Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Street Luge (1208 Posts)
Topic Street Luge Info
On 3/4/2003 flow88 wrote in from (65.119.nnn.nnn)

Why do people call them boomless , when they go mid-calf ?
Evening out rear truck loading is something I have been actively pursuing for quite a while now . It is possible to accomplish this . See hc's site under freds luge truck . And don't be afraid to ask questions...

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On 3/3/2003 Marcus Rietema wrote in from (66.239.nnn.nnn)

the IGSA is seriously considering offering only the Unlimited Street Luge class at 2003 IGSA events.

Now is your chance to vote. Log on to www.gravity-sports.com and go to the "Comments" page and give your opinions. Only messages that include legitimate email addresses will be considered. Voting will end on Monday, March 17th. We will base our decision of whether to run only Unlimited Street luge or both Unlimited and Conventional street luge by your comments.

We are anxiously looking forward to your comments.

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On 3/1/2003 Chris wrote in from (4.47.nnn.nnn)

If you feel its necessary to add weight to your luge, you need to add the weight in such a manner that you don't change your weight distribution of your board as it is currently. If you change your weight distribution you will have to change the way you ride.

But you don't really need extra weight. Learn to draft. Ride smaller, you'll punch a smaller hole through the air, giving you a huge advantage.


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On 2/28/2003 brad wrote in from (68.7.nnn.nnn)

im gonna try to add the wieghts , but , i also think i might just start working on a new board , or actually commit to saving up for a rogers . i dont know it might mean me only hitting scatterd races unlike my dream to hit the whole season like ive been planning to do for the last 4 years , i hope to figure it out by maryhill .
oh yeah , if i get a rogers should i get it with booms or w/out , i figure it will be heavyier with the boom , but i am more apt to the plus's of the boomless , except then im back to point A again adding weight to the board to keep up. anybody have any ideas.

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On 2/28/2003 Big Ears wrote in from (210.49.nnn.nnn)

unfortunately u r incorrect. Momentum will cause the weight to slide forward when going into a turn due to the speed loss. If u used a pendulum device to cause the weight to do the opposite that forces cause it do do... u could get some results. looks like its IGSA unlimited class for u.....

Big Ears

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On 2/27/2003 hc wrote in from (67.116.nnn.nnn)

brad, don't waste your time,

the weight won't slide backward in the turns,

it will only slide backwards when you spin out.

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On 2/26/2003 Ryan wrote in from (66.141.nnn.nnn)

Brad, you're idea is very good. I do see a problem though...if it's going to be enough weight to make a significant difference in your speed, then there's a possibility it's going to be enough weight to make a significant difference in your braking also. When you put your feet down that weight, be it ten, fifteen, twenty pounds is going to be forced to the front of that pan adding momentum to your luge. It might not be enough to make a difference but it's something that should be taken into consideration. Good luck with it!

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On 2/26/2003 hugh r wrote in from (24.48.nnn.nnn)


I have seen similar ideas used inside of gun stocks to help absorb recoil... but rather than a full on mechanical set up, they used Mercury in tubes for damening (mercury is also very heavy)... though mercury is dangerous to work with and very expensive... also might be hard to get in quanities large enough to use in your scenerio.

I like the idea, but would caution that you'll need some way to dampen the the weights to prevent them from "slamming" front to back... that amount of force might be enough to really throw off your balance.

I do think your on to something though... HR

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On 2/26/2003 hugh r wrote in from (24.48.nnn.nnn)

Results are in...

Barrett Outlaw Race Pics and Results

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On 2/26/2003 brad wrote in from (68.7.nnn.nnn)

thanks to all who answered ,
ryan- personally , changing to steel would probobly work good by making the whole board heavy but , i would have to to basically rebuild the whole rail , that means breaking welds and altough 10-15$ for materials it would be 60 to 120 for it to be welded back together + u cant weld the aluminum peices that i would need to keep to steel. over all i would just be building a brand new board, may aswell by a rogers.
sean c.- i have agood push and can really hold my own on technical courses but overall barrett is tech at the top and strechted at the bottom as well as a lot of the edi comp courses , as for drafting i do suck at that, if i had some one to ride w/ i could work on that , but me have no car right now and its hard to get to my budies places.

hugh -well i dont think a faring would help , i mean maybe it would at the outlaws , but not in edi . as for wieights between the trucks probobly the best positioning , but that is spreading the wieght to much on the trucks and could bend my axles . keep in mind EDI max waight is 45lb i would ty to keep it under that.

i dont know if it would be race legal but...
i would get tracks like for a drawrer welded in to the channal under the seat pan and have a steel or led weight on wheels that run on the track . the weight will be able to traval up and down the track . so when i go into a turn the weight would be thrown to the back putting more wieght on the back truck creating good traction for the rear wheels , then on straits it would in theory float to the place with the best enertia . i dont know ,what do u guys think?

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On 2/26/2003 hugh r wrote in from (24.48.nnn.nnn)

Not sure when/if they'll be available... Chris was guarding them very closely when ever I was around... he knows I like the cool stuff!
Giant Flashbacks

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On 2/26/2003 sean c wrote in from (158.136.nnn.nnn)

and what's this talk about larger flashbacks? are they almost ready to be for sale? how much larger?

sean c

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On 2/26/2003 sean c wrote in from (158.136.nnn.nnn)

brad, i feel your lightweight problems. i recently raced in VA with chris mcbride and jeff schonzeit, two guys larger then myself (i swear i meant that in the nicest way possible). now if you thought you lost alot of speed to other riders in the straights, imagine how i felt when there was an uphill section that slowed you down to about 15 mph from 30 or so. anyways, there's a few things you can do. one thing is that you can use it to your advantage (kinda tricky) you can take corners faster then they can due to all that inertia stuff (don't feel like getting technical. lol) and in the straights/uphill sections you reall want to be in their drafts so they can pull you along. the other option would be to add weight. i don't do it myself but i've heard, like hugh said, adding it between the trucks. the way it was explained to me is imagine a dumbell with the weights on the end. hold in the middle and try to turn the dumbell. now push the weights to the middle of the bar and it'll be much easier to turn.

as with any new experiments be careful when adding weights and add a little at a time, it could change your whole truck setup. i saw andy lally experiment with weights one day (now that i think about it, he started messing around with it after a BJ race) anyways, he found that just 10lbs. changed the way his board handled drastically. be careful and do it on a very familiar hill in small weight increments. good luck

sean c

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On 2/26/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Brad... that's and interesting question (I don't have an answer, but maybe can further the discussion so that the answer will appear to someone)

If you add too much weight to your luge, then I think that a couple of things may happen:

1 - It may become a lethal weapon should it dethrone you and continue on its own

2 - It may become too heavy for any two guys to lift!

3 - It may become overweight in an official sense of the word

I do think that you could do a couple of things to increase your rolling speed for outlaw races... one is what was mentioned a few posts back and that's a faring up front (and maybe a peice in back to clean up your trailing air) Chaput would be a great guy to talk to about that stuff in that I believe he has already done a bunch of research and may have even installed a wind tunnel at his house!

If I were going to add weights to my luge, I would do it between the trucks (inside the wheel base) and would try to keep it as evenly spread as I could... maybe changing the aluminum pan to a thicker aluminum pan.

I also would think about adding lead strips to my rails on the underside (lead is about the heaviest metal that can be cheaply had) it can also be cast into just about any shape you wish... It could be layed out in 1" wide strips of 1/4" thick... those could be attached and add several pounds without much bulk.

I think aero is the way to go though... and to try and talk Chaput out of some of those giant new flashback looking wheels! HR

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On 2/25/2003 Ryan wrote in from (206.129.nnn.nnn)

Hey Brad I've heard of some guys swapping out some of their aluminum channel and replacing it with steel channel of the same size. This will add quite a bit of weight and it won't cost you more than ten or fifteen bucks. Watch out for a difference in handling though.

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On 2/25/2003 brad wrote in from (68.7.nnn.nnn)

i need to add weight to my board , so i can go fast . and keep up with de utter foos. seriously i weigh 110lbs and my board like 30 thats 140 for those who cant do the math . i always seem to get screwed on long straitaways and places that momentum can build for the other riders , leaving me in the dust. i mean theareticallly a rogers board ways somewhere around like 35-40lbs right , with a rider like most that were at barret weighing 145-200+ so thats like 180lbs+ of momentum . my question though is should i and were should i add weight , my board is almost exactly like a dreggs . it would seem to me the logical place would be in the channal under the seat pan , but i have a feeling that could mess with handaling . any suggestions .

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On 2/25/2003 Ryan wrote in from (206.129.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone know if there is a front faring available for luges? I'm sure there's a rule somewhere against them but imagine the speed increase. If there's not one available I'll just grab some glass and mold one myself. Thanks all!

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On 2/24/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Barrett Outlaw Feb 2003

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On 2/24/2003 b-rad wrote in from (68.7.nnn.nnn)

hey hugh watch out i ride dirty , u might find yourself in the bushes (just kidding). im up for the challange . the race kinda blew for me i have a fairly good push and am pretty menuverable through the pins but as usual every body ditches my 110lb body and 30lb board in the cat tracks , i think well both quit smoking and i take some of those extra pounds u need to shed before the next race . hopefully i can get a new car and come up and roll on some of your terrain , good talking to u at the race

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On 2/24/2003 Marcus Rietema wrote in from (66.239.nnn.nnn)

The IGSA is pleased to announce that two upcoming events in South Africa will be IGSA National level events. The March 2 Koegelberg Downhill Race and the April 26, 27 Schanskop Downhill Race will be IGSA sanctioned National events. Please visit the SAGRA website or gravity-sports.com for the details.

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On 2/24/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Boy! What an embarrasment to all 41 year old men I am!

Hadn't ridden my luge in over a year (or exercised, or ate well, or stopped smoking) and figured I could just show up to Barrett and race...

At the end of my couple of practice runs, several of my bones and a handful of my muscels were aching!! Big time!! The next morning was even worse! So needless to say, I pulled from the race and took a bunch of pictures instead (I'll be building a page for them quickly and will post a link)

Starting this saturday I will be riding the local hills trying to get into shape so that I can give some of the other am guys a run for their money! So if any of you want to take the drive up to the Antelope Valley, just shoot me an email.

Big thumbs up to Michelle Waterhouse! It was a wonderful event, and one that I hope goes on at least every other month! I'll be better prepared next time... so B-rad, you'll need to watch out! Cause your the man I'll be gunning for!! (Not on standup though... I don't have the guts to run THAT hill on a skateboard!) HR

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On 2/20/2003 Nate wrote in from (68.116.nnn.nnn)

shields are sold from:

The Roger Bros:


Wild Fro:


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On 2/19/2003 brad wrote in from (68.7.nnn.nnn)

any body got an extra sheild for the snow rider helmet that i could buy , i would greatly aprieciat it
thanks ,

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On 2/19/2003 GSI wrote in from (158.136.nnn.nnn)

Gravity Sports International is pleased to announce the Gravity Sports Race Series Official 2003 season schedule.

1- Front Royal Virginia (November 30 2002 Completed)

2- May 24 Franklin, NH

3- June 21 Franklin, NH

4- July 26 Franklin, NH

5- Aug 9-10 2nd Annual Madison County Gravity Fest. Eaton, NY. Double points race.

6- Aug 16 Franklin, NH

7- Sept 6 TBA

8- Oct 3&4 Franklin, NH. Season Finally Championship Race. Double points race. 2 day event and season end banquet.

You will note a major new race for this season which we are very excited about. The 2nd annual Madison County Gravity Fest will be taking place August 9 & 10. We are working on special accommodation pricing for the racers and their families. We will post more information about the event and accommodations on the GSI site as it becomes available. If you were at last years event you know how much fun it was. This year we hope to take it to a new level of excitement with new classes and race divisions. Note also that the following weekend we have scheduled a race in NH. Our hope is that some racers who are traveling to NY will make the 7 or so hour trip to NH the following weekend.



Remember that Manchester Airport NH is an affordable airport to fly into and out of.


We will post more information on accommodations and the events in general on the GSI websiteGSI as the details become available. We are working on special pricing for various racer related expenses. So visit the site often for the latest news.

Race #7 in September is tentatively scheduled for here in NH, But that may change. I stress may. For now make plans to be here in NH but if something changes we will give you ample time to plan.

The season finally here in NH on October 3 & 4 may change to October 4 & 5 if those dates make it easier for people. Please let me know your thoughts so we can plan that event. Keep in mind it will be a 2-day with the awards banquet to follow after racing the second day.

We are also hoping to open the road here in Franklin for recreational riding during the summer months. That schedule is still being worked on. This will be your chance to come out and play on a closed road we transportation provided in a non-competitive atmosphere.

Keep an eye on the GSI website www.gravitysi.com for any news or information pertaining to any events or happenings.

We will also use the message board at LANDLUGE FORUM to post news.

Just a quick word of THANKS TO EVERYONE who has helped make this schedule possible. This season is shaping up to be another great season of racing for GSI. We hope everyone will come out and join us for lots of great racing and fun times!

Well that’s it for now. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


Tim Cayer
Gravity Sports International LLC
272 North Village Road
Loudon, NH 03307
fax 413-451-2189


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On 2/18/2003 Sean Mallard wrote in from (24.126.nnn.nnn)

I have a couple of fast street luges for sale! Send me an e.mail if your interested...Thanks...The Duck

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