facts with a reasonable desire to stay fairly anonymous. No one has posted a logical rebuttal, they just attacked the percieved weakness of remaining anonymous. Get your panties out of a bunch and think!
Adam is right. Just let it die. If you want to continue, email me. If you provide a clear and logical rebuttal we can even discuss it.
Comet Slalom Wheels
On 8/1/2001
Mitch T
wrote in from
I just checked out Poolskater and their web site has the new comet boards and some new Comet Slalom wheels coming in August. Anybody have any info on these wheels?
Bad Vendors?
On 8/1/2001
wrote in from
Its funny to hear that all of you saying about bad vendors in here, NOTHING and NOONE is compared to the bad customer serveice provided by YAK RESEARCH (www.yakresearch.com) they are wholesale distributors of major bardnds wheels like Power Paw & Kryptonics and a few other brands. I started to make bussines with them a few months ago and since my first order i started to see the problems, from missing items, or receiving wheels i DIDNT ORDER to getting bad wheels(wont say brand), when i complained i got NO ANSWER from them, leaving them, the products they sell and myself in a bad situation, Now i have a bussines that it will take TONS of time and effort to improve after this errors.
i cut any bussinnes with them, be very careful when buying wheels from them and if you do make sure that you get what you want. Leonardo Ojeda
Valencia, Venezuela Skatevalencia@hotmail.com
GGP Slalom
On 7/31/2001
Don O'Shei
wrote in from
I am only making a quick comment because this thread has mentioned the GGP race in the context of races where retribution might be taken for comments in this forum. So I will make two statements:
1. I can guarantee that no purposeful irregularities will take place during the GGP race. Period.
2. I felt that Hamm and then Rene's original comments about there not being room in the marketplace for Poolskater were out of line (sorry Rene) but frankly irrelevant as the marketplace will do as it pleases. Almost all of the discussion since has been irrelevant since (no offense).
3. I have done business with Longskate.com, Solidskate.com and Poolskater.com and have always been completely satisfied.
4. The GGP race has a number of prize sponsors (including all three of the above) plus several competing equipment manufacturers and all have been totally gracious and have only been interested in the success of the event. In 25 years of racing I have never witnessed a fix. I won't say it has never happened but I have never seen it.
5. Despite 2,3 and 4 no vendor will in any way influence the conduct of any race in which Fat City is involved.
6. While it is anybody's right to express themselves this topic is getting boring.
Don O'Shei Fat City Racing
PS. If anyone wants to reply to this I would prefer that you e-mail me directly. Thanks.
Vendor's Corner
On 7/31/2001 Adam
wrote in from
Vendor's Corner "The place where vendors can communicate with riders to discuss products. Riders, tell vendors what you've always wanted! Vendors, keep us up to date on your offerings."
Please get this forum back on track. Remember what you mom taught you: "If you ignore him, he will go away."