Wheel Reviews (7945 Posts)
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On 11/28/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
Yeah,that ol accelleration factor,will getcha everytime.Chris would probabely say that huge wheels with riders on top punch a bigger hole in the wind,sucking along smaller wheeled riders in their wake, and they can position them selves just right to use that little wheel acceleration at the finnish line.
Big ol wheels
On 11/28/2000
Danny Connor
wrote in from
Hey Ben, I think that I might be able to shed some light on the reason that huge wheels aren't gobbled up buy the longboard world. First of all,the cost would be my concern. All that 'thane will mean a lot of bucks to retailers, and for what reason. Look at some guys in the Gravity Games who were using run of the mill Krypos, and beating dudes with cherrys and race Kryptos. You wwant a wheels that will be fast off the start, and has good top speed, but not too much that you can't control it into sharp turns while having the whels crawling to make it OUT of the turn. I think 70-80mm is about the best of both worlds. This is what I have found out from races and what not, you probabaly have your own opinion about it.
online shop ?
On 11/28/2000 nugwop
wrote in from
Is there any webshop that sell both Torsion trucks and xtreme wheels
On 11/27/2000
wrote in from
Also take a look at Xtreme Wheelz if your into large cores. The eight balls and smoke bombs are slicks (no thread) and ultra smooth. Very very grippy too
M80s molding ring? Not on mine.
On 11/27/2000
wrote in from
My M-80s had no "mold ring" aka flashing.
Quality from square one. The color did differ from wheel to wheel, though.
With the biggest core I know of, top-quality urethane, wide footprint and 82 mm profile, this wheel is just far superior to anything I own for what I want to do - carve fast and pump at speed. Those SOH blanks *do* look slow now by comparison, although they grip like hell.
I can't get psyched about buying anything smaller than the huge-core M-80 now. What else even compares? We now know that the venerable Cherry Bomb has a smaller Turbo-derived core.
Cherry Bomb: more urethane for a fatter "tire" profile, correspondingly more lateral flex, smaller overall footprint, slower if it were the same width. Definitely less grip.
Who else will make a large-cored contender of a wheel 82m or larger?
I have to say that I think this rapidly growing longboard market needs some new products. What makes 82 mm such an extreme to begin with?
What is so sacred about 65 to 76 mm? Forever??
Where is the evolution?
Are we saying all of the folks in the Speedboarding forum would steer clear from a 90mm wheel from Exkate?
Larger core than any other, same proportions as the M80, at $90 the set? Think of the gross margins.
M-90s would wash away smaller entries in my world.
molding ring?
On 11/27/2000
wrote in from
the molding ring is the ring left on some wheels from the injection molding process. i have seen them on new wheels from kryptonics, bare back (under close scrutiny it has been guessed that they rolled out of the same factory), and exkate turbos. i think the m80s had them as well. don't know about power paws, as i've only seen them after a bit of use.
Molding ring?
On 11/27/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
Please explain,mine might be missing them too:)
BareBack Dominator
On 11/27/2000
wrote in from
Did anyone ever try the BareBack Dominator with dirtwheelz and ride it down on the grass?
xkate wheels
On 11/26/2000
wrote in from
i don't have the easy riders, but the turbo compound lost the molding ring within a day or so. then again, i had to buy a second set of wheels within a week of getting into longboarding, and i slide alot. jsut following up.
vert wheels
On 11/22/2000 Mario
wrote in from
If you are going to get modern wheels, I like the Bones Bombers in 64mm, 90A. I have Beer City 64mm 95A and they feel a bit on the hard side for ramps, but good on concrete. Then again, I've always like a slightly softer wheel than most vert riders. You might check one of the Old School retailers for period wheels, too.
On 11/22/2000
wrote in from
Anybody tried the new Krypto vert wheel. Also whats a good wheel for an old schooltype board set up. Ramp Riding mostly. Thanks
X thane
On 11/21/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
Nails wish they were as tough as X skates urithane.
"tough" urithane
On 11/20/2000 GL
wrote in from
I've been on these easy riders for a few days now, and I still can't wear out the "flashing" (or the parting line from the molding process?). Exkate seems to use some really durable compound! Any comments?
easy riders
On 11/20/2000 GL
wrote in from
EvanS- I just got a set of Exkate 70mm Easy Riders that I'm beginning to love. They seem to be a tad faster than my 70mm Krypo Classics, (higher rebound rate?), better grip, and offer the same level of plush riding smoothness. I agree; larger stiff cores make the ride harsher and have less grip with the same urithane, but are faster- as with my Turbos. Larger cores also dissipate heat faster, if that's a concern.
76 mm Kryptos
On 11/20/2000 Relic
wrote in from
EvanS, the 76mm Kryptos have a bigger core and slightly higher durometer, both of which add speed but detract from the smooth ride. Personally, I think it’s a fair tradeoff, and I haven’t yet found one wheel that does it all. I like Exkate Turbos, but their ride is slightly harsher than the 76mm Kryptos. You might want to try the Gravity 73mm/78a SuperG’s. They have the same large hub and the 76mm Krypto, but slightly softer urethane. I’ve been looking to pick up a set myself, but I haven’t found any yet. Power Paws also come in two soft formulas, with both small Kevlar hubs and larger aluminum hubs. The small hubs might work well for you. You might want to search the site for other suggestions.
76 mm Kryptos
On 11/20/2000
wrote in from
Hi, I just got a set of these 76 mm Kryptos (the ones with the black hubs). My friend DanG had previously bought some 70 mm Krpto classics. I tried them out and found them to be acceptably fast and buttery smooth. When I go mt 76 mm Kryptos I compared the width of my wheel to his 70mm Kryptos. While I found the wheels to be equally wide I found that the surface of his wheels that actually is flat to the raod was wider than my 76 mm's. I also found that while my wheels were slightly faster his felt much smoother. Has this happened to anyone else? What kind of wheel would you recomned to be very grippy and smooth that is acceptably faster and not too slow?
On 11/20/2000 Glen
wrote in from
I rode the double conicals way back when. They were heavy, expensive, and noisy..but they were slow ;}. I eventually traded them for a set of Variflex C3's with some kid at Skatercross. I liked the Variflex wheels much more than the Gyro's. The Gyro double conicals were probably the worst wheel I ever had. I don't know anything about the Rollerskate or no conical versions, but please post a message after you ride them and et us know what you think. Was it just my wheels or were they all wankey.
Old mags
On 11/19/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
Alright Pre schooler verified,cool.Now i'm just visualizing all of us going through our ancient magazines, in slightly better condition than the dead sea scrolls,,,,,,,,,, shiver.
Gyro durometer
On 11/19/2000 Pre-School Rider
wrote in from
I really try not to post up things I can't verify(my own Life Experiences don't count!)in some way,and with the Gyro's,I just happened dig up the right Action Now Mag (Jan.'81)that had the Durometer specs for Gyro's.And my wife calls my old rags Junk!? Hah! I wish it was in E-Bay-Auctionable shape so it'd be worth something.
On 11/19/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
I looked through some old mags,looking for Gyro ads and i couldn't find any mention of durometer,even their "tech ad"where they show the wheel and a caliper(dial,no digital yet:)and what appears to be a durometer measuring tool,not a mention of durometer anywhere!I remember that it might have been (one of)their gimmicks,talk like their really tech but never tell you anything:)i rode mine a while,but i'm pretty sure i thought they sucked,mostly the looseness of the bearing fit.
Black Gyros
On 11/18/2000 kmg
wrote in from
Pre-School Rider and Herbn, Thanks for the info. It looks like I got a set of the rollerskate Gyros.They are 62mm tall and narrow, and 88a sounds about right.They are radiused on the outer edge and have a lathed chamfer on the inner edge. They are too soft to be in the 90's, durometer-wise. I'm going to try them on a Comet 29 with Seismic 135's and China Bones to see if they have slalom potential.
On 11/18/2000 Pre-School Rider
wrote in from
Kmg,Gyros were found in two hardnesses,88a(the soft compound),and 94a.The single and double conical shapes were skateboard wheels,65mm tall.The rollerskate Gyro was narrower,62mm tall,88a,and didn't have a defined conical shape,but had a lip sort of like a Krypto Classic/Power Paw.The color had no bearing on durometer.
Old wheels
On 11/18/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
I'd say, if Sims snakes were 88 for green,92.5 for red,don't forget whites at 90a,i think gyros were harder at least 90a with rattley lose aluminum cores, i think they were 94a yup that's my final answer.
8mm spacers
On 11/17/2000
wrote in from
8mm spacers are also available at solidskate.com
Glen actually had some custom made. Hows that for service.
Black Gyros
On 11/17/2000 kmg
wrote in from
I just picked up a set of 62mm black Gyros and I'm trying to find out the durometer. I'm guessing that they feel around 82-84. Anybody have any ideas?