Wheel Reviews (7945 Posts)
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Various Oldschool wheels,Attn/D.T.
On 11/9/1999 PreSchoolRider
wrote in from
D.T.,I'd stay away from the Big wheel,as it's kinda flat feeling(no rebound),but it's a toss-up on the T-Bones+Saw Blades.The T+G bones are skinny,tall,with a slight conical bevel(more coned on G bones)at the back,and slide smoothly.Powell's hard thane of that time didn't have the smoothness they do now,so 95a,or 97A is more versatile than the 98A.With the Saws,the thane is smooth for 97a,and really nice at 95A(like most 93A's),the width is more than the T-Bones,at +/- 40mm,with a slight double conical wheel edge.Nice wheels,these! Um,the Road Warrior is an odd wheel,as it's +/- 38mm wide,flatbacked,with a core,80mm tall at an 88A hardness.Definitely meant for serious speed,but just sticky enough to be somewhat tricky to slide,and just hard enough to not be GS-trustworthy in grip. I use 'em on big long boards,and used to use these for my old wooden luge sled,as they're faster than C-70s on smooth tar.Friends of mine have pushed these up to 80 m.p.h.,clocked by car(so the REAL speed is unknown)on RT 9 in VT.It's a good riding wheel,but it depends on what you want it for.Call or write me if I can help,and I'll see if I might be able to find some Mini-Cubes.SK8 on!
other wheels
On 11/9/1999
wrote in from
Also has anyone ridden or know about these:
-Vision Big Wheel 67mm/97a
-Schmitt Stix Saw Blades 65/98a
-Powell Peralta T Bones 67/98a
Santa Cruz Road Warrior 80mm/88a
On 11/9/1999
wrote in from
Has anyone used these wheels? what do you think?
Aluminators/Cherry Bombs
On 11/8/1999 Matt
wrote in from
Which are faster, Cherry Bombs or Aluminators? Also is it possible to slide the Cherries on original Randles at speed?
X skates smaller wheels
On 11/8/1999 Herbn
wrote in from
I was gonna try these out, while I was popping in the bearings ,oh,oh one of the cores is cast in backward , I don't know if any of you are familiar with this wheel but it makes a difference.Anyone at X skates read this send me a red turbo, thats to Skatewerks in Jersey.
On 11/8/1999 Her bn
wrote in from
The only wheel for consistant hard riding,that isn't disposable,I have killed 9balls in two riding sessions,my Envy types are just about dead too ,I get a little worried when wheels look coned, I think I can definitely feel the grip get less consistant as the coning gets worse.My Roadriders (same as Kryptos) are probabely my fav small wheels 70mm,now at about 64mm.wheels are disposable ex. Cherrys,but I sure if I had steep 5 mile canyons with shuttles to the top they too would die quickly ah but what a sweet death.
On 11/7/1999
wrote in from
Has anyone ever heard of "Union Longboard Wheels"??
Labeda 90mm wheels
On 11/6/1999
Keith Fellmy
wrote in from
I ride a luge and when I had these wheels they would vibrate at speed. No problems with Cherry Bombs though. The vibration wasn't bad just quite unsettling at 65 mph. They are well known in luge circles though. A lot of guys swear by them-especially the TV guys. But I like Cherry Bombs way better. Plus the Cherry Bombs are 40 bucks cheaper.
Ride hard, Ride safe
Not wheels,Mass.hills
On 11/3/1999 PreSchoolRider
wrote in from
Matt,I'll post up in the Locales where I know of in Mass.and N.H. once I can get to my maps/notes,But in general one must go north or west to find good hills that don't have tons of cars on 'em.You might try the Arbortorium in Cambridge,as it's got a hill or two.
Pre Schooler
On 11/3/1999 Matt
wrote in from
Sorry for the OT but Conn. hills? Do you know of any good empty ones in MASS. Preferably not too far from Boston. Where in Conn?
Labeda 90MM
On 11/2/1999 Pre School Rider
wrote in from
I only got to use these Bad Boys once on a friends Rail Sled.They take a bit to spool up to speed,but they hold an enormous amount of energy,staying fast a long time.I didn't slide 'em(not my sled,and on Conn. hills),but they stuck reasonably well.Not the smoothest ride,but comfortable.I'd be cautious about putting these on a standup board,as their height is a posssible stability issue at speed.Maybe they would work with a "lowboy" board for stand-up speed runs?
Any one ridden these?
On 11/2/1999
wrote in from
Has anyone ridden these wheels?
-Satalite lowrider 76mm/85a
-Labeda 90mm/82a w/ aluminum hub
-Aluminators (Rene what is the size and durameter?)
Pool Wheels
On 11/1/1999 Matt
wrote in from
Thanks Pre School. I was going to buy a harder wheel but I decided to stick with softies. I am not getting anywhere near the coping because the pool is over 12 feet deep. I skated it a few times already and it was really fun, but different. I grew up looking at pictures of kids in southern cali skating pools and always wanted to hit one. Now I can. The pool is hardly a secret, its been around for over a decade. It was recently featured in Thrasher because of its probably the only skateable pool in and around Boston. Of course I am hurting now, but once I heal up I am going to hit it again.
Super Mundos/Yo Yo
On 10/31/1999
Pre School Rider
wrote in from
D.T.,I want those Hypers!Will Dicker or Trade stuff.Thanx! Mike,it sounds like those are "Day Glo" Yo-Yo's from '78 or '79 ,but I can't remember the durometer.I think they're a 90A or 92A?,but they came out a year(well,season) after the White ones did.Can anyone add info,or set this amature SK8 historian straight?
On 10/31/1999
wrote in from
After taking these Livewire 76mm,78A wheels out on four different boards,I can say I like 'em.As I said earlier,they are Fast,which I kinda expected,and quite grippy,which with only 37mm tread width,I was suprised to find out.Don't put 'em on a slalom board,unless you wish to find what wobbles are!I liked these best on the 50" 11-ply my wife likes to call hers(Mine!),set up with R2's + Fafnir Abec 5 bearings,custom 9* front rubber wedge,CellBlock wedge and an 1/8" Dooks aft.I got some slides in at the high 20 MPH range,and they tended to hop alittle(Yeah,my technique sucks)at the edge of grip.Despite the big core,the wheels are silky smooth,enough so that a packed gravel driveway/detour didn't wig me out.If you are in a hurry ,like speed,and got wheel cutouts,I'd recommend these.
yo -yo
On 10/31/1999
wrote in from
they are orange. off set bearings. full radius front, flat back. size 63mm. i am using them on my prototype long board. they do seem fast. i got them a long time ago, some one gave me their board and the wheels came with it. i nevered liked them because i was use to softer wheels howvever, they are working fine for longboard 30-35mph.
Roadriders vs Cherry Bombs
On 10/30/1999 Herbn
wrote in from
This not a competive vs. just a comparison. The Cherrys are faster in a terminal velocity kind of way. The Roadriders accelerate real fast and are smoother they have smaller cores so there is more spongy urithane to flex, this also gives them a slightly more aggressive traction, the geometry of the Seismics could be the source of some of that grip also, time to swap the wheels and compare. Also at the bottom of the hill,one block onto the flat, the Cherrys are still roaring,throw a hard turn and I mean real hard and with the roadriders you can walk off with just a few hard steps,between the hard grip and low mass they can you can slow up real fast, I walked off because I got pitched a little by the surprizing amount of grip, I was expecting them to slide.
School Supplies
On 10/30/1999
wrote in from
I have 2 sets of the super mundos, i will sell them or maybe trade. e-mail for details.
On 10/30/1999 Glen
wrote in from
The first series of Yo-Yo's had three models. One was a 91 duro yellow, one was an 88 duro red, and one was a 50/50 dual durometer yellow inside red outside called the Yo-Yo Pro. They were the first wheel to feature a radial outside edge and a dual durometer. There may have been others that were earlier but this was the wheel that started the radius edge design that we still have today. The wheel was designed by Steve Cathey ( he's the guy that that is featured in the Sector 9 logo ( stolen from 70's skateboarder magazine subscription envelope )) distributed by G&S and manufactured by IDI who made most of the wheels in the late 70's, i.e. Sims Snakes, Pacers, Power Paw, UFO, YO-YO's etc. Yea I know, too much info. Sorry
On 10/30/1999 Pre School Rider
wrote in from
Funny that you mentioned these wheels,as I just picked up a set(all 76mm,78A)yesterday.They look like the Hyper SuperMundo with radiused lip/backs moulded onto them. I'll say this much,these pups are Fast!I post up on them after this weekend with my P.O.V. after I've had a chance to put 'em through the wringer!Does anyone out there have a line on the REAL Mundos or 66mm Stradas,in 78A?My Turner is NOT liking the Kryptos that are on it now.If so ,PLEASE post it here.
Mixed marriage
On 10/30/1999 Herbn
wrote in from
I was going to just say that most of the time the back comes around,and just use the grippier ones in the back ,but I won't make it that easy,why don't you experiment on your next ride turn the board around for a couple runs or alternate runs and report back, check this out has anybody noticed how much easier frontsides slide ,use the grippier wheel under your heels?
Livewire Revolvers
On 10/29/1999
wrote in from
I was just given a pair of these, unfortantly my friend gave me a mix on accident 2 of them are 76mm/78a and 2 are 76mm/82.
Has anyone used both of these? what did you think?
i'll probally pick up 4 more, 2 of each to make the sets complete, but in the meantime:
how does everyone feel using mixed hardness on the same deck? did you put the hard one in the front or the back and how did they work?
i'm going to try both and tell everyone later
Pool Wheels/Matt
On 10/28/1999 Pre School Rider
wrote in from
Ah, back to the Glory days!Matt,try to find wheels in the 62mm-68mm size range,in durometers of 90A-95A,IE,OldSchool wheels of mid-to late 80's vintage.With what's out there in your run of mill sk8 shops,Powell's Bomber and Cross-n-Spade are the most likely finds,as these are recent produced in large numbers.Look at the shape too,as flat-backed wheels will hangup if you put your wheels above coping.Large radiused lips on the wheels help make grind re-entry a lot easier(I run my cross-n-spades inside out for that very reason).Older companies too look for are Alva(HardCores!),Kryto Pros and CX's,Powell Rat,Cross,Cubic-bones,Bullets and Slimeballs,O.J.'s,and Schmidt Stix Saw blade and Redline wheels.Oh,and keep that pool Quiet,as that is a goldmine to have at your disposal,and new schoolers will surely treat that terrain with disdain and disrespect.Enjoy it while ya can!
On 10/28/1999
wrote in from
Hey Herbn, e. me if you want to try some Power Paws for your shop...I know you'll be impressed!
YO-YO Wheels/Mike
On 10/26/1999 Pre School Rider
wrote in from
Hey,Mike What color are those Yo-Yo's?The Early ones were Clear red or Semi-solid yellow,and by '78 they came out with the White ones,which were damn fast for the day.I remember Steve Cathy rippin' the Clover Bowl with them,and compared to Alligators,well,I bought new wheels a week later! If your Yo-Yo's have full radiused fronts and backs,They're pre'79. The Flat backs,Double and single conicals came out in '79,and the Rollerball(sherical!No kidding!)came out in early '80.